Monthly Archives: Apirilaren 2008

Azkarra eta sinplea: Egin InfoPath formularioa bat irakurri bakarrik (InfoPath Inprimakiak MOSS Zerbitzuak)

Ez dago honelako enpresa komun eszenatokia da:

  • Erabiltzaile betetzen out InfoPath inprimakia.
  • Aurkezten inprimakia.
  • Long-entzierroa workflow-prozesua hasten.
  • Eu exekutatzen ari den bitartean, ez dugu nahi inor inprimaki edukia aldatzeko. adibide honetan describes how to create a separate "view" and mark the whole view as read-only. This is a workable approach but has the drawback that you’ve effectively created two entire versions of the same form and must now keep them in sync manually. If you add a field to the editable view, you must then add it to the non-editable view as well. Denborarekin, garatzaileei ezberdinekin, there can be some divergence.

Aukera hau hobeto agian kasu batzuetan:

  • Add a new field to the form called "IsEditable".
  • Ezarri bere balio lehenetsia Egia.
  • Susta ezazu noiz MOSS argitaratzeko.
  • Eu en, ezarri IsEditble balioa faltsua.
  • Itzuli inprimakia.
  • Add a rule that "upon open of the form", ezgaitu zure Gorde botoia denean IsEditable faltsua.

The drawback to this approach is that all the fields will still be editable on the screen. The user can get a false impression that they can actually change content. You can mitigate that by putting in some text that the form is disabled, seguru asko, orrialdearen goiko zehar gorri handi letra.

Ko proiektuan, I created a "workflow status" ikusteko. As the workflow progressed, it would update specific status fields that had been promoted from the form. When the user opened the form, the "open form" araua automatikoki ikuspegi hori aldatu da, eta erabiltzaileak a nice little laburpen egoera izan.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

Erabili Semaforoak SharePoint Designer eu Endless Loops Debekatu

It’s possible to cause an endless loop in a SharePoint Designer workflow. A common implementation pattern like this causes the problem:

  • Sortu workflow bat eta zerrenda bat lotu.
  • Adierazi behar dela, elementu berriak sortzen hasi eta lehendik dauden elementuak eguneratzeko.
  • A step in the workflow updates a field in "Current Item".
  • Uneko elementua aldatu, eu hasten da berriro.

Amaierarik gabeko begizta hau saihesteko, ezartzeko errazak semaforo bat:

  • Gehitu gune zutabe bat (edo zerrenda / liburutegia zutabe ez bazaude eduki mota erabiliz).
  • Ezkutatu editatzeko orritik (erraza egiten bada, bere propietate bidez zutabe gune bat, Ez da erraza zerrenda zutabe bat bada).
  • Eu en, egiaztatzeko semaforo zutabe balioa hutsik badago ikusteko.
  • Da hutsik badago, ezarri ez hutsik balio bat eta jarraitu.
  • Aurkitzen ez bada hutsik, irten.

Honek nahiko ñabardura irtenbide bat izan daiteke, enpresa-beharren arabera eta abarren arabera, baina workable eredua izan da, beharrezkoa denean dut.


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Nire blog Harpidetu.

Garatzaileak: Nola egiten da SharePoint ikasi dut?

UPDATE: 04/25/08: Zen harrapatzeko blog mezu batzuk eta artikulu honen lotura bat aurkitu: I make note of it because in addition to asking, "how do I learn sharepoint?", some people ask "why should I learn sharepoint?". That article partly answers the later.

Hainbat azken hilabeteetan, dozena bat edo gehiago planeta osoko Folks dira me badiozu mezu, eta, oro har, galdera eskatu, "How do I learn SharePoint?"

Autoritario ia ez naiz, baina izan dut arrakasta batzuk (eta hobeak lortzeko denbora guztian saiatzen) so I thought I’d document my personal road map. Others may find it valuable.

Ez dut horren aurretik, Nahi dut hori, niri bistako behatzeko, emailak horiek pertsonalak eta MSDN kopurua handiagoa oinarritutako / SharePoint Unibertsitatearen izaera bera mezu, that there is huge developer interest in getting up to speed with WSS/MOSS. I wonder what it’s going to be like a year from now … errazagoa ona SharePoint talentua aurkitzeko? The same? Are folks committing themselves to the platform at a rate sufficient to keep up with demand for good resources? How could you even figure something like that out short of a WAG?

