Quick agus Simplí: Déan Foirm InfoPath Léigh Amháin (Foirmeacha InfoPath Seirbhísí i CAONAIGH)

Níl cás gnó coitianta mar seo:

  • Líonann Úsáideora amach an fhoirm InfoPath.
  • Cuireann foirm.
  • Thosaíonn próiseas sreabhadh oibre fada ag rith amach.
  • Cé go bhfuil an sreabhadh oibre ag rith, nach bhfuil muid ag iarraidh duine ar bith a athrú ar inneachar na foirme.

Seo sampla office.microsoft.com describes how to create a separate "view" and mark the whole view as read-only. This is a workable approach but has the drawback that you’ve effectively created two entire versions of the same form and must now keep them in sync manually. If you add a field to the editable view, you must then add it to the non-editable view as well. Le himeacht ama, le forbróirí éagsúla, there can be some divergence.

D'fhéadfadh sé seo rogha eile ag obair níos fearr i gcásanna áirithe:

  • Add a new field to the form called "IsEditable".
  • Socraigh a luach réamhshocraithe a fíor.
  • Chur chun cinn é nuair a fhoilsiú go CAONAIGH.
  • I sreabhadh oibre, an luach na IsEditble a leagtar a bheith bréagach.
  • Téigh ar ais go dtí an fhoirm.
  • Add a rule that "upon open of the form", dhíchumasú do cnaipe shábháil nuair a bhíonn IsEditable bréagach.

The drawback to this approach is that all the fields will still be editable on the screen. The user can get a false impression that they can actually change content. You can mitigate that by putting in some text that the form is disabled, b'fhéidir i litreacha móra dearg ar fud an barr an leathanaigh.

Sa tionscadal amháin, I created a "workflow status" féachaint ar. As the workflow progressed, it would update specific status fields that had been promoted from the form. When the user opened the form, the "open form" riail go huathoibríoch athraigh chun tuairim sin agus bhí an t-úsáideoir stádas achoimre deas beag.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Semaphores Úsáid i Sreabhadh oibre Dearthóir SharePoint chun Cosc a lúb Endless

It’s possible to cause an endless loop in a SharePoint Designer workflow. A common implementation pattern like this causes the problem:

  • Cruthaigh sreabhadh oibre agus a cheangal le liosta.
  • Léirigh gur chóir dó tús a chruthú ar na míreanna nua agus suas chun dáta de na míreanna atá ann cheana féin.
  • Céim sa sreabhadh oibre suas chun dáta le réimse i "Ítim Reatha".
  • Ós rud é athraigh an mhír reatha, Tosaíonn an sreabhadh oibre as an nua.

Chun cosc ​​a chur leis an lúb endless, a chur i bhfeidhm Semaphore simplí:

  • Cuir colún suíomh (nó colún ar an liosta / leabharlann más rud é nach bhfuil tú ag baint úsáide as cineálacha ábhar).
  • Folaigh sé as an leathanach in eagar (éasca a dhéanamh más rud é colún suíomh trí a n-airíonna, Ní furasta amhail is dá colún liosta).
  • I sreabhadh oibre, seiceáil a fheiceáil má tá luach an colún Semaphore bán.
  • Má tá sé folamh, sé síos ar luach neamh-bán agus dul ar aghaidh.
  • Más rud é nach bhfuil folamh, scoir láithreach.

Is féidir é seo a réiteach go cothrom nuanced, ag brath ar riachtanais ghnó agus mar sin de, ach atá sé patrún inoibrithe nuair a bhí mé ag teastáil sé.


Clibeanna Technorati:

Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Forbróirí: Conas is féidir liom Foghlaim SharePoint?

Suas chun dáta: 04/25/08: An raibh ag teacht suas ar roinnt blog post agus fuair nasc chuig airteagal seo: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2008/032608-microsoft-sharepoint.html?page=1. I make note of it because in addition to asking, "how do I learn sharepoint?", some people ask "why should I learn sharepoint?". That article partly answers the later.

