MSDN erabiltzea (eta beste) SharePoint euskarria Foroak

MSDN foroak buruz luze idatzi nuen, protokoloak, izendatzen konbentzio, bilatu, etc. I may do that, Izan ere,. I wanted to point out a small thing which may help people have a better overall experience.

Azkenaldian dut jendeak kontatzeko arazo mota batzuk sartu exekutatu zure SharePoint ingurumena, garapen-proiektu edo beste SharePoint erlazionatutako jarduera, post a question to the forums earlier in your action chain rather than later. I know for myself that when I have a problem, a number of potential solutions present themselves right away. I order these potential solutions in terms of likelihood, applicability and how easy they are to investigate. I go through that list and by the time I’ve gotten to #10, Erregistro aldaketa egiten dut, giltza "/ foo / bar / almostThere / isThisIt / noThisIsNotIt / iCantBelieveIAmDoingThis / finallyThere!"Blog baten aholkuari orrian aurkitu 8 of a Google search. When that doesn’t work, MSDN galdera bat bidaltzeko, azkenik, I (e.g. hemen:

I suggest that you reverse that approach. Post the forums much earlier in your investigation because:

  • Doan da, hala ere.
  • SLA bermatuta ez (jakitun naiz, gutxienez).
  • Hori dela eta, denbora luze bat hartu ahal izango dut jendeak erantzun.
  • Pertsonak askotan, azkenean, erantzun ez.
  • Arte itxaron bada 2 edo 3 arazo ondoren lehenengo egunetan surfaced, erantzun bat Frenet Oraindik duzu, eta foroak ez dira larrialdietarako laguntza leku ona (Oraindik duzu, zortea ezean).

Beraz,, funtsean, erraza eta doakoa da eta erantzun mota batzuk lortzeko jaurtiketa ona duzu, baina pixka bat hartuko du erantzun hori lortzeko (berriro, Oraindik duzu, zortea ezean).

I used to think that I should hold off on looking for community help because I don’t want to waste someone’s time asking for help when I could find it out myself. Some forum moderators and active participants may feel that way, baina ez dut (gutxienez, Nik ez dut neure burua horrela sentitzen gehiago). I don’t see any downside. The worst case is that you post a question and then answer it yourself some time later, possibly “wasting” some one’s time. I don’t see a big risk in that and there’s value in the researching of questions like that in any event.


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Microsoft Online Services Pasahitzak eta Administrazio buruz Small Oharra

Microsoft Small Business Productivity Online Suite hasi nintzen lanean duela hilabete batzuk, but now I have some better reason to be using it.

Jarraitzen dut nire inguruan lan, beraz lortzean behar dut terminologia oker batzuk, baina, funtsean, ez dira bi nagusien interfazeak: administrazio-zentro eta zerbitzuak beraiek.

Sistema izan zen niretzat kontatzea izan dut nire pasahitza aldatzeko, so I went ahead and did that. That allowed me to proceed and work with the services part (SharePoint, e-posta, eta zuzeneko bilera). Hala eta guztiz ere, administrazio pantailan joan I, ez zuen utzi me me kontatzen zuen ez dela uste dut nire pasahitza zuzena zen.

The behavior was a little odd. If I entered the password I *thought* it should be, it would blank out the userid and the password and tell me the password or userid was incorrect. If I entered a blatantly wrong password, tell me litzateke berdina, baina erabiltzaile ID eremua oso-osorik gorde.

Nik inguruan jotzen honekin pixka bat eta, azkenik, izeneko (bai, igande goizean). Izugarri, fellow bat, Ben, answered the phone right away. Eta, Ez daukat kreditu-txartel bat sartu.

Long Narrazio laburren, the administration center password uses different password rules than the services password. Admin password must contain alpha, numeric and special characters. When I changed my admin password the first time, Ez nuen arau hori jarraitu (ezta me ohartarazteko!). I was able to change it to a valid administration password and got back in.

Etorkizunean arazo mota bada, badakizu zer me lan egin zuen, eta espero du funtzionatuko.

