Monthly Archives: Urtarrilaren 2009

Kontrolatzeko Workflow zerrendak pertsonalizatua portaera (Berriz)

Lehenago Hil honetan, I put together an article originally planned for Mark Miller’s Hala eta guztiz ere, I instead used like Dustin Hoffman used a cross at the end of the The Graduate to fend off my (awesome! lagunarteko!) editor at TechTarget.

This is another SharePoint Designer workflow article in the same vein as my more recent effort here: ("Use Control Lists to Create Flexible Workflow Solutions").

Hasten duela dirudi:

HAVE YOU EVER wished you could temporarily disable a SharePoint Designer workflow? You may want to do this in order to mass-approve a large number of documents without setting off dozens — or possibly hundreds — of unnecessary workflows.

One way to accomplish this is to access the workflow using Share-Point Designer and disable it. To do that, you’ll need to open up SharePoint Designer, access the workflow, change its properties and re-save it. The problem with that method is that it’s a little messy and likely to ring lots of alarm bells at most companies.

Oro har,, fiddling about with SharePoint Designer workflows is not a good practice in a production environment, nor is it part of a well controlled process.

The article then walks you through a solution to this problem that uses a custom list to turn the WF on or off as needs dictate. Irakurri osoa hemen gauza ( 1_16.pdf).

This article was inspired by a question asked on the forums here: Although I spend far more time on the MSDN forums, I strongly recommend that you have a peek at the EUSP forum as well, particularly for end user oriented questions. It’s yet another source of good information and advice.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Erabili kontrol-zerrendak malguak Workflow Solutions Sortu

Azken astean, Mark Miller argitaratua nire azken SharePoint Designer workflow artikuluaren amaieran erabiltzaileentzat bere webgunean (

Hasten duela dirudi:

Dugu tekniko mota erabili jargon eta sigla asko, besteak beste, gure "Objektuei Begirako Programazio" gisa eguneroko errutina (objektu bideratutako programazioa), "TX" (Eduki motak), "SPD" (SharePoint Designer), "RTFM" (irakurri eskuliburua), etc. This article concerns itself with a particular bugaboo called “hard coding:"Zer da, zergatik txarra da eta nola saihesteko SharePoint diseinatzaile workflow irtenbideak.

I describe how we can use custom lists to store workflow control and configuration data. Using this approach, gogorra, hala nola approvers kodetze gisa balio saihestu ahal izango dugu’ helbide elektronikoak, onarpena dolarraren mugak, etc.



Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Gobernu eta SharePoint Search – Inoiz ez da beranduegi Joan

I wrote an article (, 289483, sid1_gci1345231_mem1, 00.html #) for on governance as it relates to SharePoint Search. It’s not in my usual "voice" but that’s editing for you 🙂

Hemen da nola hasten:

SharePoint ia alderdi guztietan daiteke gobernu indartsu plan nahiz mesede, MOSS 2007’s enterprise search functionality benefits most of all.

Like all parts of SharePoint, there is good news and bad news about governance. For many organizations, the bad news is that it’s extremely difficult to incorporate a governance plan where none existed.

But here’s the good news: You can quickly configure and improve on enterprise search at almost any time. And when you implement a governance plan for enterprise search, you can see immediate results.

One of the problems with SharePoint and governance is that companies often get knee deep into SharePoint with no governance plan and by then, there’s no easy path forward to solve it. No so with Search. Read the article to get my thoughts on that subject.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Datozen FAST Aurkezpena, Asteazkena 01/28, Eguerdia EDT

Egiten egon naiz nire lehen inoiz online aurkezpena du EMC Abiega marketing makina anfitrioi at 12:00 eguerdi on Asteazkena EDT, 01/28. Ideia ez dago zer hau espero daukat, in terms of attendance. Hala eta guztiz ere, dut, baita punta-puntako, Esan ahal izango dut zer egin duzu denbora galtzen da espero.

