June: SharePoint ipsum

Beware Breaking Changes to ItemStyle.xsl

I was working with ItemStyle.xsl to customize the look of a Content Query Web Part and right about lunch time, I made a breaking change to the xsl. I didn’t realize it, but this had far reaching effects throughout the site collection. I went off to lunch and upon my return, noticed this message appearing in a bunch of places:

Unable to display this Web Part. To troubleshoot the problem, open this Web page in a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible HTML editor such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer. If the problem persists, contact your Web server administrator.

I blamed the client (not realizing as yet that it was my fault at this point) but eventually noticed that visual studio intellisense was warning me that I had malformed XSL. I corrected it and everything started working.

Be darned careful when working with ItemStyle.xsl (and any of the global XSL files) — breaking them affects many artifacts in the site collection.

<Finis />

Propono Content Quaero Web Part Results in a risus / Mensam

Overview et obiectiva

Ex arca archa, MUSCUS’ Quaero Web content Parte (CQWP) ostenditque fructus ejus in elencho format, similar to search results. It is also possible to display the results in a grid format (i.e. HTML mensam format). Grid formats are better in some circumstances. I describe how to achieve that effect in this article.

Negotium Missionem

I have worked with a client on an enterprise-wide MOSS rollout. We have designed their taxonomy such that projects are first class citizens in the hierarchy and have their own top level site. Project managers maintain a singleton list of project summary information, ut tituli, budget, consummatio expectatur date, remaining budget and other summary type fields. By "singleton" I mean a custom SharePoint list guaranteed to contain only one item. Simplistically, is vultus amo is:


The technical approach is much the same as described hic (http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!447.entry). The CQWP uses an XSL transform to emit HTML for the browser to render.

I always envision the result before diving into the XSL because XSL is a nightmare. Here’s my desired result:


HTML like this generates that result:

 <mensamque border=1>

<!-- Labels -->
 <tr bgcolor=blue>
 <td><font color=white><b>Project Name</b></font></td>
 <td align=right><font color=white><b>Complete Date</b></font></td>
 <td align=right><font color=white><b>Budget</b></font></td>
 <td align=right><font color=white><b>Actual Expense</b></font></td>
 <td><font color=white><b>Overall Status</b></font></td>

 <td>Re-wire computer room.</td>
 <td align=right>02/01/08</td>
 <td align=right>22,500.00</td>
 <td align=right>19,000.00</td>
 <td>In Progress</td>

 <td>Provision servers for SQL Upgrade</td>
 <td align=right>04/01/08</td>
 <td align=right>7,500.00</td>
 <td align=right>0.00</td>



Follow these steps to create the grid:

  1. Identify the components of the grid (rows/columns).
  2. Define and create necessary site columns.
  3. Create sub sites for the projects and singleton lists.
  4. Add the CQWP to a web page and configure it to search for your lists.
  5. Modify the CQWP’s XML to gather up the additional columns.
  6. Modify the XSL to generate a table.

I’m going to concentrate on number six. Numbers one through four are straight-forward and something that any CQWP user has already done. Number five has been well-documented by others including this exhaustive screen-shot laden article from MSDN hic (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb897399.aspx) and Heather Solomon’s blog hic (http://www.heathersolomon.com/blog/articles/CustomItemStyle.aspx).

Nuts And Bolts

Begin and implement steps one through five as per the MSDN documentation and Heather Solomon’s article.

Ad hoc, you’ve added your CQWP to the page and you have your <CommonViewFields> configured as necessary.

Following the usual steps, I get these intermediate results:

1. Partum a content type, a templatized custom list for that content type and two sites. Here is the content type:


Here is the site structure:


2. Add the CQWP after creating my project subsites and singleton project summary lists:


3. Add all the additional information I want via the <CommonViewFields>:

        <proprietate nomen="CommonViewFields" typus="filum">Project_x0020_Name;Project_x0020_Expenses;Project_x0020_Status;Project_x0020_Start_x0020_Date;Project_x0020_End_x0020_Date;Project_x0020_Budget</proprietate>

Note that I had to keep all the property fields on one line or it would not work (CQWP would tell me that the query returned no items).

