People commonly ask about using a column of data type "Person or Group" in another column of data type "Calculated".
Behean line, horrek ez du lan egiten WSS 3.0 (edo MOSS).
Noiz kalkulatzen zutabe bat gehituz, WSS shows the list of fields it allows you to use for the calculation. If you type in the name of a column that is not in its list, pasatzean,:
Bat edo gehiago zutabe erreferentziak ez dira onartzen, zutabeak dira datu-mota bat bezala definitzen duelako ez dela formula onartzen.
Sahiesteko: Use an event handler. The event handler fires when the user saves the item. It performs the update you would have wanted the calculated column to do for you.
Erabilgarria eremu kalkulatzen loturak, oro har,:
- Erabiliz [Me] bat kalkulatzen zutabean
- Formula adierazpenen adibideak (adeitasun du
Quick Lege-oharra: Gainetik egiazkoak eta zehatzak izan behar duela uste dut,, baina ikusi dut nahikoa clever trikimailu han eta hemen MOSS / WSS litzateke hori ez dut oso harrituta (agog duzu bada) if someone has figured out a way to do this without resorting to code. If you’ve figured out clever work-around or know someone that did, please let me know!