SharePoint Praktika onak Conference, “Praktika onak,” eta Aretoan elefantea

I was lucky to attend and present at last week’s SharePoint Best Practices conference. I’m still new to the whole speaking "thing" eta, sinceramente, I was a bit nervous for the first half while I sweated out waiting to speak myself. That sort of nervous feeling made it a little hard for me to pay attention to the presenters (not that I ignored them). Horren ordez, I focused a bit more on the attendees.

Conferences always set my mind racing and there was a lot take in at this one. This conference was excellent. I think it was unusual in several ways. It wasn’t a heavy developer conference. There were certainly dev parts to it, but I think it was at least 60% focused on non-dev issues, maybe as high as 80%. I think that speaks to the evolving nature of the SharePoint market. Companies are implementing SharePoint in a variety of ways and they are looking for guidance on how to do it right. And not just guidance on how to create features/solutions (which by now, has been very well established).

I believe the conference was tremendously valuable to most everyone that attended and I know that the organizers plan to do the conference again early next year.

Having said that, I believe there was a missed opportunity which I hope the next conference addresses. I say it’s a missed opportunity, but that’s not a bad thing. Discovering a community need is in and of itself a good thing. The conference discussed a number of best practices in a variety of areas such as governance, prestakuntza, eskakizunak topaketa, bilatu, garapen, informazioaren arkitektura, etc. I think that the missed opportunity has to do with the "green field" hipotesi azpiko onena praktika asko.

Hitz eremuan berdea buruz, we mean that SharePoint hasn’t gone into production and we’re starting with a clean slate. This is ideal because you can start straight away using best practices for defining and managing governance, informazioaren arkitektura, etc. Hala eta guztiz ere … zer gertatzen ari zaren dagoeneko ekoizpen hainbat mila erabiltzaileekin (or 10’s of thousands) and you didn’t follow best practices at the beginning? I’ve seen companies with … ahem … a very odd information architecture baked into their environment. I don’t think that this conference provided much guidance for organizations with that kind of problem (and I don’t just mean IA, but governance, bilatu, many other areas). Jakina, knowing you have a problem is a big part of the solution and that’s very valuable.

I think that the online SharePoint community hasn’t done much to address this either. I know I have not. It’s a very hard problem to solve at many levels. Technically it’s hard. Budget-wise it’s hard. Culturally, it’s hard. Hala eta guztiz ere, it’s probably a bigger real world problem than most. Since the conference ended, I’ve been thinking about these kinds of problems and how one would solve them. There has to be a better answer than, "uninstall and reinstall" and the community needs to face it head on.

I think that this a great opportunity for the blogging community and experienced thought leaders to lay out some guidance on how to repair their environments. I think there’s a small but non-zero risk that SharePoint could end up with a bad and enduring reputation as a result of poorly architected implementations that fail due to poor governance, IA, etc.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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New Block buruzko Blogger

Nire lankide EMC, Erik Swenson, izan da konbentzitu behar en ordez salto, stand up and be counted 🙂

Buruzko blogetan zuen buruz SharePoint branding gai zabal bat Some of his recent posts include interesting stuff about Photoshop, Microsoft Office enpresa txiki Live, SharePoint Governance, creating custom WCM styles and so forth. He does not confine himself to branding. It’s quite an interesting mix which is a little bit different from a lot of the SharePoint blogs with which I’m familiar.

Bere RSS iturria da:

Check it out and give him a little encouragement. We all need that from time to time, batez ere, benetan gure blogean idazten mundu honetan murgildu.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Praktika onak Conference: “Talde Great Baldintzak” PowerPoint aurkezpena

Kargatu dut PowerPoint nire saio bat, "Get Great Business Requirements," eskubidea hemen ( 20Galvin% 20Great% 20Requirements.pptx).

Alde batera puntu nabarmena serie bat, indar egin, the deck includes extensive notes which supplement and enhance the afore-mentioned brilliant talking points.

