MRO cás-staidéar Sreabhadh Oibre ag baint úsáide as CAONAIGH, SPD, InfoPath & seirbhísí gréasáin.


An iontráil seo cur síos ar cás-staidéar cur síos ar MRO iarbhír (Cothabháil, Deisiú agus Oibríochtaí) próiseas ceadaithe sreabhadh oibre i bhfeidhm i CAONAIGH.

Ní hé seo an plé follasach teicniúla, ach ina ionad sin feidhmíonn a chur ar fáil fíor-domhan sampla a léiríonn conas a bhuail an ardán MOSS gá fíor-domhan.

(Is é seo an iontráil tras phost idir agus


Bhí an chliaint próiseas MRO arb iad is sainairíonna an méid seo a leanas

  • Próiseas ceadaithe Lámhleabhar.
  • Roinnt tacaíocht ag baint úsáide as scarbhileoga Excel.
  • Irregular approval process. The same MRO purchase approval process would vary day to day, duine ag duine.
  • Go leor de na páipéir agus sínithe lámhscríofa — foréilimh cheannaigh, a cheanglaítear suas go dtí 3 sínithe i scríbhinn roimh faomhadh deiridh.

Ní féidir cuspóirí an togra san áireamh:

  • Fully uathoibriú na bpróiseas.
  • Caighdeáin fiontraíochta le faomhadh a fhorfheidhmiú.
  • Sholáthar dearcadh comhdhlúite de MRO cheannach do bhainisteoirí éagsúla.
  • Detailed audit trail.

As a side effect of the solution, Bhí sínithe scríofa ag teastáil a thuilleadh.

Próiseas Faomhadh

The approval process consists of four "swim lanes": Tionscnóir, Bainisteoir Díreach, Bainisteoir Feidhme agus bainisteoir roinn.


Sees the need for the purchase and starts the process. Note that the originator may or may not actually enter the purchase requisition, but instead direct another staff member to do so. Roinnt uaireanta, the originator does not have the technical expertise to fill out the PO requisition. Mar shampla, D'fhéadfadh d'úsáideoir ag iarraidh a fhoréileamh ar ríomhaire glúine nua, ach nach bhfuil a fhios an díoltóir is fearr, Caighdeáin TF, etc. Sa chás seo, the originator works with IT and IT actually fills out the requisition.

Bainisteoir Díreach:

Is é seo an bainisteoir díreach an tionscnóra (d'fhéadfadh a bheith difriúil ón duine a chuaigh i ndáiríre an foréileamh uimhir i CAONAIGH). Direct managers must approve the PO requisition before the system seeks approval further down the line.

Bainisteoir Feidhmeach:

The functional manager is the individual responsible for ensuring that the proposed purchase conforms to enterprise standards within the scope of a particular corporate function. Mar shampla, IT purchases are approved by an IT functional manager.

Bainisteoir Rannóige:

Division managers approve purchase requisitions strictly by dollar amount. Division manager approve purchase requisitions in excess of a configurable dollar amount.

An Réiteach

We used the following tools and components to implement the solution:

CAONAIGH: Serves as the platform off which everything else "hangs". MOSS provides bedrock services for security, máistir sonraí, rianta iniúchta agus gnéithe eile.

Foirmeacha InfoPath Seirbhísí: A chomhpháirt CAONAIGH, seo ar chumas úsáideoirí a líonadh amach foréilimh a cheannach trí bhrabhsálaí gréasáin.

SharePoint Dearthóir (SPD): Úsáid againn SPD a chur i bhfeidhm ar an bpróiseas sreabhadh oibre uathoibrithe.

Seirbhís Gréasáin: A c# web service enhances the user experience by enabling cascading selections lists in the InfoPath form and provides better performance with respect to filtering data. Féach anseo do Léim domhain teicniúil ar an ábhar seo agus na fáthanna atá againn a úsáid.

