Cartlanna míosúla: Bealtaine 2009

SharePoint Taispeántas: SharePoint Giarála a thógáil Iarratais Ghnó Ingearach

[Tabhair faoi deara: Ba mhaith liom a rá láithreach go bhfuil mé leas airgeadais an toradh inmhianaithe an taispeántas seo, a lua mé ar mhaithe le nochtadh iomlán, etc. Seo i ndáiríre an chéad uair mé blogged riamh faoi ócáid ​​nuair a seasamh mé leas a bhaint go pearsanta ar an mbealach seo.]

Cuireann an taispeántas ar siúl gréasáin Déardaoin, 06/04 ag 12:30 EDT, dar críoch 1:30AM EDT.

I gcomhar le mo chomhpháirtí gnó den scoth, Córais Comhtháite agus Grúpa Seirbhísí (ISSG), I have been working to develop a vertical business application using SharePoint as the platform. Sa chás seo, we’re building an application that serves the needs of manufacturers that make customized product for their customers. In these cases, a great deal of collaboration needs to take place between the customer and the manufacturer. There’s also a great deal of collaboration required between different groups within the manufacturer, lena n-áirítear díolacháin, innealtóireacht, taighde agus forbairt, grúpaí dlí agus eile.

Tá an taispeántas ag dul a léireoidh cur i bhfeidhm a éascaíonn chineál sin de chomhoibriú, chomh maith le plé ar conas is gá gach ceann de na píosaí comhoibriú a chomhtháthú le córas ERP Inneall.

Ar deireadh, this isn’t going to be a SharePoint demo. This is a demonstration of a solution for a specific niche problem that happens to use SharePoint as the platform.

Mar sin,, cén fáth go mbeadh tú bodhraigh a shíniú suas agus a fheiceáil an taispeántas? I don’t expect too many readers of my blog to be all that interested in a solution for make-to-order manufacturers 🙂 Your take-away would be the concept itself – using SharePoint purely to deliver a business solution without regard to SharePoint itself.

Má tá suim agat, clárú anseo le do thoil(


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An féidir leat a Pry SharePoint Dearthóir Ó Mo Fuar, Lámha Dead

My latest article is up at I wrote about SharePoint Designer, Úsáideoirí Deiridh agus imlíne na straitéise go mb'fhéidir go mbeadh úsáideoirí Deireadh iarracht a dhéanamh agus leanúint d'fhonn inniúlacht a léiriú agus muinín a thógáil ar fud an uirlis seo.

Is iad na tuairimí níos suimiúla ná an t-alt féin.

Seiceáil sé amach.


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Héifeachtach Lean Microsoft SharePoint (agus Eile) SharePoint Forums

Bhí mé ag tar éis fóraim MSDN le go maith os cionn bliain (agus b'fhéidir beagnach 2 bliana ag an bpointe seo) and every now and then I hear from someone how “hard” it is to do that. I find it quite easy and thought I’d share my “technique”. This technique also works for (

Ag tabhairt MSDN mar shampla, Liom dul chéad leathanach fóram caighdeán cosúil leis an Ceisteanna Ginearálta do SharePoint príomh-leathanach anseo:

Ba chóir duit fógra ar an bpointe boise go bhfuil na fóraim RSS cumasaithe, mar a thaispeántar:


Tá mé ag baint úsáide as Google Reader a bhainistiú mo RSS feeds ar feadh i bhfad anois ( / léitheoir). I go there, add the RSS feed for the forum and now I’m getting all new forums posts via RSS. My Google feeds for SharePoint forums look like this:


Google Soláthraíonn dom d'fhonn deas a phostú féin:


Agus ar deireadh, Google ligeann dom a bhaint as an méarchlár a scrollbharra tríd an postings i bhfóraim ar an mbealach seo.

Is féidir liom a scanadh go tapa trí phoist agus díriú ach ar na dóigh liom gur féidir liom a dhéanamh ar ranníocaíocht úsáideach.

Alerts close the loop. Updates to posts don’t come through RSS (cé I mo thuairimse, a úsáidtear iad chun i bhfad ó shin). Mar sin féin, má liom post a fhreagairt ar fóram phost, the forums alert me via email and IM that someone responded in turn. Nó, más rud é nach féidir liom a dhéanamh ar ranníocaíocht úsáideach ach ba mhaith liom a fháil amach cad iad na daoine eile a rá, Is féidir liom a druilire isteach é agus go follasach iarraidh foláirimh nuair a dhéanann daoine eile freagra a.

I uair an chloig nó níos lú is féidir leat a leagtar ar an bpróiseas suas agus agus in aghaidh na seachtaine de úsáid go rialta, foghlaim na cleasanna éagsúla agus méarchlár aicearraí ionas go mbeidh an dara cineál.

I use the exact same technique for End User SharePoint.Com’s “Stump the Panel” forums. This is their RSS feed:

Tá fóraim ar bhealach uamhnach, b'fhéidir, an bealach is fearr gearr de thaithí phearsanta dhíreach, na foghlama ar an táirge agus ag fáil suirbhé deas ar conas ar fud an domhain, i gcoitinne, uses SharePoint. Give it a try!


