Gaur egun, I’ve been working in an environment that uses a Bamboo calendar web part for some improved collaboration. This a standard medium/small farm with two load balanced WFEs, bat "Aplikazio zerbitzaria" indexatzeko eta InfoPath eta taldekatuta SQL atzera amaierako.
The client installed some disaster recovery software onto one of the WFEs and that resulted in a broken WFE for a specific site in the site collection. Whenever load balancing pointed at the affected WFE and that site, users saw a largely blank white screen with the sentence “An unexpected error occurred”. No other info showed, besterik ez duen esaldia.
They asked me to look at it. I easily reproduced the problem and then added a ?contents=1 to the end of the URL. This is how I learned they were using the Bamboo web part. I went back to the page and now, Bat-batean, Niri erakutsi du polit bat ordenatu errore mezua:
Ez dakit zer gertatzen ari zen, edo zer kontrolatu errore mezua iritsi erantsi baino beste erakutsi nuen ?contents=1 bit of the query string.
Hau da, ziurrenik oso arraroa ertzean kasuan, baina lortuko duzu mezu hori bada,, "Ustekabeko errorea gertatu da" aurrera eta gehitu ?edukia = 1 kontsulta katea ikusi eta non doan.
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