[Kontuan izan: Berehalako esan manifestazio honen emaitza nahi duzun interes finantza que tengo nahi dut, aipatzen, dibulgazioa osoa interes I, etc. This is actually the first time I’ve ever blogged about an event where I stand to benefit personally in this way.]
Web manifestazio hau gertatzen osteguna, 06/04 at 12:30 EDT, amaitzen 1:30PM EDT.
Nire negozio bikaina bazkide elkarlanean, Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo (ISSG), I have been working to develop a vertical business application using SharePoint as the platform. Kasu honetan, we’re building an application that serves the needs of manufacturers that make customized product for their customers. In these cases, a great deal of collaboration needs to take place between the customer and the manufacturer. There’s also a great deal of collaboration required between different groups within the manufacturer, salmentak barne, ingeniaritza, ikerketa eta garapena, juridiko eta beste talde batzuk.
Demo aplikazio bat da, lankidetza-mota hori errazten erakusteko joan, nola lankidetza bit horiek guztiak behar bat ERP euskarri-sistema integratu buruzko eztabaida bat batera.
Azkenik, this isn’t going to be a SharePoint demo. This is a demonstration of a solution for a specific niche problem that happens to use SharePoint as the platform.
Beraz,, why would you bother to sign up and see this demo? I don’t expect too many readers of my blog to be all that interested in a solution for make-to-order manufacturers Your take-away would be the concept itself – using SharePoint purely to deliver a business solution without regard to SharePoint itself.
Oraindik Interesaturik bazaude, please sign up here(https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=skmqfwbr5smmlx20).
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