I cúpla mí anuas, dosaen nó níos mó folks ó ar fud an phláinéid a bheith ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig dom agus ag iarraidh ar an cheist ghinearálta, "How do I learn SharePoint?"

Tá mé éigean údarásach, ach tá mé go raibh roinnt rath (agus ag iarraidh a fháil níos fearr an t-am) so I thought I’d document my personal road map. Others may find it valuable.

Roimh dhéanfaidh mé go, Ba mhaith liom ach a thabhairt faoi deara go bhfuil sé soiléir dom, bunaithe ar na ríomhphoist pearsanta agus an líon níos mó de MSDN / Poist den chineál céanna hOllscoile SharePoint, that there is huge developer interest in getting up to speed with WSS/MOSS. I wonder what it’s going to be like a year from now … níos éasca a fháil tallann SharePoint maith? The same? Are folks committing themselves to the platform at a rate sufficient to keep up with demand for good resources? How could you even figure something like that out short of a WAG?

Roadmap Pól

I was full time employed by the good folk at Conchango while I followed this road map. This means that from a learning perspective, I was actively engaged in projects as I followed the steps I outline below.

Roinnt Téarmaí Bunúsach

I gcás daoine ag dul isteach an saol seo, tá dhá phríomh acrainmneacha:

  • SSU: Seirbhísí Windows SharePoint
  • CAONAIGH: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

WSS is "free" sa mhéid is go bhfuil sé cuachta le fuinneoga freastalaí 2003 (nó is féidir ar a laghad, a íoslódáil ó MS). I put quotes around free because you need a box, a O bailí / S ceadúnas agus is dócha SQL (though there’s a "free" cineál de SQL chomh maith).

MOSS is built on top of WSS and extends it. There is no MOSS without WSS. MOSS is not free.

B'fhéidir nach lá amháin, ach go luath tar éis tá tú bhí roinnt cur amach bunúsach leis an ardán, it’s important to learn the differences. Mar shampla, cuid gréasáin cumhachtach, an Ábhar Iarratas Gréasáin Cuid, is a MOSS feature and not available WSS. People often make the incorrect assumption that CQWP is available in WSS and then end up scrambling for a stop-gap measure when they realize their error.

Buail an Leabhair

I started working with WSS/MOSS on about 01/02/2007. I had a little prior experience with SPS 2003 but very little. To get myself started, Cheannaigh mé an dhá leabhar atá liostaithe anseo (http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/lists/cns!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!203/).

I started with the big blue administration book. Naturally, it covers administration. Ag an am céanna, Soláthraíonn sé suirbhé ar gach gnéithe CAONAIGH (agus gnéithe SFP, chomh maith le).

Maidir liom féin, nach bhfuil sé chomh tábhachtach a mheabhrú go léir na sonraí éagsúla (go dtí go tá sé in am a fháil deimhnithe) but it’s good to know the boundaries. (A leanúint liom an cur chuige céanna i 1 lámhachóirí duine a imirt mé ar an Xbox nó PC — I enter a room and tend to make a counter-clockwise loop until I get back where I started. I just feel better knowing the shape of the box I’m in.)

Tar éis a léamh an leabhar gorm mór, I would read the entire Inside WSS book. It dives deeply into issues that developers care most about.

Cruthaigh Timpeallacht Fhíorúil

D'fhonn a dhéanamh ar aon fhorbairt nó a úsáid i gceart ar an gcomhshaol, is gá duit a blown fuinneoga córas oibriúcháin iomlán freastalaí le SharePoint Dearthóir, Visual Studio 2005 (2008 Oibríonn, ach tá roinnt uirlisí úsáideacha fós le haistriú mar an scríbhinn airteagal seo), InfoPath 2007 and some other stuff. There are many good blog entries describing this process. I’d have a look at these two:

Ina theannta sin, Andrew Connell roinnte a chuid taithí le VMWare anseo:

Use your favorite search engine to see what other people do. It’s a useful learning exercise in and of itself.

