My colleague, Javed Ansari (, wrote a short summary blog post on frameworks he likes or at least has been using with with SharePoint:
jQuery seems to have been the victor on the field, so to speak, for years now, but the others are more new and stills sort of battling it, like Angular. (SPServices, of course, has been a life saver for years and will continue to be so I think).
What are people using? Are they focused more on Microsoft’s tooling (CSOM / JSOM) or moving more toward Angular, Knockout, Ember, etc?
I have a growing bias toward these non-Microsoft frameworks. I think the MSFT stuff is harder and harder to work with, requiring almost as much of learning curve as old-style server-side dev.
Post a comment here or over at Big Apple SharePoint if you want to discuss (Big Apple will have more likelihood of a good discussion).