Liostaí Saincheaptha: MOSS user profiles provided a given user’s direct manager, but did not provide most of the data that controlled workflow decisions (e.g. cibé an bhfuil an bainisteoir rannáin gá a cheadú don fhoréileamh uimhir). We used custom lists in an "Enterprise Data" site to maintain data such as "Divisional Manager Approval Dollar Amount", "Functional Area Manager" and so forth. Lists integrated very nicely with InfoPath and also provide create/update/delete (CRUD) feidhmiúlacht na gcaighdeán iniúchta agus amach as slándáil an bosca.

Bain úsáid as Cás

Léiríonn an cás seo a úsáid conas a oireann an réiteach le chéile:

  1. Paul wants a new laptop. He describes his needs to Vivek, duine IT eolach ar na caighdeáin ríomhaire glúine corparáideach, díoltóirí is fearr, etc.
  2. Logs Vivek i CAONAIGH, accesses the PO Requisition form and enters the requisition on behalf of Paul. The form prompts Vivek for a purchase category which then uses the web services to populate a drop-down list of company-approved vendors. Vivek also specifies the corporate functional area of this purchase (e.g. "IT" or "Finance").
  3. Tosaíonn sreabhadh oibre bunaithe SPD, bainisteoir agus bealaí an ceanglas a bhainisteoir díreach chinnfidh Pól, Stacy.
  4. Stacy fhormheasann an foréileamh a cheannach.
  5. SPD workflow inspects the requisition and determines it’s an IT purchase. It routes the workflow to the IT functional manager, Wonson.
  6. Wonson fhormheasann an foréileamh.
  7. SPD sreabhadh oibre iniúchadh arís an fhoréilimh agus go gcinnfidh gur mó an méid a cheannach le méid Dollar Maxium agus bealaí do bhainisteoir rannán ar cheadú.
  8. Ceadaíonn an bainisteoir roinn an foréileamh a cheannach.


  • The use case demonstrates a "clean" run with no rejections or jumps.
  • Every approver has the ability to approve or reject the requisition as well as provide written comments. These are logged in the audit trail.
  • Má dhiúltaíonn bainisteoir freagrach an foréileamh a cheannach ag aon phointe, the PO requisition is "dead" and the process must be started from the beginning.
  • Sreabhadh oibre in iúl don tionscnóir ag gach céim den phróiseas.
  • Uimh sínithe scríofa — an cliant a chinnfear (tar éis roinnt moltaí forceful) go bhfuil an rian iniúchóireachta mar a sholáthraítear trí mheán a stair sreabhadh oibre, sheirbheáil riachtanais a n-iniúchta.
  • Iarracht — it took approximately three man weeks to implement this solution.


This solution leverages MOSS as a development and run-time platform. The client was able to leverage core MOSS features to automate a routine business process that affected nearly every employee in the company. With the exception of a simple web service (a ghiaráil féin CAONAIGH), almost no actual "programming" bhí gá le.

The solution also serves as a "showcase" don chliant, demonstrating how different MOSS features can be combined to create a fully featured business application and generate new consulting opportunities in the future.


MRO: Cothabháil, repair and operations. These purchases typically include items such as notepads, cathaoireacha, ríomhairí pearsanta, printéirí, teileafóin phóca agus a leithéidí.

Scrúdaithe 70-542: Moltaí Staidéar (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Forbairt Iarratas)

Suas chun dáta: I tuairimí, duine éigin sa phost an nasc seo: It looks good to me too.

Ritheadh ​​mé an scrúdú teicniúil CAONAIGH lá atá inniu ann, entitled "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Application Development". I found the exam to be pretty rigorous and that it matched up quite well with Microsoft’s treoir a ullmhú.

Tá mé ag obair le MOSS ar bhonn laethúil agus rud ar bith beats iarbhír lámha-ar thaithí le haghaidh gach ceann de na scrúduithe.

