Gearrchuntas stairiúil ar SharePoint (Ó Pheirspictíocht Núíosaigh Gaoil)
Tabhair faoi deara: This article was originally posted to I forgot to post it to my own blog 
SharePoint a tháinig éabhlóid go leor ó lá go luath mar saghas ar theicneolaíocht goir ag Microsoft –tá sé tagtha chun cinn beagnach cosúil le scannán uafáis, where the mad scientist’s creation takes on a life of its own, breaking free of its creator’s expectations and rules. The technical evolution is obvious – the WSS 3.0 object model is richer and more complex than WSS 2.0, which was itself an improvement over earlier versions. The next version will no doubt show tremendous improvement over 3.0. From an End User’s perspective, áfach,, SharePoint’s evolution is even more significant.
In the early days, SharePoint didn’t offer much to End Users. They would have their usual functionality requirements, work with IT to define them well and implement a solution. IT would use SharePoint to solve the problem. The product wasn’t very accessible to End Users. I’ve thought threw a few analogies, but I decided to stick Venn Diagrams to show what I mean. When Microsoft first released SharePoint to the world as a commercial offering, lean sé patrún réasúnta traidisiúnta Úsáideoir Deiridh <-> IT relationship. A lot of End Users, cumarsáid agus obair le líon an-bheag de sé daoine chun réitigh a réiteach fadhbanna gnó a sheachadadh:
Is é an bhfearann fhadhb foriomlán a bhfuil SharePoint ardán seachadta oiriúnach beag (especially compared to today’s SharePoint. End Users and IT worked in a more classic arrangement with IT: define requirements to IT, wait for IT do their work behind the curtain and take delivery of the final product.
As SharePoint evolved to the 2.0 world (SSU 2.0 and SharePoint Portal Server), several things happened. An Chéad, the “problem domain” increased in size. By problem domain, I mean the kinds of business problems for which SharePoint could be a viable solution. Mar shampla, you wouldn’t think too hard about implementing a serious search solution in a SharePoint environment until SPS (and even then, it wasn’t as good as it needed to be). Ag an am céanna, End Users have an unprecedented ability to not only define, but also implement their own solutions with little or no IT support.
The 3.0 platform (WSS and MOSS) maintained and increased that momentum. The problem domain is enormous as compared to the 2.0 platform. Virtually every department in a company, ranging from manufacturing health and safety departments to marketing, from sales to quality control – they can find a good use for SharePoint (and it’s not a case of mashing a round peg into a square hole). Ag an am céanna, the platform empowers even more End Users to implement their own business solutions. I try to capture that with this diagram:

This has proven to be both a potent and frustrating mixture. The 3.0 platform turns previously stable roles on their heads. Suddenly, End Users are effectively judge, giúiré agus executioner anailísí gnó, application architect and developer for their own business solutions. This gets to the heart of the problem I’m writing about. But before I dive into that, a ligean ar mheas ar an eilifint sa seomra.
Peering isteach an Ball Crystal
Conas a bheidh SharePoint 2010 difear an patrún seo? Will it be incremental or revolutionary? Will more, níos lú nó thart ar an líon céanna na n-úsáideoirí Deireadh aimsiú chumhacht féin chun réitigh a thógáil i SharePoint 2010? Will SharePoint 2010’s problem domain expand even further or will it just refine and streamline what it already offers in WSS 3.0 / CAONAIGH?
Níl go leor eolais "amach ann" a rá go sábháilte go bhfuil an freagra ginearálta:
- The problem domain is going to dramatically expand.
- Beidh úsáideoirí Deireadh aimsiú dóibh féin fiú níos mó ná riamh de chumhacht.
The Venn Diagram would be larger than this page and cause some IT Pros and CxO’s to reach for their Pepto.
I believe it’s going to be a tremendous opportunity for companies to do some truly transformational things.
Uimh Tairbh i mo tSín Shop!
Fuaimeanna seo iontach, ach ó mo thaobh mar chomhairleoir SharePoint agus a chur mé féin isteach na bróga de bainisteoir TF, I see this vision. I own a China shop with beautiful plates, criostail, etc (mo thimpeallacht SharePoint). I’ve rented a space, I’ve purchased my inventory and laid it all out the way I like it. I’m not quite ready to open, ach in oirchill, I look at the door to see if my customers are lining up and I notice an actual bull out there. I look more closely and I actually see dhá bulls and even a wolf. Then I notice that there are some sheep. Sheep are mar sin dona, but are they maybe disguised wolves? I don’t want bulls in my china shop!
It gets worse! When I rented the space, I couldn’t believe how nice it was. Wide and open, terrific amenities, very reasonable price. Mar sin féin, anois tá mé ag a bhaint amach go bhfuil na spásanna oscailte leathan agus an doras ollmhór ach meánmhéide breá le haghaidh tarbh atá le teacht wandering i agus dramhaíola a leagan ar mo tSín.
Tá mé ag brú ar an analaí i bhfad ró-, ar ndóigh. End Users are not bulls (chuid is mó acu, mar sin féin) agus ranna TF nach bhfuil (nó nár chóir surely) view their user community with that kind of suspicion. Mar sin féin, tá saghas seo de imbhualadh foirfe ag tarlú cheana féin i an 3.0 platform that I expect will only get worse in SP 2010. SharePoint already empowers and encourages End Users to define and implement their own solutions.
Sin mór agus go léir, ach tá an bhfíric go bhfuil sé fós a táirge an-teicniúil agus fós glaonna le haghaidh an cineál vigorous anailís riachtanais ghnó, design and general planning and management that technical projects require to be successful. These are not the kind of skills that a lot of End Users have in their bag of tricks, especially when the focus is on a technical product like SharePoint.
I’ve given this a lot of thought over the last year or so and I don’t see any easy answer. It really boils down to education and training. I think that SP 2010 ag dul a athrú ar an cluiche le beagán agus tá sé ag dul a imirt amach difriúil agus ag gluaiseacht go mall mar a dhéanann cuideachtaí rolladh amach a n-SP 2010 réitigh os cionn 2010 and beyond. In order to succeed, End Users will need to transform themselves and get a little IT religion. They’ll need to learn a little bit about proper requirements
analysis. They will need some design documentation that clearly identifies business process workflow, mar shampla. They need to understand fundamental concepts like CRUD (chruthú, thabhairt cothrom le dáta agus a scriosadh), dev/test/qa/prod environments and how to use that infrastructure to properly deploy solutions that live a nice long time and bend (not break) in response to changes in an organization.
In the coming weeks, I plan to try and provide some of my own new ideas, as well as link to the great work done by many other authors (on agus in áiteanna eile) so that interested End Users can learn that old time IT religion. Keep tuned.
Liostáil le mo bhlag.
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