Egon nire lankide batekin hitz egin beharko dut, Natalya Voskresenskaya, at the New York SharePoint erabiltzaileak Taldeak meeting Wednesday May 7th.
Thanks to Bob Fox for throwing our names into the hat and helping us get this opportunity!
Our overall topic is the Content Query Web Part and we hope to give some useful information to two distinct audiences:
- Business users (non-developers): Show how CQWP can be configured to solve certain common business problems without any coding.
- Garatzaileak: Show how CQWP can be extended to do some pretty interesting things that a business user wouldn’t normally feel comfortable doing themselves. This part of the presentation will help business users understand what’s possible using this web part so that they can provide better and more realistic requirements to their developer partners.
Here is the notice NYSPUG mailed out earlier this week:
"Using Content Query Web Part to Solve Business Problems".
MOSS 2007’s Content Query Web Part (CQWP) erabiltzaileek iturri asko kontsultatutako datu aldiz pertsonalizatuak sortzeko, eta datuak aurkezten duen leku batean. Bere kontsulta indartsua izan arren & eduki fintasun aukerak, CQWP da sarritan underrated zeuden eta ezaugarri. CQWP is both a "data extraction engine" (aurkituko dokumentu edo elementu zerrenda edonon gune bilduma batean) eta, gainera, lehen mailako tresna aurkezteko aukera ematen die erabiltzaileei nola HTML edukiak eta estiloak biltzeko pantaila formateatzeko ia modurik nahi aurkeztutako kontrolatzeko.
Demo-heavy saio honetan, erakusteko nola CQWP erabili enpresa-arazoak konpontzeko off erakutsiz core ezaugarri dira.
use default CWQP features, barne audientzia targeting
use CWQP as a reporting tool anywhere in a site collection via filter criteria such as "all documents created today".
change look & emaitzak kontsulta sentitzen enpresa datuak nabarmendu nahi, erakusteko informazio zutabe osagarriak, informazioa erakutsi sareta formatu batean, eta beste batzuk.
show how CQWP can aid in content type administration (I.E. aurkitu eduki-mota zehatz dokumentu guztiak, beraz, CT definizioa aldatzen eragina ulertzeko).
describe some limitations of CQWP
provide a list of resources for advanced CQWP techniques, besteak beste, blogetan, ECQWP Codeplex proiektua & MSDN dokumentazioa.