Paul-en ibilbide-orria

I was full time employed by the good folk at Conchango while I followed this road map. This means that from a learning perspective, I was actively engaged in projects as I followed the steps I outline below.

Oinarrizko baldintzak batzuk

Mundu honetan sartzeko, bi gako akronimoak:

  • WSS: Windows SharePoint Services
  • Moss: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

WSS is "free" hori da Windows zerbitzari batera saltzen 2003 (edo, gutxienez, MS deskargatu daiteke). I put quotes around free because you need a box, baliozko O / S lizentzia eta ziurrenik SQL (though there’s a "free" SQL mota baita).

MOSS is built on top of WSS and extends it. There is no MOSS without WSS. MOSS is not free.

Beharbada, ez da egun bat, baina laster duzun got ondoren plataformaren oinarrizko ezagutza batzuk, it’s important to learn the differences. Adibidez, indartsua web parte, Eduki Query Web Taldea, is a MOSS feature and not available WSS. People often make the incorrect assumption that CQWP is available in WSS and then end up scrambling for a stop-gap measure when they realize their error.

Asmatu Liburuak

I started working with WSS/MOSS on about 01/02/2007. I had a little prior experience with SPS 2003 but very little. To get myself started, Erosi dut bi liburu hemen agertzen (!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!203/).

I started with the big blue administration book. Naturally, it covers administration. Aldi berean,, MOSS ezaugarri guztiak inkesta bat ematen du, (WSS eta ezaugarriak, bai).

Niretzat, ez da hain garrantzitsua, hainbat xehetasun guztiak gogoratzeko (bere denbora ziurtatuta lortu arte) but it’s good to know the boundaries. (Berean planteamendu hau jarraitu dut 1go pertsonan shooters play Xbox edo PC dut — I enter a room and tend to make a counter-clockwise loop until I get back where I started. I just feel better knowing the shape of the box I’m in.)

Big blue liburua irakurri ondoren, I would read the entire Inside WSS book. It dives deeply into issues that developers care most about.

Sortu birtuala Ingurumena bat

Ordena garapen edozein egiteko edo ingurune egokian erabili, osoa pizten leihoak zerbitzari eragile SharePoint Designer-sistema behar duzu, Visual Studio 2005 (2008 lan egiten du, baina tresna batzuk izan gabe, artikulu honen idazketa aurrera eraman ahal izateko), InfoPath 2007 and some other stuff. There are many good blog entries describing this process. I’d have a look at these two:

Horrez gain, Andrew Connell partekatu bere esperientziak VMWare hemen:

Use your favorite search engine to see what other people do. It’s a useful learning exercise in and of itself.

Spend a few minutes angrily denouncing the fact that you need a server environment on which to do development. Baina … don’t bother blogging about it or posting it to MSDN forums. It’s already been done 🙂. Horren ordez, embrace it and move on. You’ll be better off for it.

Parte Certified

Dut uste MS SharePoint ziurtagiri-bide, osatzen dute, horietatik lau azterketak, is exhaustive. I suggest that you follow their online preparation guide and do your best to understand each of the areas of the test.

I ez suggest that you take the exam just to pass it. I ez suggest that you use one of the "brain dump" style 3rd party "tools" for passing MS tests. If you can take the test, pasatzen da zure oinarritzen zuzendu egin ikasketa-konbinazio batean eta esperientzia eskuak-on, sendoagoa sustatzailearen eta lan hori egiteko hautagai izango zara.

There are four tests in two "tracks":



I recommend that developers study for all of these exams. You’ll be strong for them, Suposatzen dut Saltatutako baduzu admin azterketak nahiz, lortuko lituzke arabera.

WSS bertsio aurkitu dut nabarmen gehiago MOSS dagokion bertsio baino erronka izango da, much to my surprise. I was in a class recently and several others made the same point.

Zen nintzen bitartean ikasten 70-542 azterketa- (MOSS garapena) I tracked my study resources. These may be helpful to you as well:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!192.entry

Plug Yourself Erkidegoko Into

SharePoint komunitate dardarkaria, sendo eta handiagoa hazten ari den denbora guztian.

