I had the good fortune of attending some partner training from FAST last spring. I was really impressed with the product and was looking forward to working with it. Nažalost, one project fell through and then EMC acquired my company. Predictably, a certain amount of chaos ensued while we learned about EMC and EMC learned about us. FAST technology dropped a few points on the priority scale during that period. Međutim, Nikad nisam izgubio moj interes u proizvodu i, više zanimljivo, Veći problem najviši rejting.
Ja stvarno ne volim tu riječ, but I’m trying to get used to it Despite it’s awkwardness, najviši rejting je pravi (ili barem, nastajanju) term. Do a Live Search ako ste zainteresirani za pronalaženje više tehničke definicije, ali način na koji sam to objasniti u uredu je ovako:
Intelektualni kapital koji se ne mogu naći možda i ne postoji.
To je gotovo kao istina da to kažem:
Intelektualni kapital koji se ne mogu naći brzo i lako Možda te ne postoji.
Intelektualni kapital (IC) starts as an idea in a person’s head and is then refined via collaboration with colleagues and interactions with various communities. To be truly useful, these resulting ideas must be recorded. This is where the trouble begins
Ovih dana, snimanje obično znači da ideja je dokumentirano u obliku MS Word doc, Excel radne knjige, itd.. and eventually stuck in electronic format on a hard drive somewhere. IC obviously takes other forms like, kao slika, videa, vrlo informativne blogove, wikija … it’s impossible to list them all. Istovremeno, IC je pohranjena u različitim mjestima kao što su datotečnim sustavima, baze podataka, linija poslovnih aplikacija (ERP, CRM, SharePoint, Documentum), itd..
Ovo je Problem najviši rejting: kako možete brzo i lako pronaći IC koji je pohranjen u desecima ili stotinama formata u desecima ili stotinama tisuća, deseci tisuća (usudio bih reći stotine tisuća) lokacija u organizaciji?
It’s a difficult problem to solve. Bill English je pisanje o najviši rejting from a very grand perspective in what I have come to think of as the Panama Canal approach. The history of the Panama Canal is amazing. In a nut shell, ludi Francuz (Ferdinand de Lesseps) pokrenuo vlastitu tvrtku za izgradnju kanala, Projekt je napušten za nekoliko godina, picked up again and finally finished by the American government under President Roosevelt. This reminds me of Bill’s approach because as he rightly points out, solving the findability is both hard and never stops. It took years and years of effort from the some of the hardest working humans on the planet to start, nastaviti, i na kraju završiti). And yet, it’s still not truly finished. Koliko ja znam, Canal banke u nikada nisu susreli njihov kut mirovanju, meaning that they have to be shored up and otherwise maintained even to this day. Solving findability is the same way. I definitely recommend that you read Bill’s series and subscribe to his blog for his point of view on findability, osobito se to odnosi na SharePoint.
I too am interested in this problem. Due to my exposure to FAST and on-going discussions on this subject with my brilliant EMC colleagues, I have some more ideas I plan to write about over the coming weeks and months. In my next article on this little series, Ja ću pokušati staviti okvir oko problema pokazati kako strašno to je stvarno (it’s more awful than you think ). It’s awful, but at least it does fit inside a box.
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