Template Name: AbsenceVacationSchedule.wsp Description: Help employees manage requests for out of office days, including listing days they will be unavailable who will cover their responsibilities while they are gone Business Area: Human […]
Template Name: AbsenceVacationSchedule.wsp Description: Help employees manage requests for out of office days, including listing days they will be unavailable who will cover their responsibilities while they are gone Business Area: Human […] Template Name: TimecardManagement.stp Description: Help simplify the process of tracking hours spent on multiple projects through employee ‘punch-in / punch-out’ capabilities and reporting of work in progress and project hours worked to date. Template Name: TeamWorkSite.stp Description: Enable project teams to centrally store background documents, track calendar events and submit action items that result from team meetings Business Area: Project Tracking / Product Management Template Name: SportsLeague.stp Description: Manage a company baseball league, including players, captains, schedule and statistics. Business Area: Specialized / Vertical (Consumer / Entertainment) Template Name: RequestForProposal.stp Description: Help manage the process of creating and releasing RFPs as well as the collecting proposal submissions and acceptance notification Business Area: Business Management / Finance Template Name: ProductPlanning.stp Description: Help organize the process of developing new products and marketing content through useful planning templates and collaboration tools. Business Area: Sales / Marketing Template Name: NewStoreOpening.stp Description: Help teams manage the process of opening a new store including project and task management tools. Business Area: Specialized / Vertical (Retail) Template Name: MarketingCampaign.stp Description: Enable tracking of marketing campaign performance. Business Area: Sales / Marketing Document Libraries: Template Name: ManufacturingProcess.stp Description: Help enable manufacturing engineering teams track the linear manufacturing process as well as issues that are blocking completion of a manufacturing task. Business Area: Specialized / Vertical (Manuf… Template Name: EquityResearch.stp Description: Provides a centralized location to help consolidate the research done to evaluate financial equities. Business Area: Specialized / Vertical (Financial Services) |
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