Dituzun horiek galdutako Best Practices Topaketak, I was lucky enough to present and discuss a process that works very well when trying to discover accurate end user business requirements for SharePoint projects. The PowerPoint plus notes describe this in pretty good detail. It supplements one of my earliest blog postings here:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!146.entry


Nire blog Harpidetu.

SharePoint Online panelak Mintegia

Nire lagun online, Mark Miller over and Amaiera Erabiltzaile SharePoint ( libre bat ordu zuzendutako mintegia abian da, beti zuen ez bezala, at the SharePoint End User community. It takes place at 1pm EDT. Details are here:

I have sat in on one of his online seminar last month and it was done quite well and if you’re interested in some very practical info on dashboards in SharePoint, I’m sure it’s worth the 1 hour investment.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

SharePoint erabiltzaile talde Webcast Tonight

Tonight, 08/20/08, Connecticut SharePoint du erabiltzaile talde bilera bat Webcast emanaldia fisiko bilera lieu hilabete honetan.

Tonight en gaia: "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Extraneta hedapena metodologiak"

Microsoft’s own Chris Lavista will lead the discussion. I’ve worked with Chris before and he really knows his stuff. If you have any interest in this subject, check it out. Here are the details:

SharePoint erabiltzaile talde Webcast:

Topic: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Extraneta hedapena metodologiak
Chris Microsoft LAVISTA

Data: Abuztuaren 20garren Denbora ongi etorria: 6:15 PM Denbora: 6:30 PM -8:00PM

SharePoint inplementazio bat baino gehiago erabiltzeko aukera ematen dizu. Eztabaida nola SharePoint plataforman extranet seguru bat zabaldu ahal izan zentratuko da. Eztabaidatzeko praktika onenak eta eszenatoki abangoardian teknologien integrazioa inplikatuz, ISA Server 2006 eta IAG 2007. Aukeran, onartzen saio hitz erabilera kasuak.
Chris buruz:
Chris Lavista is a Technical Architect at recently opened Microsoft Technology Center in New York. His focus is on SharePoint, Lankidetza, bateratua eta Komunikazioak. Zerbitzuak finantza-industrian lan egin du (Chase, Citigroup) aurretik, Microsoft atxikitzeko 8 urte. He started at Microsoft in 2000 beren zerbitzuak aholkularitza praktikaren zati gisa MTC taldeak batu hasieran aurretik 2006.

Izen-ematea & Info gehiago:


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Zure Search Batzordea bildu ditu Hileko hau?

Hilabete hasieran da, eta gaur egun on bat zure enpresaren bilaketa batzorde edozein denbora batera iritsi eta Best Apustuak aztertuko da, arrakasta eta ez hain arrakastatsua bilaketak, etc.

Ez duzu bilaketa-batzorde bat? Then form one 🙂

WSS and especially MOSS search benefit from some human oversight. Investing a few hours a month on a consistent monthly basis is not only gehiago tximinoak upelaren baino fun, it can:

  • Give insight into the information needs of the enterprise. If people are searching left and right for topic "xyzzy," you know that’s an important topic to the enterprise.
  • Identify potential training requirements. If people are searching for topic "xyzzy" but should really be searching for "abcd" ondoren, erabili, non eta nola informazio aurkitu Folks hezteko dezakezu.
  • Help your organization refine its information architecture.
  • Identifikatzeko aukera thesaurus hobetzeko.
  • Beste aukera izango da, zalantzarik gabe bere burua aurkeztea.