Spend a few minutes angrily denouncing the fact that you need a server environment on which to do development. Ach … don’t bother blogging about it or posting it to MSDN forums. It’s already been done 🙂. Ina áit sin, embrace it and move on. You’ll be better off for it.

Faigh Deimhnithe

Creidim go bhfuil an SharePoint MS cosán deimhniúcháin, atá comhdhéanta ceithre scrúduithe, is exhaustive. I suggest that you follow their online preparation guide and do your best to understand each of the areas of the test.

nach suggest that you take the exam just to pass it. Mé nach suggest that you use one of the "brain dump" style 3rd party "tools" for passing MS tests. If you can take the test, pas é bunaithe ar mheascán de do chuid staidéir dírithe féin agus taithí phraiticiúil ar, go mbainfidh tú a bheith ina forbróir láidre agus iarrthóir poist ar sé.

There are four tests in two "tracks":



I recommend that developers study for all of these exams. You’ll be strong for them, cé go Is dócha mé má ndearna tú na scrúduithe admin, Ba mhaith leat a fháil trí.

Fuair ​​mé an leagan STP a bheith i bhfad níos dúshlánaí ná na leaganacha MOSS comhfhreagrach, much to my surprise. I was in a class recently and several others made the same point.

Cé go raibh mé ag déanamh staidéir ar an 70-542 scrúdú (Forbairt CAONAIGH) I tracked my study resources. These may be helpful to you as well: http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!192.entry

Breiseán Yourself Isteach an Chomhphobail

Is é an pobal bríomhar SharePoint, láidir agus fás níos mó an t-am.

Ba mhaith leat chun breathnú ar an méid seo a leanas a thosú:

  • Blaganna
  • Fóraim
  • CodePlex
  • Twitter


Más rud é nach dtuigeann tú RSS, stop everything and learn it. It will take 10 nóiméad a fhoghlaim, b'fhéidir eile 10 nóiméad a aimsiú bunaithe ar an ngréasán léitheoir RSS (Is maith liom léitheoir google ar, www.google.com / léitheoir).

Start by adding this blog to your RSS reader 🙂

Ar Aghaidh, cuir www.sharepointblogs.com to your reader. They aggregate many blogs into a single feed.

Le himeacht ama, you’ll find blogs that are not aggregated that way. Just add them individually.

I subscribe to a few dozen blogs which I’ve accumulate over the last year. Más mian leat, Is féidir liom a onnmhairiú mo liosta agus r-phost.

Faoi dheireadh, you may want to start your own blog. I personally think that a series of blog entries describing a "newbie’s" Bheadh ​​an dul chun cinn foghlama SSU / CAONAIGH bheith ina sraith spéisiúil. Is mian liom a bhí déanta agam go féin.


Mé páirt ghníomhach i dhá ghrúpa fóram: MSDN agus Ollscoil SharePoint.

Forums are excellent places to learn. People ask questions ranging from the very simple ("How do I create a site column") chuig an panicked ("My server is down!") chun ceisteanna dearaidh níos hipitéiseach.

Nuair a fhaigheann tú blas ar an timpeallacht, venture out and start replying. Short of directly interacting with a customer, níos fearr ná rud ar bith le haghaidh an lámha ar an taithí.


Téigh go dtí www.codeplex.com.

Seiceáil sé amach agus cuardach a dhéanamh ar thionscadail SharePoint.

Liostáil leis an achoimre laethúil beatha CodePlex i do léitheoir beatha.

Aon tionscadal nua SharePoint chur le do léitheoir beatha.

Faoi dheireadh, tar éis ag léamh na fóraim agus atá os comhair síos do SSU / CAONAIGH deamhain féin, a mheas do thionscadal CodePlex féin a chur le chéile.


