Mjesečni arhiv: Siječanj 2008

Blog Stats

I thought some people might be interested in my blog’s statistics. You can use mine as a benchmark to compare your own.

I’m running my blog on windows live spaces. They collect stats for me and I don’t know any way to control that. It’s good as far as it goes, but it’s fairly limited in that I can’t do much actual analysis with it. I’d love, na primjer, to be able to generate a listing of my most frequently hit posts but I can’t do that without a prohibitive manual process. If someone knows better, molim vas recite mi.

Uživo prostori status mi reći: Ukupni hitovi za dan, total hits for the week and total hits since day zero. It also tells me what people did to get to my blog (e.g. Google, MSDN forum vezu, itd.).

Na neki način, a "hit" očito je. Ako čitate ovu rečenicu sada, ste gotovo sigurno registriran kao jedan hit.

RSS is a little confusing. On one hand, I see individual RSS hits all day long. Ali, I also see RSS "sweeps". A sweep is when I see 20 ili 30 RSS hits all within a one or two second window. I assume these are automated things like google checking in on my site, Možda tuđe preglednici … nisu sigurni. They are definitely some kind of automated process. I cannot tell, međutim, how many of my total hits are automated and how many have an actual human on the other side. I would guess at least 100 posjeta dnevno su automatizirani.

On s brojevima!

Sam napisao moj prvi blog post 27. srpnja, 2007.

Ja sam napisao otprilike 60 blog unosa od tada, više od 50 od kojih se izravno odnose na SharePoint.

Sam počeo pratiti od mojih pogodaka u tablicu na dnevnoj bazi, na kraju rujna.

Mjesečni Počinje:

Prvi tjedan: Ukupno Posjeta
Listopad 1,234
Studeni 2,162
Prosinac 3,071
Siječanj 2008 4,253

Ukupno po mjesecu

Mjesec Ukupno Posjeta
Listopad 6,620
Studeni 11,110
Prosinac 13,138

Visoke ocjene Voda

Tip Ukupno Posjeta
Najbolji dan 958
Najbolji Tjedan 4,253
Ukupno Posjeta od prvog dana Zero 42,438

Ja sam zainteresiran za druge’ stats. If you care to share yours in the comments, molim vas!


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U nedjelju ujutro Funny: “Da, da, da. Pretjerivanje, pretjerivanje, bla.”

Prije nekih šest godina, moj četverogodišnji sin i ja bili na katu gledajući Otkriće kanala "shark attacks" poseban (ova možda). He was very young at the point and I was always worried what he might see on a show like this and how he might take it. I didn’t want him to develop, na primjer, bilo koji posebni strahuje vode ili lani nešto neprimjereno svojim prijateljima, a možda i dovesti svoju mrežu beba prijatelju da se obruši.

Discovery handles these kinds of subjects very well. It’s not about creating a Strah od nešto, but rather to show how unusual it is for sharks to attack humans.

Tako, we’re watching it and there is this one particularly scary attack involving a small girl. As Discovery is building the drama of the attack, moj sin (koji je oduvijek bio iznimno nervozan ionako), is getting very excited. I make some noises about how unusual it is for sharks to attack people, and how bad the poor girl must feel. I’m trying to explain that people recover from these events and become stronger for it. Međutim, I had misinterpreted his excitement. He was not worried about the girl at all. Umjesto toga, dok je pljeskao rukama, on mi kaže, "The sharks love it! It’s terrific. It’s wonderful. Its a DREAM COME TRUE!"

Mislio sam da je ovo bio smiješan, but also very disturbing. U jednu ruku, Bilo mi je drago — čak i malo ponosni — da bi on mogao imati jake osjećaje empatije, cross-species though they may be. As humans, we need to develop our "empathic muscles" tako govore ili ćete završiti kao ovaj tip 🙂 On the other hand, he was feeling cross-species empathy toward a species who was exhibiting behavior inimical to his own. I was really struggling with this when the narrator used the word "paradigm". My son picked up on that and asked me what that meant.

To nije lako, kao riječ za opisati na četiri godine starim, but I gave it a try. When I think of the word "paradigm", Thomas Kuhn is never far from my thoughts. I read Struktura znanstvenih revolucija natrag na Lafayette i za bolje ili na gore, the word "paradigm" is pregnant with extra meaning for me. (Sort of like the word "contact" nakon što je čuo glas Telefon Film mi reći gdje sam mogao vidjeti taj film [Mislio sam da je knjiga bila bolja]; Ja uvijek kažem sebi, "CONTACT!" whenever I see or hear someone say "contact").

U svakom slučaju, Ja pokušavam objasniti mu Kuhnian razlučivosti, that it’s "a historical movement of thought" and that it’s a "way of thinking with a number of built-in assumptions that are hard to escape for people living at that time." Naravno, ne može razgovarati kao s četiri godišnja, so I’m trying to successively define it to smaller pieces and feeling rather proud of myself as I do so. (Upravo sam znali da je netko izvan sudačke će se brinuti da sam pročitao Kuhn!).

I’m just warming to the task when he interrupts me. Waving his hand u mom smjeru općeg i ne skidajući pogled s druge brutalnom napadu morskog psa, on samo kaže:, "Yeah, da, da. Pretjerivanje, pretjerivanje, blah.".

So much for that 🙂

U tom trenutku, Sam odlučio pobjeći, retorički govoreći, zasjesti, i uživati ​​gledajući morski psi napadaju ljude s mojim sinom.


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Prebacivanje Pogledajte View temelju korisničkog ID-u InfoPath obrasca

Imali smo razvili InfoPath obrazac s više pogleda kako bi podržao novi najam / on-boarding process. When the company hires a new person, IT odjel i druge skupine trebaju poduzeti akciju (postaviti plaće, omogućiti pristup odgovarajućim aplikacijama, locirati stol, itd.). We use on form but a different view of the form for each of those functions.

Na ovom mjestu, većina ljudi koji su uključeni u poslovnom procesu se IT-pamet, pa kad su pristupili obrazac, their default view is a "menu" view with buttons that direct them to their specific function. Međutim, we needed to simplify things for the new hire’s direct manager. This person should not see any of the IT related stuff. Zapravo, ona bi trebao vidjeti samo jedan pogled na obrascu, a ne čak imati mogućnost vidjeti druge stavove.

U našem slučaju, da izravni upravitelja računa izravno vezan za obrasca ljubaznošću obratite selektor (which I am always wanting to call a "people picker" iz nekog razloga).

Koraci su sljedeći:

1. U načinu dizajna, idite na Tools -> Obrazac Options -> Otvori i Spremi.

2. Select "rules".

3. Create a new rule whose action is "switch to view" , a čije stanje utjecati na korisničko ime() funkcija.

userName() returns the "simple" user name without the domain. If I log into SharePoint with credentials "domain\pagalvin", userName() returns "pagalvin".

The contact selector provides three bits of information for a contact. The "AccountID" portion is most useful for this scenario. The only thing that makes this even a little bit of challenge is that the contact selector (u mom okruženju ionako) vraća domenu i korisnički ID, as in "domain\pagalvin". This prevents us from doing a straight-forward equality condition since AccountID ("domain\pagalvin") nikada neće biti jednak korisničko ime() ("pagalvin").

We can get around this using the "contains" operator: AccountID sadrži korisničko ime().

Možemo uzeti ga dalje i pre-daj hard-kodirana domene ispred korisničko ime() funkcionirati da se naša jednakost provjeriti i eliminirati rizik od lažno pozitivan na sadrži operatoru.

We would have REALLY like to automatically switch view for other users based on their AD security group membership. Na primjer, when a member of the "IT Analytics" Skupina pristupa obrazac, automatically switch to the IT Analytics view. We didn’t have time to implement it, but my first thought is to create a web service that would have a method like "IsMemberOfActiveDirectorySecurityGroup", prođe to userName() and return back true or false. Does anyone have any other, pametnija ideja? Is there any SharePoint function we can leverage from InfoPath to make that determination?


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Slučajno Dodavanje kod na InfoPath obrasca; Namjerno maknuti

Prilikom rada s gumbima na obrascu, we often add rules. You access the rules editor from the properties of the button.

Kad kliknete oko brzo, it’s easy to accidentally click on "Edit Form Code" instead of "Rules …".

Prvi put sam to učinio, I canceled out of the code editor. Međutim, kada sam pokušao objaviti obrazac malo kasnije, it required that I publish as an "Administrator-approved form template (napredan)". I didn’t actually do any programming and I absolutely didn’t want to go through an unnecessary approval process. I was in a bit of panic at the time due to time constraints. To get past it, I simply restored a previous backup and continued. I had recently seen some blog posts about people going into the form’s XML to tweak things and I was afraid I would have to do something similar.