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Enpresa sistema eragilea SharePoint

Orduz geroztik aurrekontu bat entzun nuen, informatzen Q batean zehar&Steve Ballmer saio martxoan 2007, I’ve sort of been holding my breath for something to happen. The quote was basically this: “SharePoint is an operating system for business applications.” Knowing a fair bit about SharePoint and a middling bit about operating systems, I thought it was really apt. I’m holding my breath, waiting for companies to really buy into that concept and start to build applications within the SharePoint “operating system.”

Pentsamendu asko gai honen eskainitako Nik aurten (nire 2009 iragarpenak) eta hau hitz egitea noa May 2 SharePoint Larunbata Washington gertaera.

Hau da nire aurkezpena abstract, izeneko "SharePoint Plataforma erabiliz bertikala mailako aplikazioak eraikitzeko.":

"Horizontala?"" Bertikala?"Zer SharePoint testuinguru batean hitz horiek esan nahi? SharePoint, askotan entzun dugu gisa, "plataforma" eraikin aplikazio. Izan ere, hau da, sarritan gurekin deiturikoak plataforma horizontal ezaugarriak galdu zenetik, hala nola, dokumentu kudeaketa eta bilaketa, are so easy and useful in and of themselves. Hala eta guztiz ere, SharePoint da, are gehiago, indartsua eta balio handiagoa emango erabiltzen denean bertikala egokitutako zure negozio 'eguna asetzeko eguneko eskakizunak aplikazioak sortzeko. Saio honek deskribatzen du nola plataforma ezaugarri muntatzeko irtenbide bat verticalized bat mundu errealean enpresa adibide erabiliz - salmentak aurrekontua kudeaketa prozesuak eta bezeroen atebidea. Hiztunaren helburua da, begiak irekitzen SharePoint plataforma aukerak eta leverage bere plataforma horizontal ezaugarri enpresa espezializatu zure erakundeko bertikala soluzioak sortzeko.

Gaia ez bada flotatzen zure ontzia, there are a bunch of other good topics. And DC is a great venue in and of itself to visit.

Izen-ematea irekiko da ostegun honetan, 04/16. Keep on top of the site and grab a seat before it’s too late 🙂


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Kanadako aktak

Oraingoan, azken astean, Montreal dut, oso gomendagarria parte-hartzaileen SharePoint Summit 2009. I gave a 3.5 hour tutorial on installing and customizing SharePoint. It was a scary subject on many levels. I’m not really a SharePoint admin, baina nahikoa ezagutzen dut gaiari buruzko tutorial bat emateko. (Zorionez, Geoff Schaller from Software Helburuak Australian, besteak beste batzuk, Epaileak sakonago galdera batzuei erantzun [Ez dakit zer jarri dute han ura, baina batzuk behar dugu hemen Estatu Batuetan]).

Baina, back to many levels of scariness… It had a lot of potential to be very boring. I actually installed WSS and then upgraded it to MOSS. In front of a room full of people. Canadian poeple. There were long 5 eta 7 minute gaps where we were watching the installation process chug along. I needed to fill that time with something useful and interesting. I’m not sure I succeeded.

Azkenik, it was loooong. Three and one half hours. That’s a long presentation. I made a little joke of it, saying “We have a long presentation ahead of us. Three and one half hours. That’s 210 minutu. And I don’t even know how many minutes that is in Canadian.”

Pertsona orok barre egin du eta horren ondorioz, Montreal is officially on my Good Places list 🙂

Nahiz eta ez zuten nire txantxa barre, I would love Montreal. I try very hard to be open minded and not take my cues from South Park, baina onartzen, nire chagrin, that I had no idea how great is the metropolis of Montreal. I can’t wait to go back in a few months, apur bat beroago da, berriro bisitatzeko.