Mar a scríobh mé an iontráil seo blog, a lán de na SharePoint tíre a bheith tosaithe ag baint úsáide as Twitter.

It’s hard to characterize Twitter. You’ll just have to check it out yourself.


That wraps up my roadmap and makes me current. I just started using Twitter two weeks ago.

WSS/MOSS is a very cool platform and the community is growing all the time. Use community resources to improve your skills and enjoy the journey!


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati: ,

Bainisteoir um Chosaint Sonraí: Dealraíonn Cosúil le Cúltaca SharePoint Breataine / Restore Réiteach

At the New Jersey SharePoint User Group meeting last night, Microsoft tSiúr. product specialist DuWayne Harrison presented Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2007. DuWayne was great (agus bhí sé tacaíocht trí cheann amháin nó dhá comhghleacaithe ón lucht féachana a n-ainmneacha Ní féidir liom cuimhne). You can get the presentation materials here.

Suas go dtí an oíche dheireanach, I have never heard of DPM.

I’m not a system admin type person, so I’m writing this from SharePoint consultant’s perspective and may get some of the words wrong. Chun liom, DPM is a backup/restore solution for Microsoft "stuff":

  • Files
  • SQL
  • O/S
  • Virtual machines (live backup of the VM, even if the VM itself is running Unix).
  • Bare metal recovery (i.e. catastrophic hardware failure).

Beyond that stuff, which I would consider to be minimal requirements for any kind of "real" backup/restore product, DPM also has built-in intelligence for SharePoint. It understands about server farms and lets you restore:

  • Entire databases (e.g. content, config, etc).
  • Site collections
  • Individual sites
  • Individual items (e.g. doiciméid).

The actual restore process involves extracting the target data from the backup and save it into a "restore farm" and then from there, moving it to the production environment (or wherever you want to restore). I think this is seamless, but there was a lot of emphasis on the need for a "restore farm". The restore farm does not need to match the production environment in every particular (mainly in physical topology) but does need to match in terms of templates, versions, etc.

I didn’t see a full end to end demo, but DuWayne did show screen shots and some live demos. It seems to be as good as it needs to be, at least for a moderate sized environment.

I was particularly struck by the pricing. Obviously, don’t hold me to this, but I believe that the most expensive pricing is roughly as follows (in USD):

  • $600 for DPM itself.
  • Hardware for a DPM server (and associated stuff for media and all that).
  • $450 for each server you want to back up ("enterprise" license).

A five server farm would cost at most:

  • $600 for DPM
  • $450 x 5 servers = $2,250

Total cost in licenses: $2,850

In practice, it would be less. You wouldn’t necessarily need to have DPM installed on each web front end, mar shampla. You don’t necessarily need enterprise licenses either.

The user interface is seems very simple probably would not require any special training to get up to speed. I did ask about that specifically and there is apparently a 1.5 day class available, though it’s not obvious to me that anyone would really need to take it.

All in all, I think it’s certainly worth investigating if you’re out there looking for a data protection solution for SharePoint.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati:

Twitter: http://twitter.com/pagalvin

Siúlóid-trí: Fix Fostaí Oiliúint Teimpléad fáil Suíocháin Bug Unregister

Mar is eol go leor daoine, an teimpléad Oiliúint Fostaithe ar fáil ag Microsoft anseo Tá a bug gur féidir linn a atáirgeadh leanas na céimeanna seo:

  • Cruthaigh rang a bhfuil méid uasta de 10 mac léinn.
  • Cláraigh –> Total available seats properly decrements by one. Toradh: 9 suíocháin atá ar fáil.
  • Unregister: –> Bug. Total available seats should increment by one. It does not. Toradh: 9 suíocháin atá ar fáil de réir SharePoint, ach i ndáiríre, tá 10 suíocháin atá ar fáil.

Réiteach: Bain úsáid as SharePoint Dearthóir a cheartú ar an sreabhadh oibre.

