Articuli, "M. SharePoint”

My latest article for is up and kicking here:

Hic elit:


Hoc est basically a pulchellus brevi et condensatione version meae popularis publica praesentationis in "ad discite SharePoint."  Non banjo iocos, autem.

Reprehendo eam!


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BPOS 2010 et "Superset”

I was reading one of these pretty generic blah-like articles on BPOS (Microsoft scriptor commutationem et SharePoint in nube) et gratanter waded per ad finem:

In terminos alia prope-terminus deliverables, Microsoft est committat providere in BPOS v.Next patria PowerShell scripting via a PowerShell terminus aedificare in PowerShell Version 2. Authentication will be done through Online IDs, with a single credential being able to be used for both PowerShell and the portal.Keane echoed the message other Microsoft execs have been voicing at TechEd this week: Cloud capabilities, over time, will  become a superset of what is available on-premises. Currently, the reverse is true, and Microsoft’s Online services offer a subset of the functions available in the software equivalents of each product.

The notion that the cloud will provide more capability than on-premise is new to me. I wonder how true that is going to be in the end.  It feels counterintuitive to me.  I totally get the idea that a lot of companies will move stuff to the cloud (or start off in the cloud) but I normally think they do it because the pro’s (easier admin, SLAs, etc) far outweigh the cons (reduced functionality). 

I’m having a little bit of a hard time believing that cloud offerings will exceed on-prem capabilities.  Multi-tenant is hard and seems like it must force compromises in order to provide good SLA and ease of use…

I’ll probably be eating my words on this.  I remember thinking that no one could possibly need more than 650 mb of data and therefore, the CD was never going to be improved upon.


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SharePoint sabbati Baltimore velit

Ego dubitant transire hoc per data quod "banjo iocos" est non bene, sed ... finis-de-August SharePoint sabbati (Nullam edition) organizers habere tondere usque petens suggessit locos.  Ire hic impleat ex:

Vote early and vote often 🙂

Sed graviter, tantum suffragium semel.


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Uti Workflow ad simulare Content Type Obses

Alia die, aliud MSDN-forums inspirata post.

Aliquis est an sunt posse a contentus typus ut cum a user clicks in "novum" Button in consuetudinem album, Lorem ipsum sed ad ipsum quod videtur alicui conceditur in occumbo-down album.  Ut scire, Quisque et sic non subest.

Hanc quaestionem venit, et nunc iam de, EGO had a novus ratio.  Sit scriptor id nos talem missionem:

  • Habemus helpdesk ratio ticketing.
  • In helpdesk ticketing ratio permittit users intrare iusto helpdesk tessera info, ut problema area, status quaestionis, etc.
  • Volumus ut "eximius" users dare an "urgere" ager.
  • Agrum non accedere ad alia users.  Ratio mos tribuo semper "medium" gradu eorum petitiones ad prioritatem.

Quid nos facere est creare contentus duobus diversis generibus et duabus tabulis SharePoint, pro "Lorem" et cetera dolor in omnes.

Workflow singulos album aemulatur notitia ad dominum album (ipsa helpdesk tessera album) et processus inde procedit,.

Aditus securitatem tam gradu agmen posset operari quadam effluant. 

Non sum expertus, satis simplex ratio patitur, sed reddit, si pulchellus aspera, bene ut implement a ratio quaedam sufficiens, etiam gradu agmen securum.


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Contentus Approbatio ut Misera hominis Lorem Item Level Obses

Ibi est a communibus missionem InfoPath formae.  Nos volo patitur populus implere ex InfoPath formae et subire eos ad a bibliotheca.  Nos volo praesepia (et non aliud) ad aditus ad formae.

Occurrit quaestio, et deinceps formae (e.g.

Hoc est a velox via ut solvere possint placere contentus in bibliotheca formam.  Vade bibliotheca scriptor version occasus et erexit illum ostenderat:


Click in "contentus approbatione Requirit" et quod tibi dabit valorem Draft colligunt Item Obses.

It’s a little counter-intuitive because we don’t think in terms of “content approval” when all we want to do is prevent people from seeing other users’ forms.  Autem, it works well (in experientia).  Just don’t approve those forms and they’ll always be considered “drafts”. 

Give approval rights to the people who should be able to see them and you’ve closed the loop.

This isn’t exactly big news, but the question does come up with some regularity, so I thought it would be worth posting.


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SharePoint Online et InfoPath

Extremum hoc intellegere quis potest, sed SharePoint Online (quod frequenter dicunt est glorificatus WSS) sustinet InfoPath Formae ipsum.  Quod suus pulchellus potens effercio, praesertim IP FS est a MUSCUS Enterprise pluma et BPOS est quasi $ 1.99/month enim 10,000 users.  Maybe it’s a little more than that.

Ita, SharePoint Online defies easy definition.  It has this enterprise feature, but no anonymous access (which even WSS supports).  You can do some interesting stuff with search (MOSS-ish, since you can define site level scopes), Si vos postulo ut obvius ssp, non potes facere illud.  You can play the “on the one hand and on the other” game all night long with this product 🙂

Lorem SP nova Aliquam dimittere debitum intra paucos menses.  Miror, quod suus 'iens futurus Ridiculum Hybrid?


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Taxonomy Discussions nunquam Vade

Illic 'insolitum "Theoria" typus filum ingressus in hic in MSDN forums:

Lorem ipsum MSDN multum interrogare "quare id faciam [x]"In natura.

Hoc est magnum topic et de key exitus sunt dirigitur pulchellus nicely in filum.

Coniungere in in fun!


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Uti owssvr.dll ut Propono Utilis in SP2010 Information Site

Legebam forums hoc meridianus, et didicit aliquid novi (quod fit fere cotidie).  Hoc est si dispositis:

Basically, vos can adepto nonnullus interesting notitia situs adversus eam per invocationes owssvr.dll (h / t Bil Simser et John Timney).

Dedit a attentent in hoc ego tam muscoso SP2010 an environment.  Operatur in fine musco environment.  Autem, in 2010 environment, Suspendisse in lorem felis non vult indagatrix:


Ut potest, Scio an ita esset 21k contentus.  Autem, Salvum in puga pyga ut EGO clicked, Possedi:


(Non ad Internet aperire hoc site.  Rogatus est aut situ aut unavailable non potest inveniri.  Quaeso conare iterum serius.)  

Ego concitus Fiddler et videre potui risus, autem.  Videtur quasi sit in hoc quod accidit aliquid impediens SP2010 owssvr.dll de ipsis tradenda eius XML payload modo vult.  Aut, SP2010 environment meum iustum est agens ridiculam.

Putavit interesting ...


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Quaero Web content Parte: SharePoint Swiss Exercitus cultro scriptor

My latest article is up at Hic elit:


Lege totum hie:

Vide in usum publicum situ realis hic ex his gradibus:

  1. Perge ad hanc paginam: (Hic est enim mos suscipio Page CDI).
  2. Click in "Case Studies" sinistra manu navigationis.

It will jump to the “Customer Support” section of the case studies listing.


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Uti ratione Columns claudere Technica hiatus SPD Workflows

Alius articulus hic scribam This one describes a technique that we can in SharePoint Designer to perform calculations that aren’t possible using any of the built-in calculation-style activities. The basic idea is to use a custom list as a calculation engine – define a list that performs the calculation correctly, item per creare SPD et tunc lego exitus.

Hic elit:


Read more about hie:


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