I’ve been working with SharePoint SSO and learning as I go. One way in which this works is that you tell SharePoint about external applications. Users log into that application via some SharePoint function (e.g. iView parte web). The first time the user performs this action, it prompts them for the correct user id and password to use for that system. It’s setting up a mapping between your SharePoint credentials and your credentials for that backend system. Thereafter, o usuario non terá que escribir o seu ID cando baten-se que o sistema.
That part worked well for me. Con todo, el levanta a cuestión, "Como é que o usuario cambiar este ID de usuario ou contrasinal?” The user might have made a mistake, Ou quizais está a facer algunhas probas nun ambiente de dev e precisa cambiar rapidamente entre contas.
Non sei a resposta a iso, pero eu sei que pode ir á Administración Central e xestionar as credenciais do usuario:
Administración Central -> Operacións -> Xestionar Single Sign-On -> Xestionar a información de conta para unha definición de aplicación empresarial
De alí, pode especificar a aplicación externa (e.g. SAP) and the account you want to delete. You can also change the mapping.
Se sabe como facer que os usuarios finais para cambiar directamente as súas credenciais, kindly post a comment
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