Danas, I did it again. Ovaj puta, Imao sam malo više vremena na rukama i otkrili da možete lako poništiti.

Idite na:

Alati -> Obrazac Options -> Programiranje: "Remove Code"

To ne bi puno lakše nego da.


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Minimalna sigurnosna Obavezno za InfoPath Forms

I needed to meet a security requirement for an InfoPath form today. In this business situation, a relatively small number of individuals are allowed to create a new InfoPath form and a much wider audience are allowed to edit it. (Ovo je nova najam na ukrcaj oblik koristi ljudskim resursima koji pokreće tijek rada).

Da bi se taj cilj, Stvorio sam stvorio dvije nove razine dozvola ("create and update" and "update only"), broke inheritance for the form library and assigned permissions to a "create, ažurirati" user and a separate "update only" korisnik. The mechanics all worked, but it turned out to be a little more involving than I expected. (Ako se osjećate pomalo nesiguran na SharePoint dozvole, provjeriti ovaj blog post). The required security configuration for the permission level was not the obvious set of granular permissions. To create an update-only permission level for an InfoPath form, Ja sam sljedeće:

  1. Otvori novu razinu ovlasti.
  2. Raspremiti sve opcije.
  3. Selected only the following from "List permissions":
    • Uredi artikle
    • Pogledajte artikle
    • Pogledajte Application Pages

Odabir ove opcije omogućuje korisniku da ažurirate obrazac, ali ne napravite ga.

The trick was to enable the "View Application Pages". There isn’t any verbage on the permission level that indicates that’s required for update-only InfoPath forms, ali ispada da je.

Create-and-Update was even stranger. I followed the same steps, 1 kroz 3 gore. I had to specifically add a "Site Permission" opcija: "Use client integration features". Opet, Opis tamo ne čine ga izgledaju kao da bi trebao biti obavezan za InfoPath obrazac, ali je.


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Da “Posrednik” Osjećaj; Promatranja na SharePoint Consulting

Nažalost, phase one of my last project has come to a close and the client has opted to move ahead by themselves on phase two. We did our job too well, as usual 🙂 I’m now between projects, posebno vrijeme za osoblje konzultanata poput mene (as opposed to independents who must normally live in perpetual fear of in-between time 🙂 ). We staff consultants fill this time in various ways: Rad s prodajnom folk pisati prijedloge; popunjavanjem za nekoga ili backup osobu na ovaj ili onaj posao ak; studying; Blogging :). It’s hard to plan more than a few days in advance. At times like this, dok imam malo vremena na mojim rukama, I like to reflect.

I’m almost always sad to leave a client’s campus for the last time. We consultants form a peculiar kind of relationship with our clients, unlike your typical co-worker relationship. There’s the money angle — everyone knows the consultant’s rate is double/triple or even more than the client staff. You’re a known temporary person. As a consultant, you’re a permanent outsider with a more or less known departure date. Još, jedete ručak s klijentom, izvadite ih na večeru i / ili pića, kupiti kolačiće za momčad, ići na kavu staze, dati / primati odmor kartice — all the kinds of things that co-workers do. On one hand, you’re the adult in the room. You’re an expert in the technology which puts you in a superior position. S druge strane, you’re a baby. On day zero, savjetnici ne znaju imena, the places or the client’s lingo. Most times, konzultanti nikada naučiti ga sve.

Kada stvari idu dobro, you become very well integrated with the client’s project team. They treat you like a co-worker in one sense, and confidant in another. Since we don’t have a manager-style reporting relationship with the client, the project team often feels a little free to air their dirty laundry. They let their barriers down and can put the consultant into an awkward position, ne shvaćajući što se to radi.

Consultants often don’t get to implement phase two and that never gets easy for me. I think this is especially hard with SharePoint. Phase one of of your typical SharePoint project covers setup/configuration, vladavina, taksonomija, Osnovne vrste sadržaja, itd.. te u mnogim aspektima, iznosi dugotrajan, extremely detailed discovery. That’s how I view my last project. We did all the basic stuff as well as execute some nice mini-POC’s by extending CQWP, provedbi BDC veze s PeopleSoft, uveden prilično složen tijek rada s SharePoint Designer, touched on basic KPI’s and more. A proper phase two would extend all of that with extensive, Gotovo prožima BDC, jako lijepo rada, fino i bolje pretraživanje, zapisi centar, Excel Services i vjerojatno najvažniji, reaching out to other business units. Ali, to ne bi bilo za mene, and that’s sad.

