Tag →: Contentus Approbatio

Contentus Approbatio ut Misera hominis Lorem Item Level Obses

Ibi est a communibus missionem InfoPath formae.  Nos volo patitur populus implere ex InfoPath formae et subire eos ad a bibliotheca.  Nos volo praesepia (et non aliud) ad aditus ad formae.

Occurrit quaestio, et deinceps formae (e.g. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointadmin/thread/76ccef5a-d71c-4b7c-963c-613157e2a966/?prof=required)

Hoc est a velox via ut solvere possint placere contentus in bibliotheca formam.  Vade bibliotheca scriptor version occasus et erexit illum ostenderat:


Click in "contentus approbatione Requirit" et quod tibi dabit valorem Draft colligunt Item Obses.

It’s a little counter-intuitive because we don’t think in terms of “content approval” when all we want to do is prevent people from seeing other users’ forms.  Autem, it works well (in experientia).  Just don’t approve those forms and they’ll always be considered “drafts”. 

Give approval rights to the people who should be able to see them and you’ve closed the loop.

This isn’t exactly big news, but the question does come up with some regularity, so I thought it would be worth posting.


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