Kategorija Arhiva: SharePoint razvoj

HTTP 406 Greška Našto Pomoću http.get Kutna $ Protiv SharePoint REST krajnjih točaka

Ažurirati: Marc AD ndersson pointed out this great piece of info: http://blogs.office.com/2014/08/13/json-light-support-rest-sharepoint-api-released/. That explains a lot :).

That may be the worst title of a blog post ever! Anyhoo.

I typically do all of my prototyping against an O365 instance. I have my personal instance so that I don’t have to be worried about affecting anyone else. As an aside – remember when we call carried around virtual machines on our laptops with MOSS – SQL Server, IIS, deciding Hyper-V vs. VMWare? Anyhoo…

I had developed an app using Angular in this environment that does, između ostalog, to:

.success(funkcija(podaci, status, headers, config) {

var getLinksResponse = data;

getLinksResponse.value.forEach(funkcija(theResult) {

// and so on and so froth

This was working just fine in two different SharePoint online environments. Međutim, when my colleague ported it to a Cloudshare instance, he was getting an HTTP 406 pogreška (which was the first time I ever got that one, so … yay, I guess). We did a bit of research and noticed that the “Accept” header was off. SharePoint online was perfectly happy with:

Accept: application/json

But the cloudshare instance (which is SP on prem, hosted in a virtual server) wanted the classic “odata=verbose” added in as well:

Accept: application/json;odata=verbose

To fix that, we added the header as such:

var config = {headers: {
‘Accept’: ‘application/json;odata=verbose’

.success(funkcija(podaci, status, headers, config) {

var getLinksResponse = data;

getLinksResponse.value.forEach(funkcija(theResult) {

// and so on and so froth

That got rid of the 406, but it also changed the format of the response. It was more … verbose. (haha!) More changes were required and here’s the final result:

var config = {headers: {
‘Accept’: ‘application/json;odata=verbose’

.success(funkcija(podaci, status, headers, config) {

var getLinksResponse = data;

getLinksResponse.d.results.forEach(funkcija(theResult) {

// and so on and so froth

This only turned into a 30 minute problem for us, so we lucked out. Hopefully someone finds this useful.


Raste svijest o / Usvajanje JavaScript okvire

Moj kolega, Javed Ansari (http://www.bigapplesharepoint.com/team?showExpertName=Javed%20Ansari&rsource=pgblog), wrote a short summary blog post on frameworks he likes or at least has been using with with SharePoint: http://www.bigapplesharepoint.com/pages/View-An-Insight.aspx?BlogID=53&rsource=PGBlog).

jQuery seems to have been the victor on the field, so to speak, for years now, but the others are more new and stills sort of battling it, like Angular. (SPServices, naravno, has been a life saver for years and will continue to be so I think).

What are people using? Are they focused more on Microsoft’s tooling (CSOM / JSOM) or moving more toward Angular, Knockout, Ember, itd.?

I have a growing bias toward these non-Microsoft frameworks. I think the MSFT stuff is harder and harder to work with, requiring almost as much of learning curve as old-style server-side dev.

Post a comment here or over at Big Apple SharePoint if you want to discuss (Big Apple will have more likelihood of a good discussion).


Spinning SharePoint Timer zadatke iz zbirke web konfiguraciju

Moj kolega, Ashish Patel, wrote a blog post describing a flexible timer job architecture that affords some nice flexibility to support long-running tasks and/or reports.  In his words:

1. Analyzing Checked out files and sending reminders to the individuals if the number of days (since the file was checked out) exceed certain threshold limits

2. Removing links from other content when a particular content is removed or archived from the system

3. User wants to see all the alerts that he subscribed in all webs in the site collection

4. Sending a reminders to authors to review the content when a review time was specified in the content and that date is approaching

Dobro, the list goes on…

– See more at: http://www.bigapplesharepoint.com/pages/View-An-Insight.aspx?BlogID=40#sthash.7cKuiwly.dpuf

There are times in my past when having something like this would have been very helpful.


Kako: Konfiguracija jedinica test i test pokrivenost s QUnit.js i Blanket.js za ured 365 SharePoint App


I’ve been exploring unit testing and test coverage for JavaScript as I work on a new SharePoint app for SharePoint online in the Office 365 suite.  The obvious research paths led me to Qunit.js and right after that, na Blanket.js.

QUnit let me set up unit tests and group them into modules.  A module is just a simple way to organize related tests. (I’m not sure I’m using it as intended, but it’s working for me so far with the small set of tests I have thus far defined).

Blanket.js integrates with Qunit and it will show me the actual lines of JavaScript that were – and more importantly – were not actually executed in the course of running the tests.  This is “coverage” – lines that executed are covered by the test while others are not.