Nork behar bilaketa batzordean izan? You would know your people best, baina kontuan hartu:

  • Bat, gutxienez, (eta, agian, bakarra) Ulertzen pertsona IT (edo ikas dezakegu) , hainbat modutan bilaketa pentsatzen, onena apustuak barne, thesaurus, kudeatzen propietate, etc.
  • Hainbat gai adituek bilaketa-txostenak irakur daiteke, jan du, eta enpresa-savvy informatikako ekintzak komunikatu eta horrela botoiak bultza dezake,, palanka tira eta ireki / itxi balbula beharrezkotzat jo batzordearen gomendio on.
  • Bat edo informazio gehiago arkitekto hark baliokidetu, modu batean edo bestean, informazioaren arkitektura dagoen ala ez bilatu errespetatzen eta zer ote den ondo lan egiteko enpresa.
  • A rotating seat on the committee. Bring in one or two people who don’t normally participate in these kinds of efforts. They may bring unusual and valuable insights to the table.

Zoriontsu analisiak!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Azkarra eta erraza: Talde SPItemList de SPFolder

Arazo hau sartu jarraitzen dut martxan eta Google inoiz badirudi ulertzen zer egin nahi dut, beraz, behera hau idazten nuke figured dut.

Izan dut gertaera hartzailea arazketa asko egiten ari da azken aste edo bi. The ER is defined against a document library. The individual items in the document library are tightly related to their parent folders. Beraz,, I am always getting the folder of the item for various manipulations. While debugging, Karpeta bat metadatuak eguneratu elementu zehatz bat eta haren identifikazio dut jakin behar nuen.

Hemen pixka bat kontsola aplikazio bat da (diseinatutako zerbitzari exekutatzen etxalde batean) hartzen duten bi argumentu: elementu bati identifikazio eta balio bat behar eremu bat esleitu, "Approval Status". It hard codes a lot of stuff and has no error checking.

Kodearen begiratuko gogor kodetuak gune, gets a hard coded document library and then finds the indicated item. It then finds the parent folder of that item and assigns the status value.

The key lesson here for me is that SPItem doesn’t get you access to the folder. You need to use SPListItem.File.

Edozeinek zaintzen kritika bat eskaintzeko, edo hobeto elementu bat karpeta lortzeko iradokitzen bada, Mesedez, utzi iruzkin bat.

erabiliz Sistema;
erabiliz System.Collections.Generic;
erabiliz System.Text;
erabiliz Microsoft.SharePoint;
erabiliz System.Collections;

namespace Conchango
    /// <laburpena>
 /// </laburpena>
 klasean ManualFolderUpdate
        estatiko gal Nagusia(katea[] argumentuak)
            katea msh = "ManualFolderUpdate (v1.0): "; // msh = "Message Header"

 Kontsolara.WriteLine(msh + "Starting up.  Nintzen azken aldaketa: 08/04/08.");

            katea url = http://localhost/xyzzy;

            erabiliz (SPSite oSPSite = berria SPSite(url))

                erabiliz (SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPSite.OpenWeb())
                    SPList docLib = oSPWeb.Lists["Documents"];

                    Kontsolara.WriteLine(msh + "Got the document library.");

                    Kontsolara.WriteLine(msh + "Doc lib item count: [" + docLib.ItemCount + "].");

                    int FolderID = 0;
                    katea NewStatus = "xyzzy";

                    FolderID = Sistema.Bihurtu.ToInt32(argumentuak[0].ToString());
                    Kontsolara.WriteLine("Seeking folder for item: [" + FolderID + "].");

                    SPListItem li = docLib.GetItemById(FolderID);

                    SPFolder thisItemFolder = li.File.ParentFolder;

                    Kontsolara.WriteLine(msh + "Got the parent folder.");

                    NewStatus = argumentuak[1].ToString();
                    Kontsolara.WriteLine("Setting status to [" + NewStatus + "].");

                    Kontsolara.WriteLine("Press return to commit the update or CTRL-C to abort.");


                    thisItemFolder.Item["Approval Status"] = NewStatus;

                    Kontsolara.WriteLine(msh + "Finished updating the folder.  Irteten.");

                } // SPWeb erabiliz

            } // SPSite erabiliz

 Kontsolara.WriteLine(msh + "Finished.");

        } // Nagusia

    } // klase foldersync
} // namespace


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Igande goizean Funny: “Dad, Ez du ez dakiela duzu”

Dugu iparraldeko New Jersey Galvin en satira politiko TV zale handiak. programa, Eguneko Erakutsi hosted by Jon Stewart. I don’t like to get political in my blogging, beraz, esan egingo dut hori da, hori gabe Eguneko Show, Dut ondo dute betirako galduko umorea edo buruz guztiak 12/12/2000.

