Skilgreina “Great” SharePoint Kröfur

Sem óskað og lofað, I’ve uploaded my presentation on how to obtain "great" requirements from end users for SharePoint projects and implementations. It’s here: HTTP:// 20Galvin% 20Great%

Ég kynnti þetta á SharePoint Best Practices ráðstefnu í febrúar 2009 ( If you attended the conference, þú munt einnig fá þetta á ráðstefnu DVD.

The presentation includes a lot of notes with most slides. It’s not just bullet points.

(See here for my other presentation on a governance case study:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!3099.entry


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“Wild West” Stjórnskipulag PowerPoint Kynning

I just finished up my "Wild West" stjórnarhætti kynningu hér á SharePoint Best Practices ráðstefnu og ég var beðinn um að senda renna þilfari minn á bloggið mitt, svo hér er það: HTTP:// 20Galvin% 20Wild%

(Því miður fyrir viola brandari!)


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Control Vinnuflæði hegðun með Custom Lists (Aftur)

Fyrr í þessum mánuði, Ég put together an article originally planned for Mark Miller’s Hins, I instead used like Dustin Hoffman used a cross at the end of the The Graduate to fend off my (ógnvekjandi! vingjarnlegur!) editor at TechTarget.

This is another SharePoint Designer workflow article in the same vein as my more recent effort here: ("Use Control Lists to Create Flexible Workflow Solutions").

Það byrjar svona:

HAVE YOU EVER wished you could temporarily disable a SharePoint Designer workflow? You may want to do this in order to mass-approve a large number of documents without setting off dozens — or possibly hundreds — of unnecessary workflows.

One way to accomplish this is to access the workflow using Share-Point Designer and disable it. To do that, you’ll need to open up SharePoint Designer, access the workflow, change its properties and re-save it. The problem with that method is that it’s a little messy and likely to ring lots of alarm bells at most companies.

Almennt, fiddling about with SharePoint Designer workflows is not a good practice in a production environment, nor is it part of a well controlled process.

The article then walks you through a solution to this problem that uses a custom list to turn the WF on or off as needs dictate. Lesa the heild hlutur hér (HTTP:// 1_16.pdf).

This article was inspired by a question asked on the forums here: Although I spend far more time on the MSDN forums, I strongly recommend that you have a peek at the EUSP forum as well, particularly for end user oriented questions. It’s yet another source of good information and advice.


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Notaðu Control Lists til Skapa sveigjanlegra lausna workflow

Í síðustu viku, Mark Miller posted my latest SharePoint Designer workflow article for end users on his site (

Það byrjar svona:

Við tæknilega gerðir nota mikið af hrognamál og skammstafanir í daglegu lífi okkar, svo sem "OOP" (mótmæla stilla af forritun), "CT" (Efnisgerðir), "SPD" (SharePoint Designer), "RTFM" (vinsamlegast lesið handbók), o.fl.. This article concerns itself with a particular bugaboo called “hard coding:” What it is, why it’s bad and how to avoid it in SharePoint designer workflow solutions.

I describe how we can use custom lists to store workflow control and configuration data. Using this approach, we can avoid hard coding values such as approvers’ email addresses, approval dollar limits, o.fl..

Stöðva það út.


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Stjórnsýsla og SharePoint Leita – Það er aldrei of seint að byrja

Ég wrote an article (HTTP://, 289.483, sid1_gci1345231_mem1, 00.html #) fyrir on governance as it relates to SharePoint Search. It’s not in my usual "voice" but that’s editing for you 🙂

Hér er hvernig það hefst:

Þó næstum allar hliðar SharePoint getur notið góðs af sterkri stjórnsýslu áætlun, MOSS 2007’s enterprise search functionality benefits most of all.

Like all parts of SharePoint, there is good news and bad news about governance. For many organizations, the bad news is that it’s extremely difficult to incorporate a governance plan where none existed.

But here’s the good news: You can quickly configure and improve on enterprise search at almost any time. And when you implement a governance plan for enterprise search, you can see immediate results.

One of the problems with SharePoint and governance is that companies often get knee deep into SharePoint with no governance plan and by then, there’s no easy path forward to solve it. No so with Search. Read the article to get my thoughts on that subject.


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Komandi FAST Kynning, Miðvikudagur 01/28, Hádegi UTC

Ég ætla að gera í fyrsta sinn minn Online Kynning hýst af voldugu EMC markaðssetningu vél á 12:00 hádegi EDT á miðvikudag, 01/28. Ég hef ekki hugmynd um hvað ég á að búast við frá þessum, in terms of attendance. Hins, þar sem ég er leiðandi það, Ég get sagt þér hvað ég á að búast ef þú gera tími fyrir það.

I’m going to be describing what we here at EMC mean when we talk about "Enterprise Search." I’m distinguishing between regular old SharePoint Search (sem er alveg gagnlegt við sig) og Enterprise Search, sem er miklu stærra, nastier, áhugavert og perplexing vandamál til að leysa.

Ég ætla að gera þau rök að FAST er gott tól til að nota þegar reynt var að leysa Leita Enterprise vandamál (og ég gera nokkrar hliðstæður til skurður á meðan ég á það). This obviously ties into SharePoint and will be a part of the community’s fabric over the course of 2009 and beyond. That’s the hook for anyone reading my blog here.

Ef þú hefur áhuga á FAST, Ég held að þú munt finna nóg gagnlegar upplýsingar til að réttlæta þann tíma varið að hlusta á mig tala um það.

Það er markaðssetning kynningu, en öll af markaðssetningu efni er í lok, svo þú getur alltaf falla burt á þeim tímapunkti.

Voldugu EMC markaðssetning vél hefur veitt mér með skilti tengilinn, svo vinsamlegast nota það til að skrá.


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Self-Service Site Creation Er ekki einmitt um að búa Sites

Eins og margir SharePoint ráðgjafi gerðum, I’ve been exposed to a lot of SharePoint functionality. Sumir sinnum, I dive pretty deep. Other times I just notice it as I’m flying by to another set of menu options. One of those is "self-service site creation." I haven’t had a need for it until this week.

Í þessari viku, I need to solve a business problem which I think is going to become more common as companies loosen up and embrace more direct end user control over SharePoint. Í þessu tilviki, I’ve designed a site template to support a specific end user community. Folks in this community should be able to create their own sites at will using this template whenever the urge strikes them.

I recalled seeing "self-service site creation" before and I’ve always tucked that away in the back of my head thinking that "self service site creation" er SharePoint Lingo þýðir, augljóslega nóg, something like "turn me on if you want end users to be able to create sites when they want to."

Svo, Ég kveiki á, reyna það út og fyrir mig, it’s not creating sites. It’s creating site söfn. Pretty big difference. That’s not what I want, alls ekki.

It is possible to let end users create new sub sites via a custom permission level. This is exactly where I would have gone in the first place except that the label "self-service site creation" label deceived me. Via twitter, I learn that it’s deceived others as well 🙂

Ég er enn að vinna út hvernig á að veita smá meira straumlínulagað ferli meðan dvöl eingöngu út af the kassi, but there’s a definite path to follow. Just don’t get distracted by that label.


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Tal á New York SharePoint Developers Group Meeting

Ég ætla að kynna í New York SharePoint Developers hóp fundi í New York í Microsoft Skrifstofur á 6TH AVE á þriðjudag, 01/27 á 6:00 PM (rúmri viku héðan í frá!).

Skráðu þig hér.

It’s going to be a technical presentation where I walk through the process of creating a custom workflow action that can be packaged and installed into a SharePoint environment and used by SharePoint Designer to create declarative workflow solutions.

Think this:

I’ll do a little evangelizing as I go along, making the case that developers should really think hard about the benefits of this kind of effort. it goes something like this: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, build him a custom workflow action and he can design and implement his own business process for finding fish (or any other food!) and leave the developers alone to do the heavy duty complex programming that developers are best at doing.

It’s obviously a developer oriented session, but I do encourage curious end users and admins to show up. Even though the specific process of creating a custom action is targeted directly at developers, the meta conversation about one is not.

I hope to see you there.


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A Proxy Web Server reyndi að stoppa mig frá installing Gluggakista Vinnuflæði Foundation, En ég sigraði It

I’m working at a client site and needed to install windows workflow foundation so that I could so some SharePoint Designer work. (Ég vissi ekki fyrr en í dag að SPD setur allt í lagi en í raun þarf að minnsta kosti. Handbært 2.0 og Windows Workflow Foundation til að vera mjög nothæft; Ég ætla alltaf að þetta var sett upp með SPD, but I was wrong).

The client has a proxy server. No problem, I have credentials to get outside to the public Internets. I go to the usual place to download WWF (SPD helpfully provided me with a link). That download is really a bootstrap of sorts. It runs and figures out what else it needs to download. That second download process failed. It either does not try at all, or is somehow prevented from asking for proxy server credentials. It was a pretty hard crash, giving me the message:

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete successfully.

I tried to reboot and spent 10 seconds trying to figure out if I could get it to ask me for proxy server credentials. I gave up and went here instead: .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Package).

I downloaded that package, installed and this time, no problems.


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Using reflector á Microsoft.SharePoint.dll

Redgate .NET Reflector Michael Blumenthal has put up an article about alerts and views ("Which views can be used when Creating an Alert ?"), which is interesting on its own merits. Hins, I was even more interested to see how he methodically walks through the process of using Redgate’s .NET Reflector. Step by step, he shows how to use that tool track down how SharePoint determines whether a view on a list should be "subscribable" fyrir skort á betri orð (he explains this much better than I do 🙂 ).

At this point in the SharePoint era, you’d almost have to be deaf and blind to have not heard or read about using that tool. It’s advanced stuff and my own sense is that it’s in many ways a tool of last resort. Hins, ef þú heldur að þú þarft það en í raun ekki vita hvernig, Michael skrifa-upp virðast eins og a mikill einkatími um þetta efni.


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