Between setting up good test cases and viewing coverage, we can reduce the risk that our code has hidden defects.  Good times.


Assuming you have your Visual Studio project set up, start by downloading the JavaScript package from http://qunitjs.com.  Add the JavaScript and corresponding CSS to your solution.  Mine looks like this:


Figure 1

Kao što možete vidjeti, I was using 1.13.0 at the time I wrote this blog post. Don’t forget to download and add the CSS file.

That out of the way, next step is to create some kind of test harness and reference the Qunit bits.  I’m testing a bunch of functions in a script file called “QuizUtil.js” so I created an HTML page called “QuizUtil_test.html” as shown:

image Figure 2

Here’s the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <naslov>QuizUtil test with Qunit</naslov>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../CSS/qunit-1.13.0.css" />
    <skripta tip="text/javascript" src="QuizUtil.js" data-cover></skripta>
    <skripta type ="Text / javascript" src ="qunit-1.13.0.js"></skripta>
    <skripta type ="Text / javascript" src ="blanket.min.js"></skripta>

        test("QuizUtil getIDFromLookupField", funkcija () {
            bio goodValue = "1;#Paul Galvin";

            equal(getIDFromLookupField(goodValue) + 1, 2), "ID of [" + goodValue + "] + 1 should be 2";
            equal(getIDFromLookupField(undefined), undefined, "Undefined input argument should return undefined result.");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField(""), undefined, "Empty input argument should return an undefined value.");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField("gobbledigood3-thq;dkvn ada;skfja sdjfbvubvqrubqer0873407t534piutheqw;vn"), undefined,"Should always return a result convertible to an Integer");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField("2;#some other person"), "2", "Checking [2;#some other person].");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField("9834524;#long value"), "9834524", "Large value test.");
            notEqual(getIDFromLookupField("5;#anyone", 6), 6, "Testing a notEqual (5 is not equal to 6 for this sample: [5;#anyone]");


        test("QuizUtil htmlEscape()", funkcija () {
            equal(htmlEscape("<"), "&Bilo;", "Escaping a less than operator ('<')");
            equal(htmlEscape("<div class=\"someclass\">Some text</div>"), "&Bilo;div class=&quot;someclass&quot;&gt;Some text&Bilo;/div&gt;", "More complex test string.");

        test("QuizUtil getDateAsCaml()", funkcija () {
            equal(getDateAsCaml(novi Datum("12/31/2013")), "2013-12-31T:00:00:00", "Testing hard coded date: [12/31/2013]");
            equal(getDateAsCaml(novi Datum("01/05/2014")), "2014-01-05T:00:00:00", "Testing hard coded date: [01/05/2014]");
            equal(getDateAsCaml(novi Datum("01/31/2014")), "2014-01-31T:00:00:00", "Testing hard coded date: [01/31/2014]");
            equal(getTodayAsCaml(), getDateAsCaml(novi Datum()), "getTodayAsCaml() should equal getDateAsCaml(new Date())");
            equal(getDateAsCaml("nonsense value"), undefined, "Try to get the date of a nonsense value.");
            equal(getDateAsCaml(undefined), undefined, "Try to get the date of the [undefined] date.");

        test("QuizUtil getParameterByName (from the query string)", funkcija () {
            equal(getParameterByName(undefined), undefined, "Try to get undefined parameter should return undefined.");
            equal(getParameterByName("does not exist"), undefined, "Try to get parameter value when we know the parameter does not exist.");


        test("QuizUtil various cookie functions.", funkcija () {
            equal(setCookie("test", "1", -1), getCookieValue("test"), "Get a cookie I set should work.");
            equal(setCookie("anycookie", "1", -1), pravi, "Setting a valid cooking should return 'true'.");
            equal(setCookie("crazy cookie name !@#$%\"%\\^&*(()?/><.,", "1", -1), pravi, "Setting a bad cookie name should return 'false'.");
            equal(setCookie(undefined, "1", -1), undefined, "Passing undefined as the cookie name.");
            equal(getCookieValue("does not exist"), "", "Cookie does not exist test.");

    <div id="qunit"></div>
    <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>


There are several things happening here:

  1. Referencing my code (QuizUtil.js)
  2. Referencing Qunity.js
  3. Defining some modules (getIDFromLookup, Cookies, i drugi)
  4. Placing a <div> whose ID is “qunit”.

Tada, I just pull up this page and you get something like this:


Figure 3

If you look across the top, you have a few options, two of which are interesting:

  • Hide passed tests: Pretty obvious.  Can help your eye just see the problem areas and not a lot of clutter.
  • Module: (drop down): This will filter the tests down to just those groups of tests you want.