An Chéad, open up the site. The folder list for me looks like this:


If we have a look at the "Attendee registration" sreabhadh oibre, we see that there is a step labeled "Enforce seating policy". It looks like this:


This step in the workflow updates the item by incrementing the "Filled Seats" metadata column on the course. If we pull that up in more detail, feicimid seo:


Sin an fhaisnéis go léir is gá dúinn a shocrú ar an sreabhadh oibre unregistration.

Má táimid smeach thar an sreabhadh oibre unregistration, there is no similar workflow step. Add it as follows:

1: Expand "Attendee unregistration" agus a oscailt suas ar an XOML (féach ar scáileán lámhaigh chéad má tá tú caillte).

2: Cuir athróg sreabhadh oibre nua, "New Filled Seats" of type "Number".

3: Assign a value to "New Filled Seats" mar a thaispeántar:


4: Decrement na suíocháin Líonta trí 1:


5: Nuashonraigh an mír Cúrsa gaolmhar:


6: Make sure all the steps are in the right sequence. Maidir liom féin, tá sé cosúil leis an:


7: Críochnaigh an sreabhadh oibre a ath-thógáil air.

8: Tástáil.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati: ,

Random Breathnú Maidin Dé Sathairn

Tá mé i rang dá sheachtain anuas agus tá rud amháin go stailceanna dom go bhfuil a lán de mhachnamhach, daoine cliste ag obair ar SharePoint (mar shainchomhairleoirí nó mar fhoireann TE) nach bhfuil a blog, twitter, Is cosúil go feasach boird teachtaireacht poiblí cosúil le MSDN fhóraim nó Ollscoil SharePoint, Facebook nó LinkedIn próifílí a choimeád ar bun, etc. They are pure information consumers. Not bad, ach suimiúil.


Clibeanna Technorati:

Liostáil le mo bhlag.

CodePlex & RSS

Níl mé cinnte má réadaíonn gach duine, but codeplex has a nice daily updates RSS feed that I find very helpful.
Ina theannta sin, gach ceann de na tionscadail CodePlex bhfuil a gcuid féin feeds.
Gach lá, Mé scanadh tríd é agus cuir aon tionscadail a bhaineann le SharePoint’ Fothaí le mo léitheoir gmail.

Cuid Web Content Iarratas: Ag labhairt dó ag Nua-Eabhrac Grúpa Úsáideoirí SharePoint

Beidh mé ag labhairt le mo chomhghleacaí, Natalya Voskresenskaya, ag an Nua-Eabhrac Grúpa Úsáideoirí SharePoint cruinniú Dé Céadaoin 7 Bealtaine.

Buíochas le Bob Fox do chaitheamh ár n-ainmneacha isteach sa hata agus cabhrú linn a fháil ar an deis seo!

Is é ár n-ábhar foriomlán an Ábhar Iarratas Gréasáin Cuid agus tá súil againn roinnt eolais úsáideach a thabhairt do dhá lucht féachana ar leith:

  • Úsáideoirí gnó (neamh-forbróirí): Taispeáin conas is féidir CQWP a chumrú a réiteach fadhbanna áirithe gnó coitianta gan aon códú.
  • Forbróirí: Show how CQWP can be extended to do some pretty interesting things that a business user wouldn’t normally feel comfortable doing themselves. This part of the presentation will help business users understand what’s possible using this web part so that they can provide better and more realistic requirements to their developer partners.

Seo an fógra NYSPUG phost amach níos luaithe an tseachtain seo:

"Using Content Query Web Part to Solve Business Problems".