4. Ad hoc, we’re ready to move beyond the MSDN article and flip on over to Heather Solomon’s article. Follow her steps starting near step #5 to create a customized / unghosted version of ItemStyle.xsl. I follow Heather’s advice, up through step 11 and get these intermediate results:

4.1: Name my XSL template as follows:

<p:template name="Grid" match="Row[@Style=’Grid’]" mode="itemstyle">

I also slightly modify her suggested <p:nam quisque- …> by adding a <br /> tag to provide a cleaner listing:

    <p:nam quisque- elige="@*">
      P:<p:valor ex- elige="nomen()" /><br/>
    </p:nam quisque->

4.2: I modify the web part, go to appearance and select my "Grid" style:


Apply the change and here is the result:


We can see from the above that the fields we want (Project name, expense, status, etc) are available for us to use when we emit the HTML. Not only that, but we see the names by which we must reference those columns in the XSL. Verbigratia, we reference Project Status as "Project_x005F_x0020_Name".

Ad hoc, we depart from Heather’s blog and from the shoulders of these giants, I add my own little bit.


MONUMENTUM: Cum utrisque mutationibus tam ContentQueryMain.xsl ItemStyle.xsl, tu opus ad reprehendo retro in conspectu illorum lima videtis effectum mutationes tuas.

Nam eget consilium-factionis, MOSS uses two different XSL files to produce the results we see from a CQWP. To generate the previous bit of output, we modified ItemStyle.xsl. MOSS actually uses another XSL file, ContentQueryMain.xsl to in conjunction with ItemStyle.xsl to generate its HTML. As its name implies, ContentQueryMain.xsl is the "main" XSL that controls the overall flow of translation. It iterates through all the found items and passes them one by one to templates in ItemStyle.xsl. We’ll modify ItemStyle.xsl to generate the open <mensamque> tag emiserit ante in primo versu de notitia et occlusio <mensamque> tag after emitting the last row. To accomplish this, ContentQueryMain.xsl is modified to pass two parameters to our "grid" luctus in ItemStyle.xsl, "last row" and "current row". ItemStyle.xsl uses these to conditionally emit the necessary tags.

Heather scriptor Salomon usura ars, we locate ContentQueryMain.xsl. It is located in the same place as ItemStyle.xsl. This screen shot should help:


His motus ad opus:

  • Vel demutare p template, "CallItemTemplate" that actually invokes our Grid template in ItemStyle.xsl. We will pass two parameters to the Grid template so that it will have the data it needs to conditionally generate opening and closing <mensamque> tags.
  • Modify another bit of ContentQueryMain.xsl that calls the "CallItemTemplate" to pass it a "LastRow" parameter so that LastRow may be passed on to our Grid template.

Locate the template named "OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate" identified by the string:

  <p:Template nomen="OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate">

Replace the whole template as follows:

  <p:Template nomen="OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate">
    <p:param nomen="CurPosition" />

      Add the "LastRow" parameter.
      We only use it when the item style pass in is "Grid".
    <p:param nomen="LastRow" />

      <p:cum test="@Style='NewsRollUpItem'">
        <p:apply-templates elige="." mode="itemstyle">
          <p:cum param- nomen="EditMode" elige="$cbq_iseditmode" />
      <p:cum test="@Style='NewsBigItem'">
        <p:apply-templates elige="." mode="itemstyle">
          <p:cum param- nomen="CurPos" elige="$CurPosition" />
      <p:cum test="@Style='NewsCategoryItem'">
        <p:apply-templates elige="." mode="itemstyle">
          <p:cum param- nomen="CurPos" elige="$CurPosition" />

              Pass current position and lastrow to the Grid itemstyle.xsl template.
              ItemStyle.xsl will use that to emit the open and closing <mensamque> tags.
      <p:cum test="@Style='Grid'">
        <p:apply-templates elige="." mode="itemstyle">
          <p:cum param- nomen="CurPos" elige="$CurPosition" />
          <p:cum param- nomen="Last" elige="$LastRow" />

        <p:apply-templates elige="." mode="itemstyle">

The comments describe the purpose of the changes.