É sin ráite, I took note of what I was studying as I studied. I believe that all of these resources are helpful, go háirithe mar mhodh a threisiú go lámha-ar thaithí.

Ábhar Nasc
Seirbhísí Excel
Cuardaigh No special recommendation. I had taken a class on search earlier this year and real-world experience carried me through. Work with the "search center" chomhpháirt de CAONAIGH.
Lucht Féachana
Ábhar Bainistíocht

BI Hands-ar an obair le KPI i CAONAIGH.
Sreabhadh oibre
Eolas mgmt
Taifid mgmt

Go leor de na naisc thoradh ar naisc níos mó agus bhí an luí agam iad a leanúint suas go dtí thart 3 leibhéal domhain.

Ní ba mhaith liom a rá go bhfuil gach rud a léigh mé i bhfeidhm go díreach ar an scrúdú, ach ní féidir liom brón léamh aon cheann de é agus fiú amháin más rud é nach raibh roinnt giotán a bhaineann go díreach. Tá sé ar fad stuif maith go mbeadh a fhios agus molaim go láidir an t-ábhar le haghaidh gach aspiring fhorbróirí MOSS dea-chothromú.

MOSS / SSU Torthaí an chuardaigh (agus dataviews): na sonraí XML amh féachaint

D'fhéadfadh sé seo a bheith soiléir go leor, ach iad ag staidéar do mo scrúdú cláir MOSS, D'fhoghlaim mé go bhfuil sé éasca go leor a fháil ar an XML iarbhír ó cheist chuardaigh tríd an comhéadan úsáideora.

Is modh amháin tapaidh mar seo a leanas:

  • Rochtain cuardach casta.
  • Cuardach a dhéanamh go bhfilleann cuid de na sonraí.
  • Cuir an leathanach (trí suímh láithreán).
  • Athraigh an XSL seo a leanas:

<?xml leagan="1.0" ionchódú="utf-8"?>
XSL:Stílbhileog leagan="1.0" xmlns:XSL="">
XSL:aschur modh="xml" leagan="1.0" ionchódú="UTF-8" fleasc="yes"/>
XSL:teimpléad mheaitseáil="/">
XSL:cóip de- roghnú="*"/>

  • Buail isteach.
  • Féach ar Foinse sa bhrabhsálaí.

Tabhair faoi deara go bhfuil an <réamh> tag doesn’t do much except serve as a convenient marker when you view the results.

This trick can be very helpful when working with managed properties and customizing search. It will provide a definitive list of the XML available for you to use in your xslt which would have been very helpful the last 25 amanna chruthaigh mé roinnt torthaí cuardaigh saincheaptha.

Ba chóir é seo a bheith ag obair le haghaidh dataviews chomh maith, cé nach bhfuil mé tástáil go amach go fóill.

Uimh CQWP do SSU? Bain triail as seo…

Feicim go Eric Kraus was faced with a requirement normally met with a content query web part. An fhadhb? He was in a pure WSS environment with no access to the CQWP. Rather than curling up in the fetal position (a áiteamh go bhfuil mé le dul i ngleic gach lá, Dealraíonn sé), he came up with solution that at least gives WSS shops a fighting chance to succeed. It’s described anseo.

Dearcadh iontach agus mionsonraithe bainistíochta inneachair API

Stefan GOSSNER has put together a terrific 4-part series on the SharePoint Content and Deployment API anseo. It offers a great overview and very good examples in code (C #).

Phioc mé an chéad suas an nasc seo ó Joris poelmans bhlag ag

Fiú má tá tú cosúil liomsa, sa mhéid is nach bhfuil tú go raibh a dhéanamh i bhfad idir lámha ar an obair le haghaidh bainistíochta inneachair, tá sé seo fiú go maith 20 minutes of your time to read.