Honako begiratu hasteko nahi duzu:

  • Blogs
  • Foroak
  • Codeplex
  • Twitter


Ez baduzu ulertzen RSS, stop everything and learn it. It will take 10 minutuan ikasteko, agian beste 10 minutuan oinarritzen RSS reader web bat aurkitzea (Google-en irakurlea gogoko dut, / reader).

Start by adding this blog to your RSS reader 🙂

Hurrengoa, gehitu to your reader. They aggregate many blogs into a single feed.

Denborarekin, you’ll find blogs that are not aggregated that way. Just add them individually.

I subscribe to a few dozen blogs which I’ve accumulate over the last year. Nahi baduzu, Nire zerrenda esportatu ahal izango dut, eta mezu elektroniko.

Azkenean, you may want to start your own blog. I personally think that a series of blog entries describing a "newbie’s" aurrerapen WSS / MOSS ikasteko interesgarria serie bat izango litzateke. Egin nuen neure burua, nahi duten.


Foro bi taldetan aktiboki parte hartzen dut: MSDN eta SharePoint Unibertsitatea.

Forums are excellent places to learn. People ask questions ranging from the very simple ("How do I create a site column") panicked nahi du ("My server is down!") gehiago hipotetiko diseinua galderak.

Behin ingurumena zapore bat lortuko duzu, venture out and start replying. Short of directly interacting with a customer, ezer ez da hau baino hobea esperientzia eskuak.


Hona joan

Begira eta SharePoint-proiektuak bilatzeko.

Eguneroko laburpena Codeplex feed izena eman zure feed irakurle.

Gehitu edozein proiektu berriak SharePoint zure jario irakurleari.

Azkenean, foroak irakurtzeko eta behera zeure WSS / MOSS deabru aurre egin ondoren, iritziz, elkarrekin jarriz zeure codeplex proiektua.


Idazten dut blog sarrera hau, SharePoint folk asko hasi ziren erabiltzen Twitter.

It’s hard to characterize Twitter. You’ll just have to check it out yourself.


That wraps up my roadmap and makes me current. I just started using Twitter two weeks ago.

WSS/MOSS is a very cool platform and the community is growing all the time. Use community resources to improve your skills and enjoy the journey!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

Datuak Babesteko kudeatzailea: Itzela bat SharePoint Backup dirudi / Berreskuratu irtenbidea

At New Jersey SharePoint erabiltzaile talde bart bilera, Microsoft Sr. produktu espezializatuen DuWayne Harrison aurkezten Microsoft Datuak Babesteko kudeatzailea 2007. DuWayne was great (zen bat edo bi lankideek onartzen ikusleek beren izenak ez dut gogoratzen tik). Aurkezpen materialak eskuratu ahal izango duzu hemen.

Arte bart, Ez dut inoiz entzun DPM.

Ez nago bat sistema admin pertsona mota, so I’m writing this from SharePoint consultant’s perspective and may get some of the words wrong. Me, DPM is a backup/restore solution for Microsoft "stuff":

  • Fitxategiak
  • SQL
  • O / S
  • Makina birtualak (bizi MB babeskopia, nahiz eta VM berez Unix exekutatzen).
  • Bare metal berreskuratzeko (I.E. hondamendi hardware porrota).

Stuff haratago, which I would consider to be minimal requirements for any kind of "real" babeskopia / produktua leheneratu, DPM also has built-in intelligence for SharePoint. It understands about server farms and lets you restore:

  • Datu-base osoa (e.g. edukia, config, etc).
  • Gune bildumak
  • Banakako guneak
  • Banakako elementuak (e.g. dokumentuak).

The actual restore process involves extracting the target data from the backup and save it into a "restore farm" eta, ondoren, bertatik, mugitzen da ekoizpen ingurumena (edo edonora berreskuratu nahi duzu). I think this is seamless, but there was a lot of emphasis on the need for a "restore farm". The restore farm does not need to match the production environment in every particular (batez ere, topologia fisiko) baina ez du behar txantiloiak dagokionez dator, bertsioak, etc.

