I’m using a calendar to track panel discussions on a given day. I have two sessions: morning and afternoon. I want to create a view that shows morning sessions only listed alphabetically via a session ID. This is a little tricky to accomplish (nisi aliquid manifestum adfui).
I can easily create a filtered view showing just that day’s events. The calendar will show all those events and if they all take place on the same hour, it lists them side by side in the hour slot. That’s great. The tricky part is that, per defaltam, it wants to list them in ID format. Ita, if I add "Session 02" and then "Session 01" quod kalendarium, ostendit eis in illo ordine, (i.e, Sessionem 02 et tunc Sessionis 01). To list them in Session ID order, Ego experiri haec:
- Configure the view using the web user interface. No luck. There are no options to sort items this way.
Quoniam id non laborandum, I am now hoping there’s a CAML query somewhere in there that will allow me to override the sort. CQWP lets me make that kind of change, Calendarium maybe etiam voluntatem,?
- Excepteur textus partem, look for an "export" muneris … Bzzz! I can’t export its XML. There is no export option.
I’m still holding out hope that I can find and modify some CAML query. Since I can’t export the web part, id relinquit SharePoint Designer.
- I add the calendar web part to a sandbox site and open that site using SharePoint Designer. I look at the markup for the web part and I find what I’m looking for. It’s encoded madness, tamen suus 'ibi: "<ListViewXml …. >encoded insaniam</ListViewXml>". Specie, illic 'hoc gemma:
<FieldRef Name="EventDate"/>
<FieldRef Name="EndDate"/>
<FieldRef Name="RecurrenceID"/>
<Value Type="DateTime">
<Mensis />
<Orderby><FieldRef Name="Session_x0020_ID" /></Orderby>
(Ego autem decoded <`S > scriptor, ipsosque ad multiplex linearum claritatis gratia).
Adde <Orderby> et frenum nunc per cuiuscemodi ID Sessionis, Item ID non internum album.
Abyss tip vel’ proni ad Becky Isserman pro ea commentarium Isha scriptor blog post Sagi: http://www.sharepoint-tips.com/2008/07/caml-sorting-by-file-name.html. I wouldn’t have put the <Orderby> sine ea commodo mauris, in.
Spero scribere sursum screen cum offa mox apertius, sed in re numquam, saltem feci hoc.