Nire on-going bat emateko saiakera batean gehiago erabilgarria bilaketa zutabe BDC erabiliz, I hit a wall with the BDC picker. If you haven’t see it, the BDC picker is similar to a people picker except that it works with columns of type "business data".
Hautatzailea sartzeko duzun negozio datuak zutabea liburu irekia ikonoa erakusten klik eginez:
The above image shows a business data column called "Master Document Id". That column is connected, BDC bidez, to a web service. The web service returns two columns of information: Document ID and Title. The business purpose here is to provide a "this document is based on" funtzioa. Users select a "master" dokumentu eta noiz gorde, bat gertaera hartzailea kopiak meta datuak erreferentziatutako maisua eremuak.
Lehenespenez, the BDC picker looks like this when I search for a document whose ID = "38":
Hori lagungarria izan, but not good enough. People don’t think in terms of IDs, they think in terms of titles and/or other meta data. The picker allows you to search on other columns (e.g. Izenburua) baina ez dira agertuko izenburuak aurkitu zerrenda benetako, beren DocId bezala hemen:
(Pantaila jaurtiketa ez da hain handia izan nuen, ez duelako jaso bilaketa bat itzultzen baliozko edozein emaitza, baina ikusi ahal izango duzu izan da aurkitu bada zenbait emaitza hori, litzateke soilik erakutsi dute DocId en, ez izenburuak).
I searched high and low for the answer to this and failed. Nire lankide, agurgarri du Jonathan Bradshaw, had faced and solved this issue. When I reached out to him for help, me adierazi zuen du eskuinetik egin-norabidea in.
Configure the picker to show multiple columns via the "ShowInPicker" ADF the in, jabetza:
<De la Propiedad Izena="ShowInPicker" Mota="System.Boolean">Egia</De la Propiedad>
Zehatz-mehatz more In:
<!-- Izenburua -->
<TypeDescriptor TYPENAME="System.String" Izena="Izenburua" >
<LocalizedDisplayName LCID="1033">Izenburua</LocalizedDisplayName>
<De la Propiedad Izena="DisplayByDefault" Mota="System.Boolean">Egia</De la Propiedad>
<De la Propiedad Izena="ShowInPicker" Mota="System.Boolean">Egia</De la Propiedad>
Setting this property does introduce a minor problem. As soon as you set it once, you need to set it for every column you want to show. Nire kasuan, BDC picker showed DocId by default. Hala eta guztiz ere, once I added "ShowInPicker" to Izenburua, DocId no longer displayed. I solved that by explicitly setting the ShowInPicker property for Doc ID.
Here emaitza da,:

(I’ll explain the odd-looking "168 – CamlSchema.xsd" construction in a future blog post. Laburbilduz, bat concatenated string duten bat user, apur bat-esperientzia hobea for aukera ematen dio da it).
Jakina, habiendo idatzizko blog Istorio hau, I just did a search for "ShowInPicker" , eta aurkitu da hainbat eta hainbat Klik-kopurua, hau ko barne,: It explains the meaning of that property along with some other good BDC stuff.
Nire blog Harpidetu!