Definindo “Grande” Requisitos do SharePoint

Segundo proceda e prometido, I’ve uploaded my presentation on how to obtain "great" requirements from end users for SharePoint projects and implementations. It’s here: 20Galvin% 20Great%

Eu presentei iso no SharePoint conferencia de Mellores Prácticas en febreiro 2009 ( If you attended the conference, tamén se pode obter tanto na conferencia de DVD.

The presentation includes a lot of notes with most slides. It’s not just bullet points.

(See here for my other presentation on a governance case study:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!3099.entry


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“Wild West” Gobernanza Presentación PowerPoint

I just finished up my "Wild West" presentación de goberno aquí na conferencia Prácticas SharePoint mellor e me pediron para escribir a miña presentación para o meu blog, entón aquí está: 20Galvin% 20Wild%

(Desculpen a broma viola!)


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Controlar o comportamento do fluxo de traballo con listas personalizadas (De novo)

A principios deste mes, Eu xuntos un artigo planeado orixinalmente para Mark Miller Con todo, I, en vez utilizado como Dustin Hoffman utilizado unha cruz, ao final do A posgrao para afastar meu (impresionante! agradable!) editor da TechTarget.

Este é outro fluxo de traballo do SharePoint Design artigo na mesma liña do meu esforzo máis recente aquí: ("Usa Control Lists para crear solucións de fluxo de traballo flexible").

Comeza así:

Xa desexou que podería desactivar temporalmente un fluxo de traballo do SharePoint Design? Pode querer facelo para masa de aprobar un gran número de documentos sen disparar decenas - ou quizais centos - de fluxos de traballo innecesarios.

Unha forma de facelo é acceder ao fluxo de traballo empregando o Share Point Deseño e desativá-lo. Para iso, ten que abrir o SharePoint Design, acceder ao fluxo de traballo, cambiar as súas propiedades e re-garda-lo. O problema con este método é que é un pouco confuso e moi probablemente para tocar de campás de alarma na maioría das empresas.

En xeral, mexendo con fluxos de traballo do SharePoint Deseño non é unha boa práctica nun ambiente de produción, nin é parte dun proceso ben controlada.

The article then walks you through a solution to this problem that uses a custom list to turn the WF on or off as needs dictate. Ler todo aquí (http://201_16.pdf

Este artigo foi inspirado por unha pregunta feita no foro aquí: A pesar de eu pasar moito máis tempo nos foros do MSDN, Eu recomendo encarecidamente que ten unha espiar no foro EUSP ben, particularly for end user oriented questions. It’s yet another source of good information and advice.


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Use Listas de Control de crear solucións de fluxo de traballo flexibles

Semana pasada, Mark Miller posted my latest SharePoint Designer workflow article for end users on his site (

Comeza así:

Nós, os tipos de técnicas usar unha morea de xerga e siglas na nosa rutina diaria, tales como "Oop" (programación orientada a obxecto), "CT" (Tipos de contido), "SPD" (SharePoint Deseño), "RTFM" (Lea a guía de), etc. This article concerns itself with a particular bugaboo called “hard coding:” What it is, why it’s bad and how to avoid it in SharePoint designer workflow solutions.

I describe how we can use custom lists to store workflow control and configuration data. Using this approach, we can avoid hard coding values such as approvers’ email addresses, approval dollar limits, etc.



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Goberno e SharePoint Busca – Nunca é tarde para comezar

Eu wrote an article (, 289483, sid1_gci1345231_mem1, 00.html #) para on governance as it relates to SharePoint Search. It’s not in my usual "voice" but that’s editing for you 🙂

Aquí é así que comeza:

Aínda que case todos os aspectos do SharePoint poden beneficiarse dun plan de goberno forte, MOSS 2007’s enterprise search functionality benefits most of all.

Like all parts of SharePoint, there is good news and bad news about governance. For many organizations, the bad news is that it’s extremely difficult to incorporate a governance plan where none existed.

But here’s the good news: You can quickly configure and improve on enterprise search at almost any time. And when you implement a governance plan for enterprise search, you can see immediate results.

One of the problems with SharePoint and governance is that companies often get knee deep into SharePoint with no governance plan and by then, there’s no easy path forward to solve it. No so with Search. Read the article to get my thoughts on that subject.


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Presentación Rápido seguinte, Mércores 01/28, Mediodía EDT

Vou facer a miña primeira presentación en liña organizado pola poderosa máquina de marketing da EMC en 12:00 mediodía EDT este mércores, 01/28. Eu non teño ningunha idea do que esperar deste, in terms of attendance. Con todo, dende que eu estou levando-o, Podo dicirlle o que esperar darse tempo para el.

I’m going to be describing what we here at EMC mean when we talk about "Enterprise Search." I’m distinguishing between regular old SharePoint Search (o que é moi útil, por si só) e Enterprise Search, que é un moi maior, nastier, problema interesante e desconcertante para resolver.

