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HTTP 406 Error When Using Angular $http.get Against SharePoint REST End Points

Update: Marc AD ndersson pointed out this great piece of info: http://blogs.office.com/2014/08/13/json-light-support-rest-sharepoint-api-released/.  That explains a lot .

That may be the worst title of a blog post ever!  Anyhoo.

I typically do all of my prototyping against an O365 instance.  I have my personal instance so that I don’t have to be worried about affecting anyone else.  […]

Using Reflector on Microsoft.SharePoint.dll

Michael Blumenthal has put up an article about alerts and views ("Which views can be used when Creating an Alert ?"), which is interesting on its own merits. However, I was even more interested to see how he methodically walks through the pr…

Sorting Calendar Items in the Calendar View

I’m using a calendar to track panel discussions on a given day. I have two sessions: morning and afternoon. I want to create a view that shows morning sessions only listed alphabetically via a session ID. This is a little tricky to accompli…

SharePoint Features & Solutions Management — Don’t Forget the U in CRUD (or the D for that matter)

We collectively spend a great deal of time thinking about SharePoint solutions — how to create them, which tool to use, what happens when they fail to deploy, timer jobs, scopes, etc. We spend so much time thinking about the up-front bits that …

Quick Fix: Web Services that Interact with SharePoint, InvalidOperationException

A million years ago, I helped developed a web service that was invoked via a custom action for a SharePoint Designer workflow. This week, the client wanted to move it to production (finally!) so we did. The custom action worked fine, but the web serv…

Quick and Easy: Get SPFolder of SPItemList

I keep running into this problem and the Google never seems to understand what I want to do, so I figured I would write this down. I’ve been doing a lot of event receiver debugging in the last week or two. The ER is defined against a document li…

Hiding Custom Actions in SharePoint

Several months ago, while working on a project for a client, I created a feature. Among other things, that feature defined a custom action (these appear under site settings). The only purpose for this custom action was to demonstrate to me that the…

Quick Fix: Accessing SharePoint Site Throws [HttpException (0x80004005): Request timed out.]

One of my developer colleagues was working on a project this week and ran into a timeout problem while working on building some crazy web part. His web part was fine, but "suddenly" an unrelated site became very slow and frequently timed out …

Invoking SSRS Web Services From WSS / MOSS in FBA Environment

We needed to invoke the "CreateSubscription" method on an SSRS web service that is hosted in an FBA managed MOSS environment from a custom web part. We kept getting variations of: 401: Not authorized Object Moved The "object moved&#34…

Quick and Simple: Provision a Web Site Using SharePoint Object Model In C#

I tried searching for a little snippet code that would show how I can create a new SPWeb in a site collection. I didn’t find it as quickly or easily as I expected so I thought I’d slap together a little entry on the subject. This code cre…