I’m going to be describing what we here at EMC mean when we talk about "Enterprise Search." I’m distinguishing between regular old SharePoint Search (hau da, nahiko erabilgarria da berez) eta Enterprise Search, hau da, askoz ere handiagoa da, nastier, interesgarri eta perplexing arazoa konpontzeko.

Argumentua FAST ona duten tresna bat da, berriz, saiatzen Enterprise Search arazoa konpontzeko erabili egin dut (eta analogiak egin dut ubideak egiten naiz berriz,). This obviously ties into SharePoint and will be a part of the community’s fabric over the course of 2009 and beyond. That’s the hook for anyone reading my blog here.

Zu FAST interesa baduzu, Nahikoa informazio baliagarria aurkituko duzu denbora justifikatzeko gastatu niri entzuten horri buruz hitz egiteko, uste dut.

Marketing aurkezpen bat da, baina marketing gauza guztien amaieran, beraz, beti dezakezu jaregin off puntu horretan.

The mighty EMC marketing makina eman dit bat erregistratzeko esteka, beraz, mesedez erabili ezazu erregistratu.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Autozerbitzua Web sortzea bezalakoa ez delako guneak sortzea buruz

SharePoint aholkulari mota asko bezala, I’ve been exposed to a lot of SharePoint functionality. Batzuetan, I dive pretty deep. Other times I just notice it as I’m flying by to another set of menu options. One of those is "self-service site creation." I haven’t had a need for it until this week.

Aste honetan, I need to solve a business problem which I think is going to become more common as companies loosen up and embrace more direct end user control over SharePoint. Kasu honetan, I’ve designed a site template to support a specific end user community. Folks in this community should be able to create their own sites at will using this template whenever the urge strikes them.

I recalled seeing "self-service site creation" before and I’ve always tucked that away in the back of my head thinking that "self service site creation" SharePoint Lingo esanahia, jakina, nahikoa, something like "turn me on if you want end users to be able to create sites when they want to."

Beraz,, Da piztu dut, proba ezazu eta niretzat, it’s not creating sites. It’s creating site Bildumak. Pretty big difference. That’s not what I want, ez da.

It is possible to let end users create new sub sites via a custom permission level. This is exactly where I would have gone in the first place except that the label "self-service site creation" label deceived me. Via twitter, Besteak ere engainatu dituela ikasten dut 🙂

Jarraitzen dut lan bat nola gehiago, streamlined prozesua apur bat emateko, berriz, ostatu hutsa koadroan kanpo, but there’s a definite path to follow. Just don’t get distracted by that label.


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New York SharePoint Garatzaileak Group Meeting at Mintzamena

Egon, New York SharePoint Garatzaileak taldea New Yorken bilera Microsoft bulegoetan at dut Ave 6an aurkeztuko du asteartean, 01/27 at 6:00 PM (besterik gabe aste bat baino gehiago hemendik aurrera!).

Kontua sortu hemen.

Tekniko aurkezpen bat izango da, non oinez joatea Ohiko workflow ekintza paketatuta daiteke eta instalatu SharePoint ingurune batean eta SharePoint Designer erabilitako deklaratzaileak workflow irtenbideak sortzeko sortzeko prozesuan zehar I.

Uste honetan:

Ebanjelizatzailea txiki bat egingo dut joan I batera gisa, making the case that developers should really think hard about the benefits of this kind of effort. it goes something like this: Eman gizon bat arrain bat eta egun bat jaten zuen, eraiki zion Ohiko workflow ekintza diseinatu eta ezartzea, ahal zuen bere negozio-prozesu arrain aurkitzeko (edo beste edozein janari!) eta utzi garatzaileek bakarrik heavy betebeharra konplexuak programazio egin garatzaileek egiten duten onena.

Jakina da bat sustatzailearen bideratutako saio, but I do encourage curious end users and admins to show up. Even though the specific process of creating a custom action is targeted directly at developers, buruzko elkarrizketa bat meta ez da.

Duzun ikusi behar ez izatea espero dut.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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