Erlazionatutako ohar moduko bat On, Eseri ere I bidez Erik Swenson "IA eta Branding Prozesua izeneko lehen aurkezpen publikoa: Hi-Fidelity Designs Wireframeak Sketches ". (Erik nire EMC lankide da). Check out the abstract here: Nahiz eta grabatu dut zion. I tried several times for some “action shots” and zoomed in on him when he paused to drink some water. I didn’t always succeed, but I tried 🙂


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Fun Day SharePoint SSO Fact

I’ve been working with SharePoint SSO and learning as I go. One way in which this works is that you tell SharePoint about external applications. Users log into that application via some SharePoint function (e.g. iView web zati). The first time the user performs this action, it prompts them for the correct user id and password to use for that system. It’s setting up a mapping between your SharePoint credentials and your credentials for that backend system. Thereafter, Erabiltzaileak ez dute beren ID sartu denean sortu hit dute sistema hori.

That part worked well for me. Hala eta guztiz ere, galdera begs, "Nola ez, erabiltzaile id edo pasahitza aldatu?” The user might have made a mistake, ari zaren edo agian azterketa batzuk egiten ari dev ingurumena eta behar kontuen artean azkar aldatzeko.

Ez dakit erantzun hori, Administración Central sartu ahal izango dituzu baina jakin dut eta erabiltzailearen kredentzialak kudeatzeko:

Administrazio Zentralak> Eragiketak -> Kudeatu Single Sign-On -> Kudeatu kontua Enterprise eskaera definizioa informazioa

Hortik aurrera, kanpo-aplikazio zehatz dezakezu (e.g. SAP) and the account you want to delete. You can also change the mapping.

Badakizu nola azken erabiltzaileei euren kredentzialak zuzenean aldatu ahal izateko, kindly post a comment 🙂


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IView Web Parts With Adventures

I needed to do some minimal proving today that iView web parts can work in my client’s environment. I’ve never worked with this slice of SharePoint before.

Microsoft-ek zuri oso kalitate handiko paper gai honen inguruan sortu.

Oztopo gainditu behar izan nuen lehenengo izan zen non iView web parte? For some reason, izan zen nire lehen pentsamenduaren deskargatzeko gune bat nonbait daukat litzaidake, perhaps SAP’s site. Nuen 1/2 convinced myself that iView web parts might even cost extra. Jakina, MOSS barne dira (Enterprise uste dut; hori da hemen erabiltzen dut Edonola). I’ve seen the standard “add a web part” dialog box hundreds or more times and always glossed over it. No more!

The next obstacle is that I can’t read instructions.

Web zati zen I erabiliz eta mantendu gogaikarriak mezu hau eskuratzerakoan:

No SAP servers are configured for this site. Contact your administrator to configure trusted SAP servers.

Paper zuri argi eta garbi dio file dago konfigurazio-fitxategi bat editatzeko "<Drive gutuna:>\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Config\TrustedSAPHosts.config”. The first dozen times I looked at that, guztiak ikusi nuen izan zen "Archivos de programa ... konfigurazioa" eta berehala joan nintzen du 12 hive. Once I finally slowed down to read it, I realized my mistake and it was easy to fix.

I continued on my merry way with SSO configuration. It’s not all at clear to me if that worked, baina, egun, beste istorio bat da.

Behean line:

1. iView web zatiak sartzen dira out SharePoint batera kutxa (ziurrenik Enterprise).

2. Magia konfigurazio fitxategia, "TrustedSAPHosts.config", ez da bizi 12 hive.


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Erabiltzaile hizkuntza Preference Agintaritzak Moss Erabiltzaile gisa Profile

Uneko nire proiektua, erabiltzaile batzuk izango da mundu osoan zehar bidaiatzeko eta, helmuga hainbat iristean dute, use whatever machine is handy at the time. Those guest machines will be running Windows and installed and configured for the local locale. (I’ve just realized that the guest machines may not have the right language packs… probably won’t, Izan ere,… Bat naiz Parking oraingoz).

SharePoint needs to provide a mechanism whereby the user can pick their preferred language and then have MOSS honor that language regardless of how the user accesses MOSS. In other words, disregard whatever the browser tells IIS/MOSS and instead look up that preferred language and use it.

