SharePoint Denda Eztabaida Open Q&Saio bat osteguna 08/13 @ 12:30 PM EDT

Arcovis izango hosting izango da gure bigarren "SharePoint Denda Eztabaida" saioa Ostegun honetan 12:30 PM EDT. Show up with your SharePoint questions and we’ll do our best to entertain you with banjo jokes, smart but harmless put-downs of our fellow panelists and maybe even answer a question or two. This week’s “official” panel includes yours truly, nire Arcovis bazkide (Natalya Voskresenskaya eta Harry Jones) eta Laura Rodgers (du twitter & EndUserSharePoint ospea). Bob fox threatened to join too, but I don’t take that too seriously. Last time, ikusleen parte-hartze maila handia eta horrek lausotu panelists eta parte-hartzaileen arteko lerroa izan dugu, eta gauza bera gertatuko da, osteguna, espero dut.

Ekitaldi hau Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo elkarrekin babestutako (

Mesedez, erregistratu hemen:

Zalantza hori gustatzen hartu gurekin duzun bada, just dial into the call and ask it. If you want us to think about it first, bidal iezaguzu posta elektroniko bat edo utzi iruzkin bat hemen.

Ikusi duzu, ondoren!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Pre-lehendik dauden baldintzak: SharePoint Alert Rescue da Txantiloiak (?)

One of my clients worked with a previous contractor to build out a small but useful HR application for the enterprise. That contractor used SharePoint Designer to implement the workflow portion of the solution. It’s a bit of a mess. Esate baterako, there are nine SPD workflows in support of a single logical workflow process and up to five of them may fire simultaneously at any given time given the right conditions. Ez da erraza araztea 🙂

Oraindik nire bezero-nabarmena eskakizunak ditu, one of which is to generally provide more context when the system sends out email alerts – both in the email itself as well as associated task forms. As SPD workflow implementers know, the “collect data from user” SPD action actually creates a task with a custom content type. When we use that action, we don’t get to specify much. We can prompt for some values (e.g. "Onartu" edo "ukatu") and we can specify a hard coded value in the title and description. That’s about it.

Nire bezeroen baldintza bi aldiz biderkatu da:

  1. Noiz SharePoint zeregin esleipen bati buruzko e-mail bat bidaltzen, besteak beste, zeregin buruzko informazio asko posta elektronikoaren gorputza.
  2. Are garrantzitsuagoa, urrun arabera – erabiltzaileak zeregin link gainean klik email-en, the task form should have all the information the approver needs in order to make his/her approve or deny decision. Right now, the manager needs to click on the item link itself to drill down into the underlying details and no one likes that. You have to click in the email. Then you need to click a sort of obscure link on the task item. Then you can look at the underlying data (kasu honetan, formulario bat InfoPath). Then you click back/back, etc. Everyone hates it.

Heredatu dut hau zertxobait narratsa irtenbide teknikoa eta modu gutxienez intrusiboa balizko aldaketak egin nahi dut.

The approach I’m taking right now is to create a custom alert template. Hemen buruz irakurri dezakezu. The flow works like this:

  • SPD workflow exekutatzen.
  • Uneren, Zeregin bat esleitzen da kudeatzaile bat.
  • SharePoint system automatically sends out an alert to that manager. This is not part of the SPD workflow but rather “what SharePoint does.” (The SharePoint tenporizadorea zerbitzua, Uste dut).
  • Pertsonalizatua alerta maneiatzailea da alerta estandarra prozesuaren alde deitu (magia arau hauek aipatzen Goiko artikuluan azaltzen den bezala).
  • Nire alerta pertsonalizatuak maneiatzailea exekutatzen, it generates a beautiful email. Are garrantzitsuagoa, ditu eskuan zeregin geroztik, apaintzen ere benetako zereginaren testuinguru informazio negozio baldintza bete behar diren guztiekin.
  • Erabiltzailea email lortzen eta testuinguru informazio baliagarria betea da.
  • Erabiltzaile zeregin lotura eta zeregin bera klik Testuinguru informazio baliagarria beteta.
  • Pertsona orok doa etxera sandia eta izozkia dute.

I did a quick POC and it works well in a lab environment. I get my custom email alert as expected. I also get to update the task description and title itself.

Bakarra delikatua bit, orain arte, da egoera bat non alerta eguneratzeak elementua saihesteko, triggering another alert. This doesn’t worry me.

Itxura du, orain arte, zin ...