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Bain úsáid as Liostaí Chustaim do níos mó Iniúchadh Sreabhadh Oibre Éifeachtach

Tá mé atheagrú mo shaol le beagán agus fuair sé roinnt ama d'airteagal a chur faoi bhráid My latest article is up here: Bain úsáid as Liostaí Chustaim do níos mó Iniúchadh Sreabhadh Oibre Éifeachtach (

Is é seo an oscailt 'graf:

SharePoint Designer workflow doesn’t give us a lot of visibility into what’s happening with our workflow solutions. Agus, Is é an infheictheacht a dhéanaimid a fháil ag cur bac le comhéadan sách lag agus 60 day time window. Seo 60 day window can be a major disappointment to new SharePoint Designer users because it’s not advertised by the tool itself. It’s not at all uncommon for someone to fire up SharePoint Designer, a chruthú réiteach sreabhadh oibre a ghiaráil an "Log Chun Stair Liosta" gníomh ...

Is é an fhadhb atá ann go tar éis 60 lá, aon teachtaireachtaí go bhfuil tú a chruthú ar an mbealach seo a scriosadh ón liosta stair sreafa oibre! After a bit of teeth gnashing and “what were they thinking?"Argóintí, Is é an líne bun seo: it happens and it needs to happen. Is í an cheist, conas is féidir linn a fháil timpeall air?

The official answer is to rely upon SharePoint’s built-in auditing feature. From an end user’s point of view, áfach,, that’s very weak in WSS and not much better in MOSS. Fortunately, we can still leverage the familiar SharePoint Designer tool to create a durable workflow history and audit trail which is an order of magnitude more useful to boot. Here’s how.

I describe how to create a more friendly and useful audit solution for declarative workflow created in SPD.

I was inspired to write this article from a recent project for a client that had developed nine technical SPD workflows in support of one logical business process. Assuming for now that nine is a reasonable number, it was certainly a challenge to debug it or view the overall status of the process in one simple view. Each of these separate technical workflows has its own independent workflow history list and that’s just not manageable. I was able to combine all of them into a single audit list using the technique I describe on the site.

Seiceáil sé amach.


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Cúiseanna Féilire bambú Idirghníomhú le SharePoint "Tharla earráid gan choinne"

Sa lá atá inniu, I’ve been working in an environment that uses a Bamboo calendar web part for some improved collaboration. This a standard medium/small farm with two load balanced WFEs, ar "freastalaí iarratas" maidir le hinnéacsú agus InfoPath agus deireadh ar ais cnuasaithe SQL.

The client installed some disaster recovery software onto one of the WFEs and that resulted in a broken WFE for a specific site in the site collection. Whenever load balancing pointed at the affected WFE and that site, users saw a largely blank white screen with the sentence “An unexpected error occurred”. No other info showed, go díreach abairt.

They asked me to look at it. I easily reproduced the problem and then added a ?contents=1 to the end of the URL. This is how I learned they were using the Bamboo web part. I went back to the page and now, go tobann, Léirigh sé dom teachtaireacht earráide deas ordúil:


Níl a fhios agam cad a bhí ag tarlú nó cad a rinne mé a fháil ar an teachtaireacht earráide rialaithe a chur ar taispeáint eile seachas ceangal ar an ?contents=1 bit of the query string.

Tá sé seo is dócha go bhfuil cás imeall an-annamh, ach má fhaigheann tú teachtaireacht go, "Tharla earráid gan choinne" dul ar aghaidh agus cuir ?ábhar = 1 leis an teaghrán cheist agus a fheiceáil nuair a thoradh go.


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Clibeanna Technorati: ,

Griping faoi Windows Live Rialú Comment

Phioc mé spásanna beo fuinneoga ar ais i mí Iúil na 2007 as my blogging platform. For the most part, Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil aon oth agus a leathnaíonn Microsoft cinnte é le himeacht ama (cé go liom a fháil den chuid is mó amach faoi ghnéithe nua de thimpiste).

My biggest complaint right now is blog spam. This person / áireamh ( (i measc daoine eile) frequently adds a lot of spam comments to my blog in the form of comments. MSFT added a nice feature to show “recent comments” so at least I can fairly quickly identify them (ach sula, Bhí mé ag dul isteach i ngach iontráil bhlag ar leithligh) and clean them up. It’s still time consuming.

Is mian liom go:

  1. Bheadh ​​MSFT chur ar roinnt scagadh níos fearr do spam.
  2. Go raibh mé bloc dhaoine ar leith ó chur tuairimí.
  3. Má theipeann ar an thuas, I could more easily identify and delete spam. Right now, Is gá dom a dhéanamh trácht a dhéanamh ag trácht agus tá sé mall, go háirithe nuair a chuireann duine éigin robot spam / clár 25 go 50 tuairimí in aon seisiún amháin.

Má tá tú i d'úsáideoir beo fuinneoga agus tá roinnt cleasanna úsáideach a roinnt, Ba mhaith liom a bheith buíoch.


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Leanann SharePoint Dé Sathairn Feiniméan (níos mó, mo deic sleamhnán)

I returned from Washington DC yesterday after attending the latest SharePoint Dé Sathairn. What a remarkable event! Continuing the tradition of other SP Saturday’s, it was very well run. The environment, an eagraíocht iomlán, an sreabhadh, réimse díoltóir, bia ... go raibh gach ceann de na sé terrific.

Ar ndóigh,, the best part is the content and I don’t think anyone was disappointed.

It’s really quite amazing to me how so many people are rousing themselves out of bed early on a Saturday to go and listen to people talk about SharePoint for 8 hours 🙂 Amazing.

Odds are, there’s a SharePoint Saturday event coming your way and if there isn’t, why don’t you start one?

I presented at the conference with the tongue twisting title, “Using the SharePoint Platform to Build Vertical Business Applications.” You can get the presentation here: It’s not my usual sort of presentation and I had fun with it. I’ll be giving this again in June at the North VA user group conference at the end of June.


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