در اواسط ماه ژوئیه, من یک شانس برای نویسنده دو فصل ارائه شد Brendon شوارتز و مت Ranlett است کتاب تا آینده, رایانه اجتماعی با مایکروسافت شیرپوینت 2007: برنامه های کاربردی برای پیاده سازی شیرپوینت برای فعال کردن همکاری و تعامل در تصدی. (من فکر می کنم آنها سعی داشتند تا برنده مسابقه طول که با عنوان; من فکر می کنم که آنها به دست آورد). I jumped on the opportunity and now, سرانجام, کل کتاب انجام شده است, پس از رسیدن به فروشگاه ها در ماه فوریه.
همانطور که شیرپوینت بالغ, publishers have begun to produce a new wave of books. This book is part of that wave. This wave builds upon the previous round of technical reference manuals explaining core features and functions and begins to describe how to use those features and functions to deliver business value in a very non-superficial way. I’m not saying that is anything superficial about reference manuals or their value. در واقع, a book like this on Social Computing probably couldn’t have been written a year ago. (عینا, البته می توانست آن را نوشته شده است, اما من فکر نمی کنم جامعه بزرگتر را برای آن آماده شده است). The new wave of books tends to assume the reader basically understands core features and instead describes how to use those core features in interesting new ways.
همانطور که از عنوان به سادگی می گوید, this is a book about Social Computing. Social Computing is a subject ripe for discussion and exploration and indeed, the discussion is well underway among early adopters. Many companies are now quite comfortable with document libraries, نوع محتوا, جستجو, گردش کار اساسی, غیره. Having implemented and mastered these bread and butter features, they are ready for the next level. This book offers insights and strategies to do that and thereby, بهره برداری از فرصت های جدید و جالب که محاسبات اجتماعی به ارمغان می آورد را به جهان.
Social Computing is a big and evolving subject and covers a lot off things, از جمله وبلاگ ها, ویکی, social tagging, جستجو, interactive media, mashups, "people," and other socially-oriented "stuff." SharePoint has a very strong story to tell in this arena and now, at this time in Internet & SharePoint history, is the time to tell it. All things being equal between companies, those that successfully leverage Social Computing will outpace and outgrow those that do not. The train is getting ready to leave the station and you don’t want to miss it! این کتاب بلیط خود را برای یک کرسی در آن قطار است
خط پایین, this is a blog entry pitching the book. It’s due out in February. Pre-order it here: رایانه اجتماعی با مایکروسافت شیرپوینت 2007: برنامه های کاربردی برای پیاده سازی شیرپوینت برای فعال کردن همکاری و تعامل در تصدی.
(Full disclosure — there’s no royalty money in it for me if you choose to buy the book, so this isn’t an effort to boost my savings account, though if it sells well, it will help out my ego, which always wants more, more, more!)
As an aside, but very important aside, I thank باب فاکس for connecting me with Brendon. And naturally, I thank Brendon and Matt for taking a chance on a newbie such as myself and letting me author chapters in their very important book!
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