MOSS mi govori “Pristup odbijen” Uređivanje zadatka tijeka rada, Ali ja stvarno nemaju pristup

Sam provodi tijek rada koristeći SharePoint Designer u mjestu koje je uglavnom za čitanje samo na "NT_AUTHORITY Potvrđeni korisnika" (i.e. svako). There is a forms library for an InfoPath form. There is an associated workflow tasks list as well so that when the workflow operates, može dodijeliti zadatke osobama.

Sam razbiti dopuštenje za oblika knjižnice i popis zadataka tako da bilo ovjerena korisnik može kreirati i ažurirati svoje oblike dodijeljene zadatke.

I test with my low-privileges test account.

Mogu ispuniti i spremite obrazac za knjižnicu? –> DA

Mogu li pristupiti zadatak iz e-mail vezu? –> DA

Mogu li vidjeli vezu Uredi zadatka tijeka rada –> DA

Mogu kliknuti na taj link? –> NO … Dopuštenje odbijen.

Zašto ne mogu vidjeti link uredi poriče da mi dozvolu, kada sam kliknite na njega? That’s not how it’s supposed to work…

Sam proći kroz sigurnosne konfiguracije ponovno, very closely. I do it again. Smatram brisanja ovaj post jer ja očito ne znam ništa o sigurnosti.

Konačno, I search the Internets. I find this highly unlikely MSDN forum thread:

Plakati čini se da sugerira da je jednostavan čin izvoz tijek rada pogona pladnju će popraviti problem Moss sigurnost? I can hardly believe I just typed that. I’m reminded of the South Park episode about the 9/11 zavjera u kojima se traže naše Stan Preznit, "Stvarno?" over and over again.

Tako, ništa za izgubiti, I vatra se SPD, desnom tipkom miša na tijek i spremite ga na moj st.:\ drive. That would be the c:\ drive on my laptop. I’m looking over my shoulder the whole time so that no one will ask me, "Zašto se spremate da je tijek rada vašem prijenosnom računalu?"

Nevjerojatno, that solves my problem. I can edit the task.

Ovime nominirati da je to najbizarnijim Workflow Zaobilazno rješenje je 2007.


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SharePoint Designer, Trenutni stavke “Apsolutni URL kodirana” i HTTPS

We often want to send an email that includes a hyperlink to the item or document that triggered the workflow. We can use current item’s "Encoded Absolute URL" for this purpose. Međutim, to uvijek izgleda kao da koristite "http" for the URL protocol. If your site runs on HTTPS then it will not work for you.


Koliko ja znam, there is no out of the box solution to this problem. If you need to use HTTPS, nemate out of the box opcije.

Da biste ga riješiti, create a custom action that provides a string replace function to use in your workflow. Alternatively, koristiti 3. alat strana kao što je odličan paket ovdje: 🙂


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Brzo i jednostavno: Odredite unutarnje stupac Naziv stupca web-mjesta

UPDATE: Jeremy Thake je blogged o tome i staviti neke kod za konzole primjene koja prikazuje unutarnje imena.

Ja sam težak da biste dobili web dijela za pretraživanje sadržaja za prikazivanje datuma iz zadatka i zbog zaslon label "Datum dospijeća", Pretpostavila sam da stupac ime za korištenje u <CommonViewFields> je "Due_x0020_Date".


Pravi stupac ime u ovom slučaju bio "DueDate".

Kako sam ga pronaći? I re-read Heather Solomonov blog entry o preinakama CQWP to show additional columns of data. She describes this process at step #13. Trust it. It’s correct. Barem, it was correct for me. I did not trust it at first for another column with a much longer name.

Kažem "to povjerenje" because I did not trust it and probably wasted near two hours butting my head up against a wall. After I resolved the "DueDate" ime, Htjela sam dodati još polja <CommonViewFields>. Using the Solomon technique, Sam bio uzimajući stupca ime poput "XYZ_x0020_Project_x0020_Due_x00".

Pomislio sam:, that’s clearly a truncated name. I went ahead and un-truncated it with no success. I finally used the seemingly truncated name and it worked.

Bonus savjet: Kada sam radio s CQWP, ako sam dodao unutarnje loše ime <CommonViewFields>, the CQWP would tell me that the query had returned no results. Ali, ako sam dodao vrstu podataka za polje ime, it would return a result. Adding the data type actually masked a problem since I was referencing a non-existent field. I could add it, ali kad sam pokušao prikazati svoju vrijednost, I would always get a blank.

To se nije prikriti pogrešku:


Ovo nije maska ​​pogrešku:



Čuvajte Breaking Promjene ItemStyle.xsl

Radila sam s ItemStyle.xsl prilagoditi izgled web-dio za pretraživanje sadržaja i pravo o vrijeme ručka, I made a breaking change to the xsl. I didn’t realize it, but this had far reaching effects throughout the site collection. I went off to lunch and upon my return, primijetio ovu poruku pojavljuje u hrpi mjesta:

Nije moguće prikazati taj web-dio. Da biste riješili problem, otvoriti ovu web-stranicu u programu Windows SharePoint Services kompatibilnom HTML editor kao što je Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer. Ako problem ne nestane, obratite se administratoru poslužitelja web.

Ja okrivio klijenta (ne shvaćajući još da je to moja krivnja u ovom trenutku) but eventually noticed that visual studio intellisense was warning me that I had malformed XSL. I corrected it and everything started working.

Budite oprezni darned prilikom rada s ItemStyle.xsl (i bilo koji od svjetskih XSL datoteke) — im nego što utječe na mnoge predmete u zbirci web-mjesta.

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Moj Sin sjeckan Gamespot

Tako, jutros, moj sin je odlučio vidjeti dobi trinaest ograničen Halo 3 Video na Gamespot. I’m outside shoveling snow, so I’m not there to help or hinder. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that … he has a eureka! moment. He realizes that even though Gamespot wants him to enter his pravi datum rođenja, on zapravo može ući bilo koji birth date he wants. Once he realized that, on je napravio sam dovoljno star da biste vidjeli video.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about this 🙂

Nedjelja Zabavno: “To je smeće Ispis”

Na moj prvi posao izvan koledž u 1991, Bio sam sretan da raditi tvrtka sa proizvodnim 13 mjesta, not including its corporate HQ in New Jersey. I joined just when the company was rolling out a new ERP system. We were a small IT department of about ten people altogether, two of whom Did Not Travel. Part of the project involved replacing IBM System 36 boxes with HP hardware and HPUX. Everyone used green tubes to access the system.

Projekt role zajedno, a ja sam poslan na Baltimore s novim suradnik, Jeff. Our job was to power up the Unix box, provjerite je li O / S je trčanje, instalirali ERP sustava, konfigurirati ERP, train people on the ERP and do custom work for folks on the spot. (To je bio posao iz snova, posebno dolazi ravno iz fakulteta). Before we could really get off the ground, trebamo raspakirati sve zelene cijevi, put them on desks and wire them. And the best part was that we had to put the RJ11 connectors on ourselves.

Za neki razlog da ja nikada ne razumiju i zapravo nikada nije mislio pitati na vrijeme, smo je neki ugovorna tvrtka doći zajedno i pokrenuti kabel u cijeloj biljci, but we didn’t have them put on the connectors. Tako, došlo je do "patch box" s desecima od unlabeled kabela u "učionici" i to snaked oko zgrade na raznim mjestima u zgradi.

Radili smo naš put kroz nju tijekom vikenda, testiranje svake žice, stavljanjem na priključak (pazeći da je ravno vs. prešao), osiguranje su bitne postavke na zelenim cijevi i pisači su točni, labeling wires, pazeći da "Getty" was running correctly for each port and probably a thousand other things that I’ve suppressed since then. It all came together quite nicely.

Ali, there was one important cable that we couldn’t figure out. The plant in Baltimore had a relationship with a warehousing location in New Jersey. Some orders placed in Baltimore shipped out of that location. There were two wires that we had to connect to the HPUX box: a green tube and a printer. The green tube was easy, ali pisač pretvorio u noćnu moru tri tjedna.

Ako ne znate, ili su ga potisnut, koje se bave sa zelenim cijevima i pisača na taj način, there are various options that you deal with by setting various pins. 8-bit, 7-bit, paritet (ni / ak / ništa), probably others. If you get one of those settings wrong, cijev ili pisač i dalje pokazuje stvari, ali to će biti ukupno trtljanje, or it will be gibberish with a lot of recognizable stuff in between. Naravno, these pins are hard to see and have to be set by using a small flat-edge screw driver. And they are never standard.

Postavili smo prvi od mnogih brzih poziva s NJ Gvido (prosijed računalo mrzitelj koji su vjerojatno nam psuje na ovaj dan). We got the green tube working pretty quickly, but we couldn’t get the printer to work. It kept "printing garbage". We would create a new RJ11 connector, switching between crossed and straight. We would delete the port and re-created in Unix. We went through the arduous task of having him explain to us the pin configuration on the printer, nikada stvarno siguran ako je to radi ispravno.

To je oko vremena za ići uživo, sve u Baltimoreu se zuji, ali ne možemo dobiti prokleto pisač u NJ raditi! We’ve exhausted all possibilities except for driving back up to NJ to work on the printer in person. To avoid all that driving, napokon smo ga zamoliti da nam faksom što je sve kad je "smeće", u nadi da možda tamo će biti neki trag u tom smeću koje će nam reći što radimo krivo.

