Podería escribir longamente sobre foros MSDN, etiqueta, convencións de nomenclatura, buscar, etc. I may do that, de feito. I wanted to point out a small thing which may help people have a better overall experience.
Eu recentemente foi dicir á xente que, se ten algún tipo de problema co seu ambiente SharePoint, proxecto de desenvolvemento ou outra actividade relacionada SharePoint, post a question to the forums earlier in your action chain rather than later. I know for myself that when I have a problem, a number of potential solutions present themselves right away. I order these potential solutions in terms of likelihood, applicability and how easy they are to investigate. I go through that list and by the time I’ve gotten to #10, Estou facendo cambios no rexistro para unha clave "/ foo / bar / almostThere / isThisIt / noThisIsNotIt / iCantBelieveIAmDoingThis / finallyThere!"O consello dun blog atopar na páxina 8 of a Google search. When that doesn’t work, Eu finalmente publicar unha pregunta para MSDN (e.g. aquí: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointgeneral/threads).
I suggest that you reverse that approach. Post the forums much earlier in your investigation because:
- É libre a vostede de calquera maneira.
- Non hai ningunha garantía de SLA (que eu saiba, polo menos).
- Polo tanto, pode levar moito tempo para que a xente responden.
- As persoas moitas veces non responden finalmente.
- Se esperar ata 2 ou 3 días despois o problema xurdiu por primeira vez, está desesperado por unha resposta e foros non son un bo lugar para axuda de emerxencia (a menos que ten sorte).
Así, basicamente, é doado e gratis e ten unha boa oportunidade de obter algún tipo de resposta, pero vai levar un pouco para chegar a resposta (novo, a menos que ten sorte).
I used to think that I should hold off on looking for community help because I don’t want to waste someone’s time asking for help when I could find it out myself. Some forum moderators and active participants may feel that way, pero eu non (polo menos, Eu non me sinto máis así). I don’t see any downside. The worst case is that you post a question and then answer it yourself some time later, possibly “wasting” some one’s time. I don’t see a big risk in that and there’s value in the researching of questions like that in any event.
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