I’ve been working with SharePoint SSO and learning as I go. One way in which this works is that you tell SharePoint about external applications. Users log into that application via some SharePoint function (e.g. iView web zati). The first time the user performs this action, it prompts them for the correct user id and password to use for that system. It’s setting up a mapping between your SharePoint credentials and your credentials for that backend system. Thereafter, Erabiltzaileak ez dute beren ID sartu denean sortu hit dute sistema hori.
That part worked well for me. Hala eta guztiz ere, galdera begs, "Nola ez, erabiltzaile id edo pasahitza aldatu?” The user might have made a mistake, ari zaren edo agian azterketa batzuk egiten ari dev ingurumena eta behar kontuen artean azkar aldatzeko.
Ez dakit erantzun hori, Administración Central sartu ahal izango dituzu baina jakin dut eta erabiltzailearen kredentzialak kudeatzeko:
Administrazio Zentralak> Eragiketak -> Kudeatu Single Sign-On -> Kudeatu kontua Enterprise eskaera definizioa informazioa
Hortik aurrera, kanpo-aplikazio zehatz dezakezu (e.g. SAP) and the account you want to delete. You can also change the mapping.
Badakizu nola azken erabiltzaileei euren kredentzialak zuzenean aldatu ahal izateko, kindly post a comment
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