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SharePoint Saturday Phenomenon Continues (plus, my slide deck)

I returned from Washington DC yesterday after attending the latest SharePoint Saturday. What a remarkable event! Continuing the tradition of other SP Saturday’s, it was very well run. The environment, the overall organization, the flow, vendor …

SharePoint as a Business Operating System

Ever since I heard a quote, reportedly during a Q&A session with Steve Ballmer in March 2007, I’ve sort of been holding my breath for something to happen. The quote was basically this: “SharePoint is an operating system for business applicati…

Canadian Minutes

This time last week, I was in Montreal, attending the highly recommended SharePoint Summit 2009. I gave a 3.5 hour tutorial on installing and customizing SharePoint. It was a scary subject on many levels. I’m not really a SharePoint admin, but …

NYC SharePoint Developers Group – Deep Tech Talk

A few weeks ago, I presented at the New York City SharePoint Developers Group meeting at the Microsoft office in Manhattan. They meet every last Tuesday of the month. I’ve been spending most of my time lately in my beloved New Jersey so I don&#…

“Wild West” Governance PowerPoint Presentation

I just finished up my "Wild West" governance presentation here at the SharePoint Best Practices conference and I was asked to post my slide deck to my blog, so here it is: http://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/SharePoint/Paul%…

Speaking at New York SharePoint Developers Group Meeting

I’ll be presenting at the New York SharePoint Developers group meeting in New York at the Microsoft Offices on 6th Ave on Tuesday, 01/27 at 6:00 PM (just over a week from now!). Sign up here. It’s going to be a technical presentation where …

SharePoint Best Practices Conference Feb 2-4, 2009

I’ll be doing two presentations at the SharePoint Best Practices Conference this February in San Diego. I haven’t been doing this thing long enough to get jaded by it, so every conference I attend is a, frankly, awesome. However, I do th…

NJ SharePoint User Group Meeting With Dave Mann … Or .. What Bob Said

Bob Fox lets us know that Dave Mann, SharePoint workflow genius, is speaking at the NJ SharePoint user group meeting on Wednesday evening, 11/19/08. Don’t miss it. (Sadly, my corporate overlord has scheduled a big group meeting Wed night and …

Best Practices Conference: “Get Great Requirements” PowerPoint Presentation

I’ve uploaded the PowerPoint for one of my sessions, "Get Great Business Requirements," right here (http://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Paul%20Galvin%20Great%20Requirements.pptx). Aside from a series of brill…

SharePoint User Group Webcast Tonight

Tonight, 08/20/08, the Connecticut SharePoint user group meeting is broadcasting a webcast in lieu of a physical meeting this month. Tonight’s topic: "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Extranet deployment methodologies" Micr…