Nik ez dut ikusten osoa amaiera demo amaitzeko, but DuWayne did show screen shots and some live demos. It seems to be as good as it needs to be, gutxienez tamaina moderatua ingurune.

I was particularly struck by the pricing. Obviously, Ez ezazu dit hau, baina garestiena prezioei dela gutxi gorabehera, honela uste dut (dolar en):

  • $600 DPM berez.
  • DPM zerbitzari bat Hardware (eta lotutako komunikabide eta gauza guztiak).
  • $450 zerbitzari bakoitzeko kopiak nahi duzun ("enterprise" lizentzia).

A bost zerbitzari baserriko litzateke gehien kostua:

  • $600 DPM for
  • $450 x 5 zerbitzariak = $2,250

Lizentzien kostua, guztira: $2,850

Praktikan, it would be less. You wouldn’t necessarily need to have DPM installed on each web front end, adibidez. You don’t necessarily need enterprise licenses either.

The user interface is seems very simple probably would not require any special training to get up to speed. I did ask about that specifically and there is apparently a 1.5 eguneko klasea eskuragarri, da, baina ez dit begi bistakoa Edozeinek litzateke benetan behar hartzea.

Guztia, Da, zalantzarik gabe, merezi du ikertzen ari bazara ez, datuak babesteko SharePoint irtenbide bila uste dut.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Oinez-bidez: Konpondu Langileen Prestakuntza Txantiloi Eskuragarri estaliak erregistroa Bug

Jende askok ezagutzen, Langileen Prestakuntza txantiloia Microsoft-ek emandako hemen akats bat ahal dugun erreproduzitu ondorengo pausuak ditu:

  • Sortu klase bat max tamaina duen 10 ikasleak.
  • Izena eman –> Total available seats properly decrements by one. Emaitza: 9 eskuragarri eserleku.
  • Erregistroa: –> Bug. Total available seats should increment by one. It does not. Emaitza: 9 SharePoint bakoitzeko eserleku eskuragarri, baina, egia esan,, daude 10 eskuragarri eserleku.

Irtenbidea: Erabili SharePoint Designer workflow zuzentzeko.

Lehen, open up the site. The folder list for me looks like this:


If we have a look at the "Attendee registration" workflow, we see that there is a step labeled "Enforce seating policy". It looks like this:


This step in the workflow updates the item by incrementing the "Filled Seats" metadata column on the course. If we pull that up in more detail, honetan ikusiko dugu:


Duten informazioa erregistroa ezabatzean workflow konpondu behar dugun guztia.

Irauli dugu baino gehiago bada erregistroa ezabatzean eu, there is no similar workflow step. Add it as follows:

1: Expand "Attendee unregistration" eta ireki XOML du (Lehenengo pantailan ikusiko jaurtiketa zu galdu ezkero).

2: Berri bat gehitu workflow aldagai, "New Filled Seats" of type "Number".

3: Assign a value to "New Filled Seats" ikus daitekeen bezala:


4: Decrement betea estaliak arabera 1:


5: Eguneratu erlazionatutako ikastaroa elementua:


6: Make sure all the steps are in the right sequence. Niretzat, itxura hau atsegin du:


7: Amaitu eu berriro eraikiko da.

8: Test.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Random larunbat goizean Behaketa

Klase Nik horiek azken bi asteetan izan da eta gauza bat ukitzen me daudela pentsakor asko, smart pertsona SharePoint buruzko lan (aholkulariak, edo langile gisa) ez duten bloga, twitter, Badirudi mezu publiko MSDN foro edo SharePoint Unibertsitatea bezalako batzordeak jakitun, mantentzeko Facebook edo LinkedIn profilak, etc. They are pure information consumers. Not bad, besterik interesgarri.


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Nire blog Harpidetu.

Edukia Query Web zatia: New York SharePoint erabiltzaileak Group at Mintzamena

Egon nire lankide batekin hitz egin beharko dut, Natalya Voskresenskaya, at the New York SharePoint erabiltzaileak Taldeak meeting Wednesday May 7th.

Thanks to Bob Fox for throwing our names into the hat and helping us get this opportunity!

