Suas chun dáta: 04/25/08: An raibh ag teacht suas ar roinnt blog post agus fuair nasc chuig airteagal seo: I make note of it because in addition to asking, "how do I learn sharepoint?", some people ask "why should I learn sharepoint?". That article partly answers the later.
I cúpla mí anuas, dosaen nó níos mó folks ó ar fud an phláinéid a bheith ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig dom agus ag iarraidh ar an cheist ghinearálta, "How do I learn SharePoint?"
Tá mé éigean údarásach, ach tá mé go raibh roinnt rath (agus ag iarraidh a fháil níos fearr an t-am) so I thought I’d document my personal road map. Others may find it valuable.
Roimh dhéanfaidh mé go, Ba mhaith liom ach a thabhairt faoi deara go bhfuil sé soiléir dom, bunaithe ar na ríomhphoist pearsanta agus an líon níos mó de MSDN / Poist den chineál céanna hOllscoile SharePoint, that there is huge developer interest in getting up to speed with WSS/MOSS. I wonder what it’s going to be like a year from now … níos éasca a fháil tallann SharePoint maith? The same? Are folks committing themselves to the platform at a rate sufficient to keep up with demand for good resources? How could you even figure something like that out short of a WAG?
Roadmap Pól
I was full time employed by the good folk at Conchango while I followed this road map. This means that from a learning perspective, I was actively engaged in projects as I followed the steps I outline below.
Roinnt Téarmaí Bunúsach
I gcás daoine ag dul isteach an saol seo, tá dhá phríomh acrainmneacha:
- SSU: Seirbhísí Windows SharePoint
- CAONAIGH: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
WSS is "free" sa mhéid is go bhfuil sé cuachta le fuinneoga freastalaí 2003 (nó is féidir ar a laghad, a íoslódáil ó MS). I put quotes around free because you need a box, a O bailí / S ceadúnas agus is dócha SQL (though there’s a "free" cineál de SQL chomh maith).
MOSS is built on top of WSS and extends it. There is no MOSS without WSS. MOSS is not free.
B'fhéidir nach lá amháin, ach go luath tar éis tá tú bhí roinnt cur amach bunúsach leis an ardán, it’s important to learn the differences. Mar shampla, cuid gréasáin cumhachtach, an Ábhar Iarratas Gréasáin Cuid, is a MOSS feature and not available WSS. People often make the incorrect assumption that CQWP is available in WSS and then end up scrambling for a stop-gap measure when they realize their error.
Buail an Leabhair
I started working with WSS/MOSS on about 01/02/2007. I had a little prior experience with SPS 2003 but very little. To get myself started, Cheannaigh mé an dhá leabhar atá liostaithe anseo (!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!203/).
I started with the big blue administration book. Naturally, it covers administration. Ag an am céanna, Soláthraíonn sé suirbhé ar gach gnéithe CAONAIGH (agus gnéithe SFP, chomh maith le).
Maidir liom féin, nach bhfuil sé chomh tábhachtach a mheabhrú go léir na sonraí éagsúla (go dtí go tá sé in am a fháil deimhnithe) but it’s good to know the boundaries. (A leanúint liom an cur chuige céanna i 1 lámhachóirí duine a imirt mé ar an Xbox nó PC — I enter a room and tend to make a counter-clockwise loop until I get back where I started. I just feel better knowing the shape of the box I’m in.)
Tar éis a léamh an leabhar gorm mór, I would read the entire Inside WSS book. It dives deeply into issues that developers care most about.
Cruthaigh Timpeallacht Fhíorúil
D'fhonn a dhéanamh ar aon fhorbairt nó a úsáid i gceart ar an gcomhshaol, is gá duit a blown fuinneoga córas oibriúcháin iomlán freastalaí le SharePoint Dearthóir, Visual Studio 2005 (2008 Oibríonn, ach tá roinnt uirlisí úsáideacha fós le haistriú mar an scríbhinn airteagal seo), InfoPath 2007 and some other stuff. There are many good blog entries describing this process. I’d have a look at these two:
- Conas a Cruthaigh MOSS 2007 VPC Image: An Uile 9 Clóis – SharePoint Blag Tuairisceoir
- Conas a thógáil ar optamach bhforbróir VPC do SharePoint Forbartha – Blag
Ina theannta sin, Andrew Connell roinnte a chuid taithí le VMWare anseo:
Use your favorite search engine to see what other people do. It’s a useful learning exercise in and of itself.
