At New Jersey SharePoint erabiltzaile talde bart bilera, Microsoft Sr. produktu espezializatuen DuWayne Harrison aurkezten Microsoft Datuak Babesteko kudeatzailea 2007. DuWayne was great (zen bat edo bi lankideek onartzen ikusleek beren izenak ez dut gogoratzen tik). Aurkezpen materialak eskuratu ahal izango duzu hemen.
Arte bart, Ez dut inoiz entzun DPM.
Ez nago bat sistema admin pertsona mota, so I’m writing this from SharePoint consultant’s perspective and may get some of the words wrong. Me, DPM is a backup/restore solution for Microsoft "stuff":
- Fitxategiak
- O / S
- Makina birtualak (bizi MB babeskopia, nahiz eta VM berez Unix exekutatzen).
- Bare metal berreskuratzeko (I.E. hondamendi hardware porrota).
Stuff haratago, which I would consider to be minimal requirements for any kind of "real" babeskopia / produktua leheneratu, DPM also has built-in intelligence for SharePoint. It understands about server farms and lets you restore:
- Datu-base osoa (e.g. edukia, config, etc).
- Gune bildumak
- Banakako guneak
- Banakako elementuak (e.g. dokumentuak).
The actual restore process involves extracting the target data from the backup and save it into a "restore farm" eta, ondoren, bertatik, mugitzen da ekoizpen ingurumena (edo edonora berreskuratu nahi duzu). I think this is seamless, but there was a lot of emphasis on the need for a "restore farm". The restore farm does not need to match the production environment in every particular (batez ere, topologia fisiko) baina ez du behar txantiloiak dagokionez dator, bertsioak, etc.
Nik ez dut ikusten osoa amaiera demo amaitzeko, but DuWayne did show screen shots and some live demos. It seems to be as good as it needs to be, gutxienez tamaina moderatua ingurune.
I was particularly struck by the pricing. Obviously, Ez ezazu dit hau, baina garestiena prezioei dela gutxi gorabehera, honela uste dut (dolar en):
- $600 DPM berez.
- DPM zerbitzari bat Hardware (eta lotutako komunikabide eta gauza guztiak).
- $450 zerbitzari bakoitzeko kopiak nahi duzun ("enterprise" lizentzia).
A bost zerbitzari baserriko litzateke gehien kostua:
- $600 DPM for
- $450 x 5 zerbitzariak = $2,250
Lizentzien kostua, guztira: $2,850
Praktikan, it would be less. You wouldn’t necessarily need to have DPM installed on each web front end, adibidez. You don’t necessarily need enterprise licenses either.
The user interface is seems very simple probably would not require any special training to get up to speed. I did ask about that specifically and there is apparently a 1.5 eguneko klasea eskuragarri, da, baina ez dit begi bistakoa Edozeinek litzateke benetan behar hartzea.
Guztia, Da, zalantzarik gabe, merezi du ikertzen ari bazara ez, datuak babesteko SharePoint irtenbide bila uste dut.
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