Aylıq Arxiv: Oktyabr 2009

JQuery Geliştirilmiş Axtarış-As-Siz-Tipi həmd ilə (Jan Tielens ilə)

Mən BPOS demo haqqında çalışıram (qısa zamanda Microsoft saytda mövcud olmaq) and I wanted to add a little pizzazz. I’ve known about Jan Tielen nin çox bir müddət səyləri və mən bu demo əlavə etmək üçün böyük bir texnika olacağını düşündüm, so I did. You can read about it here: http://weblogs.asp.net/jan/archive/2009/07/02/sharepoint-search-as-you-type-with-jquery.aspx. It’s so simple to use it should probably be a crime (və bəlkə haradasa deyil).

O, artıq yaradılmış nə üçün yalnız iki bal / haqqında yazırdı:

  1. Bu edir, faktiki olaraq, bir BPOS işləmək (SharePoint online) ətraf mühit.
  2. Bir annoying popup mesaj olmadan işləmək üçün https əvəzinə http ilə jquery kitabxana istinad prefiks, kimi:
<script type ="text/javascript" src ="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></ssenari>

Jan points out that you should probably move the library itself to your site. Feeling a little lazy today, I decided to blog about it instead 🙂


Bu, mənim bir yazı deyil seriyası davam istifadə etmək üçün jQuery SharePoint ilə.
Siz jQuery haqqında daha çox öyrənmək istəyirsinizsə,, Mən tövsiyə: Fəaliyyət ilə jQuery Bear Bibeault və Yehuda Katz ilə.

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SharePoint Shop Talk Cümə axşamı 10/29 da 12:30 PM EDT

Növbəti SharePoint Shop Talk, bu Cümə axşamı keçirilib 12:30PM EDT.

Biz iki həftə off geçtiniz (Ötən həftə SharePoint Konfrans nəticəsində) və nəticədə, biz sıra suallara bir sıra, not to mention all kinds of cool stuff to talk about regarding SharePoint 2010. All of the panel members attended SPC, üçün SP gətirmək 2010 Zəng və ya e-poçt suallar questions@sharepointshoptalk.com.

Kənara zəng yaxşı bir hissəsi bəzi SP haqqında danışmaq üçün ayrılmış 2010 yaxşılıq, biz də müzakirə edəcəyik:

  • SharePoint haqqinda ayarlarınızı altında müxtəlif naviqasiya variantları göstərir Niyə (Bu xüsusiyyətləri və sayt konfiqurasiya bağlı olaraq dəyişir)
  • Problemləri - versions.aspx Modifikasiyaedici, çətinliklər bunu (I”m not surprised 🙂 ).
  • Mənbə təsdiq olduqda saytınıza RSS Embedding.
  • Giriş idarə stsadm istifadə.

Burada Qeydiyyat: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=p663256djrrflfdw

Həmişə olduğu kimi, Hər hansı bir sualınız və ya Mövzular göndər questions@sharepointshoptalk.com, @ pagalvin birbaşa və ya Twitter mənə e-məktub göndərin.

Biz orada görməyə ümid!


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Sadə Hit: SharePoint bir SPListItem birbaşa InfoPath XML Oxu

I’m been working on a project where I need to extract attachments from an InfoPath form. There are some good resources for parsing InfoPath forms (olan yalnız XML faylları, bunu həqiqətən çox asandır).

Mən layihənin inşası isə, I started by downloading an InfoPath form and saving it to my local hard drive. My c# code was reading directly from that instance. Lakin, the InfoPath forms are really living inside a SharePoint forms library. I did a little half hearted searching to find out how to read it directly from the library and almost gave up, in which case I would have saved the form to a local temp directory and read it from there. Lakin, there’s no need to go through those hoops as you can read it directly from the library. This little snippet shows how:

/// Burada Class definition heyəti, o cümlədən:
xüsusi SPFile mySharePointFile; /* Bir SPList hissəsi */
// Daha kodu buraya və biz sinif metodu daxili gedir:
XmlTextReader textReader;
textReader = yeni XmlTextReader(mySharePointFile.OpenBinaryStream());

= textReader.WhitespaceHandling WhitespaceHandling.Yox;


// Bu node dəyər varsa,

isə (textReader.Read())

… and so on and so forth …

Yuxarıda onlar əsas bit biz OpenBinaryStream vasitəsilə birbaşa InfoPath oxuya bilərsiniz ki,() method call on the SPFile as a parameter to the constructor on XmlTextReader. It works great.


