SharePoint Fearr Chleachtais Comhdháil, “Chleachtais is Fearr,” agus an eilifint sa Seomra

I was lucky to attend and present at last week’s SharePoint Best Practices conference. I’m still new to the whole speaking "thing" agus, frankly, I was a bit nervous for the first half while I sweated out waiting to speak myself. That sort of nervous feeling made it a little hard for me to pay attention to the presenters (nach neamhaird mé iad). Ina áit sin, Dhírigh mé beagán níos mó ar an lucht freastail.

Conferences always set my mind racing and there was a lot take in at this one. This conference was excellent. I think it was unusual in several ways. It wasn’t a heavy developer conference. There were certainly dev parts to it, ach is dóigh liom go raibh sé ar a laghad 60% dírithe ar shaincheisteanna neamh-dev, maybe as high as 80%. I think that speaks to the evolving nature of the SharePoint market. Companies are implementing SharePoint in a variety of ways and they are looking for guidance on how to do it right. And not just guidance on how to create features/solutions (ag anois, curtha ar bun go han-mhaith).

I believe the conference was tremendously valuable to most everyone that attended and I know that the organizers plan to do the conference again early next year.

Ag rá go bhfuil, I believe there was a missed opportunity which I hope the next conference addresses. I say it’s a missed opportunity, but that’s not a bad thing. Discovering a community need is in and of itself a good thing. The conference discussed a number of best practices in a variety of areas such as governance, oiliúint, riachtanais a bhailiú, cuardaigh, Forbairt, ailtireacht faisnéise, etc. I think that the missed opportunity has to do with the "green field" boinn tuisceana go leor de na cleachtais is fearr.

Nuair a labhairt linn faoi úrnua, we mean that SharePoint hasn’t gone into production and we’re starting with a clean slate. This is ideal because you can start straight away using best practices for defining and managing governance, ailtireacht faisnéise, etc. Mar sin féin … cad a tharlaíonn nuair a bhíonn tú cheana féin i dtáirgeadh le roinnt mílte úsáideoirí (or 10’s of thousands) agus nach raibh tú a leanúint na cleachtais is fearr ag an tús? I’ve seen companies with … ahem … an- corr information architecture baked into their environment. I don’t think that this conference provided much guidance for organizations with that kind of problem (agus ní féidir liom a chiallaíonn go díreach IA, ach rialachas, cuardaigh, go leor réimsí eile). Ar ndóigh,, Tá a fhios agam tá fadhb agat le cuid mhór den réiteach agus go bhfuil an-luachmhar.

I think that the online SharePoint community hasn’t done much to address this either. I know I have not. It’s a very hard problem to solve at many levels. Technically it’s hard. Budget-wise it’s hard. Culturally, it’s hard. Mar sin féin, it’s probably a bigger real world problem than most. Since the conference ended, I’ve been thinking about these kinds of problems and how one would solve them. There has to be a better answer than, "uninstall and reinstall" agus riachtanais an phobail chun aghaidh a thabhairt air ceann ar.

I think that this a great opportunity for the blogging community and experienced thought leaders to lay out some guidance on how to repair their environments. I think there’s a small but non-zero risk that SharePoint could end up with a bad and enduring reputation as a result of poorly architected implementations that fail due to poor governance, IA, etc.


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Nua Blogger ar an Bloc

Mo chomhghleacaí EMC, Erik Swenson, Tá cuireadh ina luí chun léim ar an fray, stand up and be counted 🙂

Sé blogs faoi faoi raon leathan de thopaicí brandáil SharePoint ag Some of his recent posts include interesting stuff about Photoshop, Microsoft Office Live do ghnó beag, SharePoint Rialachas, creating custom WCM styles and so forth. He does not confine himself to branding. It’s quite an interesting mix which is a little bit different from a lot of the SharePoint blogs with which I’m familiar.

Is é a RSS feed:

Check it out and give him a little encouragement. We all need that from time to time, go háirithe nuair a muid an chéad Léim i ndáiríre isteach sa saol blogging.


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Comhdháil Chleachtais is Fearr: “Faigh Riachtanais Mór” PowerPoint Presentation

Tá mé uaslódáil an PowerPoint ar cheann de mo seisiúin, "Get Great Business Requirements," ar dheis anseo ( 20Galvin% 20Great% 20Requirements.pptx).

Chomh maith as sraith de phointí iontach, cumhachtach a rinneadh, the deck includes extensive notes which supplement and enhance the afore-mentioned brilliant talking points.

