بایگانی ماهانه: جولای 2008

تو گروه کاربری شیرپوینت!

In the last two weeks, I attended the New Jersey SharePoint user group and the newly formed New York SharePoint توسعه دهندگان user group (as opposed to the more established New York SharePoint user group).

In New Jersey, the good people of NewsGator presented their product and covered a lot of very interesting social computing concepts. If you’re looking to incorporate social computing into your organization in a system-assisted way and can’t get out-of-the-box SharePoint to do it for you, seriously check out NewsGator. It’s very good stuff. A lot of great social computing functionality and (in a demo environment at least) very well done.

I’m personally convinced that companies that begin to adopt social computing attitudes and systems will outperform those that do not. It’s too useful to ignore or, at this point I think, to even delay. It can make a tremendous difference in day-to-day operations if done correctly. I’ll write some more about this later.

In New York last night, the NY SharePoint Developers group kicked off its inaugural meeting at the MSFT office on 52nd and 6th. John Bender presented on how to create a custom stsadm extension. I’ve read about it, but seeing it "live" clarifies things. It’s much easier than I realized. No need for features/solutions, just an XML file and a DLL. He walked through a process for recursively finding and displaying security settings for sites and lists in a site collection. He took it farther to describe how this could be part of an auditing process. This group focuses purely on development and so doesn’t come into conflict with larger more established SharePoint user group which is frequently talking at a higher level.

There are groups all across the world. Check them out.


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برچسب ها:

Emailing Daily Task Reminders // Looping in SharePoint Designer Workflow

I wrote up a detailed article a few weeks ago describing how to create a SharePoint Designer workflow that sends a task reminder email on a daily basis. It’s been published at the new SharePoint Magazine محل. More generally, the article shows how to create a looping structure in SPD.

The magazine has a wide variety of articles including, در میان چیزهای دیگر, very technical stuff, interviews and industry news. I recommend you add it to your RSS feed.

If you have a product or service to sell, I’d also consider advertising on the site. It’s off to a strong start with several thousand pairs of eyes looking at it already. That’s sure to grow.

در نهایت, if you’ve been itching to write something and get it out in front of a larger audience, this is a great time and place to scratch it.


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برچسب ها:

شیرپوینت بهترین روش کنفرانس

I’m speaking at the SharePoint Best Practices conference in November.

It’s sort of a funny story. I was in Virginia presenting at the SUGDC conference and that Friday was the deadline to submit speaking proposals for the BP conference. The organizers described how they would use a "blind selection" process and that every effort would be made to select presentation on the basis of its value, غیره. To maximize my chances of getting selected, I submitted two proposals. The selection committee picked both.

My colleague (ناتالیا Voskresenskaya) and I will discuss a real-world governance model that we and our client put together for a substantial SharePoint rollout project last summer. The objective here is to describe the details of the governance plan and why we believe it represents best practices in the context of Sharepoint, Governance and similar companies.

دوم, I will present a process for obtaining great business requirements from End Users. This goes back to one of my very early blog posts, inaptly titled "خزه: موثر برای معرفی سازمان".

This conference looks to be crazily full of great information and I highly recommend tearing yourself away from your work for three days, joining in on these presentations and networking with both conference attendees and سخنرانان. It will be time and money well spent.

Hope to see you there 🙂


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آخرین من “در دفاع از شیرپوینت طراح” مقاله در دسترس است

مارک میلر در بیش از پایان کاربری شیرپوینت has posted my latest article about using SharePoint Designer to create great workflow solutions up on his site. آن را چک کنید.

در این مقاله, من در مورد فرایند طراحی صحبت می کنید و, در جزئیات بیشتر, چگونه برای راه اندازی یک فرایند قابل اعتماد و تکرار آزمون با استفاده از ویژگی های شیرپوینت (لیست های سفارشی, قالب سایت). The article targets End Users, اما روش خوبی برای توسعه دهندگان می باشد بیش از حد.


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چگونه از کار شیرپوینت را شرح دهید?

How often does this happen to you? I’m sitting at my laptop, reading blogs, responding to forum postings, 2 copies of visual studio open and VPN’d out to another server with its own visual studio + 15 browser windows (a typical day) and someone named Samantha (my wife, apparently) tells me, "We have be there in 30 دقیقه. Get dressed."

I get up in a daze, wander around the house confusedly, get in a car and next thing I know, I’m at a party with a beer in my hand and someone asks me, "So, what do you do for a living?"