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Tez və asan: Gmail SMTP Server ilə e-mail göndər. NET C #

Bu, məhz yeni bir mövzu deyil, amma bunu lazım, I found a lot of “why won’t this work for me” and not too many direct answers. I hope someone finds this useful.

Aşağıdakı kod bit bunu öz Gmail hesabınız istifadə edərək, bir e-poçt gönderecektir, əlavə o cümlədən:

istifadə System.Net.Mail;
istifadə System.Net;

NetworkCredential loginInfo = yeni NetworkCredential("[Gmail ID]", "[Gmail Şifrə]");
MailMessage msg = yeni MailMessage();
msg.From = yeni MailAddress("[M Gmail Id]@ Gmail.com");
msg.To.Add(yeni MailAddress("paul.galvin@arcovis.com"));
msg.Subject = "Test infopath dev subject";
msg.Body = "<html><orqan><güclü>Güclü göndər.</güclü></orqan></html>";
msg.IsBodyHtml = doğru;

foreach (sim kəskinləşdirmək ilə NIPFD.GetAttachmentNamesAndLocations())
    msg.Attachments.Add(yeni Əlavə(kəskinləşdirmək));
} // Faylları əlavə.

SmtpClient müştəri = yeni SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");
client.EnableSsl = doğru;
client.UseDefaultCredentials = saxta;
client.Credentials = loginInfo;
client.Port = 587;
client.EnableSsl = doğru;

A mənə yavaşladı ki, bir neçə əsas bit və digər müşahidələr / qeydlər:

  • Bu loginInfo obyekt yaradan ilk xətti lüt Gmail ID istifadə etmək lazımdır "@ Gmail.com". Belə, Gmail e-poçt ünvanınız "Sharepoint@gmail.comXyzzy "sonra xətt kimi görünür" və Şifremi deyil ":

NetworkCredential loginInfo = yeni NetworkCredential("sharepoint", "xyzzy");

  • Gmail hesabıma SSL istifadə qurmaq və bir problem yox idi olunur.
  • There is some conflicting information out there on what port to use. I used port 587 və bu, mənim üçün çalışır.
  • Mənə gəldikdə isə, I also needed to send attachments. That NIPFD object has a method that knows where my attachments are. It’s returning a fully path (e.g. "C:\temp\attachment1.jpg”. In my test, Mən iki əlavə var idi və onlar, həm də çalışır.

Mən Visual Studio istifadə 2008 bu kod yazmaq üçün.


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SharePoint konfrans 2009 - Twitter-dən Real Time RAW veri alın

Mən demək olar ki, hər kəs hər halda bu bilir ki, gözləyirik, but I thought I’d toss out a quick note that there’s a tremendous amount of very interesting information available via twitter. The hash tag #SPC09 seems to be the most popular. Like always, bir kamalsızlıq çox və "" zarafatlar var, ancaq keçmiş edə bilərsiniz ki,, o göz. I do my best to respond to comments or questions directed to me and I know that a lot of others do as well, belə informasiya yalnız bir yol hərəkəti deyil.

New sessions start in just under two hours and continue up until about 3pm EDT this Thursday. It will start to pick up then.

Burada twitter feed edin: http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23spc09


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Program InfoPath formalarından Əlavələr Elde (Onların adları, o cümlədən!)

I have an expense entry solution for a client that leverages InfoPath and workflow. At one point during the approval process, Mən ki, yaxşı InfoPath məlumatların bütün həmçinin əlavə özləri olan bir e-mail yaratmaq lazımdır (köksünü ötürmək) kimsə bir Oracle bazasında tətbiq o məlumatlar və özünüz yeniden açarı bilər.

It’s not very difficult to get at or parse the InfoPath form. I didn’t know how to handle the attachments, lakin. After an hour or two of poking around the Internets (bir əbədiyyət!) Bu maddə tapılıb: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892730

It provide some handy code to extract the attachment from a node in the form. (Hala node və bütün tapmaq lazımdır, lakin yalnız XML analiz var).

