Monthly Archives: Abuztuaren 2009

SharePoint - Zein da ona? A Osasun Mini Case Study

[Kontuan izan: blog post hau zeharkatu Mark Miller gune hemen etan: = 1897]

One Nire enpresaren ezohiko bezero gehiago New York City medikua nor bere medikuntza-eremu bereziki liderra da (begi arreta). Like many doctors, he has a strong interest in research. He wanted to do some research on a rare eye disorder that affects a relatively small number of people in the U.S. and Canada. I don’t know the number, but it’s really too small for a large pharmaceutical company to invest its own private funds with an eye toward eventual commercial success. I’m sure large pharma’s do some amount of research into rare diseases, baina ez dut uste U.S duen. government is probably the largest source of funding. Atsegin dut ezer, resources are scarce. Many doctors across the country want to perform research and trials. Baten ondorioz, there’s more than a little competition for that government funding. This is where my company and SharePoint enter the picture.

The fundamental idea is that a master organization will recruit other doctors across the country and enlist those doctors’ practices in a particular research study. These individual practices must sign up with the master organization and then, ondoren,, sign up for a particular study. The relationships look like this:

  • One master antolakuntza.
  • Hainbat medikuaren praktika Egileari galderarik egin nahi badiozu edo iradokizunik utzi nahi baduzu, lehenengo saioa hasi behar master erakundearen.
  • The master organization obtains funding for individual studies. At the outset, ez dago besterik arraroa partida begi gaixotasun buruzko azterlan bat da ari gara dagoeneko, nahiz eta sortu ramping beste azterketa.
  • Individual doctors’ practices sign up for specific studies. A specific practice could sign up for one or multiple studies.

Maisuak erakundea bera da desglosadas taldetan:

  • Batzorde Betearazlearen
  • Zuzendaritza Batzordea
  • Banakako azterketa-batzordeak
  • Administrazioa
  • beste batzuk

Azkenik, denean zehatz bat medikuaren praktika sinatu arte estudio batean parte hartzeko, profesionalak eskaintzeko rolak barietate bat betetzeko behar dute:

  • Ikertzaileen (lehen ikertzailea bat barne, normalean, mediku bat, bat edo gehiago ikertzaileen osagarriak batera)
  • Koordinatzaileak
  • Teknikariak
  • Laguntzak administratzaileak
  • beste batzuk

The above roles have very specific and highly proscribed roles that vary by study. I won’t get into more detail here, baina bazara, interesa izanez gero, utzi iruzkin bat, edo email me.

Eta orain, galdera erantzun ahal izango dut, SharePoint - Zein da ona? The answer – it’s really good for this scenario.

Sarrera hau dagoeneko uste baino denbora gehiago dut, beraz, ezinbesteko rola SharePoint duten konponbidea eta dive xehetasunik jotzen laburbilduko dut etorkizunean, artikulu (ezin baduzu itxaron, email me edo utzi iruzkin bat eta zoriontsu izan, eztabaidatu eta agian saiatu demo bat egin nahi dut). We are leveraging a wide array of SharePoint features to support this concept:

  • Batzordeetako guneak, banakako rolak (koordinatzaile guneak, ikerlari guneak, etc).
  • Segurtasuna ziur praktika desberdinak ez duten ikusteko beste praktika 'egiteko datuak.
  • InfoPath forms services for online form entry. This is a particularly big win. Normalean, zaila forma hauek inprimatutako, praktika da postaz, filled out and mailed back. The advantages to the online forms are obvious. They do introduce some complexities (lizentzien eta giza) baina hori beste istorio bat da.
  • Kutxa web piezak Out, iragarkiak bezala (Noiz batzordea [x] erantzuteko?) eta lan-espazio bilera.
  • Inprimakiak oinarritutako konbinazio autentifikazio bat CodePlex tresna auto-erregistroa eta pasahitza ematea da ahaztu ezaugarriak.
  • Norberarena zerrendak eta zerrenda aldiz ikerketa-jardueren ikusgarritasuna horrek, besterik gabe, ez da posible, papera eta arkatza pure planteamendu batekin.

Du forma oinarritutako autentifikazioa modulua izan ezik, eta InfoPath forma eskukada batekin, proiektu hau da, ia guztiak erabiliz lauki SharePoint funtzionaltasuna.