Mar sin de tú gur chaill an chomhdháil Chleachtais is Fearr, I was lucky enough to present and discuss a process that works very well when trying to discover accurate end user business requirements for SharePoint projects. The PowerPoint plus notes describe this in pretty good detail. It supplements one of my earliest blog postings here:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!146.entry


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Seimineár Líne Dashboards SharePoint

Mo chara ar líne, Mark Miller breis agus Úsáideoir SharePoint Deireadh ( ag reáchtáil seimineár saor in aisce uair an chloig spriocdhírithe, mar a dhéanann sé i gcónaí, at the SharePoint End User community. It takes place at 1pm EDT. Details are here:

Tá mé shuigh i ar cheann amháin de chuid seimineár ar líne an mhí seo caite agus bhí sé déanta go maith agus má tá suim agat i roinnt eolais an-phraiticiúil ar dashboards i SharePoint tú, Tá mé cinnte go bhfuil sé fiú an 1 infheistíochta uair an chloig.


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Clibeanna Technorati: ,

SharePoint User Anocht Webcast Grúpa

Anocht, 08/20/08, Is é an cruinniú grúpa úsáideora SharePoint Connecticut craoladh chraolfar ar an Idirlíon in ionad cruinniú fisiciúil an mhí seo.

Ábhar na hoíche anocht: "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Modheolaíochtaí imscaradh Eislíon"

Microsoft’s own Chris Lavista will lead the discussion. I’ve worked with Chris before and he really knows his stuff. If you have any interest in this subject, check it out. Here are the details:

SharePoint Webcast Grúpa Úsáideoirí:

Topic: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Modheolaíochtaí imscaradh Eislíon
Chris Lavista de Microsoft

Dáta: Lúnasa 20ú Fáilte Am: 6:15 AM Am: 6:30 AM -8:00AM

Cur Síos:
SharePoint ligeann do roghanna imscaradh il. Beidh an plé a bheith dírithe ar conas a d'fhéadfaí eislíon slán ar an ardán SharePoint a imscaradh. Pléigh na cleachtais is fearr agus na cásanna a bhaineann le comhtháthú na dteicneolaíochtaí BANRÍONA AN BHOSCA, ISA Freastalaí 2006 agus IAG 2007. Optionally, labhairt le comhartha amháin tacaíocht ar cásanna a úsáid.
Maidir Chris:
Chris Lavista is a Technical Architect at recently opened Microsoft Technology Center in New York. His focus is on SharePoint, Comhoibriú, agus Cumarsáid Aontaithe. Tá sé ag obair sa tionscal seirbhísí airgeadais (Chase, Citigroup) Sular thosaigh Microsoft do 8 bliana. He started at Microsoft in 2000 mar chuid dá gcleachtas Seirbhísí comhairliúcháin sular thosaigh an fhoireann MTC go luath i 2006.

Clárú & More Info:


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Tá Met Do Coiste Cuardaigh Seo An Mhí?

Tá sé an tús na míosa agus anois tá chomh maith le ham de réir mar aon le haghaidh choiste chuardach do chuideachta a fháil le chéile agus geallta Fearr anailís a dhéanamh ar, cuardaigh rathúil agus ní rathúil sin, etc.

Ní gá duit coiste cuardaigh? Ansin foirm a haon 🙂

WSS and especially MOSS search benefit from some human oversight. Investing a few hours a month on a consistent monthly basis is not only spraoi níos mó ná bairille de mhoncaí, is féidir é:

  • Give insight into the information needs of the enterprise. If people are searching left and right for topic "xyzzy," you know that’s an important topic to the enterprise.
  • Identify potential training requirements. If people are searching for topic "xyzzy" but should really be searching for "abcd" ansin is féidir leat é a úsáid chun oideachas a chur go folks ar cén áit agus conas a fháil ar an eolas.
  • Help your organization refine its information architecture.
  • Deiseanna a aithint chun feabhas a chur ar an teasárais.
  • Beidh deiseanna eile aon amhras i láthair iad féin a.