Okt base64-kodlanmış olduğunu və ilkin yalnız bu base64 data çıxarılmasının yolu düşdü, decoding it and saving it. Lakin, Mən tez Mən yuxarıda qeyd olunan maddə aşkar qədər fayl adı özü ala bilmirdim həyata.

Mən, həqiqətən, çox erkən aşkar, lakin mən onun split şəxsiyyət tərəfindən verilib. Bir tərəfdən, the article *says* it’s good for InfoPath 2007. Hələ, kodu və təlimatların Visual Studio haqqında bütün var 2003 və InfoPath istinadlar 2003.

Aşağı xətt, təmin məqalə mənim üçün də çalışır ki, kod (indiyə qədər). I can get my InfoPath form, Hesab edirəm ki, təhlil etmək bilər, I can find and decode the attachment and I know its name. What more can one ask of one’s life?


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Sizin SharePoint mühit qeyri-sağlam bir TAD ola endişeleniyorsanız, mənə gidermek edək ki, sağlamlıq çek ilə.

Üçün SharePoint Shop Talk Recap 10-08-2009

Bu gün SharePoint Shop Talk mövzu onun adi geniş əhatə:

  • We discussed the issues around opening up parts of a SharePoint site collection to your trading partners. It’s not the most complicated thing in the world, ancaq başlattığınızda həyata yüksək söhbət, you realize there are a lot of small individual things that need to be done to do this correctly. You have to consider the firewall, lisenziya (İntranetinizi SharePoint lisenziya ola bilər, və yəqin ki, olacaq, kifayət), SharePoint konfiqurasiya (AAM, Yəqin ki, HTTPS etkinleştirdiğinizden zonalara web applications uzadılması), və s.. If anyone has a checklist of what to do and the sequence, I’d love to see it in comments. This question wins the “Most Discussed Question” aware of the year (indiyə qədər).
  • I got to ask a question about the image library functionality that generates those thumb nail images. I speculated that an event receiver on the image library is generating the thumb nail. I’m probably way off base, but it does seem like there’s an entirely separate image on the web server for the thumb nail itself. Vamshi, bir SharePoint Shop Talk müntəzəm, Bu blog giriş həyata xal: http://pathtosharepoint.wordpress.com/2009/08/23/picture-libraries-take-advantage-of-web-friendly-formats/. That’s a pretty interesting post about images in SharePoint if you’re interested in it.
  • Biz xüsusi edit formaları müzakirə (siz SPD vasitəsilə yaradan) and the fact that you lose the attachment functionality when you do that. Laura Rogers has blogged on that subject here: http://sharepoint911.com/blogs/laura/archive/2009/09/10/fix-for-the-custom-form-attachments-issue.aspx

Bu həftə, biz haqqında sərf bir yeni xüsusiyyət təqdim 10 minutes demonstrating an interesting tip/trick in a SharePoint environment. Bu həftə, biz bir məzmun redaktoru web hissə əlavə necə göstərdi (və həqiqətən hər hansı bir web hissəsi) to a newitem.aspx page. Bu halda, the objective was to show some extensive online help for that newitem.aspx page. This is also one of the usual starting points for integrating jQuery into your environment. Gələn həftə, we do plan to show a jQuery tip/trick. Biz orada görməyə ümid.


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SharePoint Shop Talk 10/08/08 da 12:30 PM EDT

Biz sabah növbəti həftəlik SharePoint Shop Müzakirə sessiya hosting edirik 12:30 PM EDT.

Bu açıq-Q edir&A and general kibitzing session on all topics SharePoint related.

Siz burada bu zənglər biz nə hissi üçün buraya əvvəlki iclaslarında müxtəlif recaps oxuya bilərsiniz: http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=cat%3dPublic%2520Speaking

Qeydiyyat burada hazır olduğunu və: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=0z40kg9nb0t0842f

Mənə Twitter suallar, @ Yastıq.

Onlara e-poçt questions@sharepointshoptalk.com or just show up on the line and ask them out loud.

Biz sonra görməyə ümid edirik!


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Blog və ya Blog deyil - Bu sual (Haqqında Blog)

Qeyd: Bu, ilk üçün dərc edilib www.endusersharepoint.com.