The great thing about this is that I don’t need to muck about with any of the existing SPD workflows. They are blissfully unaware that an alert handler is “IIZ RUNNIN IN DA BAKGROUND, DECORATIN teh zereginen zerrendaren WIF MOAR TESTUINGURUA".


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Live SharePoint Q&Saio bat osteguna 07/30/09 @ 12:30 PM EDT agortzen 1:30PM EDT

Eguneratu: The format for this is basically a conference call with a couple of PPT slides to set the stage. We have a SharePoint environment on stand by to fire up in case it helps out, but this is mainly people talking out loud. There will be opportunities for follow up by email.

Atzera joan nire lehen inoiz SharePoint hitzaldia, pasatxo bat ago, Dut nola zuzeneko emanaldirik Q bat lortu&A session can be. The conference organizers had put together a sort of ad hoc group of “experts” (I.E. pertsona inguru izan ziren zintzilik eta ez ziren silly eszenatokira igo begiratzeko beldur) to answer any questions that came from the audience in the room. It was in my head back then, aldian-aldian, eta orduz geroztik, to host a similar session but do it on line and the phone. I don’t think it can be as good as an in-person Q&Saio bat, baina izan pretty cool dela uste dut.

Azkenik, I got inguruan da eta hurrengo ostegunean, 07/30, Nire enpresa (Arcovis) eta enpresa bazkide, Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak taldea, izango hosting izango Q&A like that. I’m hoping to do these regularly, as often as weekly.

Inaugurazio Saio hau izango da apur bat bumpy, baina kontzeptua, hau da,:

  • Zalantzaren saioan dute erantzun nahi duzun bada, besterik agertzen eta galdetu.
  • Nahi baduzu, galdera email dezakezu, aldez aurretik.

Q lehenengo erdia pasatzeko asmoa dugu&Galderak bidaliko on bat eta, ondoren, ireki arte ezer Edozeinek ondoren galdetzen.

Saio gertatzen ostegunean, 07/30 hasita 12:30 eta amaitzen 1:30 PM EDT.

Oraindik Interesaturik bazaude, atsegin handiz erregistratu hemen:

The panel will include me and other SharePoint luminaries. You’ll have to sign up to find out who they are 🙂

Luminaries horietako bat izan nahi du, etorkizuneko Q nahi baduzu&Saio bat, let me know.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Txertatu Garatzaile Oharrak Zure InfoPath Inprimakiak Inside

Jarraitzen dut InfoPath Inprimakiak mundu batean bizi eta horiek "txiki" aldaketa bat egiteko inprimaki bat behar nuen, zoritxarrez, breaks a naming convention I adopted with it two weeks ago. , Pentsatu nuen, "Norbaitek gauza begiratu urtebete hemendik joan eta esan, 'Zer pentsatzen ari zen Paul? By Jove, bere izen konbentzio ez du zentzurik!"

Forma ikuspegi bat dut sor honetan konturatu nintzen, eta gero, berriro ere, realized that I could have been doing something like this all along. I added a “Developer Notes” view to the InfoPath form as such:


I’ve configured the form so that users can’t get to that view and therefore, it’s only visible with the InfoPath client in design view. Now I feel a little inoculated against some future unknown developer looking at my form and thinking bad thoughts about me. Phew!


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InfoPath Views kudeatzea

To InfoPath fase non pasatzen badirudi I, urdina kanpo, I’m crafting a bunch of forms. My fingers learn how to use the tool well and then I go through nine month drought and have to learn it all over again.

I’m in the middle of an InfoPath phase and I’m creating InfoPath forms with a lot of views. One thing you probably notice is that the InfoPath 2007 client shows views in alphabetical order. This is a real nuisance some times. My best technique these days is to prepend a number to the view name so that they always show in the order I want, as illustrated here:


I wish I had been doing this all along.


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InfoPath formularioa zerbitzuak, Oinarritutako autentifikazio Inprimakiak (FBA) Bakarra eta fitxategi izenak

Izan dut InfoPath batzuk osatzen lan aste honetan MOSS en FBA inguru batean, eta ikasi, denean, forma zabaldu ekoizpen ingurune FBA zona batekin joan naiz erabiltzaile izena duen() function function does not work. I was using it to generate unique file names.

Beno, that function doesn’t work in an FBA environment (gutxienez, not out of the box). Eta, upon reflection, using username in the way I had planned wouldn’t have guaranteed a unique file name in any event.