Bizkarrean bazkaria ziren ditugu azken astean, goiz eta nire hamar urteko semea ekartzen sortu du atal berri bat Erakutsi. Iruzkina egin nuen, "Jon Stewart knows that he hobe ez egin dibertigarria niri or there will be terrible consequences for Jon Stewart."

Nire semea buruz pentsatzen minutu bat eta dio: "Dad, zenbaki bat: He doesn’t even know you."

Itxaron zenbaki bat bi dut, baina ez zen nahikoa eta mugitu hurrengo gaia beat bat ekiditen gabe erabaki zuen.

Asko gehiago kilometraje hori ezin dut out txiste mota horietako izan zen, but he’s getting too used to me or too mature or both. I need to adjust somehow.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Langileak prestatzeko Ordutegiak eta Materialen Txantiloi — Seat Count Bug Fix PLUS segurtasuna(?)

Hau da, nahiko popular "Primerako 40" txantiloia. It also has a bug which is widely known (Are dut nola konpondu buruz Blogetakoak).

Sogeti bat kaleratu codeplex proiektua aste hau bug konpontzen (hau da, berez, polita, baina ez lurra-shattering) baina erreklamatzeko ere konpondu dute askoz thornier arazoa: security. The fab 40 txantiloi bat oso eskuzabala segurtasun ezarpena eskatzen du (erabiltzaile laguntzaile maila sarbidea behar du ia guztia). Not any more! According to the codeplex summary:

"This template also includes a new custom workflow action which enables the template to work without having to give all users contribute permissions to the courses list."

Hori gauza ona da eta merezi checking da.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

SharePoint Designer Workflow, Gertaera Hartzaileak eta “Eguneratu zerrenda Hemeroteka” versus “Zehaztu eremu Item uneko”

We have a set of SharePoint designer workflows that "communicate" with an event receiver on the list via changes to site column values. Adibidez, if a site column "SetDuedate" ezartzen bada eu arabera, gertaera hartzailea aldaketa detektatzen, epemuga bat kalkulatzen du, eta data hori esleitzen gune zutabe beste, "Due Date." We split things up like this because the event receiver can calculate a due date using complex business rules (asteburu eta jaiegunetan, enpresa kontuan hartuta) SPD benetan ezin bitartean.

Ko instantzia jakin batzuetan, we ran into a problem with this trick. Debugging all this is pretty difficult, baina etorri zen behin-betiko ondorioztatu dugu kasu batean dagoela (gutxienez), the event receiver was not running all the time. In one step of the workflow, we would change the value of a site column and the event receiver didn’t appear to run. Hala eta guztiz ere, koherentziaz zen lasterketak workflow hainbat urrats bat.

Hura aztertu ondoren, I noticed that the happy workflow step used the "Update List Item" while the other step used "Set Field in Current Item." Update List Item was updating the "current item." I’m not sure why we picked one over the other since they would seem to be doing the same thing.

Beraz, … the Update List Item action did cause the event to fire. Beste alde batetik,, Elementu Gaurko ekintza-eremua ezarri ez.

Update zerrendako elementua erabili dut leku zein morea! It worked. [[ Guztira alde batera, Biolina jokatu dut ia for egunero 15 urte ]]

Honetatik, I tentatively believe that the "Set Field" Ekintza ez du ekitaldi hargailuak sua, at least some of the time.

This issue bedeviled us for weeks.

This is one of those "observed behavior" posts. I observed this happen once in a specific environment and I’m making some guesses as to why things happened as they did. If you have any insight into this one, mesedez share iruzkinak.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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