Spend a few minutes angrily denouncing the fact that you need a server environment on which to do development. Ach … don’t bother blogging about it or posting it to MSDN forums. It’s already been done . Ina áit sin, embrace it and move on. You’ll be better off for it.
Faigh Deimhnithe
Creidim go bhfuil an SharePoint MS cosán deimhniúcháin, atá comhdhéanta ceithre scrúduithe, is exhaustive. I suggest that you follow their online preparation guide and do your best to understand each of the areas of the test.
Mé nach suggest that you take the exam just to pass it. Mé nach suggest that you use one of the "brain dump" style 3rd party "tools" for passing MS tests. If you can take the test, pas é bunaithe ar mheascán de do chuid staidéir dírithe féin agus taithí phraiticiúil ar, go mbainfidh tú a bheith ina forbróir láidre agus iarrthóir poist ar sé.
There are four tests in two "tracks":
- TS: Microsoft Windows Seirbhísí SharePoint 3.0 – Forbairt Iarratas
- TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 - Iarratas Forbartha
I recommend that developers study for all of these exams. You’ll be strong for them, cé go Is dócha mé má ndearna tú na scrúduithe admin, Ba mhaith leat a fháil trí.
Fuair mé an leagan STP a bheith i bhfad níos dúshlánaí ná na leaganacha MOSS comhfhreagrach, much to my surprise. I was in a class recently and several others made the same point.
Cé go raibh mé ag déanamh staidéir ar an 70-542 scrúdú (Forbairt CAONAIGH) I tracked my study resources. These may be helpful to you as well:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!192.entry
Breiseán Yourself Isteach an Chomhphobail
Is é an pobal bríomhar SharePoint, láidir agus fás níos mó an t-am.
Ba mhaith leat chun breathnú ar an méid seo a leanas a thosú:
- Blaganna
- Fóraim
- CodePlex
Más rud é nach dtuigeann tú RSS, stop everything and learn it. It will take 10 nóiméad a fhoghlaim, b'fhéidir eile 10 nóiméad a aimsiú bunaithe ar an ngréasán léitheoir RSS (Is maith liom léitheoir google ar, / léitheoir).
Start by adding this blog to your RSS reader
Ar Aghaidh, cuir to your reader. They aggregate many blogs into a single feed.
Le himeacht ama, you’ll find blogs that are not aggregated that way. Just add them individually.
I subscribe to a few dozen blogs which I’ve accumulate over the last year. Más mian leat, Is féidir liom a onnmhairiú mo liosta agus r-phost.
Faoi dheireadh, you may want to start your own blog. I personally think that a series of blog entries describing a "newbie’s" Bheadh an dul chun cinn foghlama SSU / CAONAIGH bheith ina sraith spéisiúil. Is mian liom a bhí déanta agam go féin.
Mé páirt ghníomhach i dhá ghrúpa fóram: MSDN agus Ollscoil SharePoint.
Forums are excellent places to learn. People ask questions ranging from the very simple ("How do I create a site column") chuig an panicked ("My server is down!") chun ceisteanna dearaidh níos hipitéiseach.
Nuair a fhaigheann tú blas ar an timpeallacht, venture out and start replying. Short of directly interacting with a customer, níos fearr ná rud ar bith le haghaidh an lámha ar an taithí.
Téigh go dtí
Seiceáil sé amach agus cuardach a dhéanamh ar thionscadail SharePoint.
Liostáil leis an achoimre laethúil beatha CodePlex i do léitheoir beatha.
Aon tionscadal nua SharePoint chur le do léitheoir beatha.
Faoi dheireadh, tar éis ag léamh na fóraim agus atá os comhair síos do SSU / CAONAIGH deamhain féin, a mheas do thionscadal CodePlex féin a chur le chéile.
Mar a scríobh mé an iontráil seo blog, a lán de na SharePoint tíre a bheith tosaithe ag baint úsáide as Twitter.
It’s hard to characterize Twitter. You’ll just have to check it out yourself.
That wraps up my roadmap and makes me current. I just started using Twitter two weeks ago.
WSS/MOSS is a very cool platform and the community is growing all the time. Use community resources to improve your skills and enjoy the journey!