As for the tests themselves – a few comments:

  • It goes without saying that you need to write your code such that it’s testable in the first place.  Using the tool can help enforce that discipline. Na primjer, I had a function called “getTodayAsCaml()".  This isn’t very testable since it takes no input argument and to test it for equality, we’d need to constantly update the test code to reflect the current date.  I refactored it by adding a data input parameter then passing the current date when I want today’s date in CAML format.
  • The Qunit framework documents its own tests and it seems pretty robust.  It can do simple things like testing for equality and also has support for ajax style calls (both “real” or mocked using your favorite mocker).
  • Going through the process also forces you to think through edge cases – what happens with “undefined” or null is passed into a function.  It makes it dead simple to test these scenarios out.  Good stuff.

Coverage with Blanket.js

Blanket.js complements Qunit by tracking the actual lines of code that execute during the course of running your tests.  It integrates right into Qunit so even though it’s a whole separate app, it plays nicely – it really looks like it’s one seamless app.

This is blanket.js in action:

image Figure 4


Figure 5

(You actually have to click on the “Enable coverage” checkbox at the top [see Figure 3] to enable this.)

The highlighted lines in Figure 5 have not been executed by any of my tests, so I need to devise a test that does cause them to execute if I want full coverage.

Get blanket.js working by following these steps:

  1. Download it from http://blanketjs.org/.
  2. Add it to your project
  3. Update your test harness page (QuizUtil_test.html in my case) as follows:
    1. Reference the code
    2. Decorate your <skripta> reference like this:
    <skripta tip="text/javascript" src="QuizUtil.js" data-cover></skripta>

Blanket.js picks up the “data-cover” attribute and does its magic.  It hooks into Qunit, updates the UI to add the “Enable coverage” option and voila!

Rezime (TL; DR)

Use Qunit to write your test cases.

  • Download it
  • Add it to your project
  • Write a test harness page
  • Create your tests
    • Refactor some of your code to be testable
    • Be creative!  Think of crazy, impossible scenarios and test them anyway.

Use blanket.js to ensure coverage

  • Make sure Qunit is working
  • Download blanket.js and add it to your project
  • Add it to your test harness page:
    • Add a reference to blanket.js
    • Add a “data-cover” attribute to your <skripta> dan
  • Run your Qunit tests.

I never did any of this before and had some rudimentary stuff working in a handful of hours. 

Happy testing!


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Lists.asmx, GetList i "Vrijednost ne može biti null”

Otkrio sam danas da GetList() metoda u lists.asmx web servis mora se zvati vrlo pažljivo ili je sklona baciti misteriozni "vrijednost ne može biti nula" iznimka (i da je pod pretpostavkom možete dobiti prošlosti još gore generički pogrešci, “Exception of type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException’ izbačena. ")  Posebno, Otkrio sam da ne mogu dati bilo kakve prefiksom na GetList metodom.  Sljedeći isječak jQuery oslikava:


Ako to učinite, web servis odgovara s "Vrijednost ne može biti null" po ovom violinista-uvjetom HTTP transkript:

<?xml version = "1,0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     xmlns:sapun ="
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org / sapun / kuverta /"    
     xmlns:Rebel = "
     xmlns:XSD ="

        Exception of type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException’ bačena.
        <ErrorString xmlns ="
http://schemas.microsoft.com / SharePoint / sapun /">
Vrijednost ne može biti nula.

Naravno, vjerojatno ne bi dodali da je "S0" prefiks na vlastite, No, neki alati su skloni to učiniti (kao što je Eclipse).

To je sve više zbunjuje / frustrirajuće, jer druge metode tolerirati prefiksa.  Na primjer, the GetListCollection Metoda ne smeta ako je bio postavljen ispred, čak i sa besmislenim prefiksima poput "xyzzy":


Ovaj "Vrijednost ne može biti null" Čini se prilično čest kod lists.asmx pa se nadam da će to pomoći nekome u budućnosti.


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Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Beskrajno Gniježđenje <div> Oznake i Jquery

Ovo se čini kao takvog otkačen temu, Nisam siguran da je stvarno vrijedno bloganje o, ali to nikada me zaustavio prije, pa ovdje mi ići Osmijeh

Radim na projektu gdje sam povlačenjem neke podatke iz pretraživanja, to pakiranje se u XML poruke, a zatim da je XML konačnici se pretvara u HTML-u preko XSLT.  Postoji puno jQuery uključeni, jedan malo koji implementira neke tabbing funkcionalnost.  Kad kliknete na kartici (stvarno, a <div>), jQuery zaziva. skrivanje() a. serija() na raznim divs (početna stranica učitavanje preuzima sav sadržaj tako da ne postoje postbacks u ovom slučaju).