My solution was to use the now() function and a rule that fires on loading of the form. I assign the file name to data element when it’s blank:



The advantage of this approach is that the file name is set only once. (I don’t show it in the screen shot, but put a condition on the rule to only fire when “myFilename” is blank). I used to set the file name at the data source level. Typically, I would do something (bad) hau bezalako:


Duten arazoa da, erabiltzaileak gero A inprimakia irekiko da astelehenean, eta erabiltzaileak B aldatzen asteartean, azkenean, ikusiko duzu bi forma desberdinak dituzten bi erabiltzaile gorde noiztik desberdineko izenak dituzten.

Beraz,, FBA gisa gogaikarriak daiteke, oro har, eta InfoPath bezala izango da, bereziki,, me berriro uste txiki bat da, baina oso garrantzitsua da xehetasun tekniko eta hurbilketa dut ez zuela egin, bestela egin!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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SharePoint zerrenda / Dokumentu liburutegia Views bermatu Badirudi (Ordena) JQuery posible

Hau nire post bat da serie-on going nola erabili jQuery SharePoint batera.
Nahi duzun jQuery buruz gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, Gomendatzen dut oso: Ekintza jQuery Bear Bibeault eta Yehuda Katz arabera.

Gauzak lehen pentsatu nuen bat, behin inguruan play jQuery batekin hasi nintzen, was whether we could use it to secure a SharePoint view. The answer is “no” (edo, gutxienez,, Ez dut posible dela aldarrikatzeko). Hala eta guztiz ere, it is certainly possible to make it difficult for people to see a particular view.

I started with my sandbox environment when working on this. I wrote about that environment here: Azkarra eta erraza: Sortu zure SharePoint jQuery Norberak Sandbox.

Eta "seguru" ikuspegi bat, urrats hauek:

  1. Create a view you want to secure. I did that and called it “Secured View”.

    Hau da, zer egiten ari atsegin ez "segurtatu" badirudi:


  2. Gehitu edukia editorearen web parte ikuspegi orrian sandbox artikuluan deskribatzen trikimailu erabiliz (I.E. gehitzeko "orri = Partekatua&ToolPaneView = 2 "URL).
  3. Figure out your SharePoint _spUserId by following these crazy steps, sinetsi edo ez:
    1. Zure SharePoint ingurumena sartu.
    2. Web nabigatzailearen helbide-eremuan, mota: "Javascript:ohartaraztea(_spUserId ").
    3. Grabatu emaitza (da, "13" nire kasuan).


  4. Gehitu ondorengo JavaScript zure CEWP kodea ikuspegian:

        src ="../../jQuery Library/jquery-1.3.2.min.js">
    <script mota ="text/javascript">
      $(funtzioa() {
        izan zen theSecuredView = $('Iframe[FilterLink * = Berme% 20View]');
        bada ((theSecuredView.length > 0) && (_spUserId == 13))
          $('Iframe[FilterLink * = Berme% 20View]').gurasoa().gurasoa().gurasoa().html("<tr bgcolor = gorria><td>Zuretzat ikuspegi No!</td></tr>");

Nik sartutako alerta duten(_spUserId) ez lerro nola, hori ez da benetan "bermatu" ikuspegi bat erakusteko, but simply making it more difficult to see. More on that in a moment.

Funtsean,, jQuery is looking for an iFrame on the page who has an attribute that contains “Secured View” in its value. Once it finds it, we check to see if the current user is “13”. If it is, sortu dugu oinez DOM bati <TR> Etiketa (bertan figured I iturburua ikusteko, eta Bektorizatu arabera) eta, ondoren, TR etiketa duten ordezkatuz nire mezua. Ez dut jakin nola sendo hau (Oso susmagarria naiz, Izan ere,), but it worked in my sandbox. If I find a better way, Horri buruz egingo dut blog. Hauxe da emaitza:


Ados botoian klik egiten dut, eta datuak gorri handi mezu batekin ordezkatu:


Dezakezu, esan bezala,, the way I’ve implement this “security” solution is to allow the web part to render itself. After it finishes, Bere edukia gainidatziko da nire "duzun ikuspegia No!"Mezu.

Izan ere, hori ez da benetan "seguru" ikuspegi arren, potentzialki erabilgarria eta zenbait clever lana da, it may eventually be securable in a more formal sense. The fundamental issue is that the client is getting all the data and then, soilik ondoren, datuak lortzen, it wipes it out. If the client is getting the data, clever erabiltzaile bat jQuery saihesteko dezakezu guztiak at exekutatzen ikusi eta zer egin zuen / zituen nahi ikusi.