Utique, the "OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate" is itself called from another template. Locate that template by searching for this text string:

<p:Template nomen="OuterTemplate.Body">

Scroll through the instructions in OuterTemplate.Body and insert the LastRow parameter as follows (shown as a comment in italics):

<p:Template voca- nomen="OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate">
  <p:cum param- nomen="CurPosition" elige="$CurPosition" />
  <!-- Insert the LastRow parameter. -->
  <p:cum param- nomen="LastRow" elige="$LastRow"/>
</p:Template voca->

After all of this, we finally have things set up properly so that our ItemStyle.xsl can emit <mensamque> tags at the right place.


MONUMENTUM: Iterum, check in ItemStyle.xsl after making any changes so that you see the effect of those changes.

We have two tasks here:

  • Replace the entire Grid template. You can copy/paste from below.
  • Add some mumbo jumbo outside the template definition that enables "formatcurrency" template to work. (You can tell that I have a tenuous handle on XSL).

Primum, near the top of ItemStyle.xsl, add this line:

  <!-- Some mumbo jumbo that enables us to display U.S. currency. -->
  <p:decimales format- nomen="staff" digit="D" />

  <p:Template nomen="Default" match="*" mode="itemstyle">

Note that I added it directly before the <p:template name="Default" …> definition.

Postero, go back to our Grid template. Replace the entire Grid template with the code below. It is thoroughly commented, but don’t hesitate to email me or leave comments on my blog if you have questions.

  <p:Template nomen="Grid" match="Row[@Style='Grid']" mode="itemstyle">

      ContentMain.xsl passes CurPos and Last.
      We use these to conditionally emit the open and closing <mensamque> tags.
    <p:param nomen="CurPos" />
    <p:param nomen="Last" />

    <!-- The following variables are unmodified from the standard ItemStyle.xsl -->
    <p:variabilis nomen="SafeImageUrl">
      <p:Template voca- nomen="OuterTemplate.GetSafeStaticUrl">
        <p:cum param- nomen="UrlColumnName" elige="'ImageUrl'"/>
      </p:Template voca->
    <p:variabilis nomen="SafeLinkUrl">
      <p:Template voca- nomen="OuterTemplate.GetSafeLink">
        <p:cum param- nomen="UrlColumnName" elige="'LinkUrl'"/>
      </p:Template voca->
    <p:variabilis nomen="DisplayTitle">
      <p:Template voca- nomen="OuterTemplate.GetTitle">
        <p:cum param- nomen="Title" elige="@Title"/>
        <p:cum param- nomen="UrlColumnName" elige="'LinkUrl'"/>
      </p:Template voca->
    <p:variabilis nomen="LinkTarget">
      <p:si test="@OpenInNewWindow = 'True'" >_blank</p:si>

      Here we define a variable, "tableStart".  This contains the HTML
      that we use to define the opening of the table as well as the column
      labels.  Note that if CurPos = 1, it includes the HTML in a CDATA tag.
      Otherwise, it will be empty.

      The value of tableStart is emited every time ItemStyle is called via
    <p:variabilis nomen="tableStart">
      <p:si test="$CurPos = 1">
        <table border=1>
          <tr bgcolor="blue">
            <td><font color="white"><b>Project Name</b></font></td>
            <td align="right"><font color="white"><b>Complete Date</b></font></td>
            <td align="right"><font color="white"><b>Budget</b></font></td>
            <td align="right"><font color="white"><b>Actual Expense</b></font></td>
            <td><font color="white"><b>Overall Status</b></font></td>

      Another variable, tableEnd simply defines the closing table tag.

      As with tableStart, it's always emited.  This is why its value is
      assigned conditionally based upon whether we've been passed the last
      row by ContentQueryMain.xsl.
    <p:variabilis nomen="tableEnd">
      <p:si test="$CurPos = $Last">
        <![CDATA[ </mensamque> ]]>

      Always emit the contents of tableStart.  If this is not the first
      row passed to us by ContentQueryMain.xsl, then we know its value
      will be blank.

      Disable output escaping because when tableStart it not blank, it
      includes actual HTML that we want to be rendered by the browser.  If
      we don't tell the XSL parser to disable output escaping, it will generate
      stuff like "&LT;mensamque&gt;" instead of "<mensamque>".
    <p:valor ex- elige="$tableStart" disable-output-erepta="Imo"/>

        <p:valor ex- elige="@Project_x005F_x0020_Name"/>

      <td align="ius">
        <p:valor ex- elige="@Project_x005F_x0020_End_x005F_x0020_Date"/>

      <td align="ius">
        <p:Template voca- nomen="formatcurrency">
          <p:cum param- nomen="valor" 
elige="@Project_x005F_x0020_Budget"></p:cum param-> </p:Template voca-> </td> <td align="ius"> <p:Template voca- nomen="formatcurrency"> <p:cum param- nomen="valor" elige="@Project_x005F_x0020_Expenses">
</p:cum param-> </p:Template voca-> </td> <td> <p:valor ex- elige="@Project_x005F_x0020_Status"/> </td> <!-- All of the following is commented out to clarify things. Autem, bring it back and stuff it into a <td> to see its effect. --> <!-- <div id="linkitem" class="item"> <p:if test="string-length($SafeImageUrl) != 0"> <div class="image-area-left"> <a href="{$SafeLinkUrl}" target="{$LinkTarget}"> <img class="image-fixed-width" src="{$SafeImageUrl}"
alt="{@ImageUrlAltText}"/> </a> </Div> </p:si> <div class="link-item"> <p:Template voca-
name="OuterTemplate.CallPresenceStatusIconTemplate"/> <a href="{$SafeLinkUrl}"
target="{$LinkTarget}" title="{@LinkToolTip}"> <p:value-of select="$DisplayTitle"/> </a> <div class="description"> <p:value-of select="@Description" /> </Div> </Div> </Div>
--> </tr> <!-- Emit the closing table tag. If we are not on the last row, this will be blank. --> <p:valor ex- elige="$tableEnd" disable-output-erepta="Imo"/> </p:Template> <p:Template nomen="formatcurrency"> <p:param nomen="valor" elige="0" /> <p:valor ex- elige='numerum format-($valor, "$DDD,DDD,DDD.DD", "staff")' /> </p:Template>

Vexillum WSS / MUSCUS Data Entry praetexit non favent SUMMISSUS occumbo-pertulerat (aut alia ab communicationis intra-)

UPDATE (04/2008): Magnum hoc blog introitu ostendit a bono javascript dicentur aditus ad hoc problema: http://webborg.blogspot.com/2008/04/add-functions-and-events-to-sharepoint.html

UPDATE II: (04/2008): Hoc blog introitu spectat tam promittens: http://www.cleverworkarounds.com/2008/03/13/free-mosswss-2007-web-part-hide-controls-via-javascript/

Plures temporibus a septimana, si minus quotidie,, forum users describe a requirement that would normally be met via cascading drop-downs. Verbigratia, Habeo duas occumbo-down imperium:

  • List of U.S. civitatium
  • List of U.S. urbes.

Author UI ut suggero, sic operari volumus:

  • Paulus deligit U.S. state from the drop-down.
  • This causes the cities drop-down to filter only those cities that belong to the selected state.
  • Paulus deligit a civitate hac percolantur album.

There is no out-of-the-box support for this feature. In facto, there is no OOB support for any kind of direct intra-form communication. This includes programmatically hiding/enabling/disabling fields in response to field changes elsewhere on the form.

Hic articulus ad describeret obiectiva rerum solutionum possibilis, et haec sunt bene ut ego cognosco eas,:

  1. Develop a custom column type. As a custom-column-developer, you have full control over the "world" of that custom column. You can implement a cascading drop-down that way.
  2. Consider using workflow. In some cases, you want to automatically assign a value to field based on another field’s value. In hoc, vos Northmanni conantur uti ratione agmen, sed interdum, it just won’t get the job done. SharePoint Designer workflow is a relatively administer-friendly alternative to dropping down into code and visual studio. If you go this route, Quaestio salutari sentire hoc articulum (http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!405.entry).
  3. Tracto vicis: Sicut workflow, this is an after-the-fact solution. Your event handler is a .NET assembly (C #, VB.NET) to which SharePoint passes control. The object you develop has access to the data of the list (et totum illud exemplar,) et potest facere aliquod opus calculus.
  4. Use SharePoint Designer to create custom entry forms. I don’t have direct experience with this approach, but I hear they are doing good things with NewForm.aspx these days 🙂
  5. Volvite introitu tuo ASP.NET notitia muneris (ut stet-solus textus partem aut paginae) et quod utor instead.

Si quis scit et / vel potius bene, Vestibulum eget velit et corpus, consectetur adipiscing elit felis.

<Finis />

Technorati Tags:

Creare Bar graphs in SharePoint


(UPDATE 12/04/07: Accessit aliud interesting resource fine ad alterum conjunctio blog quod hoc est per aliquam partem valde interesting)

This blog entry describes how to create a bar graph in SharePoint. This works in both WSS and MOSS environments as it only depends upon the data view web part.

Altiore adventu est ut sequitur:

  1. Partum a album vel documenti library quod continet notitia vis F.
  2. Pone adiunctam document bibliotheca / vectigal elencho onto et convertam page ad a notitia ex parte sententia telam (DVWP).
  3. Temperare scriptor DVWP p generare HTML quod ostendit F.

Negotium Missionem / PRAEFIXUS:

Ego creavi consuetudo album vexillum Title agmine uno addito agmen, "Status". This models (ipsa simplistically) an "Authorization For Expense" quo titulo missionis project repraesentat et status ex numero aestimanda:

  • Proposuerat
  • Evolutis
  • Stabulari

Propositum est ad producendum horizontali bar Lorem ipsum his patet, quod status codicibus F.

Ego similis hoc genus hominum album:


Data partum Textus View Parte:

DVWP addendo ad paginam creare consuetudinem album (site pagina causam meam) et sequi mandatis hic (http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!395.entry).

Praeter simpliciter partum DVWP, we also need to set the paging property to show all available rows. Enim me, hoc spectat huic simile:


Ad hoc, I always close SPD and the browser. I then re-open the page using the browser. This avoids accidentally mucking up the web part layout on the page.

Temperare XSLT:

Suus 'iam tempus ad modify XSLT.

I always use visual studio for this. (Videte hic nam circa insigniore note intellisense quod multum proderit).

Fasciculi novi addunt quatuor project ego creo inani (replacing the words "Original" and "New" ut conveniens):

  • Original.xslt
  • New.xslt
  • Original Params.xml
  • New Params.xml

In meam, is vultus amo is:


Modify the web part and copy the params and XSL to the "Original" version in Visual Bulla.

Objectum est causa p transfigurare nobis impetro tergum consequitur query in a DVWP HTML reddentis quasi F.

Ad hunc finem, it helps to first consider what the HTML should look like before we get confused by the insanity that is known as "XSL". (Patere, haec est simpliciter exemplum; don’t type it or copy/paste into visual studio. I provide a full blow starting point for that later in the write-up). The following sample graph is rendered as per the HTML immediately following:

Sample Bar Aliquam lacinia purus

Debita HTML:

<mensam width = LXXX%>
<tr><td><centrum>Aliquam lacinia purus eros Talea</td></tr>
<td align="center">
<table border="1" width = LXXX%>
<width = p X%>Aperi</td>
<td><mensam cellpadding ="0" cellspacing ="0" border = 0 width = L%><tr = rubrum bgcolor><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></mensamque></td>
<width = p X%>Concluserat</td>
<td><mensam cellpadding ="0" cellspacing ="0" border = 0% XXV width =><tr = rubrum bgcolor><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></mensamque></td>
<width = p X%>Stabulari</td>
<td><mensam cellpadding ="0" cellspacing ="0" border = 0% XXV width =><tr = rubrum bgcolor><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></mensamque></td>

I used a dead simple approach to creating my bars by setting the background color of a row to "red".

In hac hic accipere-a: In finem, porticus et columnas cum loquimur omnia creavit HTML.

Template XSLT:

I’ve copied the XSLT that generates a horizontal bar graph. It’s fairly well commented so I won’t add much here except for these notes:

  • Coepi cum eo p defaltam SharePoint Designer dedit mihi primo creavit DVWP.
  • EGO eram validus ut interficiam de isto SPD scriptor 657 lineas 166 lines.
  • Non tatam circa ambitum file pron (Et scies quod est separatum a p dico cum ad se temperare DVWP; duo ordines commutare potest). Autem, ut eam simpliciorem, I did remove nearly all of them from the XSL. This means that if you want to make use of those parameters, you just need to add their variable definitions back to the XSL. That will be easy since you will have the original XSL variable definitions in your visual studio project.
  • You ought to be able to copy and paste this directly into your visual studio project. Igitur, remove my calls and insert your own calls to "ShowBar".
  • Ad EXERCITATIO operatur creando <a href> sicut est hodie: http://server/List?FilterField1=fieldname&FilterValue1=actualFilterValue. This technique may be of value in other contexts. Primo, Putabam me opus conformare ad magis complexu format: http://server/List/AllItems.aspx?View={guid}&FilterField1=blah&FilterValue1=blah, but in my environment that is not necessary. The List’s URL is passed to us by SharePoint so this is quite easy to generalize.

Hic est:

<p:stylesheet version="1.0" excludere, unde praemittit,="Rs z o s ddwrt dt msxsl" 
xmlns:msxsl="Urna:Microsoft-schemas com-:xslt" xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
xmlns:SharePoint="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" xmlns:__designer="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebParts/v2/DataView/designer"
xmlns:áspidis="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ASPNET/20" xmlns:ddwrt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebParts/v2/DataView/runtime"
xmlns:O="Urna:Microsoft-schemas com-:muneris" xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882"
xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:Rs="Urna:Microsoft-schemas com-:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema"
> <p:output methodo="html" indent="nulla" /> <p:decimales format- Nan="" /> <p:param nomen="ListUrlDir"></p:param> <!-- Hac-tenus EGO postulo suffrago terebra. --> <p:Template match="/" xmlns:SharePoint="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls"
xmlns:__designer=http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebParts/v2/DataView/designer xmlns:áspidis="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ASPNET/20"
> <p:variabilis nomen="dvt_StyleName">Mensam</p:variabilis> <p:variabilis nomen="Deambulacra" elige="/dsQueryResponse / ordinibus / Row" /> <p:variabilis nomen="dvt_RowCount" elige="Numerabitis($Deambulacra)" /> <p:variabilis nomen="IsEmpty" elige="$dvt_RowCount = 0" /> <p:variabilis nomen="dvt_IsEmpty" elige="$dvt_RowCount = 0" /> <p:elegerit> <p:cum test="$dvt_IsEmpty"> Nulla notitia F!<br/> </p:cum> <p:alioqui> <!-- Interesting effercio hic incipitur. Oportet definire par variabilium pro singulis ordinibus in F: Numerus           . --> <p:variabilis nomen="totalProposed" elige="Numerabitis(/dsQueryResponse / ordinibus / Row[normalize spatium-(@ Status) = 'Propositum'])" /> <p:variabilis nomen="percentProposed" elige="$totalProposed p $ dvt_RowCount" /> <p:variabilis nomen="totalInProcess" elige="Numerabitis(/dsQueryResponse / ordinibus / Row[normalize spatium-(@ Status) = 'Processu'])" /> <p:variabilis nomen="percentInProcess" elige="$totalInProcess p $ dvt_RowCount" /> <p:variabilis nomen="totalStalled" elige="Numerabitis(/dsQueryResponse / ordinibus / Row[normalize spatium-(@ Status) = 'Stabulari'])" /> <p:variabilis nomen="percentStalled" elige="$totalStalled p $ dvt_RowCount" /> <!-- Noster hie definimus mensam HTML. Im mutuatus nonnullos signiferos           . Puto colet           . --> <mensamque latitudo="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="FINIS-IURE: 1 # solidum C0C0C0; FINIS-SOLUM: 1 # solidum C0C0C0; FINIS-sinistram-stilo: solida; FINIS-amplitudo sinistram-: 1; FINIS-stilo summo-: solida; FINIS-width summo-: 1;"> <tr> <td align="centrum"> <mensamque border="1" latitudo="100%"> <!-- Uterque enim status volumus F, we call the "ShowBar" Template. Nos transire,: 1. Nam in versu pittacium. Hoc est permutatum a Hyperlink. 2. In sentio (variabilis desursum). 3. Ipso nomine agro Codicis a subiecta album. Hoc                      . 4. Pro pretio agri matched #3. 5. Summa Codicis status hujus items (Non omnes eu wisi                      ). Emittit <tr></tr> et linea horizontali bar F. Hoc enim ipsum dicimus unicuique ordini Codicis uolumus considerate. --> <p:Template voca- nomen="ShowBar"> <p:cum param- nomen="BarDisplayLabel" elige="'Propositum'"/> <p:cum param- nomen="BarPercent" elige="$percentProposed"/> <p:cum param- nomen="QueryFilterFieldName" elige=""Status""/> <p:cum param- nomen="QueryFilterFieldValue" elige="'Propositum'"/> <p:cum param- nomen="TotalItems" elige="$totalProposed"></p:cum param-> </p:Template voca-> <p:Template voca- nomen="ShowBar"> <p:cum param- nomen="BarDisplayLabel" elige="'Stabulari'"/> <p:cum param- nomen="BarPercent" elige="$percentStalled"/> <p:cum param- nomen="QueryFilterFieldName" elige=""Status""/> <p:cum param- nomen="QueryFilterFieldValue" elige="'Stabulari'"/> <p:cum param- nomen="TotalItems" elige="$totalStalled"></p:cum param-> </p:Template voca-> <p:Template voca- nomen="ShowBar"> <p:cum param- nomen="BarDisplayLabel" elige="'Processu'"/> <p:cum param- nomen="BarPercent" elige="$percentInProcess"/> <p:cum param- nomen="QueryFilterFieldName" elige=""Status""/> <p:cum param- nomen="QueryFilterFieldValue" elige="'Processu'"/> <p:cum param- nomen="TotalItems" elige="$totalInProcess"></p:cum param-> </p:Template voca-> </mensamque> </td> </tr> </mensamque> </p:alioqui> </p:elegerit> </p:Template> <!-- Template hoc facit opus ostentans singulis linearum in bar F. Youll 'forsit plerique vestrum tweaking hie. --> <p:Template nomen="ShowBar"> <p:param nomen="BarDisplayLabel" /> <!-- Pittacium ostendere --> <p:param nomen="BarPercent"/> <!-- Cento totalis. --> <p:param nomen="QueryFilterFieldName"/> <!-- Usus ad salire ad query & spurcamen --> <p:param nomen="QueryFilterFieldValue"/> <!-- Usus ad salire ad query & spurcamen --> <p:param nomen="TotalItems" /> <!-- totam comitis hoc barlabel --> <tr> <!-- Bar ipsum pittacium. --> <td genus="ms-formbody" latitudo="30%"> <!-- Sequenti statuto de hac quaestione sententias aedificat filo sino           . Hic utimur pauca: 1. Possumus transire ad elenchum FilterValue1 FilterField1 et in columna ut spurcamen. 2. SharePoint transiret a key parameter ad nos, ListUrlDir that points to the underlying list against which this DVWP is "running". Est non fun p? --> <p:text disable-output-erepta="Imo"> <![CDATA[<a href ="]]></p:text> <p:valor ex- elige="$ListUrlDir"/> <p:text disable-output-erepta="Imo"><![CDATA[?FilterField1 =]]></p:text> <p:valor ex- elige="$QueryFilterFieldName"/> <p:text disable-output-erepta="Imo"><![CDATA[&FilterValue1 =]]></p:text> <p:valor ex- elige="$QueryFilterFieldValue"/> <p:text disable-output-erepta="Imo"><![CDATA[">]]></p:text> <p:valor ex- elige="$BarDisplayLabel"/> <p:text disable-output-erepta="Imo"><![CDATA[</a>]]></p:text> <!-- Sequenti frenum ostendit aliqui numeri in format: "(totalis / % totalis)" --> (<p:valor ex- elige="$TotalItems"/> / <!-- Hoc facit a nice pro cento nos label. Gratias, Microsoft! --> <p:Template voca- nomen="percentformat"> <p:cum param- nomen="sentio" elige="$BarPercent"/> </p:Template voca->) </td> <!-- Tandem, emittere <td> tag pro se bar.--> <td> <mensamque cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" latitudo="{rotundum($C: * BarPercent)+1}%"> <tr bgcolor="red"> <p:text disable-output-erepta="Imo"><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></p:text> </tr> </mensamque> </td> </tr> </p:Template> <!-- Hoc accipitur immediate ab aliquo p inveni in MS template. --> <p:Template nomen="percentformat"> <p:param nomen="sentio"/> <p:elegerit> <p:cum test="numerum format-($sentio, "@, 0 @ #%;-#,##0%')= "Nan"">0%</p:cum> <p:alioqui> <p:valor ex- elige="numerum format-($sentio, "@, 0 @ #%;-#,##0%')" /> </p:alioqui> </p:elegerit> </p:Template> </p:stylesheet>


Et p hoc de generat supra F:


EXERCITATIO ad subjectam strepitando in notitia status Code:


Decernentes Cogitata:

Hoc potest esse generativus?

Hoc amo conceptus graphing, but I hate the fact that I have to go in and do so much hand-coding. I’ve given a little thought to whether it can be generalized and I’m optimistic, but I’m also a little fearful that there may be a brick wall somewhere along the path that won’t offer any work-around. If anyone has some good ideas on this, Nibh vel a note in ineo email me.

Verticalis graphs:

This is a horizontal bar graph. It’s certainly possible to create a vertical graph. We just need to change the HTML. I would start the same way: Create an HTML representation of a vertical bar graph and then figure out how to get that via XSL. If anyone is interested in that, I could be persuaded to try it out and work out the kinks. If someone has already done that, Et commodo sciam quod libenter link to vestri blog 🙂

Puto provocatio cum verticali F est titulus pro F sunt procreare difficilius, profecto inpossibilia.

Agro nomen Gotcha scriptor:

Ad minus duo nomina agro tuo quaerere.

Primum, a field name with a space has to be escaped in the XSL. This will probably be an issue here:

        <p:variabilis nomen="totalProposed" 
elige="Numerabitis(/dsQueryResponse / ordinibus / Row[normalize spatium-(@ Status) = 'Propositum'])" />

If your "Status" column is actually named "Status Code" then you need to reference it as "Status_x0020_Code":

   <p:variabilis nomen="totalProposed" 
elige="Numerabitis(/dsQueryResponse / ordinibus / Row[normalize spatium-(@ Status_x0020_Code) = 'Propositum'])" />

Secundo, et sum adhuc, quamquam in hac, but you also need to be on the alert for field name changes. If you name your field "Status Code" et tunc postea, rename it to "AFE Status", the "internal name" does not change. The internal name will still be "Status Code" and must be referenced as "Status_x0020_Code". The "other resources" potest auxilium egritudo links et corrigere hujusmodi Problema.

Circa colorem:

I picked "red" because it’s pleasing to me at the moment. It would not be a big deal to show different colors so as to provide more than just a visual description of a number, but to also provide a useful KPI. Verbigratia, if the percentage of "stalled" AFE est scriptor > 10% deinde ostendere rubro, otherwise show it in black. Utor <p:elegerit> perficerent.


Beatus transformans!

<Finis />

Scribet ad mea blog!

OM praesentissimum Data Via a Consuetudo List (aut, Tamen Alia OM Data Displayor [sicut YACC, sed diversis])

Hodie, I spent a handful of hours tracking down the root cause behind the message "The column name that you entered is already in use or reserved. Choose another name."

Agitur agmen posset creari, deletum et re-creata in alia environment, so I knew it wasn’t a reserved name. Autem, I simply couldn’t find the column anywhere via the standard SharePoint user interface at any site in the site collection.

I posted to MSDN forums here and the indomitable Andrew Woodward pointed me in the direction of the underlying object model data.

I went off to codeplex to find some tools that would help me peer into the underlying OM data and help me locate the trouble.

I tried several tools and they were very cool and interesting but in the end, the UI wasn’t good enough for my purpose. I’m not criticizing them by any means, but clearly the tool-makers didn’t have my problem in mind when they created their UI :). Most people seem to be investing a fair amount of time and effort in creating workstation / client applications that provide tree views, right-click context menus and so forth. These are nice and all, but it’s a lot of work to create a top-of-the-line user experience that is also very flexible.

I really needed an answer to this problem. It occurred to me that if I could get all of the site columns in the site collection into a custom list, I could filter, sort and create views that would help me find this supposedly existing column (which it did, BTW). I went ahead and did that and an hour or two later, had all my site columns loaded into a custom list with grouping, sorting and so forth. I found my answer five minutes later.

If and when I successfully take over the world, I think I will decree that all SharePoint tools providers must seriously consider surfacing their object model data in a custom list. That way, I have the power to search any way I want (constrained, utique, by standard sharepoint features).