Imamo skup SharePoint Designer rada koji "komuniciraju" with an event receiver on the list via changes to site column values. Na primjer, ako stranica stupac "SetDuedate" je postavljen na true od rada, Događaj prijemnik prepoznaje tu promjenu, izračunava datum dospijeća i dodjeljuje taj datum drugom stupcu stranice, "Due Date." We split things up like this because the event receiver can calculate a due date using complex business rules (uzimanje vikende i godišnji odmori u poduzeću u obzir) dok je SPD uistinu ne može.
U jednoj specifičnoj primjeni, we ran into a problem with this trick. Debugging all this is pretty difficult, ali došli smo do zaključka da određene u jednom slučaju (barem), the event receiver was not running all the time. In one step of the workflow, we would change the value of a site column and the event receiver didn’t appear to run. Međutim, je dosljedno prikazivati u drugom koraku rada.
Nakon što ga pregleda, Primijetio sam da je sretan tijek korak koristi "Ažuriraj stavku popisa" while the other step used "Set Field in Current Item." Update List Item was updating the "current item." I’m not sure why we picked one over the other since they would seem to be doing the same thing.
Tako … the Update List Item action did cause the event to fire. S druge strane, Postavite polje u trenutnoj točke djelovanja nije.
Koristio sam predmet Update popisa na oba mjesta i ljubičica! It worked. [[ Ukupno stranu, Sam igrao za violinu na dnevnoj bazi za gotovo 15 godina ]]
Iz ove, Ja vjerujem da je uvjetno "Set polje" djelovanje ne uzrokuje događaj prijemnici na vatru, at least some of the time.
This issue bedeviled us for weeks.
To je jedan od onih "promatranom ponašanja" posts. I observed this happen once in a specific environment and I’m making some guesses as to why things happened as they did. If you have any insight into this one, Molimo Vas da podijelite u komentarima.
Pretplatite se na moj blog.