Bi ikuspegi ikertu goaz:

  1. HTTP Handler: A pertsonalizatu HTTP handler IIS instalatuta itxura izango duen erabiltzailearen profila MOSS, irudikatu gogoko hizkuntza, eta, ondoren, inguruan behar HTTP goiburua aldatzeko kontrol pasatuz MOSS aurretik.
  2. global.asax: Modify global.asax to do the same thing. We may modify something else, but the idea is that we find some place where we can insert our locale-switching logic.

Zailtzen beste faktore 60k erabiltzaile laguntza behar dugu., buruz 1,000 aldi berean ahal izango dira karga gailurra MOSS sartzeko.

HTTP kudeatzailea badirudi nahiko zorrotzak, but possibly the best place to put the code since it’s at the IIS level and all-knowing. It’s a good single point of work.

Mota ikuspegi norabidean global.asax leaning ari gara, batez ere, datuak cachean gordetzeko aukera gehiago izan dugu puntu horretan sinesten dugu.

Blogging gehiago dut gai honen inguruan gehiago ikasi dut gisa.

Honi buruz ezer ezagutzen baduzu dute, please post a comment 🙂


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Harrapaketak “mailto:” Metrics

I’m on a project where we need to collect metrics around a function named "Share a Story." The idea is very simple — zaren, intranet buruzko artikulu interesgarri bat bada eta bila nahi norbaitekin partekatzen, klik lotura bat etiketadun "Partekatu istorio hau" postari da zure lagunen.

Inguruan jokatu dugu, horretarako Ohiko inprimaki bat, baina azkenean, sen irabazi-eguna, eta erabili besterik ez dugu ezagutzen da <a href = mailto:…> technique. (<href mailto:…> HTML apur harrigarriro bit sendoa da; bonus gisa,, lotura duten ekartzen me back nire zaharrak UNIX man orriak egun; egun horiek izan ziren!).

Teknika hori oso interfaze bat eskaintzen du erabiltzaileek lortu dute ezagutzen MS Outlook bezeroa erabiltzea da noiztik (edo edozein posta-bezeroa instalaturik izan dute).

Gauzak gurekin gogorragoa pobrea developer mota egiten ditu eta bezeroa geroztik * * nahi du, gainera, etorkizuna erakusten du nola maiz, istorioak partekatzeko eta, nahiz eta horrek istorioak konpartitzen gehienetan txosten bat exekutatu.

We whiteboarded a few potential solutions. My favorite is to carbon copy (CC) a SharePoint list. That way, the end user still gets the outlook client while we get to capture the event because we’ll get a copy of the email ourselves. There are some obvious drawbacks. The main problem is that the user could simply blank out or otherwise mangle the CC address. Eta, we need to manage that event library of emails. We have a scheduled job on the white board responsible for that cleanup.

Zuk arazo hau konpontzeko hurbilketa clever batzuk, mesedez egin esango.


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Great Tutoretza eta Walk-bidez InfoPath eta Workflow erabiliz Programazio arazo bat konpontzeko

Egun hauetan, Etengabe ari naiz catch-up jolasten nire blog irakurketa eta post honetan zehar besterik ez dut izan zen,:

Gisa sendo eta zehatza SharePoint Designer workflow tutoretza da (plus gehiago!) that you’ll see anywhere on the interwebs. I’d check it out, even if you’re a scarred SPD veteran.

Bai eta InfoPath eu SharePoint handia tutoretza da.


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NYC SharePoint Garatzaileak Taldeak – Deep Tech Eztabaida

Aste batzuk ago, I presented at the New York City SharePoint Developers Group meeting at the Microsoft office in Manhattan. They meet every last Tuesday of the month.

I’ve been spending most of my time lately in my beloved New Jersey so I don’t get to go into the city as much as I like. Baten ondorioz, I think I made it to the first or second of this group’s meetings and then again at January’s meeting. I missed all of the meetings in between (lau edo bost horietako ziurrenik). It’s a new group.

I zen benetan foku benetan teknikoa eta kalitate handiko eztabaidaren arabera, deigarria, aurretik, during and after my presentation. We talked about a wide range of subjects relating to SharePoint and other Microsoft technology.

Zaren leku bat lagunarteko benetako techy lortzeko bila bazabiltza, Gomendatzen dut oso talde honetan.


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