Monthly Archives: Urriaren 2007

Erabiliz “Pertsona edo Talde” bat kalkulatzen zutabean

People commonly ask about using a column of data type "Person or Group" in another column of data type "Calculated".

Behean line, horrek ez du lan egiten WSS 3.0 (edo MOSS).

Noiz kalkulatzen zutabe bat gehituz, WSS shows the list of fields it allows you to use for the calculation. If you type in the name of a column that is not in its list, pasatzean,:

Bat edo gehiago zutabe erreferentziak ez dira onartzen, zutabeak dira datu-mota bat bezala definitzen duelako ez dela formula onartzen.

Sahiesteko: Use an event handler. The event handler fires when the user saves the item. It performs the update you would have wanted the calculated column to do for you.

Erabilgarria eremu kalkulatzen loturak, oro har,:

Quick Lege-oharra: Gainetik egiazkoak eta zehatzak izan behar duela uste dut,, baina ikusi dut nahikoa clever trikimailu han eta hemen MOSS / WSS litzateke hori ez dut oso harrituta (agog duzu bada) if someone has figured out a way to do this without resorting to code. If you’ve figured out clever work-around or know someone that did, please let me know!

MOSS / WSS esaten dit: “Orria izan da egilearen beste aldaketa on …” baina, egia esan,, ez zen.

We did some heavy duty re-organizing of our site taxonomy via "Manage Content and Structure". For reasons unknown to me, Prozesu honetan (nagusi, nahiz eta lan-) broke some navigation links in the quick launch. The broken links are characterized by:

  • Wrong URL. Adibidez, it should be "/sites/departments/HumanResources/…". Hala eta guztiz ere, the new link is "/sites/Corporate/HumanResources/…".
  • Errepikatzen buruzko epigrafe kontsulta katea bit, bezala:

/guneak / sail / HumanResources / _layouts / viewlsts.aspx?BaseType = 0?BaseType = 0?BaseType = 0?BaseType = 0

That’s easy enough to fix via site settings/navigation. Except, MOSS aurkezten me batera, eta saiatu dut:


Izan ere,, inork ez edozein aldaketa ez dago egiten ari da (alde batera from me, jakina).

Bilaketa bizkor bat bihurtzen da, hau MSDN eztabaida foroak:

William Heurdier ere, planoan out nicely azkenaurreko en (gisa 10/02/07) bidaltzeko:

Izan da:

Hondatuta izenburuak berrezarri, behar duzu :

– kendu zerrendak guztiak epigrafe hondatuta pean

– kendu hondatuta epigrafe

– Zerrenda ezarpenen, add a removed list to the quick launch (Hau birsortzeko ez hondatuta epigrafe)

Ondoren, zaude onak joan….

Sharepoint aditua – Sogeti Cap Gemini Suitza

Apur bat nahastu izan dut mantendu I nabigazio orrira nahi duelako, make the change and then get hit with the "page was modified" message. Azkenean, I realized I had to go to the list settings and remove/add it to quick launch. That did the trick. Happy times are here again!


Nire blog Harpidetu!

Arazoak dituzten “Noiz arte pausatu” SPD sortutako fluxuak jarduera

UPDATE 12/10/07: Hotfix as described in MSDN KB929816 solved the problem for us mentioned below. Obtain the hotfix and then install on each server on the farm. Gero, sharepoint configuration utility on each server. Here is the MS Support link for that KB:


Enpresa-baldintza, non ingurumen ingeniaritza kudeatzailea behar ziurtatu dugu 30 some-odd manufacturing locations located throughout the United States needs to ensure that those plants file for their various state-mandated permits in a timely fashion. One approach we’ve investigated leverages the "Pause Until Date" activity available to us via SharePoint Designer worfklow. The engineering manager (edo bere laguntzaile) enters all the required permits and reminder dates at the start of the year. The system then does all the heavy lifting.


Moss, 64 bit, Makina birtual ingurumena (garapen kutxa), 2 zerbitzariak (SQL zerbitzari batean #1, beste guztia zerbitzari batean #2).


The Pause Until Date action seems like the perfect solution and it may well prove itself to be. Hala eta guztiz ere, ez da ongi atera kutxa (Gurekin).

  1. Workflow lana ez zen programatuta exekutatu, ever. I discovered this by reading through Christopher White en ( excellent write-up by using stsadm thusly:

    C:\>stsadm -o getproperty -propertyname "job-workflow" -url http://localhost

    <Property Exist="No" />


    Duten emaitza harrigarria izan zen, baina erraz konpondu:

    C:\>stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname "job-worfklow" -propertyvalue "every 1 minutu artean 0 eta 59" -url http://localhost

    Eragiketa burutu.


    Gainean egiten duten, the first "In Progress" workflow azkar tiro sortu eta bere lana egin.

  2. Tamalez, the next one didn’t work as expected. Zorionez, Christopher refers us hemen ( As of writing of this entry, IT departamentuko ari gara Hotfix zuzenketa hori lortzeko zain, but it does look promising. Our copies of the affected .dll’s do not share the same byte size, beraz, espero honek arazoa konponduko.


Re-running the stsadm -o setproperty command seemed to prod the workflow timer awake. It would, gutxi gorabehera 7 minutu geroago, actually wake up and continue along with the workflow.

Galderak / Aleak Norentzat:

Data pausatu arte ez du funtzionatzen.

Data pausatu arte ez da hasi berriro.

Workflow status does not change from "In Progress"

Workflow status stays "In Progress"