Bildu nuen aurretik min-kasu honetan, Ez proiektu honetan parte hartzen du - puntu zerbait oso garrantzitsua nahi dut (alde batera utzita, noski, nire enpresa) has any idea that a thing called “SharePoint” is playing such a fundamental technical role. Nearly all of my end users view this as “the web site.” Our client values us because we’re solving their business problem. SharePoint is a great technical blob of goodness, baina egin eskuineko, that’s irrelevant to end users. They need a problem solved, ez da teknologia burbuila zoragarria.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Cloud Computing, SharePoint azpimarratzen

SharePoint Denda Talk saio lieu ostegun honetan, nire bazkide eta I Arcovis dira teaming batera Cloud estrategiak eta Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo Zer espero dut emateko aurkezpen interesgarri bat izango da Microsoft online zerbitzuak, Enpresa Productivity Online Suite ardaztuta (BPOS). Arcovis actually uses BPOS for its internal SharePoint portal so we have some hands on experience and the kind of experience borne of daily use. Izan ere,, demo bera da gure BPOS oso ingurune propioa exekutatzen.

Dezakezu góry salmenta guztien xehetasunak irakurri hemen baina puntu nagusiak:

  • Cloud Computing Balio Proposition: Noiz Cloud Moving Demagun
  • Microsoft-en Online Zerbitzuak: Online Business Productivity Suite Orokorra
  • SharePoint Online ™ Spotlight
  • Bizi manifestazioa: Zure mailako ahalduntzean SharePoint Online erabiliz
  • Nola Cloud Computing hasteko

    Emanez egon naiz zuzeneko demo eta interesgarria izan beharko luke berez, uste dut, osoan hodei dibortziatu / online thing. I’m going to describe a very common business process, ospetsua New alokatu / On-boarding process. I’ll demonstrate a solution that uses SharePoint to implement that process. The demo will include notifications, Arbel bat besterik ez da, eta, oro har, cool ikusgarritasuna zer gertatzen kontratatuko berriekin.

    Nik pertsonalki inplementatu irtenbide hau hiru enpresen aparteko, so I know it’s a pretty common process that people like to automate using SharePoint. Zorte batera, Arcovis will be using this ourselves soon enough 🙂

    Beraz,, dituzun izan bada, cloud computing edozein interes ikuspegia SharePoint puntu oso praktikoa, this webinar is just what you need to do this Thursday 🙂

    Izena eman hemen:


    Nire blog Harpidetu.

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  • SharePoint Talk Denda laburpena

    We held our 3rd SharePoint Shop Talk session yesterday. Twenty-five folk braved the overly aggressive registration screen (horretan ari gara lanean!) to sign up and dial into the call.

    The topics varied widely although they were a bit more end user and light admin focused this time. We spent a lot of time discussing the age old question, “how do I secure a view”. There was some SharePoint Designer in there, edukia zabaltzeko pixka bat, argitalpen orrietan web zati bertsio (ez dago benetan ez da edozein web zati bertsio), Best ezartzeko segurtasun praktika (answer = "araberakoa da" eta kontuan Joris 'post hemen mantentzeko: eta Analíticas (Todd Klindt post sustatzeko hemen LogParser eta SharePoint buruz buru:

    A pattern seems to be forming with these calls. A question is emailed in or asked during the Q&A and the bottom line answer is “it depends.” The panel discusses various angles to the question, tangentea bakoitiak edo bi gainean kaleko off ahal izango dugu, baina azkenean, we’ve had a pretty thorough discussion of that topic. My goal with these sessions is that question asker walks away from the call with more options to solve her problem than she had before she joined the call. I think it’s safe to say that that’s happening (Izan ere,, zenbait kasutan, aukera gehiegi izan dezakete du).

    Hurrengo astea, nire lankideei eta I Arcovis at webinar dira elkarrekin aurkeztuko gure bazkideen bi, Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo eta Cloud estrategiak about Microsoft Online services. I think it’s going to be very informative. Our role (Arcovis) is to present a short demo on how to build a real world solution using Microsoft on line. We’re going to demonstrate a human resources application to manage the on-boarding process for new hires. If you’ve wondered about MS Online, check this webinar out.

    Webinar Horrek ziurrenik esan nahi du ez garela bat Denda Eztabaida saio eusten datorren astean, but keep tuned 🙂 If we do have it, ezin izango da, osteguna, izango da.

    Berriro ere, nire esker panel doa: Harry Jones, Natalya Voskresenskaya and Laura Rogers. Eskerrik asko, guys!


    Nire blog Harpidetu.

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    SharePoint Shop Eztabaida (Open Q&A) Ostegun honetan, 08/20/09 at 12:30PM EDT

    Gure 3 SharePoint Denda Eztabaida saio ari gara eusten bihar, 08/20 tik 12:30 to 1:30 PM EDT.

    Azken astean saio buruz irakurri dezakezu hemen: SharePoint Denda Eztabaida Pensamientos eta erreakzioak

    Ekarri zure galdera edo mezu elektroniko horiek aldez aurretik

    Izena eman hemen:


    Nire blog Harpidetu.

