Category Archives: Iruzkin bat idatzi

Aldatzea Web Taldea Izen-tarteak (Edo, One "bat Web Taldea edo web formularioa Kontrol Orri honen arrazoia ezin da bistaratu edo inportatu)”

Izan dut nire dev txuletak berreskuratzeko lanean, eta horretarako, hobby bat proiektu hauek ditu bit lanean:

  • Konektatutako web gune zati bat edo gune bilduma URL kutxa SharePoint Testua Filter web zati out bat jasotzen.
  • This web part looks up all the info about the the selected site, generates an XML package and hands it off to another WP on the page (via connections).
  • 3rd web part receives the XML and does some XSL transform stuff.

I wanted to rename the name space of all the bits to “Nivlag” and I was getting hit up with the following error when I deployed the web part to  my test environment:

A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported.  The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe.

This is a beginner’s problem but I thought I’d jot down a note on this anyway.  I caused the error when I right-clicked on the default name space (which defaulted to the project name), selected Refactor and then Rename like so:


That did rename things in a bunch of places in the project, but it’s not enough.  You also need to make several other adjustments:

1. Manually open up and edit a file, “ShaerPointProjectItem.spdata”. That an XML file that has a <SafeControls> section.  The namespace rename function isn’t aware of this file for whatever reason, so you need to update the Namespace there manually.

2. Manually edit the .webpart file.  For whatever reason, Visual Studio doesn’t change this reference either.  Change the "<mota>” node to reflect your changed namespace there.

3. Azkenik, depending on how you refactored the namespace change, visual studio may have also updated the string that references your .ascx file here:

private const string _ascxPath = @"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES ……

You may need to change that back.  You’ll because you’ll get an error similar to the following when you try and add the web part to a web part zone on a  Orrialdearen:

Server Error in ‘/’ Aplikazioa.

The file ‘/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/Nivlag/VisualWebPart1/VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx’ does not exist.

Deskribapena: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: The file ‘/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/Nivlag/VisualWebPart1/VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx’ does not exist.
Iturria Akatsa:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.


Fix the reference there and you should be good to go.

4. Azkenik, the actual ASCX file still had a reference (for me) to the old original namespace (the refactor/rename function didn’t fix this).  You’ll know about this error when you try and add the web part to the page and get the following message:

Server Error in ‘/’ Aplikazioa.

Analizatzailea Akatsa

Deskribapena: Akats bat izan da baliabide bat eskatzen analizatzean gertatu da eskaera hau servicio. Mesedez, berrikusi eta honako partida errorea xehetasunak eta zure iturburu fitxategia aldatu egokian.
Analizatzailea Errorea mezua: Could not load type ‘RenameNameSpace.VisualWebPart1.VisualWebPart1UserControl’.
Iturria Akatsa:

Line 6:  <%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint" %> 
Line 7:  <%@ Register Tagprefix="WebPartPages" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Kultura = neutrala, PublicKeyToken = 71e9bce111e9429c" %>
Line 8:  <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="RenameNameSpace.VisualWebPart1.VisualWebPart1UserControl" %>

Iturburu fitxategia: /_CONTROLTEMPLATES/RenameNameSpace/VisualWebPart1/VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx    Line: 8

Bertsioaren informazioa: Microsoft. NET Framework bertsioa:2.0.50727.4927; ASP.NET bertsioa:2.0.50727.4927

Edit the .ascx file directly and fix the broken namespace.

Puntu honetan, I finally had a web part living in the namespace of my choosing.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Taxonomia Eztabaidak ez du inoiz joan

Ez dago ezohiko "teoria" mota haria gertatzen da hemen MSDN foroak an:

MSDN forum galdera asko oso "Nola egin [x]"Naturan.

Gai honetan handi bat da eta gai batzuk jorratzen ari dira nahiko nicely haria hasi.

Fun parte!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Erabili Kalkulatutako zutabeak teknikoa tsuneak betetzeko SPD fluxuak en

Hemen beste artikulu idatzi nuen da This one describes a technique that we can in SharePoint Designer to perform calculations that aren’t possible using any of the built-in calculation-style activities. The basic idea is to use a custom list as a calculation engine – define a list that performs the calculation correctly, sortu SPD bidez elementu bat eta, ondoren, emaitza irakurri.

Hona hemen aurkezpenik da:


Irakurri buruz gehiago hemen:


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Sortu SharePoint jQuery erabiltzea Rotator irudia

Duela denbora pixka bat, SharePoint Informazio-artikulu bat idatzi nuen ( hori nola SharePoint en Rotator irudi bat sortzeko. Hona hemen aurkezpenik da:


Irakurri artikulu osoa hemen:


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Erabili jQuery Spell Checker hiltzeko SharePoint zerrendetan

"Erabili SharePoint jQuery Spell Checker zerrendetan hiltzeko" - Hori nirea azken artikulu baten izenburua da, jende ona dela etan lehenago Hil honetan.

Hona hemen aurkezpenik da:


Nola eta zergatik pobreak ortografia zuzentzaileak hiltzeko hemen nahi nuen irakurri:


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Irtenbidea: SPD Workflow eta "forma ezin da errendatzen ..." Mezua

Gaur egun prestatzen ari nintzen SharePoint buruzko erakustaldi bat eman nahi 2010 SPD bideratua 2010 workflows. As I was prepping, Errore hau hit dut eu eskuz exekutatu saiatu naiz:

Inprimaki ezin da errendatu. Hau Microsoft SharePoint Server Estatuko Zerbitzuaren misconfiguration izana. Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, harremanetan zure zerbitzariaren administratzaileak.