There are other drawbacks. This “security” approach is based off a _spUserId. We’d want to really secure based on the full SharePoint security model, or at least by user name. That becomes progressively harder, baina, gai honen inguruan idatzitako ona gauza batzuk ikusten ditut, beraz, itxaropentsu dago arazo hori erantzun ona izan dut.

The aldiz zerrenda bera moztutako behar dira, posible bada. I haven’t tried to figure that out. I assume it’s possible, baina ez du benetan konpontzeko oinarrizko segurtasun zulo norbait oraindik ere ezin izan delako, besterik gabe idatzi ikuspegian URL dute nahi (bazekien badute). Hala eta guztiz ere, trimming makes sense. It’s a good usability feature and it helps to obfuscate things. If an end user doesn’t know that the view event exists, they probably won’t try to use it. Batzuetan,, Hori nahikoa.

Zorte batera, Gehiago izan dut gai honen inguruan idatzi denboran zehar.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Azkarra eta erraza: A Better Way jQuery Erabili Testu Eremuaren bat ezkutatzeko SharePoint formularioa batean

Hau nire post bat da serie-on going nola erabili jQuery SharePoint batera.
Nahi duzun jQuery buruz gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, Gomendatzen dut oso: Ekintza jQuery Bear Bibeault eta Yehuda Katz arabera.

Aurretik, I wrote about how to use jQuery to locate and hide a text field on a form. I didn’t care for the specific approach (Kateatzea gurasoak izan nintzen - Hori besterik ez da egin ez egun hauetan, gutxienez, kalitate familietan).

Hasi nintzenean, pentsatu, Bat aurkitu behar nuen banekien <TR> eta bertan ezkutatzeko deitu izan dut() metodoa. My early effort to find the correct <TR> izan zen, honen antzeko zerbait:

$('Tr:ditu(sarrera[title = Ezkutatu Me!])');

Duten arazoa da oro aurkituko litzateke <TR> Etiketa zuela inolako guraso harremana ezkutatu Me! Eremu, bada ere ezkutatu Me! habiaratuta dago, maila sakona <TR>’s. It turns out that on my sandbox form, Adierazpen hori aurkitzen du 9 desberdinak TR en nork Me ezkutatu dute! as a child somewhere in its DOM tree. I realized that I could walk back up the tree from the input field itself, beraz, nola bukatu nuen abusing gurasoak, baina ez zen ondo eseri nirekin.

Pentsamendu batzuk eman diot hori, eta gauza bat, azkenean, ez zuen zentzurik irakurtzen dut: Erabili ez nuen() Metodo izarrekin mozteko <TR>’s I don’t want in my wrapped set. Ekarri dit hau:

$('Tr:ditu(sarrera[title = Ezkutatu Me!])').ez('Tr:ditu(tr)').ezkutatu();

Lehenengo bit aurkitzen guztiak <TR> etiketa duten Ezkutatu Me! field anywhere in their own hierarchy. It then strips out any <TR> izan ere, ume bat <TR>. This leaves us with a single <TR> duten:

1) Ez du <TR> umea erregistro

2) Does have the input field as child.

Ondoren, ezin dugu aplikatzen ezkutatzeko() to ondorioz multzoa dugu, eta Bukatutakoan metodoa.

Jarraitzen dut pixka bat urduri honi buruz, baina ez kateatzea guraso gisa nerbio.

I don’t know if this is a best practice or not. There may be a more appropriate way of identifying just the <TR> that we care about in a SharePoint form. If you know, mesedez, post a comment.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Azkarra eta erraza: Erabili jQuery Testu Eremuaren bat ezkutatzeko SharePoint formularioa batean

Hau nire post bat da serie-on going nola erabili jQuery SharePoint batera.
Nahi duzun jQuery buruz gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, Gomendatzen dut oso: Ekintza jQuery Bear Bibeault eta Yehuda Katz arabera.

UPDATE (dagoeneko!): Modu bat hobeto kokatu nahi nuen uste <TR> tag I want to hide and wrote about it here. You may still find this article interesting anyway so I’m leavnig it up.

I want to hide a text field, “Hide Me!” as shown:


The following jQuery does the trick for me:

<script mota ="text/javascript">

  $(funtzioa() {

    $('Sarrera[title = Ezkutatu Me!]').gurasoa().gurasoa().gurasoa().ezkutatu();



The code is saying, “find me all input fields whose title = Hide Me!. Gero, get its parent and then next parent and the *next* parent (phew!) and invoke the hide() method on that thing, whatever it happens to be.

