Današnji SharePoint Shop Razgovor pokrivena svoju uobičajenu širok spektar tema:
- We discussed the issues around opening up parts of a SharePoint site collection to your trading partners. It’s not the most complicated thing in the world, ali kad počnete govoriti o naglas, you realize there are a lot of small individual things that need to be done to do this correctly. You have to consider the firewall, licenciranje (Vaš intranet SharePoint licenca ne može biti, i vjerojatno neće biti, dovoljan), SharePoint konfiguraciji (AAM, proteže web aplikacija za zone koje su vjerojatno HTTPS omogućili), itd.. If anyone has a checklist of what to do and the sequence, I’d love to see it in comments. This question wins the “Most Discussed Question” aware of the year (dosada).
- I got to ask a question about the image library functionality that generates those thumb nail images. I speculated that an event receiver on the image library is generating the thumb nail. I’m probably way off base, but it does seem like there’s an entirely separate image on the web server for the thumb nail itself. Vamshi, Razgovor SharePoint Shop redovito, ističe ovaj blog stupanja: http://pathtosharepoint.wordpress.com/2009/08/23/picture-libraries-take-advantage-of-web-friendly-formats/. That’s a pretty interesting post about images in SharePoint if you’re interested in it.
- Razgovarali smo običaj uređivanje obrazaca (koji ste stvorili preko SPD) and the fact that you lose the attachment functionality when you do that. Laura Rogers has blogged on that subject here: http://sharepoint911.com/blogs/laura/archive/2009/09/10/fix-for-the-custom-form-attachments-issue.aspx
Ovaj tjedan, uveli smo novu značajku gdje smo proveli oko 10 minutes demonstrating an interesting tip/trick in a SharePoint environment. Ovaj tjedan, pokazali smo kako je dodao web dio sadržaja urednika (i zapravo bilo kojeg web-dio) to a newitem.aspx page. U tom slučaju, the objective was to show some extensive online help for that newitem.aspx page. This is also one of the usual starting points for integrating jQuery into your environment. Sljedeći tjedan, we do plan to show a jQuery tip/trick. We hope to see you there.
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