Cé ba chóir a bheith ar choiste cuardaigh? You would know your people best, ach measann:

  • Amháin ar a laghad (agus b'fhéidir ach amháin) Duine TF a thuigeann (nó is féidir a fhoghlaim) na bealaí éagsúla a tweak cuardaigh, lena n-áirítear geallta is fearr, stórchiste, airíonna a bhainistiú, etc.
  • Roinnt saineolaithe ábhar gur féidir leis na tuarascálacha chuardaigh a léamh, ingest sé agus gníomhartha gnó-savvy chun cumarsáid a dhéanamh TF ionas gur féidir é a bhrú ar na cnaipí, tarraingt an luamhán agus comhlaí oscailte / gar agus is gá chun coiste ar mholtaí.
  • Ceann amháin nó níos mó ailtirí faisnéise is féidir a bhailíochtú, bhealach amháin nó eile, cibé an bhfuil an ailtireacht faisnéise cuardaigh cairdiúil agus cibé an bhfuil sé ag obair amach go maith do na fiontraíochta.
  • A rotating seat on the committee. Bring in one or two people who don’t normally participate in these kinds of efforts. They may bring unusual and valuable insights to the table.

Anailísiú Shona!


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Tapaidh agus éasca: Faigh SPFolder de SPItemList

Mé a choinneáil ag rith isteach ar an bhfadhb agus an Google is cosúil riamh a thuiscint cad ba mhaith liom a dhéanamh, mar sin figured mé ba mhaith liom a scríobh síos an.

Tá mé ag déanamh a lán de na debugging glacadóir ócáid ​​sa tseachtain seo caite nó dhó. The ER is defined against a document library. The individual items in the document library are tightly related to their parent folders. Mar sin,, I am always getting the folder of the item for various manipulations. While debugging, Is gá dom a thabhairt cothrom le dáta na meiteashonraí de fillteán le mír shonrach a bhfuil a haitheantas a fhios agam.

Seo iarratas consól beag (a ceapadh chun reáchtáil ar an bhfreastalaí sa feirme) a thógann dhá argóint: an ID mír agus luach a shannadh do réimse, "Approval Status". It hard codes a lot of stuff and has no error checking.

Breathnaíonn an cód suas láithreán códaithe crua, gets a hard coded document library and then finds the indicated item. It then finds the parent folder of that item and assigns the status value.

The key lesson here for me is that SPItem doesn’t get you access to the folder. You need to use SPListItem.File.

Má cares duine ar bith a thairiscint le léirmheas nó tuiscint ar bhealach níos fearr a fháil ar an fillteán le mír, fág tagairt le do thoil.

ag baint úsáide as Córas;
ag baint úsáide as System.Collections.Generic;
ag baint úsáide as System.Text;
ag baint úsáide as Microsoft.SharePoint;
ag baint úsáide as System.Collections;

ainmspás Conchango
    /// <achoimre>
 /// </achoimre>
 ranga ManualFolderUpdate
        statach neamhní Príomh-(teaghrán[] comhbhrí leis an rogha)
            teaghrán MSH = "ManualFolderUpdate (v1.0): "; // msh = "Message Header"

 Consól.WriteLine(MSH + "Starting up.  Bhí mé go deireanach ar an 08/04/08.");

            teaghrán url = http://localhost/xyzzy;

            ag baint úsáide as (SPSite oSPSite = nua SPSite(moladh))

                ag baint úsáide as (SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPSite.OpenWeb())
                    SPList docLib = oSPWeb.Lists["Documents"];

                    Consól.WriteLine(MSH + "Got the document library.");

                    Consól.WriteLine(MSH + "Doc lib item count: [" + docLib.ItemCount + "].");

                    int FolderID = 0;
                    teaghrán NewStatus = "xyzzy";

                    FolderID = Chóras.Tiontaigh.ToInt32(comhbhrí leis an rogha[0].ToString());
                    Consól.WriteLine("Seeking folder for item: [" + FolderID + "].");

                    SPListItem li = docLib.GetItemById(FolderID);

                    SPFolder thisItemFolder = li.File.ParentFolder;

                    Consól.WriteLine(MSH + "Got the parent folder.");

                    NewStatus = comhbhrí leis an rogha[1].ToString();
                    Consól.WriteLine("Setting status to [" + NewStatus + "].");

                    Consól.WriteLine("Press return to commit the update or CTRL-C to abort.");


                    thisItemFolder.Item["Approval Status"] = NewStatus;

                    Consól.WriteLine(MSH + "Finished updating the folder.  Scor.");

                } // ag baint úsáide as SPWeb

            } // ag baint úsáide as SPSite

 Consól.WriteLine(MSH + "Finished.");

        } // Príomh-

    } // rang foldersync
} // ainmspás


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Maidin Dé Domhnaigh greannmhar: “Daid, Does not sé Know Fiú tú”

Tá muid thuaidh New Jersey Galvin ar lucht leanúna mór de na teilifíse aoir polaitiúil. clár, An Seó sa lá hosted by Jon Stewart. I don’t like to get political in my blogging, mar sin go léir beidh mé a rá go bhfuil ar gur gan an Taispeáin Laethúil, Is féidir liom a bheith caillte go maith go buan ar fad tuiscint ghrinn ar nó faoi 12/12/2000.