A few weeks ago I had the chance to speak at SharePoint Saturday in New York. Once again, a tremendous event. Bu dəfə, I spoke about “learning SharePoint” – a very broad topic. During the presentation (burada əldə edə bilərsiniz ki,), I SharePoint "Təlim" üçün üsulları müxtəlif haqqında danışdı, kitab öyrənmək kimi, o cümlədən məhsulları, sinif otağı təlim, öz VM yaradılması və ən əsası (mənə), community participation. One way to participate in the SharePoint community is via blogging. Someone asked me about blogging in particular and asked my opinion on a few concerns he had that I’ve heard others mention before. It’s been itching at the back of my head for a few weeks so in my usual fashion, I’m scratching that itch by blogging about it.

Some people seem to think that there are so many quality bloggers out there on the scene today and that so many quality blog entries have been written that in a sense, there’s nothing new to write about. Və ya, the “new” thing is so narrowly focused that it’s not going to be interesting to anyone. I don’t agree with those sentiments or the underlying assumption about them.

Başlatıcı üçün, Siz blog əgər sizin şəxsi cəhdi onun hissəsi SharePoint öyrənmək çünki, it’s really irrelevant if someone has written on your topic or not. One of the drivers behind community participation, şəxsi təlim və ya üçün olsun, ki, siz Doğru almaq lazımdır. No one wants to put up some weak blog entry and look silly in front of the world. In the course of getting it right, daha çox diqqətlə vasitəsilə mövzu düşünmək olacaq, və s.. Thus, Əgər düşüncə etdiyiniz, açılar bütün növ bu mövzu öyrənilməsi və nəzərə, soldan sağa, up aşağı, daxili və (və ya ən azı siz olmalıdır). That’s a very valuable exercise. Faktiki olaraq, it’s almost beside the point of pushing the “post” button by the time you finish writing it since you’ve already derived much of the benefit by now. Əlbəttə, , müxtəlif səbəblərə görə hər halda sonrakı düyməni basmaq istəyirsiniz, but I digress. The bottom line is that blogging is a valuable learning exercise in and of itself, dövr.

I also reject the “it’s already been done” argument. So what if it was? The terrible consequence is that people who are looking up your topic via bing will now find two or five or a dozen articles. Who cares? I always prefer to find several articles on the same topic when I go searching the tubes for stuff. Different points of view, Müxtəlif yazı üslubları, different approaches to the same problem – they all help me understand what I need. In my opinion, icma harada SharePoint dünyanın istənilən mövzusunda keyfiyyətli blog yazılar bir doyum nöqtəsinə çatan yaxın yoxdur.

Belə, üz blog! You won’t hear me complaining about it. I guarantee it 🙂


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Çin Shop bir Bull qalmayın

SharePoint qısa tarixi (Nisbi Yeni bakış açısından)

Qeyd: This article was originally posted to www.endusersharepoint.com. Mən öz blog onu göndərmək unuttum 🙂

SharePoint Microsoft bir inkubasiya texnologiya növ kimi onun erkən gündən böyük inkişaf etmişdir –demək olar ki, bir dəhşət film kimi inkişaf edir, where the mad scientist’s creation takes on a life of its own, breaking free of its creator’s expectations and rules. The technical evolution is obvious – the WSS 3.0 object model is richer and more complex than WSS 2.0, which was itself an improvement over earlier versions. The next version will no doubt show tremendous improvement over 3.0. From an End User’s perspective, lakin, SharePoint’s evolution is even more significant.

In the early days, SharePoint didn’t offer much to End Users. They would have their usual functionality requirements, work with IT to define them well and implement a solution. IT would use SharePoint to solve the problem. The product wasn’t very accessible to End Users. I’ve thought threw a few analogies, but I decided to stick Venn Diagrams to show what I mean. When Microsoft first released SharePoint to the world as a commercial offering, it followed a relatively traditional pattern of End User <-> IT relationship. A lot of End Users, communicating and working with a very small number of It people to deliver solutions that solve business problems:


The overall problem domain for which SharePoint is a suitable delivery platform is small (especially compared to today’s SharePoint. End Users and IT worked in a more classic arrangement with IT: define requirements to IT, wait for IT do their work behind the curtain and take delivery of the final product.

As SharePoint evolved to the 2.0 world (WSS 2.0 and SharePoint Portal Server), several things happened. Ilk, the “problem domain” increased in size. By problem domain, I mean the kinds of business problems for which SharePoint could be a viable solution. Məsələn, you wouldn’t think too hard about implementing a serious search solution in a SharePoint environment until SPS (and even then, it wasn’t as good as it needed to be). Eyni zamanda, End Users have an unprecedented ability to not only define, but also implement their own solutions with little or no IT support.

The 3.0 platform (WSS and MOSS) maintained and increased that momentum. The problem domain is enormous as compared to the 2.0 platform. Virtually every department in a company, ranging from manufacturing health and safety departments to marketing, from sales to quality control – they can find a good use for SharePoint (and it’s not a case of mashing a round peg into a square hole). Eyni zamanda, the platform empowers even more End Users to implement their own business solutions. I try to capture that with this diagram:


This has proven to be both a potent and frustrating mixture. The 3.0 platform turns previously stable roles on their heads. Suddenly, End Users are effectively judge, jury and executioner biznes analitik, application architect and developer for their own business solutions. This gets to the heart of the problem I’m writing about. But before I dive into that, let’s consider the elephant in the room.

Peering into the Crystal Ball

How will SharePoint 2010 affect this pattern? Will it be incremental or revolutionary? Will more, fewer or about the same number of End users find themselves empowered to build solutions in SharePoint 2010? Will SharePoint 2010’s problem domain expand even further or will it just refine and streamline what it already offers in WSS 3.0 / MOSS?

There’s enough information “out there” to safely say that the general answer is:

  • The problem domain is going to dramatically expand.
  • End Users will find themselves even more empowered than before.

The Venn Diagram would be larger than this page and cause some IT Pros and CxO’s to reach for their Pepto.

I believe it’s going to be a tremendous opportunity for companies to do some truly transformational things.

No Bulls in My China Shop!

This sounds great, but from my point of view as a SharePoint consultant and putting myself into the shoes of an IT manager, I see this vision. I own a China shop with beautiful plates, crystal, və s. (my SharePoint environment). I’ve rented a space, I’ve purchased my inventory and laid it all out the way I like it. I’m not quite ready to open, but in anticipation, I look at the door to see if my customers are lining up and I notice an actual bull out there. I look more closely and I actually see iki bulls and even a wolf. Then I notice that there are some sheep. Sheep are belə bad, but are they maybe disguised wolves? I don’t want bulls in my china shop!

It gets worse! When I rented the space, I couldn’t believe how nice it was. Wide and open, terrific amenities, very reasonable price. Lakin, now I’m realizing that the wide open spaces and the huge door is just perfectly sized for a bull to come wandering in and lay waste to my china.

I’m pushing this analogy too far, əlbəttə. End Users are not bulls (most of them, hər halda) and IT departments don’t (or surely should not) view their user community with that kind of suspicion. Lakin, there is this sort of perfect collision taking place already in the the 3.0 platform that I expect will only get worse in SP 2010. SharePoint already empowers and encourages End Users to define and implement their own solutions.

That’s great and all, but the fact is that it’s still a very technical product and still calls for the kind of vigorous business requirements analysis, design and general planning and management that technical projects require to be successful. These are not the kind of skills that a lot of End Users have in their bag of tricks, especially when the focus is on a technical product like SharePoint.

I’ve given this a lot of thought over the last year or so and I don’t see any easy answer. It really boils down to education and training. I think that SP 2010 is going to change the game a bit and it’s going to play out differently and in slow motion as companies roll out their SP 2010 solutions over 2010 and beyond. In order to succeed, End Users will need to transform themselves and get a little IT religion. They’ll need to learn a little bit about proper requirements
analysis. They will need some design documentation that clearly identifies business process workflow, məsələn. They need to understand fundamental concepts like CRUD (create, update and delete), dev/test/qa/prod environments and how to use that infrastructure to properly deploy solutions that live a nice long time and bend (not break) in response to changes in an organization.

In the coming weeks, I plan to try and provide some of my own new ideas, as well as link to the great work done by many other authors (haqqında www.endusersharepoint.com və başqa) so that interested End Users can learn that old time IT religion. Keep tuned.


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