Aurretik dut sortu nire baserriko underpowered ordenagailu eramangarri bat eta berau lagundu nahian, Desaktibatzeko saiatu naiz / desgaitu zerbitzu mordo bat, ikus daitekeen bezala:


It turns out that the State Service is pretty important 🙂

Nire web app reconnected dut Estatuko Zerbitzua berehala izan dut nire fluxuak exekutatu behar.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Microsoft Online Services Pasahitzak eta Administrazio buruz Small Oharra

Microsoft Small Business Productivity Online Suite hasi nintzen lanean duela hilabete batzuk, but now I have some better reason to be using it.

Jarraitzen dut nire inguruan lan, beraz lortzean behar dut terminologia oker batzuk, baina, funtsean, ez dira bi nagusien interfazeak: administrazio-zentro eta zerbitzuak beraiek.

Sistema izan zen niretzat kontatzea izan dut nire pasahitza aldatzeko, so I went ahead and did that. That allowed me to proceed and work with the services part (SharePoint, e-posta, eta zuzeneko bilera). Hala eta guztiz ere, administrazio pantailan joan I, ez zuen utzi me me kontatzen zuen ez dela uste dut nire pasahitza zuzena zen.

The behavior was a little odd. If I entered the password I *thought* it should be, it would blank out the userid and the password and tell me the password or userid was incorrect. If I entered a blatantly wrong password, tell me litzateke berdina, baina erabiltzaile ID eremua oso-osorik gorde.

Nik inguruan jotzen honekin pixka bat eta, azkenik, izeneko (bai, igande goizean). Izugarri, fellow bat, Ben, answered the phone right away. Eta, Ez daukat kreditu-txartel bat sartu.

Long Narrazio laburren, the administration center password uses different password rules than the services password. Admin password must contain alpha, numeric and special characters. When I changed my admin password the first time, Ez nuen arau hori jarraitu (ezta me ohartarazteko!). I was able to change it to a valid administration password and got back in.

Etorkizunean arazo mota bada, badakizu zer me lan egin zuen, eta espero du funtzionatuko.

</amaiera>Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Gizarte Informatika SharePoint Liburua 2007

Erdialdean uztailean, I was offered a chance to author two chapters for Brendon Schwartz’s eta Matt Ranlett’s up-coming book, Microsoft SharePoint batera Informatika Gizarte 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and Interaction in the Enterprise. (Izenburua duen luzera lehiaketa bat irabazteko ziren saiatzen ari dela uste dut; Irabazi zuten, uste dut). I jumped on the opportunity and now, azkenik, the entire book is done, arriving at stores in February.

As SharePoint matures, publishers have begun to produce a new wave of books. This book is part of that wave. This wave builds upon the previous round of technical reference manuals explaining core features and functions and begins to describe how to use those features and functions to deliver business value in a very non-superficial way. I’m not saying that is anything superficial about reference manuals or their value. Izan ere,, a book like this on Social Computing probably couldn’t have been written a year ago. (Literally, of course it could have been written, but I don’t think the larger community would have been ready for it). The new wave of books tends to assume the reader basically understands core features and instead describes how to use those core features in interesting new ways.

As the title plainly says, this is a book about Social Computing. Social Computing is a subject ripe for discussion and exploration and indeed, the discussion is well underway among early adopters. Many companies are now quite comfortable with document libraries, eduki mota, bilatu, basic workflow, etc. Having implemented and mastered these bread and butter features, they are ready for the next level. This book offers insights and strategies to do that and thereby, exploit new and interesting opportunities that Social Computing brings to the world.

Social Computing is a big and evolving subject and covers a lot off things, besteak beste, blogetan, orokorra, social tagging, bilatu, interactive media, mashups, "people," and other socially-oriented "stuff." SharePoint has a very strong story to tell in this arena and now, at this time in Internet & SharePoint history, is the time to tell it. All things being equal between companies, those that successfully leverage Social Computing will outpace and outgrow those that do not. The train is getting ready to leave the station and you don’t want to miss it! This book is your ticket for a seat on that train 🙂

Behean line, this is a blog entry pitching the book. It’s due out in February. Pre-order it here: Microsoft SharePoint batera Informatika Gizarte 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and Interaction in the Enterprise.

(Full disclosure — there’s no royalty money in it for me if you choose to buy the book, so this isn’t an effort to boost my savings account, though if it sells well, it will help out my ego, which always wants more, more, more!)

As an aside, but very important aside, I thank Bob Fox for connecting me with Brendon. And naturally, I thank Brendon and Matt for taking a chance on a newbie such as myself and letting me author chapters in their very important book!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Technorati Tags: erabiliz SharePoint pista “” Informazioa

Aurkitu dut baliabide gisa web ezaugarri eskuragarri eztabaidatzen SharePoint hurrengo bertsioan an, I’ll be adding them to my delicious bookmarks. It appears that Delicious allows people to subscribe to a particular tag, hala bada, zer aurkituko interesatuta zauden, denean aurkitu dut, harpidetu hemen:


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Zorionak, Natalya!

Jaso da, besterik gabe, I-hitza nire Posta elektronikoz, eta lankide den duten, Natalya Voskresenskaya was awarded MVP for SharePoint today. I’ve been working with Natalya for almost 18 months now and it’s a well-deserved recognition. Like all the MVPs I know, she ari da Biziki komunitate-the, eta, bere lana-rekin by motibaturik ISPA, beste gauza batzuen artean, da SharePoint komunitatean egiteko planeta indartsuena eta gehien edozein teknikoki bideratutako ahalegin lagungarria on batek laguntzen.