Bhí muid ag a bhfuil béile ar an deic go luath an tseachtain seo caite, agus tugann sé mo mhac deich mbliana d'aois suas le heachtra le déanaí ar an Taispeáin. Rinne mé an comment, "Jon Stewart knows that he níos fearr gan spraoi a dhéanamh de dom or there will be terrible consequences for Jon Stewart."

Cuí mo mhac air ar feadh nóiméad agus deir: "Dad, uimhir amháin: He doesn’t even know you."

Mé tar éis fanacht ar feadh roinnt dhá, ach chinn sé go raibh go leor agus bhog sé ar aghaidh go dtí an ábhar seo chugainn gan bacadh le buille.

Úsáidtear é a bheith go raibh mé in ann a fháil ar a lán níos mó míleáiste as na cineálacha scéalta grinn, but he’s getting too used to me or too mature or both. I need to adjust somehow.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati:

Sceideal Oiliúint Fostaithe agus Ábhair Teimpléad — Bug Líon Suíochán PLUS Fix Slándáil(?)

Is é seo an tóir go cothrom "fabulous 40" teimpléad. It also has a bug which is widely known (Tá mé blogged fiú faoi conas a shocrú é).

Sogeti scaoileadh le CodePlex tionscadal an tseachtain seo go socróidh an fabht (atá deas féin, ach ní domhan-uafás) ach deir siad freisin go bhfuil réiteach ar fhadhb i bhfad thornier: slándála. The fab 40 Éilíonn teimpléad le socrú slándála an-fhlaithiúil (úsáideoirí riachtanais rochtain ar leibhéal ranníocóir le beagnach gach rud). Not any more! According to the codeplex summary:

"This template also includes a new custom workflow action which enables the template to work without having to give all users contribute permissions to the courses list."

Sin stuif maith agus fiú a sheiceáil amach.


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Clibeanna Technorati: , ,

SharePoint Dearthóir Sreabhadh oibre, Glacadóirí Imeacht agus “Nuashonraigh Mír Liosta” i gcomparáid le “Socraigh Field i Mír Reatha”

Tá sraith de sreabhadh oibre dearthóir SharePoint go "cumarsáid a dhéanamh" with an event receiver on the list via changes to site column values. Mar shampla, más rud é colún suíomh "SetDuedate" leagtha chun fíor ag an sreabhadh oibre, bhraitheann an glacadóir chás go athrú, Ríomhann an dáta dlite agus sannann an dáta sin go ceann eile gcolún suíomh, "Due Date." We split things up like this because the event receiver can calculate a due date using complex business rules (ag cur deireadh seachtaine agus laethanta saoire cuideachta san áireamh) cé SPD Ní féidir i ndáiríre.

I gcás amháin ar leith, we ran into a problem with this trick. Debugging all this is pretty difficult, ach tháinig muid ar an tuairim go cinnte i gcás amháin (ar a laghad), the event receiver was not running all the time. In one step of the workflow, we would change the value of a site column and the event receiver didn’t appear to run. Mar sin féin, raibh sé ag rith go seasta in aon chéim éagsúla an sreabhadh oibre.

Tar éis athbhreithniú a dhéanamh air, Thug mé faoi deara go bhfuil an chéim sreabhadh oibre sásta úsáid as an "Ítim Liosta Update" while the other step used "Set Field in Current Item." Update List Item was updating the "current item." I’m not sure why we picked one over the other since they would seem to be doing the same thing.

Mar sin, … the Update List Item action did cause the event to fire. Ar an láimh eile,, ní raibh an Field Set in gníomh Mír Reatha.

Bhain mé úsáid as Mír Liosta Update sa dá áit agus Violet! It worked. [[ Iomlán leataobh, Bhí mé an veidhlín ar bhonn laethúil le beagnach 15 bliana ]]

Ón, Creidim go triaileach go Réimse Set "" Ní gníomh ina chúis le glacadóirí ócáid ​​chun dóiteáin, at least some of the time.

This issue bedeviled us for weeks.

Tá sé seo ar cheann de na iompar "breathnaithe" posts. I observed this happen once in a specific environment and I’m making some guesses as to why things happened as they did. If you have any insight into this one, le do thoil i sciar na tuairimí.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati: