UPDATE: We never determined the root cause of this problem and it never surface again.
We notice during implementation of a development site that suddenly, two users are unable to access a site collection. Those accounts can authenticate to the main site, but when trying to access a particular site collection, they just get a blank screen. No errors displayed, just a white blank page.
We log in as a site collection admin and try to add one of those users as a site admin and this time, upon pressing "OK", we get this message:
Exception occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020009 (DISP_E_EXCEPTION))
We spent some time researching this and unfortunately, didn’t come up with anything useful. There were some messages in the diagnostic log, but it was hard to exactly correlate them with this issue.
In the end, we deleting the site collection and re-created it and that solved it.
If I figure out what caused this in future, I’ll update this post.
Mi error was: Cannot save the property settings for this Web Part. Exception occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020009 I found that most of the time is a code error (or a .Net framework bug even when your code have sense). Se the solution in the next post:
Hello. I had the same proble. I was impersonating some code runing with elevated privileges and so calling a spweb like this: //SPWeb estaWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
So I changed it to: SPWeb estaWeb= SPControl.GetContextSite(Context).OpenWeb();
and now it´s solved.
I had this issue with a webpart. Pretty much it was deployed and then retracted. THe retractons wasn’t coplete and the webpart still existed.
I deleted the webpart from the collection, retracted fully, reset iis. Then redeployed reset iis and its now fine!
. The error comes up sometimes but not always when I am adding a sitecollection using the method blow:
I also had this issue and in my case, it was because my web part was accidentally putting a using statement around SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web
Bad Bad. Correcting this sorted the problem.
Mark Stokes
HelloWorld: Exception occured. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002009 (DISP_E_EXCEPTION))"…
We had the same error message.
In our case we got to the bottom of this issue and determined a corrupt
webtempcustom.xml file in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\1033\XML directory causing the
The guy from the microsoft support told me he had seen this error
message before in several totally different cases, so it is hard to
infer from this error message to the real problem.
Even, i got this error. In my case, I added a custom lookup[Multiple] field in the user list. That makes the site to through the following error, whenever i try to add a new user / change permission of the existing user.
create new user Exception occurred.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020009 (DISP_E_EXCEPTION))
After deleting the multiple lookup column. All is well
I blogged about this recently. It may be what you experienced.
Thought I would add here for posterity.. had the same error. Just figured it out… it is the CAML query I was using.
(hint: type-‘Computed’)
Finicky beast isn’t it?