Na temelju ovog nedavnog iskustva, I think it’s fair to say that a proper enterprise SharePoint implementation is a one year process. It could probably legitimately run two years before reaching a point of diminishing returns. Details matter, naravno.

That’s the consultant’s life and all of these little complaints are even worse in a SharePoint engagement. Kao što sam napisao prije, SharePoint’s horizontal nature brings you into contact with a wide array of people and business units. When you’re working with so many people, možete vidjeti toliko mnogo načina da se SharePoint može pomoći tvrtka postati učinkovitiji, uštedjeti vrijeme, raditi stvari bolje… but you don’t always get to do them.

Često sam se osvrnuti na moj prvi posao izvan koledž, before starting a consulting career 1995. We did get to do a phase two and even a phase three. Those were nice times. On the downside, međutim, that means that that would mean a lot of routine stuff too. Managing site security. Tweaking content types. Creating views and changing views. Dealing with IE security settings. Restoring lost documents. Blech! 🙂

Unatoč mojim melankoličnim raspoloženjem, Ja ne mogu zamisliti mjesto gdje bih radije bio (osim na toploj plaži s dragocjenostima opskrbu duhova).

Ja ne mogu čekati da biste započeli provoditi narednih Enterprise SharePoint projekt.

(Apropos ničega, Napisala sam većinu ovog bloga stupanja na NJ Transit bus. I don’t think I made any friends, but one CAN blog on the bus 🙂 )


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Nedjelja Zabavno: “Oni nisu tako loše”

Povratak u blizini 1999, Provodio sam puno tjedna u Santa Barbari, CA, raditi za klijenta, leaving my poor wife back here in New Jersey alone. I dearly love my wife. I love her just as much today as I did when she foolishly married me 1,000 years or so ago. Negdje duž linije, Sam skovao frazu, "special fear", as in "Samantha has special fears." She as a special fear of "bugs", koji joj nisu muhe ili Ladybugs, but rather microbes. She’s afraid of this or that virus or unusual bacteria afflicting our son, ili ja, but never really herself. (Ona je također posebno bojati vampira, minijaturne zle lutke (posebno klaunovi) i podmornice nesrećama; ona je prerastao svoj poseban strah od ljudi odjeveni u Djeda Mraza odjeće).

Jednog dana, my co-worker and I decided to drive up into the nearby mountains near Ohai. At one point, we got out of the car to take in the scene. When we got back into the car, I noticed that a tick was on my shoulder. I flicked out the window and that was it.

Te noći, I told her about our drive and mentioned the tick. The conversation went something like this:

S: "Oooo! Those are bad. They carry diseases."

P: "Well, Ja ga trzanje kroz prozor."

S: "They are really bad though. They can get under your skin and suck blood and transfer bugs. You better check your hair and make sure there aren’t any in your head!"


S: Doslovno me uvjerava: "No, oni nisu toliko loše."


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Brzo i jednostavno: Automatski otvoriti InfoPath obrazac iz SharePoint Designer Oglašivača

UPDATE: Madjur Ahuja ističe ovaj link od grupa raspravu: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms772417.aspx. It’s pretty definitive.


We often want to embed hyperlinks to InfoPath forms in emails sent from SharePoint Designer workflows. When users receive these emails, oni mogu kliknuti na link s e-pošte i otići izravno na InfoPath obrasca.

Ova građevina čudovište URL radi za mene:

http://server/sites/departments/Technical Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/_layouts/FormServer.aspx?XmlLocation=/sites/departments/Technical Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/REC REM RED Forms/REC2007-12-18T11_33_48.xml&Source=http://server.corp.domain.com/sites/departments/Technical%20Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/REC%20REM%20RED%20Forms/Forms/AllItems.aspx&DefaultItemOpen = 1

Zamijenite podebljane crveni tekst s imenom obliku, kao što je prikazano u sljedećoj slici:


Imajte na umu da postoji mnogo hard-kodirane u tom putu URL, as well as a URL-encoded component. If this is too hard to translate to your specific situation, try turning on alerts for the form library. Post a form and when you get the email, vidjeti izvor e-pošte i vidjet ćete sve što je potrebno uključiti.

Astute readers may notice that the above email body also shows a link that directly accesses the task via a filtered view. I plan to explain that in greater detail in a future post.


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