I figured out that parent structure by viewing the HTML for the form that SharePoint created as shown:

    <TD nowrap="true" valign="top" zabalera="190px" klasean="ms-formlabel">
        <H3 klasean="ms-standardheader">
            <nobr>Hide Me!</nobr>

    <TD valign="top" klasean="ms-formbody" zabalera="400px">
        <!-- FieldName="Hide Me!"
        <span dir="none">
                izenburua="Hide Me!"
                klasean="ms-long" />


Argazki hau bera erakusten, baina markatutako gurasoekin batera:


Lehen gurasoak (1) is a span tag. Span’s parent (2) TD etiketa bat da, eta, ondoren, azkenean, iritsi da benetako guraso ezkutatu nahi dut dugu (3) horrek TR Etiketa berez ez da.

This is a pretty terrible approach I think because it’s extremely dependent on the very specific structure of this form. When SharePoint 2010 ateratzen, this whole structure could change and break this approach. What I really want to do is craft a jQuery selector that is along the lines of “find me all the TR’s (and only TR tags) that have somewhere in their child elements an input field whose title = Hide Me!". I starting from the bottom and moving up. Assuming I figure this out, I’ll post an updated “quick and easy’ post.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Azkarra eta erraza: Sortu zure SharePoint jQuery Norberak Sandbox

Hau nire post bat da serie-on going nola erabili jQuery SharePoint batera.
Nahi duzun jQuery buruz gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, Gomendatzen dut oso: Ekintza jQuery Bear Bibeault eta Yehuda Katz arabera.

SharePoint en jQuery hasi Getting harrigarriro erraza (me). (Izan dut "jardunbide egokiak" gauza horiek zabaltzeko, ekoizpen hurbilketa buruzko galdera larriak, baina hori beste egun baterako da). I’ve just started playing with this technology and to that end, I created a sandbox environment to use. If you’re looking to get started with jQuery, aurkituko planteamendu hau erabilgarria izango duzu.

1. Sortu Blank Site bat

Sortu hutsik gune nonbait zure gune eta deitu zerbait "Sandbox jQuery" clever.

2. Deskarga jQuery

The jQuery javascript liburutegia deskargatu ahal izango duzu hemendik:

Gorde zure mahaigainera.

Izan dut "minified" bertsioa erabiltzen.

3. Sortu SharePoint Dokumentu liburutegia

Zure sandbox gunean, create a document library.

4. Igo jQuery Liburutegia to SharePoint

Access the doc library you just created and upload the jQuery library.

5. Create a Custom SharePoint List

I’ve started with a custom list because I want to muck about with standard SharePoint forms. You could also create a page in a pages library or web part pages and probably a lot of other places.

Add some columns to the custom list so that you have something to run jQuery against. My initial objectives were to:

  1. Hide a field.
  2. Assign a value to a field.

With that objective in mind, I added two text fields. Denborarekin, I’ll be playing with links, images, lookups, etc.

6. Modify the NewForm.aspx Web Part Page and Add a Content Editor Web Part

This is a little black magic-ish , in that it’s a new concept to me. I first learned about this from Paul Grenier, SharePoint jQuery Superstar, at his CodePlex project site:

Follow these steps to add a CEWP to the same page that shows NewForm.aspx for any custom list:

  1. Access the custom list and click New.
  2. Append the following to the URL: PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2

Hau zure aspergarria bainila datuak emateko eraldatuko honen antzeko zerbait tik:




Gehitu edukia editore parte web orrian.

7. Idatzi zure lehen jQuery Código

Ireki CEWP kodea duten ikuspegia, eta honako hauek gehitu:


Hemen benetako kodea da nahi duzun / kopiatu itsatsi bada:

    src ="../../jQuery Library/jquery-1.3.2.min.js">

<script mota ="text/javascript">
  $(funtzioa() {

    $('# ResultsID').html('Daude' + $('A').tamaina() + 'Orrialde honen tags tags bat izan da.');


<div id ='ResultsID'></div>

Kontuan izan lehenengo <script> tag is referencing the actual jQuery library. Presumably, gauza horiek denboran zehar aldatu, beraz nahi duzula bat egin beharko duzu) erabiltzeko eskubidea izena eta b) seinalatuko da zuzena SharePoint Dokumentu liburutegia.

Glory en Euskal

Egin baduzu behar bezala, Ondorioz, honako antzekoa ikusiko duzu:


Up biltzeko

Hau ez da modu bakarra Hasteko, baina azkar da, easy and isolated from your existing SharePoint environment.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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