Our overall topic is the Content Query Web Part and we hope to give some useful information to two distinct audiences:

  • Business users (non-developers): Show how CQWP can be configured to solve certain common business problems without any coding.
  • Garatzaileak: Show how CQWP can be extended to do some pretty interesting things that a business user wouldn’t normally feel comfortable doing themselves. This part of the presentation will help business users understand what’s possible using this web part so that they can provide better and more realistic requirements to their developer partners.

Here is the notice NYSPUG mailed out earlier this week:

"Using Content Query Web Part to Solve Business Problems".

MOSS 2007’s Content Query Web Part (CQWP) erabiltzaileek iturri asko kontsultatutako datu aldiz pertsonalizatuak sortzeko, eta datuak aurkezten duen leku batean. Bere kontsulta indartsua izan arren & eduki fintasun aukerak, CQWP da sarritan underrated zeuden eta ezaugarri. CQWP is both a "data extraction engine" (aurkituko dokumentu edo elementu zerrenda edonon gune bilduma batean) eta, gainera, lehen mailako tresna aurkezteko aukera ematen die erabiltzaileei nola HTML edukiak eta estiloak biltzeko pantaila formateatzeko ia modurik nahi aurkeztutako kontrolatzeko.

Demo-heavy saio honetan, erakusteko nola CQWP erabili enpresa-arazoak konpontzeko off erakutsiz core ezaugarri dira.

  • use default CWQP features, barne audientzia targeting

  • use CWQP as a reporting tool anywhere in a site collection via filter criteria such as "all documents created today".

  • change look & emaitzak kontsulta sentitzen enpresa datuak nabarmendu nahi, erakusteko informazio zutabe osagarriak, informazioa erakutsi sareta formatu batean, eta beste batzuk.

  • show how CQWP can aid in content type administration (I.E. aurkitu eduki-mota zehatz dokumentu guztiak, beraz, CT definizioa aldatzen eragina ulertzeko).

  • describe some limitations of CQWP

  • provide a list of resources for advanced CQWP techniques, besteak beste, blogetan, ECQWP Codeplex proiektua & MSDN dokumentazioa.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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FAST SharePoint integrazioa: Exekutatu Simple Kontsulta bat

This is a continuation in my FAST coding mini-series for SharePoint folk. The bit of code below executes a search for the term "test" in FAST via a Console application. Obviously, hop-a da, jauzi egin eta salto kanpoan logika hori biltzeko zati bat web orri edo aplikazio barruan:

erabiliz Sistema;
erabiliz System.Collections.Generic;
erabiliz System.Linq;
erabiliz System.Text;
erabiliz System.Collections.Specialized;
erabiliz Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search;
erabiliz Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http;
erabiliz Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Navigation;
erabiliz Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Query;
erabiliz Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Result;
erabiliz Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.View;
erabiliz System.Collections;

namespace Conchango
    klasean InvokeSimpleFASTQuery
        estatiko gal Nagusia(katea[] argumentuak)

            #eskualde Hasieratu gure komunikazio FAST batera
            ISearchFactory searchFactory;

            NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = berria NameValueCollection();

            nameValueCollection.Add("fastsearchengine", "Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.HttpSearchFactory");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.QRServers", "fastdemoback:15100");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.RequestMethod", "GET");

            searchFactory = SearchFactory.NewInstance(nameValueCollection);


             Abiarazteko kontsulta bat

            katea queryString = "test";

            Kontsulta query = berria Kontsulta(queryString);

            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.Multzokatzea, faltsuak);
            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.NABIGAZIO, Egia);
            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.NAVIGATION_DEEPHITS, 100);

            ISearchView searchView;
            searchView = searchFactory.GetSearchView("sharepointconn");

            IQueryResult emaitza = searchView.Search(kontsulta);

            Kontsolara.WriteLine("Total results from search: [" + result.DocCount + "].");

            int docCounter = 0;

            bitartean (docCounter < result.DocCount)

                docCounter    ;

                IDocumentSummary thisDocSummary = result.GetDocument(docCounter);

                Kontsolara.WriteLine("[" + docCounter + "]: " + thisDocSummary.GetSummaryField("url").Balio katea);

            } // bitartean



Honako emaitza sortzen:



Nire blog Harpidetu.

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