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    SharePoint Denda Eztabaida Pensamientos eta erreakzioak

    We held our second “SharePoint Shop Talk” session yesterday and it was a lot of fun. We had fewer attendees this time (batez ere, gure bazkide, ISSG, ez zuen bidali email bat big gonbidatzen beren bezero-base). Beste alde batetik,, we had probably more than twice as many questions to answer. We had so many, Izan ere,, ahal izan ez ditugun horiek guztiak lortzeko, so now we have a little bit of a head start on questions for next week’s Shop Talk session. The questions and our responses touched on data view web parts, Erabiltzaile eskualdean informazio zehatza ezartzeko programazioaren, SharePoint diseinatzaile fluxuak, Seiko azpiegitura Kerberos buruzko galdera (izan zen, ziurrenik, Bob Fox landare bat) and jQuery. Tamalez, banjoa txantxak ez, Hala ere,. Sigh…

    Erregistratu dugu Gunean, eta hasteko ohiko gauza guztiak egiteko erabiliz nahi dugu, gustatzen iragarriko deialdien egutegia, put up the recordings of the sessions and the questions/answers themselves. (ez kezkatu esteka ez dago edukirik ez dago oraindik).

    Atzoko Dei, jatorrizko aditu panel barne nire Arcovis bazkide izan dugu (Natalya Voskresenskaya eta Harry Jones). We added Laura Rogers du (eta beste nonbait) ospea. To top it all off, SharePoint MVP Bil Simser joined the call and we roped him into the discussion. Bil even dusted off an zaharrak blog sarrera eta eguneratu in response to one of the questions.

    Oraindik duzu interesgarria bada bat "ofiziala" panel kide gisa parte hartu, sua off-mail bat eta jakin arazi iezaguzu (Helbide elektronikoa, orain lan egiten dut, zin!) edo DM me, Natalya edo Harry Twitter bidez.

    Esker Bil eta Laura!

    That’s a lot of SharePoint firepower on the line ready to answer your questions as best we can.

    I’ll be posting details for the next SharePoint Talk Shop session on my blog and twitter.


    Nire blog Harpidetu.

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    InfoPath // One "Kudeatu gabeko salbuespena da inprimakia System.Xml.XmlException emateko azalpena: Ustekabeko fitxategi amaiera izena analizatzean gertatu da. "

    Formulario bat InfPath gaur egun on nintzen eta lan-ran gora lagun zahar aurka, "Kudeatu gabeko salbuespena da inprimakia System.Xml.XmlException bihurtzean: Ustekabeko fitxategi amaiera izena analizatzean gertatu da. "

    This happened to me a long time ago and I don’t know what exactly I did to resolve it. Honestly, I think that I had been transitioning to a new project and never saw this one resolved (my replacements had to deal with that headache). I do remember it was a devil of a problem. I spent several unsuccessful days dealing with it. Since then, I’ve seen this come up on MSDN forums at least once over the last year and never really saw an answer for it.

    I hit it today and fortunately this time , I had just made a change to the form. I backed out that change and the problem went away. It turns out that it’s possible to create a from template using InfoPath Designer in such a way that it generates a parse error on the forms server side of the fence.

    Nire kasuan, the problem was caused by these steps:

    1. Gehitu elementu berria da datu-iturburu bat testu-eremu gisa.
    2. Jaregin forma gainean.
    3. Aldatu pantailan goitibeherako zerrendan sartu.
    4. Kontatu goitibeherako zerrendan, bere balioak tira bat SharePoint zerrenda pertsonalizatu batetik.

    Ez dakit urrats horiek eragin arazo bat edo, agian, bada, nolabait zerrenda bertan datuak arazo bat da. I’m going to experiment a bit and see if I can nail downt he parameters of this with any more detail.


    Nire blog Harpidetu.

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    SharePoint Denda Eztabaida Open Q&Saio bat osteguna 08/13 @ 12:30 PM EDT

    Arcovis izango hosting izango da gure bigarren "SharePoint Denda Eztabaida" saioa Ostegun honetan 12:30 PM EDT. Show up with your SharePoint questions and we’ll do our best to entertain you with banjo jokes, smart but harmless put-downs of our fellow panelists and maybe even answer a question or two. This week’s “official” panel includes yours truly, nire Arcovis bazkide (Natalya Voskresenskaya eta Harry Jones) eta Laura Rodgers (du twitter & EndUserSharePoint ospea). Bob fox threatened to join too, but I don’t take that too seriously. Last time, ikusleen parte-hartze maila handia eta horrek lausotu panelists eta parte-hartzaileen arteko lerroa izan dugu, eta gauza bera gertatuko da, osteguna, espero dut.

    Ekitaldi hau Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo elkarrekin babestutako (

    Mesedez, erregistratu hemen:

    Zalantza hori gustatzen hartu gurekin duzun bada, just dial into the call and ask it. If you want us to think about it first, bidal iezaguzu posta elektroniko bat edo utzi iruzkin bat hemen.

    Ikusi duzu, ondoren!


    Nire blog Harpidetu.

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