Cartlanna Catagóire: Microsoft Scrúduithe

Scrúdaithe 70-542: Moltaí Staidéar (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Forbairt Iarratas)

Suas chun dáta: I tuairimí, duine éigin sa phost an nasc seo: It looks good to me too.

Ritheadh ​​mé an scrúdú teicniúil CAONAIGH lá atá inniu ann, entitled "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Application Development". I found the exam to be pretty rigorous and that it matched up quite well with Microsoft’s treoir a ullmhú.

Tá mé ag obair le MOSS ar bhonn laethúil agus rud ar bith beats iarbhír lámha-ar thaithí le haghaidh gach ceann de na scrúduithe.

É sin ráite, I took note of what I was studying as I studied. I believe that all of these resources are helpful, go háirithe mar mhodh a threisiú go lámha-ar thaithí.

Ábhar Nasc
Seirbhísí Excel
Cuardaigh No special recommendation. I had taken a class on search earlier this year and real-world experience carried me through. Work with the "search center" chomhpháirt de CAONAIGH.
Lucht Féachana
Ábhar Bainistíocht

BI Hands-ar an obair le KPI i CAONAIGH.
Sreabhadh oibre
Eolas mgmt
Taifid mgmt

Go leor de na naisc thoradh ar naisc níos mó agus bhí an luí agam iad a leanúint suas go dtí thart 3 leibhéal domhain.

Ní ba mhaith liom a rá go bhfuil gach rud a léigh mé i bhfeidhm go díreach ar an scrúdú, ach ní féidir liom brón léamh aon cheann de é agus fiú amháin más rud é nach raibh roinnt giotán a bhaineann go díreach. Tá sé ar fad stuif maith go mbeadh a fhios agus molaim go láidir an t-ábhar le haghaidh gach aspiring fhorbróirí MOSS dea-chothromú.

Passed mo 70-315 scrúdú sa lá atá inniu!

I passed the "Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET" scrúdú lá atá inniu ann sa stát mór NJ ag oifigí venerable de SolarTech i HASBROUCK HEIGHTS.

I put this exam up there with BizTalk in terms of difficulty. You can’t fake your way through it.

Chun staidéar a, Úsáid mé an an Féin Paced leabhar trealamh Oiliúna MCAD / MCSD dar teideal Feidhmchláir Gréasáin a Fhorbairt le Visual Microsoft Bunúsach. NET agus Visual C #. GLAN.

Treoirlínte Microsoft (anseo) are exactly correct IMO. The book addresses everything and if you have a modicum or real-world experience, it should be a straight-forward exam. If not, take the time get some real world experience or at least execute the labs in the book. That will probably give you what you need.

Liom dul fiú amháin a mhéid go dtí an leabhar a mholadh do pro, especially self-taught people like myself. It covers some basic stuff which I just never had a reason to stumble upon in my travels and I’m kicking myself a little bit for never having taken the time to learn them.

Scrúdú SFP 70-541, Microsoft Windows Seirbhísí SharePoint 3.0 – Forbairt Iarratas

Ghlac mé agus ritheadh ​​an tástáil atá luaite thuas ar maidin. Fuair ​​mé an scrúdú a bheith deacair agus cothrom.

Tá ganntanas coibhneasta de eolas ar an scrúdú ar an ngréasán. Níl mé cinnte cén fáth.

Ní bheidh mé a fháil ar ndóigh isteach aon sonraí mar gheall ar an scrúdú ghlac mé, ach is dóigh liom gur féidir liom a rá go sábháilte a leanas:

  1. Trust this link:

    It lists what you need to know to pass the exam and it’s, IMO, very accurate.

  2. The link also recommends Inside Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 by Ted Pattison & Daniel Larson. This book covers nearly all the subjects that the test addresses. I found it to be great in and of itself beyond simple exam prep. It provides great examples and really got me thinking about some new and interesting things to try. If you want to skip a few bits in the book, just cross-reference the book’s TOC with the items in the link from above.
  3. Nothing beats actual hands-on experience. If you have time and interest, follow along with the examples in the book and then experiment with them. You’ll have an easier time on the exam as well as really learn WSS application programming.

</deireadh>Liostáil le mo bhlag!