I gave my presentation today at SharePoint Fest in Denver. Here’s the PowerPoint presentation itself: http://www.mstechblogs.com/paul/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/SharePointFest.pptx
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
I gave my presentation today at SharePoint Fest in Denver. Here’s the PowerPoint presentation itself: http://www.mstechblogs.com/paul/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/SharePointFest.pptx
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Ja ću se govori u Denveru na SharePoint Fest događaj svibnja. Ja ću raspraviti neke zajedničke poslovne i tehničke žele-to-do je u SharePoint Designer tijeka rada i iznijeti neke obrasce koje možete koristiti kako ih riješiti.
Postoji mnogo drugih vrlo zanimljivih stvari događa na konferenciji, pa check it out: http://www.sharepointfest.com/Denver/
Nije bez događaja i imam popust kod ruci, tako da ostavite komentar ili mi ping i rado ću davati.
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Ako ste u području ili pristojne udaljenosti vožnje, trebali biste uzeti u obzir sudjelovanje u naprijed DC Area SharePoint subota događaj. Ovaj događaj ima zanimljivu fokus:
Fokus više usmjerena prema Savezne vlade i javnog sektora SharePoint sustava kako bi studija slučaja, kako je, najbolje prakse, i metodologije.
To je prilično dobre stvari. Bit će zanimljivo vidjeti "fokusiran" SharePoint subotu događaj, prvi za mene.
Ja ću se govori o općem temu "Kako nadograditi ili ne Nadogradnja - praktične savjete o tome zašto i ako bi trebali nadograditi na SP 2010"
Nisam pripremio prezentaciju još. Ako imate interesa za ovu temu, iz bilo kojeg kuta, molimo vas da ostavite komentar. Ja ću odgovoriti, a ja ću ga uključiti u mom predstavljanju.
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Ja ustručavajte se proći zajedno s obzirom da je ovo "Banjo šale" nije opcija, ali ... end-of-kolovoz SharePoint subota (Baltimore izdanje) Organizatori imaju anketu se traži predložene teme. Idi ovdje da ga ispunite: http://www.sharepointsaturday.org/baltimore/default.aspx
Glasujte ranije i glasajte često
Ali ozbiljno, Samo glasovati jednom.
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
[Obnovljeno 12/07/09 to use gigantic windows live icons since the links were broken. Windows live doens’t know how to embed .wmv files that are hosted on sky drive, izgleda. Ili, I can’t figure it out, što je možda i vjerojatnije.]
Prije nekoliko tjedana, I was scanning through my twitter stream and noticed a tweet from the Microsoft BPOS team. They were looking for volunteers to do live meetings that show-cased business solutions delivered via BPOS. (They still are and if you’re interested in doing that, message me via live spaces and I’ll make an introduction).
In the course of preparing for the live meeting, I created two recorded sessions using Camtasia (a really terrific tool, BTW).
The first session is about 16 minutes long and focuses almost entirely on the business solution with very little discussion about technology. Click this giagantic windlows live icon thing to download and view it:
The second session is a much longer at 32 minuta. It is more detailed and has more technical background info. Click this other gigantic windlows live icon thingie to view the longer recording:
The actual live session took place a few days ago. I zipped through the presentation itself and as a result, there’s a good 20 na 30 minutes of relentless ( ) P&A that is a great complement to the videos I link above. When I get the recorded meeting link, I’ll post that too. I think that in combination, they provide a really good foundation for understanding BPOS and its current capabilities.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, contact information is in the presentation itself, so feel free to ping me via email.
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
SharePoint Shop Razgovor nastavlja s našom 14. sjednice sutra u 12:30PM EDT.
Ovo je slobodna raspona i otvoren P&A session free to everyone that wants to attend. Dial in and ask questions or start a discussion on a topic of your choosing.
Ovaj tjedan smo definitivno ćemo govoriti o:
Ja ću također biti obavljanje trik SharePoint čarobnu nećete želite propustiti!
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, ih pucati off questions@sharepointshoptalk.com, ostavite komentar ili me ogovarati na Twitteru (@ Pillowcase).
Registrirajte se ovdje: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=dlnf750v8cqsstzx
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Sljedeći SharePoint Shop Razgovor se održava sutra u 12:30 PM EDT.
This is a free event to anyone that has a telephone. A panel of SharePoint pro’s take questions and do their best to provide useful guidance and advice. We regularly hijack audience members and make them answer questions and try to have a good time.
Pošaljite vaša pitanja ili temama questions@sharepointshoptalk.com.
Registrirajte se ovdje: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=sx9p9r6prwxp5mk9
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Sljedeće izdanje SharePoint Shop Talk odvija četvrtak, 11/05/09 na 12:30 PM EDT.
Registrirajte se ovdje: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=gr5l4q66rv3f4xwj
SharePoint Shop Razgovor je otvorena telefonska linija, otvoren P&Razgovarati o svim stvarima SharePoint.
Ako imate pitanja ili teme koje želite raspravljat će o, ih poslati putem e-maila questions@sharepointshoptalk.com Twitter ili ih meni (jastuk).
Ja sam potrčala za loše vrijeme ovaj tjedan, so I’ll leave it at that. I usually like to preview some of the already-emailed questions. Ovaj tjedan, you’ll have to dial in to hear about it
Nadamo se da ćemo vas vidjeti na liniji.
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Sljedeći SharePoint Shop Razgovor se održava u četvrtak, na 12:30PM EDT.
Poduzeli smo dva tjedna off (zbog SharePoint konferenciji prošlog tjedna) i kao rezultat, imamo niz pitanja u redu, not to mention all kinds of cool stuff to talk about regarding SharePoint 2010. All of the panel members attended SPC, so bring your SP 2010 questions to the call or email them to questions@sharepointshoptalk.com.
Aside from a good part of the call set aside to talk about some SP 2010 goodness, we’ll also discuss:
Registrirajte se ovdje: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=p663256djrrflfdw
As usual, send any questions or discussion topics to questions@sharepointshoptalk.com, email me directly or twitter to @pagalvin.
We hope to see you there!
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin
Ja očekujem da gotovo svatko zna to svejedno, but I thought I’d toss out a quick note that there’s a tremendous amount of very interesting information available via twitter. The hash tag #SPC09 seems to be the most popular. Like always, postoji puno glupavost i "u" šale, but if you can get past that, check it out. I do my best to respond to comments or questions directed to me and I know that a lot of others do as well, so it’s not just a one-way flow of information.
New sessions start in just under two hours and continue up until about 3pm EDT this Thursday. It will start to pick up then.
Check out the twitter feed here: http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23spc09
Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin