Monthly Archives: September 2009

SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur 10/01 @ 12:30 PM UTC (morgun!)

SharePoint Shop Talk skráning er upp og tilbúinn á morgun.

Við höfum nokkrar spurningar tryggð upp að takast á sumir stjórnun málefni (dev / próf / vörur og syncing upp þjónustupökkum), tilkynningar í tölvupósti (hvernig á að velja fólk til þinn email byggt á lýsigögn skjal) og nokkur umræða um að nota InfoPath eyðublöð þjónustu í FBA umhverfi.

Eins og alltaf, if you want to talk about a topic:

You can read about past SharePoint Shop Talks on my blog here:

Register for the session here:


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Windows Live Spaces og Twitter Counter

Ég var DM'd skilaboð frá kvak í dag og hélt ég myndi blogga svarið.

Spurningin er: "Hey Paul, fljótur einn fyrir þig,Hvernig fékkstu kvak gegn í lifandi rúm sem handrit númerið er lokað þegar vistað THX "

Ég gerði þetta með því að bæta sérsniðna HTML búnaður til lifandi rými síðuna mína og nota litla kóðann:

<a href=" /?username = koddaver" 
 titill="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin"> 
 <IMG src=" / gegn /?username = koddaver" 
 gamall="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin">

Þetta notar útgáfu af kvak gegn búnaður tengi sem fær framhjá Windows Live ritskoða hlutur sem við hata allt svo mikið og vildi vildi fá slæmt tilfelli af Ivy eitur.


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Framkvæmdastjóri samþykki Hópar með InfoPath í að FBA umhverfisráðherra

Ég er með samþykki kostnað ferli sem ég þarf að innleiða með InfoPath í a form byggja staðfesting (FBA) umhverfi með því að nota eyðublöð þjónustu (vefur byggir InfoPath).

Það eru tvær samþykki hópa og ferlið virkar eins og þetta:

  • Notandi fyllir út kostnað skýrslu og leggur það fyrir samþykki.
  • Það kallar tölvupóst til fyrsta stigi samþykkjari hóp.
  • Fyrsta stig samþykkjari dóma og samþykkir eða afneitar skýrslu.
  • Ef fyrsta stigi maður samþykkir það, Kerfið lætur annað borð samþykkjari.

Á InfoPath megin hluti, Ég mismunandi kafla sem fela / virðist byggjast á því hvort notandi er meðlimur í einn af þeim samþykki hópa.

Í FBA umhverfi notandanafn() skilar alltaf autt, því miður. What I’ve done is set up a a custom list called “Approval Groups”.

Ég bæti ekki frekari dálka á listann.

Þegar mynd opnast, það er regla eins og þetta:


The "setja gildi reit til" er hér:


Þetta er í grundvallaratriðum að segja: Fyrirspurn hópsins samþykki sérsniðnum lista og sía þessi fyrirspurn með því að leita að einhverju röð þar sem verðmæti Titill s = "NORRÆNA".

Ef það skilar hvaða gildi, then the current user is a member of that group. I know it contains that value because the string length is greater than zero.

Close the loop by securing the individual items in the Approval Group list. At run-time, Ef núverandi notandi hefur ekki viðeigandi öryggi aðgang að þeim lið þá fyrirspurn mun ekki skila, string-length will be zero and now you know the current user is not part of that group. You can use that fact as needed in the form.

This is a super brief write-up. I’m pressed for time or I’d provide more detail.

I don’t know how relevant it is that I’m in an FBA environment. This would probably work well in a non-FBA environment but I can imagine cases where this would be useful.


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SharePoint Shop Spjall ágrip (09/24/09 útgáfa)

Við kláruðum 8 SharePoint verslun okkar Talk opinn Q&A session yesterday. During that session, við tekur eftirfarandi atriði:

  • Hvernig á að senda út mjög sniðinn tölvupóst frá workflow búin til með SharePoint Designer.
  • Hvar á að finna upplýsingar um muninn á SharePoint 2010 and especially Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (the free version of SharePoint).
  • We discussed jQuery maintenance and management. More specifically, “where should the jQuery go?” We had a great discussion around this topic and one interesting new ideas (mér) is the idea of a content delivery network. This bing search pulls up a lot of interesting data on the subject:
  • Someone mentioned that parts (or maybe even all) of the up-coming mega conference in Las Vegas in October will be broadcast over the internets. Check out this site for more information:
  • We talked about RSS. That discussion covered a lot of ground. There’s a CodePlex project that does better RSS than what you get out of the box and has some good articles up by Laura Rogers on how to use DVWP to build really good RSS sessions.

That about covers it. People seem to be getting a lot of help from these so we’ll keep them going.

In a burst of efficiency, I’ve already set up next week’s SharePoint Shop Talk session. You can register here:

If you want to participate, eldur burt tölvupóst á, hit me up on twitter ("Koddaver) or leave a comment here.


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SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur 09/24 @ 12:30 PM UTC

Skráning er upp og tilbúinn fyrir SharePoint Shop Spjall morgun á 12:30 PM.

Á þessum Símafundir, A pallborð af reynslu SharePoint atvinnumaður taka spurningum þínum í tölvupósti, via live meeting or directly over the phone. We do our best to provide independent expert advice on all topics related to SharePoint.

Senda spurningar til "", kvak þá til mín, eftir umsögn hér eða bara mæta á símtali og spyrja.

Við fögnum einnig og leita innsýn frá meðlimum áhorfendur.

Þú getur lesið nokkrar recaps á fyrri SharePoint Shop Talk fundum á blogginu mínu.

Þessi vika sem við vitum nú þegar að við munum vera að takast spurningum um workflow (stöðug uppáhalds) og leita til að nefna nokkur.

Skráðu þig hér:


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SharePoint Shop Talk þetta Fimmtudagur 09/17/09 12:30 UTC til 1:30 PM UTC

Næsta SharePoint Shop Talk fer fram í Fimmtudagur, 09/17 á 12:30PM UTC.

Hvað er SharePoint Shop Talk? It’s a one hour conference call where a panel of SharePoint pro’s answer questions. Send your questions to "", leave a comment on my blog here or just ask them out loud on the call. The panel tries to offer several different approaches to solving the underlying problem behind the question and just generally provide unbiased expert advice.

This week we continue with the same panel, including myself, my two Arcovis partners Harry Jones and Natalya Voskresenskaya and Laura Rogers of SharePoint911.

Briefly recapping last week – we had more questions than we could answer, so this week, we’ll start off with those. We had 34 registrants and I think 25 people actually joined the call. We covered a wide variety of subjects that I would say were 75% endir notandi stilla, þ.mt:

  • Aðferðir til rúllandi upp efni frá undir-stöðum til efstu stöðum stig inni og yfir söfn síðuna.
  • Áhrif sérsníða editform.aspx nota SharePoint Designer.
  • Takast á við hið fræga "safna gögnum frá notanda" SharePoint Designer workflow aðgerð.
  • Nota jQuery til að leysa nokkrar algengar notendaviðmót vandamál.
  • Tímabelti spurningar (fyrir landfræðilega dreift umhverfi)

Við fjallað nokkur önnur atriði eins og heilbrigður, en upplýsingar sloppið mig.

I promised to do follow up with a live meeting to dig into one of the questions and still need to do that.

Nýskráning fyrir fundi þessa viku hér:

Í þessari viku, we’re going to talk about at least:

  • Strategies for managing and getting at version history for documents
  • Suitability and ideas around using SharePoint as a front end that allows your customers to view some financial data.
  • Workflow questions (eins og venjulega).

We’ll see and hear you there!


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SharePoint Laugardagur New York

Ég hef hlaðið kynningu mína fyrir New York SharePoint laugardagur hér: HTTP:// the Yellow Brick Road to SharePoint Mastery.pptx

Það er ekki hræðilega gagnlegur ef þú ferð ekki að kynningunni, en ég vona að bæta við fullt af athugasemdum á milli núna og Tampa, when I present it again. That would give it more legs and context and be more generally useful.


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Myndi það ekki vera kaldur ef ...

Ég var að fara í gegnum gríðarstór stafli mína MSDN tímarit til að fá konuna mína burt bakinu fyrir 30 sekúndur til að gera pláss fyrir nýja tímarit MSDN og ég rakst á eldri grein um samþætta MS Speech Server með Workflow Foundation og ég hélt, myndi það ekki vera kúl til að samþætta öll þessi með SharePoint? It would be kind of neat to be able to say “Create site named [flott síða] í söfnun síðuna [Papa Bear]” into my cell phone and have it do that. I can imagine an architecture where speech server hands off the commands to a workflow application that does all the work. That’s very easy logic to implement on the server side of the fence.

Á HÍ, you’d have to do something to get it rolling. I’d probably go to a “speech monitor” kind of SharePoint site that has some jQuery running that monitors a queue that is updated by the workflow application and shows, í rauntíma, what’s happening.

That would be a pretty crazy technology train right there. Cell phone dialing up to speech server on some machine. Workflows bridging the gap between Speech Server and SharePoint. jQuery enhancing a plain Jane SharePoint UI.

Er einhver hagnýt hluti þessa? Who knows. Who cares?


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Ráðgjöf getur verið svolítið eins og draga út eigin tennurnar

[Athugaðu: This article cross-posted to End User SharePoint hér:]

Stundum, þegar þú ert að vinna sem ráðgjafi (sem starfsgrein, eða í ráðgjafarstörf innan fyrirtækisins), you find yourself living in an Onion story. The Onion has a series of articles called “Ask an [sérfræðingur] um [einhver vandamál]". This follows the famous “Dear Abby” format where a concerned person is asking for personal advice. The onion’s “expert”, þó, is so focused on his/her area of expertise and current problems that the expert ignores the question entirely and rambles on about his area of expertise. As consultants, we need to keep that in mind all the time and avoid falling into that trap. It’s classically described like this – “when you use a hammer all day long to solve your problems, everything starts to look like a nail.” We professional consultants are always on guard against that kind of thing, en við komum í snertingu við fólk sem er alvarleg sérfræðingar í eigin hlutverk þeirra, but are not consultants. They don’t have the same need or training to do otherwise.

Í síðustu viku, Ég skrifaði um einn af viðskiptavinum fyrirtækisins míns og viðvarandi verkefni we have to enable high quality collaboration between various eye doctors in the US and Canada performing clinical research on rare disease. In addition to leveraging core SharePoint features to enable that collaboration, we’re also working an expense submission and approval process. It’s complicated because we have so many actors:

  • A handfylli af einstaklingum á æfingar mismunandi lækna sem geta slá útgjöld á línu.
    • Það eru yfir 40 venjur lækna '.
    • Á sumum venjur, the doctor uses the system directly.
    • At many practices, the doctor’s staff uses the system directly.
  • A financial administrator (who works for my direct client) who reviews the expenses for accuracy and relevancy, approving or denying them at the organizational level.
  • A 3rd party accounts payable group. These people pay all of the bills for out client, not just bills coming out of the rare disease study.

The Accounts Payable group has been a challenge. Working with them yesterday reminded me of the Onion series. In my role as business consultant, I explained the need to the accounts payable company:

  • Clinical studies sites (venjur lækna ') incur study-related expenses.
  • They log onto the “web site” and enter their expenses using an online form. Í þessu tilviki, the “web site” is hosted with SharePoint and the expenses are entered into an InfoPath form. Expense receipts are scanned, hlaðið og tengdar beint saman í formi.
  • Sjálfvirk workflow ferli leitar samþykki frá viðeigandi fjárhagslega stjórnandi.
  • Þú, dear 3rd party AP company – please review and approve or deny this expense. I’ll send it to you any way that you want (innan þess).Á þessum tímapunkti í umræðunni, I don’t really care how it needs to be bundled. I want to work with the AP group to understand what they need and want.

Þegar ég útskýrði þörfina, 3. flokkurinn tók djúpt kafa í innri muldra þeirra Jumbo lingo um kostnað samþykki ferli, Véfrétt kóðar, varaformaður forsetakosningarnar undirskriftir, 90 dag snúa-arounds, o.fl.. And panic. I shouldn’t forget about the panic. One of the bed rock requirements of the consulting profession is to learn how to communicate with people like that who are themselves not trained or necessarily feel a need to do the same. Among other things, it’s one of the best parts of being a consultant. You get to enter a world populated with business people with completely different perspectives. I imagine it’s a little bit like entering the mind of a serial killer, except that you aren’t ruined for life after the experience (though entering the mind of an AP manager isn’t a walk in the park 🙂 [see important note below***] ).

One of the great things about our technical world as SharePoint people is that we have ready-made answers to many of the very valid concerns that people such as my AP contact have. Is it secure? How do I know that the expense was properly vetted? Can I, sem endanlega greiðanda, sjá allar upplýsingar um kostnað? How do I do that? What if I look at those details and don’t approve of them? Can I reject them? What happens if the organization changes and the original approver is no longer around? Can we easily change the process to reflect changes in the system? Get ég rifja þetta gjald á ári seinna ef og þegar ég fæ endurskoðaður og þurfa að verja greiðslu?

Eins SharePoint fólk, we can see how to answer those questions. In my client’s case, we answer them more or less like this:

  • InfoPath form to allow sites to record their expenses and submit them for approval.
  • Sites can return to the site to view the status of their expense report at any time.
  • As significant events occur (e.g. the expense is approved and submitted for payment), the system proactively notifies them by email.
  • The system notifies the financial administrator once a report has been submitted for approval.
  • Financial administrator approves or denies the request.
  • Upon approval, the expense is bundled up into an email and sent to the 3rd party payer organization.
  • The 3rd party payer has all the information they need to review the expense and can access the SharePoint environment to dig into the details (primarily audit history to verify the “truth” of the expenses).
  • 3rd party payer can approve or reject the payment using their own internal process. They record that outcome back in the SharePoint site (which triggers an email notification to appropriate people).
  • In future, it would be nice to cut out this stilly email process and instead feed the expense information directly into their system.

In conclusion, there’s a life style here that I describe from the professional consultant’s point of view, but which applies almost equally to full time employees in a BA and/or power user role. Work patiently with the experts in your company and extract the core business requirements as best you can. With a deep understanding of SharePoint features and functions to draw upon, more often than not, you’ll be able to answer concerns and offer ways to improve everyone’s work day leveraging core SharePoint features.

***Mikilvæg athugasemd: I really don’t mean to compare AP people to serial killers. Hins, I could probably name some AP pro’s who have probably wished they could get a restraining order against me stalking them and asking over and over again. “Where’s my check?” “Where’s my check?” “Where’s my check?"


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SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur, 09/10/09 á 12:30PM UTC

SharePoint Shop Talk áfram þetta Fimmtudagur á 12:30 UTC til 1:30PM UTC. This will be our 5th call I believe. SharePoint Shop Talk works like this:

  • A panel of SharePoint Experts answer questions. This week the panel includes Laura Rogers, Natalya Voskresenskaya, Harry Jones og mig.
  • Any SharePoint question is fair game.
  • Send or ask questions:
    • By email:
    • Twitter directly to @pagalvin
    • Leave a comment on this blog
    • Write the question down on the back of a piece of poster board, one side of which is covered with $20 bills and mailed to my home address (leave a comment and I will be in touch with you directly).
    • Loks, dial into the call and just ask it out loud.

This week we have a few questions around SharePoint workflow. Two sample questions:

  • “How do I deploy a SharePoint Designer workflow from development to test?"
  • “Does SharePoint Designer workflow work well with InfoPath? How I can share information between an InfoPath form and a SharePoint Designer workflow?"

This week’s SharePoint Shop Talk registration is up. Click here to register. We hope to hear you there!


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