These conversations never go well.

به من: "Ahh … I’m a solutions architect for EMC."

Nameless Person: blank stare

به من: "I work with a product called SharePoint … it’s from Microsoft."

NP: "Aha! I’ve heard of that company! What is SharePoint?"

به من: "Umm … it does collaboration … people use it to share information … It’s a platform for building busines sol…"

NP: Eyes glazing.

به من: "I’m a programmer."

NP: "Aha! I know people in my company that do programming! When I was in high school, I played around with BASIC."

And with that part of the conversation over, we turn to something easier to talk about, like politics.

Anyone care to describe how they handle this?


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برچسب ها:

پنهان کردن عملیات های سفارشی در SharePoint

چند ماه قبل, در حالی که کار بر روی یک پروژه برای مشتری, I created a feature. Among other things, که قابلیت تعریف یک عمل سفارشی (این به نظر می رسد تحت تنظیمات سایت). The only purpose for this custom action was to demonstrate to me that the feature activation was working as expected. بطور اساسی, من آن را به عنوان یک فرم خام اشکال زدایی استفاده می شود.

خیلی خجالت من, این مصنوع اشکال زدایی راه خود را از توسعه تمدن به UAT و به تولید ساخته شده قبل از اینکه کسی را در اطراف به درخواست کردم, "این لینک xyzzy است?"

By now, ما در تولید هستید و من واقعا نمی خواهید به حذف از ویژگی های, رفع elements.xml و سپس نصب مجدد.

تاد بدتری از با اشاره به یک راه آسان که مسئولیت رسیدگی به آن. In his words:

"CustomActions are not copied into the database, they are read directly from the Elements.xml file and copied into application state at runtime. پس, you don’t need to deactivate, uninstall, reinstall, and reactivate the Feature to remove the CustomAction. Just remove it from the Elements.xml file and recycle the application pool(ها) effected. The next time the Feature is in scope, you won’t see the CustomAction anymore."

I followed his instructions and, البته, they work.

در مورد من, this is a department level installation with just a single WFE. If you find yourself with this problem in future and with multiple WFE’s, I believe you’ll have to make the change in each.


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Configure Thesaurus in MOSS

I’m working on an architecture review document this week and it suggests, در میان چیزهای دیگر, that the client consider using the thesaurus to help improve the end user search experience. Having never done this myself, I wanted to do a quick hands-on test so that my suggestion is authentic.

It was surprisingly difficult to figure out how to do, although it is, در واقع, quite easy. There’s a pretty good bit of information on the thesaurus (check اینجا و اینجا, مثلا). اما, those docs are either WSS 2.0 / SPS 2003 oriented or they don’t actually spell out what do to after you’ve made your changes in the thesaurus. They provide a great overview and fair bit of detail, but it’s not enough to cross the finishing line.

These steps worked for me:

  1. Make the changes to the thesaurus. (See below for an important note)
  2. Go to the server and restart the "Office SharePoint Server Search" service.

A tip of the hat to Mr. J. D. Wade (bio). He provided the key bit about restarting the search service and rescued me from endless, time consuming and unnecessary iisresets and full index crawls. This episode proves, once again, that Twitter is the awesome. (Follow me on twitter here. I follow any SharePoint person that follows me).

I don’t know if this functionality is available in WSS. If it is or is not, please leave a comment or email me and I’ll update this post.

Important note: There’s conflicting information on which XML thesaurus file to change. There’s this notion of "tsneu.xml" as being the "neutral" thesaurus. I wasted some time working with that one. در مورد من, I needed to change the "tsenu.xml" file located under the folder of the app ID itself: \\win2003srv\c$\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Data\Office Server\Applications\3c4d509a-75c5-481c-8bfd-099a89554e17\Config. I assume that in a multi-farm situation, you would make this change everywhere a query server runs.


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برچسب ها: , ,

Large-scale MOSS Document Management Projects: 50k Per Day, 10 Million Total

This past week, someone asked a question about creating a SharePoint environment that would handle a pretty high volume of new documents (10,000 +/- در این مورد). I don’t know much about this, اما thanks to this white paper, I feel much better informed.

برای من, this white paper is pretty much just a book mark at the moment, but I did start reading through it and thought I’d highlight my main take-away. SharePoint can be scaled to handle, at a minimum, this load:

  • 50k new documents per day.
  • 10 million documents total.

