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Quick and Simple: Make an InfoPath Form Read Only (InfoPath Forms Services in MOSS)

There’s a common business scenario like this: User fills out an InfoPath form. Submits form. Long-running workflow process kicks off. While the workflow is running, we don’t want anyone to change the content of the form. This office….

Switch View View Based on User ID In An InfoPath Form

We had a developed an InfoPath form with multiple views to support a new hire / on-boarding process. When the company hires a new person, the IT department and other groups need to take action (set up payroll, enable access to appropriate application…

Accidentally Adding Code to an InfoPath Form; Deliberately Removing It

When working with buttons on a form, we often add rules. You access the rules editor from the properties of the button. When clicking around quickly, it’s easy to accidentally click on "Edit Form Code" instead of "Rules …"…

MOSS: Observations on InfoPath debugging

InfoPath form server error messages are misleading. During development of an InfoPath form, I would post it to MOSS server and access the form. The form would start to load and then generate a misleading error message pointing me to the windows e…