Kad smo dobili faks, we immediately knew what was wrong. Vidjeti, naša metoda ispitivanja da li mi je konfigurirati pisač ispravno je da izda "LP" Naredba ovako:

lp / etc / passwd

U osnovi, we printed out the unix password file. It’s always present and out of the box, always just one page. You standard Unix password file looks something like this:

kovač:*:100:100:8A-74(ured):/home / Smith:/usr / bin / sh
:*:200:0::/home / gost:/usr/bin/sh  

We had been printing out the password file over and over again for several weeks and it was printing correctly. Međutim, do krajnjeg korisnika, je "tiskanje smeće".


Još jedan Mandatno Network Multi-Challenge Izdavanje i Rješenje

Moj klijent nedavno instalirali čarobni uređaj s Smreka da je očito zamijenio svoj stari Cisco napona mreže opterećenja (NLB). At about the same time, smo instalirali Hitni popravak za rješavanje problema tijeka rada.

Dan ili dva kasnije, uočili smo problem kada smo pristupili zajedničkom davatelja usluga (SSP). We could get to it, but we would be challenged for a user ID and password many times on each page. This didn’t happen with the main portal app, nor central administration. Naturally, nismo znali koja od dvije (Juniper ili hitni popravak) će biti problem, iako sam jako sumnja hitni popravak, figuring nismo ga instalirali u pravu.

It turned out that Juniper had some kind of compression setting. Jedan od robed figure over in the network group turned that setting off. That solved our problem.

This is not the first time that compression has been the root cause of a SharePoint problem for me. IIS compression adversely affected a 3rd party tool from the good people at The Dot Net Factory for IE 6 preglednici (IE 7 preglednici radio bez poteškoća).

Tako, dodati "kompresiju" na opasnosti popisa.



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Razmišljate o promjeni blogging platforma

Počela sam off my "blogging karijere" using Microsoft’s platform and it’s been good to me. It’s easy to post, postoje dobre opcije i dodaci za upravljanje "Space", pristojan web skladištenje i tako dalje.

Međutim, I really just fell into the MS solution with almost no planning. That alone calls for me to evaluate where I am and where I’m going, in terms of a blogging platform. There are also two important limitations that bother me right now vis-à-vis Windows Live Spaces.

Prvi, I can’t get very good statistics. There are stats but the detail is often truncated and not presented in a way that allows for any kind of analysis. There no sorting or export capability. I get many blog ideas based on the kind of information people find (ili posebno uspjeti pronaći) when they search my blog. It’s very hard to use lives spaces for that.

Drugi, there does not seem to be any mechanism to "monetize" a windows live space blog. Zapravo, kako da biste dobili osloboditi od MS oglasa (iz koje sam izvući nikakvu korist), I need to actually pay Microsoft. (Barem, to je kako ja to razumijem; Ja sam bio u mogućnosti da biste dobili konačne odgovore na ova i pitanja sviđa).

Sada sam dobio stalnu obrazac i skup blogging navike, I want to evaluate other options. I’ve done some research and there are a lot of choices, ali ja sam znatiželjan kao što drugi ljudi, osobito drugi u SharePoint zajednice (kao blogera ili čitatelja), like to use.

Ako vas zanima ovaj predmet i imate mišljenje ili su spremni podijeliti svoje iskustvo, molimo vas da ostavite komentar ili pošaljite email me izravno.


<kraj />

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SharePoint Designer E-mail šalje ???? u e-poštu

Forum korisnici povremeno pitati: Zašto SharePoint Designer staviti ???? u moj e-mail, umjesto polja vrijednosti?

Jedan od razloga se to dogodi, jer je varijabla u koju se odnose null.

To se može dogoditi, jer se pokušava referencirati polje iz "tekuće stavke" ali korisnik nije ušao u tu vrijednost polja obrasca.

<kraj />

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Usporedi / Test za prazne Datumi u programu SharePoint Designer Workflow

Scenario: U tijeku rada SharePoint Designer, you need to determine if a date field is blank.

Problem: SPD does not provide a direct method for comparing dates to anything other than a date. You cannot create a condition like this: "Ako [DateField] jednako prazna ".

Otopina: Convert the date to a string. Use string comparison to determine if the date is blank.

Screen Shots:

The following screen shots show how to do this. U ovom scenariju, a field on an item, "Environmental Permits:First Permit Reminder Date", is submitted and the workflow fires in response.




When I tried this, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it works. I was worried that SharePoint Designer might disallow the string assignment (Varijabla:StringReminderDateDate) but it did allow it.

I was also concerned that allowing it, the value might be null and either blow up the WF at runtime or maybe raise the global temperature 1/2 a degree, but those concerns were unfounded.


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