Ag baint úsáide as an API, féidir le duine:

  • Onnmhairiú agus a allmhairiú ábhar an-éasca.
  • Re-parent content. If you want to export some content from a site "A" and send it to site "B" ach in áit go hiomlán nua san ordlathas, seo agus is féidir.
  • Ábhar Easpórtáil ó láithreán A agus allmhairiú giotán roghnaithe isteach site A.
  • Ábhar Re-nasc (rud a chiallaíonn déileáil leis na hipearnasc).

SSU, leabharlanna doc & liostaí, Colúin ríomh a bhaineann le [Mise]

Someone on the Internets was asking about how to create a calculated column on a list that would show a value formatted as "[Úsáideoir] – [Stádas] – [Suíomh]" as in "Paul Galvin – Óil [saor in aisce] Beoir – The Beach".

Paul would go in and update his entry in the list and the calculated column would update appropriately. The [Úsáideoir] Ba chóir réamhshocraithe don úsáideoir dul isteach / thabhairt cothrom le dáta an liosta an.

A calculated column cannot use "volatile" feidhmeanna mar [Mise] nó [Sa lá atá inniu]. I solved it in a test environment with these steps:

  1. Create a text column named "Current User".
  2. Socraigh a luach réamhshocraithe a [Mise]
  3. Create a calculated column called "Calc Test".
  4. Socraigh a luach; [Úsáideoir Reatha]

Chuaigh mé i, Chuir mhír chun an liosta agus d'oibrigh sé.

Passed mo 70-315 scrúdú sa lá atá inniu!

I passed the "Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET" scrúdú lá atá inniu ann sa stát mór NJ ag oifigí venerable de SolarTech i HASBROUCK HEIGHTS.

I put this exam up there with BizTalk in terms of difficulty. You can’t fake your way through it.

Chun staidéar a, Úsáid mé an an Féin Paced leabhar trealamh Oiliúna MCAD / MCSD dar teideal Feidhmchláir Gréasáin a Fhorbairt le Visual Microsoft Bunúsach. NET agus Visual C #. GLAN.

Treoirlínte Microsoft (anseo) are exactly correct IMO. The book addresses everything and if you have a modicum or real-world experience, it should be a straight-forward exam. If not, take the time get some real world experience or at least execute the labs in the book. That will probably give you what you need.

Liom dul fiú amháin a mhéid go dtí an leabhar a mholadh do pro, especially self-taught people like myself. It covers some basic stuff which I just never had a reason to stumble upon in my travels and I’m kicking myself a little bit for never having taken the time to learn them.

SharePoint Dearthóir, “Bailigh sonraí ó Úsáideoir” agus úsáid a bhaint as na torthaí.

Bain úsáid as an "Bailigh sonraí ó Úsáideoir" action to create and assign a task to a user that prompts them for data. Among other things, Mé a úsáidtear é chun go spreagfaí úsáideoir a cheadú nó a dhiúltú d'iarraidh agus roinnt tuairimí isteach.

Bíonn an gníomh seo i bhfoirm:

Bailigh sonraí ó an úsáideoir seo (Aschur a Athróg: collect1)

Cliceáil ar an sonraí pulls suas le sraith de boscaí dialóige nuair is tú a shonrú cad iad na sonraí ba chóir an t-úsáideoir a chur ar fáil nuair a chomhlánú an tasc agus an úsáideoir seo Is léir.

An chuid is aschur (Athróg: collect1) saves the ID of the task. You use this in your workflow to extract the user’s actual response via the "Compare any data source" condition.

