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Premature Workflow Activation — A Non-medical Solution

UPDATE: See this MSDN discussion, especially the last entry: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/showpost.aspx?postid=2631057&siteid=1. It describes a condition that may short circuit this whole thing. In short, it may be as simple as making at le…

Quick and Simple: Send an email with embedded hyperlink from SharePoint Designer workflow

Once or twice month, someone posts a forum question: "How do I include hyperlinks to URL’s that are clickable from a SharePoint Designer email?" Presented without further comment: (well, actually there is further comment after the imag…

Quick and Simple: Enable SharePoint Designer workflow to update an InfoPath form

Scenario: I have an InfoPath form that front-ends a workflow process implemented using SharePoint Designer. At one point, a manager must approve the form. Since I cannot count on workflow history to meet my auditing requirements, I decide to store …

SharePoint Designer — Custom activity to execute user-defined C# functions

UPDATE: This has been released to CodePlex here: http://www.codeplex.com/spdwfextensions UPDATE: See here for latest release notes: http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!381.entry UPDATE: See here for my thoughts on commerci…

SPD Workflow custom action – get the <WorkflowInfo> tag right to avoid frustration

Part of the process for creating a custom action for SharePoint Designer involves create a ".actions" file. I’ve found and tried to use a sample template which starts off as: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>…

SharePoint Designer, “Collect Data from User” and using those results.

Use the "Collect Data from User" action to create and assign a task to a user that prompts them for data. Among other things, I’ve used it to prompt a user to approve or reject a request and enter some comments. This action takes the …