MOSS 2007’s Content Query Web Part (CQWP) ar chumas úsáideoirí chun tuairimí saincheaptha na sonraí a cheistigh ó fhoinsí go leor a chruthú, agus i láthair na sonraí sin in aon áit amháin. In ainneoin a cheist cumhachtach & roghanna refinement ábhar, CQWP Is minic gné underrated agus overlooked. CQWP is both a "data extraction engine" (doiciméid nó nithe liosta a fháil in áit ar bith i mbailiúchán láithreán) agus freisin mar uirlis i láthair den chéad scoth a chuireann ar chumas úsáideoirí a rialú an gcaoi a bhfuil ábhar i láthair ag HTML agus stíleanna timfhilleadh go formáid an taispeáint ar bhealach beagnach ar bith is mian leat.

Sa seisiún taispeána-trom, beidh siad a thaispeáint conas a bhaint as an CQWP a réiteach fadhbanna gnó ag taispeáint as gnéithe lárnacha.

  • úsáid a bhaint as gnéithe CWQP réamhshocraithe, lena n-áirítear lucht féachana ag díriú ar

  • use CWQP as a reporting tool anywhere in a site collection via filter criteria such as "all documents created today".

  • athrú cuma & bhraitheann ar torthaí an iarratais chun aird a tharraingt ar shonraí gnó, Léiríonn colún breise faisnéise, faisnéis a thaispeáint i bhformáid greille, agus daoine eile.

  • thaispeáint conas is féidir CQWP cabhrú i riarachán cineál inneachair (i.e. teacht ar na doiciméid go léir de chineál ábhar áirithe sa chaoi is go tuiscint a fháil tionchar a d'fhéadfadh a athrú sainmhíniú CT).

  • cur síos ar roinnt teorainneacha de CQWP

  • ar fáil ar liosta na n-acmhainní le haghaidh teicnící chun cinn CQWP, lena n-áirítear a blogs, CodePlex tionscadal ECQWP & MSDN doiciméadú.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati:

FAST SharePoint Comhtháthú: Fhorghníomhú Iarratas Simplí

This is a continuation in my FAST coding mini-series for SharePoint folk. The bit of code below executes a search for the term "test" in FAST via a Console application. Obviously, tá sé ina Hap, skip agus léim ar shiúl a wrap an loighic taobh istigh de pháirt gréasáin nó leathanach iarratais:

ag baint úsáide as Córas;
ag baint úsáide as System.Collections.Generic;
ag baint úsáide as System.Linq;
ag baint úsáide as System.Text;
ag baint úsáide as System.Collections.Specialized;
ag baint úsáide as Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search;
ag baint úsáide as Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http;
ag baint úsáide as Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Navigation;
ag baint úsáide as Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Query;
ag baint úsáide as Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Result;
ag baint úsáide as Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.View;
ag baint úsáide as System.Collections;

ainmspás Conchango
    ranga InvokeSimpleFASTQuery
        statach neamhní Príomh-(teaghrán[] comhbhrí leis an rogha)

            #réigiún Thúsú ár gcumarsáid le FAST
            ISearchFactory searchFactory;

            NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = nua NameValueCollection();

            nameValueCollection.Add("fastsearchengine", "Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.HttpSearchFactory");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.QRServers", "fastdemoback:15100");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.RequestMethod", "GET");

            searchFactory = SearchFactory.NewInstance(nameValueCollection);


             Seoladh ceist

            teaghrán queryString = "test";

            Iarratas cheist = nua Iarratas(queryString);

            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.Braisliú, bréagach);
            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.NAVIGATION, fíor);
            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.NAVIGATION_DEEPHITS, 100);

            ISearchView searchView;
            searchView = searchFactory.GetSearchView("sharepointconn");

            IQueryResult thoradh air; searchView.Search(cheist);

            Consól.WriteLine("Total results from search: [" + result.DocCount + "].");

            int docCounter = 0;

            cé go (docCounter < result.DocCount)

                docCounter    ;

                IDocumentSummary thisDocSummary = result.GetDocument(docCounter);

                Consól.WriteLine("[" + docCounter + "]: " + thisDocSummary.GetSummaryField("url").StringValue);

            } // cé go



Gineann sé an toradh seo a leanas:



Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati: ,