Léiríonn an coinníoll sin mar

réimse is ionann luach

Cliceáil ar réimse agus ansin an f(x) icon and it pulls up another dialog box. Use this generalized dialog box to to tell SPD two things;

1. What is the list and column whose value you want to compare.

2. Cén chaoi ar chóir an t-inneall sreabhadh oibre a aimsiú ar an ró ar leith sa liosta?

Chun é seo a:

  1. Athraigh an Foinse "" dropdown to point at the correct task list. Note that the dialog box expands to show a "Find the List Item" alt.
  2. I réimse an Sonraí Lookup anuas, roghnaigh an t-ainm ar an réimse a bhfuil luach is mian leat (léarscáileanna seo leis an méid a d'iarr tú i mbosca an dialóg Bailigh sonraí ó thuas).
  3. In the "Find the List Item" alt, roghnaigh "Tascanna:ID" i Réimse anuas.
  4. I réimse an luach, cliceáil ar an f(x). This opens yet another dialog box.
  5. Athraigh an Sonraí foinse Sreabhadh Oibre ""
  6. Roghnaigh an athróg sreabhadh oibre a oireann don Aschur "chun Athróg" as an ngníomh Bailigh sonraí.
  7. Cliceáil OK / ceart go leor agus go bhfuil tú ag déanamh.

Breathnaíonn sé mar seo go dtí mé:


Ag an bpointe seo, Is féidir leat úsáid a bhaint anois go bhfuil luach i do sreabhadh oibre mar is gá.

Nótaí Breise:

Mar gairid leataobh, I always create an appropriately named workflow variable of type "List Item ID" and use that instead of the auto-generated "collect1".

Seo "i gcomparáid aon fhoinse sonraí" Tá sraith dialóg a úsáidtear in áiteanna éagsúla i SPD agus is fiú go leor.

== Deireadh

Clibeanna Technorati:

Dheasca IE Breac-nuair a doiciméid a rochtain i leabharlann doiciméad SSU / CAONAIGH

Tá mé ag plagued le seo ar feadh 9 féach mhí agus go bhfuil daoine ar an MSDN agus fóraim Usenet too.l sé

Uaireanta, nuair a rochtain a fháil ar dhoiciméad focal (nó cineálacha doc eile) ó leabharlann doiciméad cúiseanna Internet Explorer a tuairteála go simplí agus dul amach (ag cur na tabs leis má tá aon oscailt).

D'fhéadfadh sé seo hotfix MS réiteach é:

Chomh maith leis sin, níl roinnt cur síos mar gheall ar an fhadhb anseo:

An mbeidh an fíor XPath céim ar aghaidh?


Cruthaithe liosta saincheaptha a bhainistíonn le cineál ábhar le roinnt colún dosaen.

Curtha sé le leathanach agus ina dhiaidh sin trí SPD, thiontú d'fhonn sonraí.


My Xpath expression was returning blank for a column named "Current Position". I referenced it thusly:

    <table border="1">
      <XSL:for-each select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row" >
            Stádas Reatha:
            <XSL:value-of select="@Current_x0020_Status"></XSL:luach-ar>

The column in the CT is named "Current Status". It shows up in the lookup as "Current Status". Everywhere you look, you see "Current Status".

Cé thrashing madly faoi, lorg ar réiteach, I instead referred to "@Recruiter" agus behold! — that actually returned back the current status. I expected it to return back the recruiter when I did that.


I poked about in SPD. Go to that page in SPD and it shows the data view. You can inspect the actual data provided to the view and associated Xpath. Here I found out that indeed, the Xpath pointed at "Recruiter". Strangely enough, the "actual" recruiter field pointed from "Recruiter1".

Tóg Away:

SPD Soláthraíonn habairtí XPath údarásach do sraitheanna & colúin i d'fhonn sonraí.

Dara, it shows the actual data. So for example, Léiríonn colún den chineál seo:

<nobr><réise><A HREF="/sites/Corporate/HumanResources/TalentAcquisition/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=17">Galvin, Paul</A><img = teorann"0" height="1" width="3" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif"/><a href = 'javascript:’ onclick = 'IMNImageOnClick();tuairisceán bréige;’ aicme = "ms-imnlink '><img name=’imnmark’ title =” teorann =’0′ airde = '12’ width = '12’ src = "/ _layouts / images / blank.gif’ Poiblı = 'Níl aon eolas láithreacht’ sip = '’ id = 'imn_77, type = SMTP' /></a></réise></nobr>