I write the 50k/10MM figures because they are easy enough to remember. As long as you know they are minimums, you won’t get into trouble. The maximums are at least 10 percent higher than that and with extreme tuning, possibly a lot higher.

سپاس ها, Mike Walsh, once again for his weekly WSS FAQ updates and corrections post. If you’re not subscribed to it, you should seriously think about doing it.


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SharePoint Performance — سریع (But Unusual) Tip

We’ve been working in a user acceptance testing (UAT) environment which, as compared to development, is dead slow.

It’s a complicated environment using FBA, SQL 2008, SSRS and extended web applications accessible over the internet using https, so it’s been hard to track down the issue.

For a previous client, we used FBA with an LDAP role provider (and membership provider). One of my colleagues, far more clever than I, determined that the "out of the box" LDAP role provider, when used in that environment, wasn’t scaling well. To solve this problem for that client, he implemented a nice caching scheme in a custom role provider.

This situation seemed similar, so we looked into replicating that solution to the today’s client. As I was debugging that, I noticed that this message would frequently appear in the System log (from Event Viewer):

A worker process with process id of ‘XXX’ serving application pool ‘Home – 80’ has requested a recycle because it reached its virtual memory limit.

I took this to mean that the app pool was recycling far, far too often and that would explain a performance problem.

I looked at the app pool’s properties and its "Recycling" page showed that the property "Maximum virtual memory (in megabytes)" had been set to true and had been set to 5000. That seems like enough, but I decided to unset the value and that had an immediate positive effect. No more app pool recycling. No more mysterious slow-downs and pauses.

I don’t really understand the underlying "stuff" that’s going on there, but clearly some kind of cause/effect thing is happening and for now, the UAT environment is usable.


مشترک شدن در وبلاگ من.

Fairfield/WestChester SharePoint User Group in Connecticut

My همکار (ناتالیا Voskresenskaya) and I will be speaking at the Fairfield/Westchester SharePoint User Group meeting at 6:00 PM on 07/16 (چهار شنبه). We are talking about the content query web part. This is the same (but improved version that we gave to New York in May).

Pre-register here: https://www.clicktoattend.com/invitation.aspx?code=129626&wa=wsignin1.0

Natalya and I hope to see you there!

Here’s the email Richard Martzelle just sent out on the subject:

موضوع: Using Content Query Web Part to Create Business Solutions

Speakers: پل گالوین & ناتالیا Voskresenskaya

تاریخ: جولای 16هفتم خوش آمدید زمان: (Eat & Network): 6:00PM زمان: 6:30 PM -8:00PM

Meeting Description

MOSS 2007’s Content Query Web Part (CQWP) کاربران را قادر می سازد برای ایجاد نمایش های سفارشی از داده ها از منابع مختلف کوئری می, و در حال حاضر که داده ها در یک مکان. با وجود پرس و جو قدرتمند خود & گزینه های پالایش محتوا, CQWP است که اغلب ویژگی دستکمگرفتهشده و نادیده گرفته. CQWP is both a "data extraction engine" (پیدا کردن اسناد یا اقلام لیست در هر نقطه در مجموعه سایت) و همچنین یک ابزار ارائه کلاس اول است که کاربران را قادر می سازد تا به کنترل و چگونگی محتوا با بسته بندی و سبک های HTML به فرمت صفحه نمایش تقریبا هر راه می خواهید ارائه.

در این جلسه دمو سنگین, آنها نشان خواهد داد که چگونه به استفاده از CQWP برای حل مشکلات کسب و کار با نشان دادن ویژگی های اصلی

• use default CWQP features, از جمله مخاطبان هدف قرار دادن

• use CWQP as a reporting tool anywhere in a site collection via filter criteria such as "all documents created today"

• change look & احساس از نتایج پرس و جو برای برجسته کردن داده های کسب و کار, نمایش ستون های اضافی از اطلاعات, نمایش اطلاعات در قالب شبکه, و دیگران

• show how CQWP can aid in content type administration (i.e. پیدا کردن تمام اسناد یک نوع محتوای خاص، تا که به درک اثرات بالقوه تغییر تعریف CT)

• describe some limitations of CQWP

• provide a list of resources for advanced CQWP techniques, از جمله وبلاگ ها, ECQWP پروژه Codeplex & مستندات MSDN


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