Gomila sati prije, Kartica prebacivanje logika počeo ponašati neizvjesno, a to ne bi pokazati jedan od mojih karticama.  I u konačnici to trag na činjenicu da Internet Explorer (barem) Mislio da je <div> tags uklopljeni sada, daleko dublje od intended.The developer alatnoj traci će se prikazati:

-<div id = "Tab1Content">
      -<div id = "Tab2Content">
                   </div>  <-Napokon pokazuje da je zatvorena skroz ovdje dolje!

Tako, ako jesam $("# Tab1Content").sakriti(), Također bih sakriti Tab2 a ja nikad ne bi mogla pokazati Tab2 ako nisam također pokazuju TAB1.  Ja kopirati i zalijepiti kôd se u Visual Studio, a to su pokazali sve DIV-a sluznice se lijepo, baš kao što su trebali raditi, izgleda ovako:

-<div id = "Tab1Content">
-<div id = "Tab2Content">

Pobijedio sam glavom o zid za vrijeme i primijetio da je u aktualnom HTML koda je generiranje puno prazna <div> tags, kao:


  <div id = "Tab1Content">

    <div id = "ROW1" />
    <div id = "ROW2" />


  <div id = "Tab2Content">

    <div id = "ROW1" />
    <div id = "ROW2" />



(Gore je waaaaaaaaaaaay pojednostavni.  Prazne div oznake su totalno vrijede. Neki od mojih <div> tags bili puni sadržaj, , ali mnogo više nije bilo.  Došao sam do spoznaje da je moja <XSL:za-svakog> Smjernice su emitiranjem na kratki upitnik div oznake kada XSL:za-jedni nije 'naći nikakve podatke.  Sam prisiljen HTML komentar na izlazu, kao što je prikazano:



Nakon što sam to učinio, Svi div je postrojilo se lijepo i moja kartica prebacivanje počeo raditi.

Kao i uvijek, Nadam se da ovo pomaže netko u slučaju krajnje nužde.


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Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Jedan razlog za "kreator ovog kvara nije precizirao s razlogom.”

Ive 'bio događaj puno rada sa SharePoint potrazi u zadnje vrijeme, a posebno KeywordQuery klase, svojstva i metode.

Ako želite postaviti rezultat vratiti rezultate iznad i izvan uobičajenih osumnjičenih (pogledajte ovdje), ga dodati SelectedProperties zbirke, kao u:


Puno hvala i vrh kapu Corey Roth i to iznimno korisni blog post (http://www.dotnetmafia.com/blogs/dotnettipoftheday/archive/2008/02/19/how-to-use-the-moss-enterprise-search-keywordquery-class.aspx)

U mom slučaju, "Xyzzy" nije zapravo uspio imovine.  Kad sam ga dodati SelectedProperties ionako, SharePoint je bacio jedan od mojih najdražih ikad runtime iznimke:

"Tvorac ovog kvara nije precizirao s razlogom."

Posebno mi se sviđa kapitala "r" u razumu.  To mi zvuči kao ekvivalenta. NET "Nemam usta, i moram vrištati."


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Praktična referenca: Default Rezultati KeywordQuery Traži

Kada pozvati izvršiti() Način na KeywordQuery, možete stvoriti ResultTable na temelju ResultType.RelevantResults.  Ovaj isječak koda prikazuje ono što mislim:

ResultTableCollection resultsTableCollection = myKeywordQuery.Execute();

ResultTable searchResultsTable = resultsTableCollection[ResultType.RelevantResults];

Rezultiralo stol će imati sljedeće stupce informacija: 


Ja izvedeni ovaj popis iz SharePoint 2010 okolina, Enterprise Edition.  Nadam se da će biti pri ruci da netko u budućnosti.


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Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Jedan od razloga za: "Nisam uspio izvući cab datoteka u otopini”

Dok je radio na Visual Studio web-dijela projekta danas, Ja sam manje re-org nekih datoteka koje treba staviti u mapu _layouts kao dio procesa implementacije. Posebno, Preimenovao sam je. JS datoteku iz "TypeAhead.js" do "TypeAhead(star).js "  Planiram ga ukloniti čim njegov nasljednik "TypeAhead.js" pokazuje ispravan.  Izgledalo je kao što je ovaj:


To je odmah izazvalo problem s Visual Studio, kada sam pokušao implementirati projekt:

Error occurred in deployment step ‘Add Solution’: Nisam uspio izvući cab datoteka u otopini.

Ispada da ne biste trebali staviti zagrade u imenima datoteka.  Uklonio sam parens i da riješio problem.


Pretplatite se na moj blog.

Slijedite me na Twitter-u http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin