One of my clients worked with a previous contractor to build out a small but useful HR application for the enterprise. That contractor used SharePoint Designer to implement the workflow portion of the solution. It’s a bit of a mess. Na primjer, there are nine SPD workflows in support of a single logical workflow process and up to five of them may fire simultaneously at any given time given the right conditions. It’s not easy to debug
Moj klijent ima niz još uvijek otvorenih zahtjevima, one of which is to generally provide more context when the system sends out email alerts – both in the email itself as well as associated task forms. As SPD workflow implementers know, the “collect data from user” SPD action actually creates a task with a custom content type. When we use that action, we don’t get to specify much. We can prompt for some values (e.g. "Odobriti" ili "uskratiti") and we can specify a hard coded value in the title and description. That’s about it.
Moj kupca uvjet je dva puta:
- Kada SharePoint šalje e-mail o radnim zadacima, uključuje puno informacija o zadatku u tijelu e-pošte.
- Još važnije, daleko – kada korisnik klikne na task vezu e-mail, the task form should have all the information the approver needs in order to make his/her approve or deny decision. Right now, the manager needs to click on the item link itself to drill down into the underlying details and no one likes that. You have to click in the email. Then you need to click a sort of obscure link on the task item. Then you can look at the underlying data (InfoPath obrazac u ovom slučaju). Then you click back/back, itd.. Everyone hates it.
Ja sam naslijedio ovaj pomalo neuredan tehničko rješenje i želim napraviti promjene u najmanje nametljiv mogući način.
The approach I’m taking right now is to create a custom alert template. Možete pročitati o tome ovdje. The flow works like this:
- SPD tijek teče.
- U nekom trenutku, ona dodjeljuje zadatak menadžera.
- SharePoint system automatically sends out an alert to that manager. This is not part of the SPD workflow but rather “what SharePoint does.” (Usluga SharePoint vremena, Vjerujem).
- Prilagođeno upozorenje rukovatelj pozivati u korist standardnog upozorenja procesu (nakon čarobne pravila kao što je opisano u gore navedenom članku).
- Kad je moj običaj upozoriti rukovatelj teče, it generates a beautiful email. Još važnije, budući da ona ima zadatak u ruci, također krasi stvarni zadatak sa svim kontekstu informacijama potrebnim za susret poslovnih zahtjeva.
- Korisnik dobiva na e-mail i to je puna korisnih informacija kontekstu.
- Korisnik klikne na vezu zadatka i zadatka sama je puna korisnih informacija kontekstu.
- Svatko ide kući imati lubenica i sladoled.
I did a quick POC and it works well in a lab environment. I get my custom email alert as expected. I also get to update the task description and title itself.
Samo lukav malo, dosada, je izbjeći situaciju u kojoj se ažuriranje obavijesti stavku, triggering another alert. This doesn’t worry me.
Izgleda obećavajuće tako daleko ...
The great thing about this is that I don’t need to muck about with any of the existing SPD workflows. They are blissfully unaware that an alert handler is “IIZ Runnin U DA BAKGROUND, DECORATIN TEH ZADATAK POPIS WIF MOAR KONTEKST".
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