Vou facer o argumento de que a FAST é unha boa ferramenta para usar ao tentar resolver o problema Enterprise Search (e eu facer algunhas analoxías con canles mentres eu estou nel). This obviously ties into SharePoint and will be a part of the community’s fabric over the course of 2009 and beyond. That’s the hook for anyone reading my blog here.

Se vostede está interesado en rápido, Eu creo que vai atopar bastante información útil para xustificar o tempo gastado a escoitar-me falar sobre iso.

É unha presentación de marketing, pero todo o material de marketing é a finais, así sempre pode caer nese momento.

A poderosa máquina de marketing de EMC, me proporcionou unha ligazón de inscrición, por iso, usalo para rexistrar.


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Self-Service Web Creation non é exactamente sobre como crear sitios

Cantos tipos de consultoría SharePoint, I’ve been exposed to a lot of SharePoint functionality. Algunhas veces, I dive pretty deep. Other times I just notice it as I’m flying by to another set of menu options. One of those is "self-service site creation." I haven’t had a need for it until this week.

Esta semana, I need to solve a business problem which I think is going to become more common as companies loosen up and embrace more direct end user control over SharePoint. Neste caso, I’ve designed a site template to support a specific end user community. Folks in this community should be able to create their own sites at will using this template whenever the urge strikes them.

I recalled seeing "self-service site creation" before and I’ve always tucked that away in the back of my head thinking that "self service site creation" is SharePoint lingo meaning, obviously enough, something like "turn me on if you want end users to be able to create sites when they want to."

Así, I turn it on, try it out and for me, it’s not creating sites. It’s creating site collections. Pretty big difference. That’s not what I want, not at all.

It is possible to let end users create new sub sites via a custom permission level. This is exactly where I would have gone in the first place except that the label "self-service site creation" label deceived me. Via twitter, I learn that it’s deceived others as well 🙂

I’m still working out how to provide a little bit of a more streamlined process while staying purely out of the box, but there’s a definite path to follow. Just don’t get distracted by that label.


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Falando en Nova York SharePoint Reunión do Grupo de creadores

Vou presentar na reunión de Nova York SharePoint creadores grupo en Nova York, nas oficinas de Microsoft o día 6 de Ave o martes, 01/27 en 6:00 AM (pouco máis dunha semana a partir de agora!).

Rexístrate aquí.

It’s going to be a technical presentation where I walk through the process of creating a custom workflow action that can be packaged and installed into a SharePoint environment and used by SharePoint Designer to create declarative workflow solutions.

Think this:

I’ll do a little evangelizing as I go along, making the case that developers should really think hard about the benefits of this kind of effort. it goes something like this: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, build him a custom workflow action and he can design and implement his own business process for finding fish (or any other food!) and leave the developers alone to do the heavy duty complex programming that developers are best at doing.

It’s obviously a developer oriented session, but I do encourage curious end users and admins to show up. Even though the specific process of creating a custom action is targeted directly at developers, the meta conversation about one is not.

I hope to see you there.


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Un servidor proxy web tentou me impedir de instalación de Windows Workflow Foundation, Pero derrotou

I’m working at a client site and needed to install windows workflow foundation so that I could so some SharePoint Designer work. (Eu non sabía até hoxe que SPD instala ben, pero realmente precisa de polo menos Net. 2.0 e Windows Workflow Foundation para ser realmente útil; Sempre asumir estes foron instalados xunto co SPD, pero eu estaba mal).

The client has a proxy server. No problem, I have credentials to get outside to the public Internets. I go to the usual place to download WWF (SPD amablemente me proporcionou unha ligazón). That download is really a bootstrap of sorts. It runs and figures out what else it needs to download. That second download process failed. It either does not try at all, or is somehow prevented from asking for proxy server credentials. It was a pretty hard crash, me dar a mensaxe:

Microsoft. Net Framework 3.0 has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete successfully.

Intento reiniciar e pasou 10 seconds trying to figure out if I could get it to ask me for proxy server credentials. I gave up and went here instead: .Net Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Paquete Completo).

Eu baixei o paquete, instalar e esta vez, no problems.


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Usando Reflector en microsoft.sharepoint.dll

Redgate .NET Reflector Michael Blumenthal puxo-se unha sobre avisos e puntos de vista ("Which views can be used when Creating an Alert ?"), which is interesting on its own merits. Con todo, I was even more interested to see how he methodically walks through the process of using Redgate’s .NET Reflector. Step by step, he shows how to use that tool track down how SharePoint determines whether a view on a list should be "subscribable" por falta dunha palabra mellor (he explains this much better than I do 🙂 ).

Neste punto, na era SharePoint, you’d almost have to be deaf and blind to have not heard or read about using that tool. It’s advanced stuff and my own sense is that it’s in many ways a tool of last resort. Con todo, Se pensas que debe, pero realmente non sei como, Michael do write-up parece ser un excelente tutorial sobre este tema.


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