Архиви на категоријата: Податоци View Веб Дел

Споредба на датуми во Погледни Податоци Веб Дел да се изгради WSS KPI

Имајте на ум: this was first posted at www.endusersharepoint.com тука: HTTP://www.endusersharepoint.com/2009/11/02/comparing-dates-in-a-data-view-web-part-to-build-a-wss-kpi-in-sharepoint/.

Ова е уште еден блог пост на споредување датуми во XSL во податоци видите веб дел во SharePoint.

Ова е мојот сценарио:

  • Имам обичај листа.
  • The business purpose of the list is to support the idea of a new employee and his/her tasks to be completed within 7 days of starting the job.
  • They are in a “warning zone” after 4 days if they have not completed these tasks.
  • I want to create a simple dashboard that shows green when they have either completed the task or if they have more than 4 days to complete it.
  • I want the dashboard to show yellow if they are in the warning zone.
  • I want to to show red if they have not completed the task after the due date.

I borrowed from овој член во Marc Anderson’s блог (http://mdasblog.wordpress.com/2008/02/19/comparing-dates-in-sharepoint-using-xsl/) to get the comparison logic and овој член во www.endusersharepoint.com for the basic ideas behind the dashboard (http://www.endusersharepoint.com/2008/12/09/visual-indicators-for-the-masses-kpis-in-wss/) written by Toni Frankola.

You should read the supporting blogs, but the implementation goes like this:

  1. Креирај типот на содржина (columns + КТ)
  2. Create a custom list and associate it with the content type.
  3. Create a web part page.
  4. Add the custom list to the web part page.
  5. Open up the page in SPD.
  6. Convert the list to a DVWP.
  7. Modify the XSL to generate the dashboard bits.

I have two dates: a warning date and a due date. To compare the dates, my xsl does the following:

 <!-- When both handbook and policy are signed, we are green regardless of dates. -->
 <XSL:кога тест="@Employee_x0020_Handbook_x003F_ = 1 and @Security_x0020_Policies = 1">
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-0.GIF" алт="No problems"/>
 <на href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&засилувач;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</на>
 <!-- Show amber indicator if we're past the warning date. -->
 <XSL:кога тест="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(низа(ddwrt:Денес()), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd') &GT;= ddwrt:FormatDateTime(низа(@TaskDueDate), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd')">
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-2.GIF" алт="Overdue"/>
 <на стил="border: 0px" href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&засилувач;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</на>
 <!-- Show red indicator if we're passed the due date. -->
 <XSL:кога тест="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(низа(ddwrt:Денес()), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd') &GT;= ddwrt:FormatDateTime(низа(@Warning_x0020_Date), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd')">
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-1.GIF" алт="Warning"/> 
 <на href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&засилувач;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</на>
 <!-- If we get here, we're earlier than the warning date, so we're green. -->
 <XSL:во спротивно>
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-0.GIF" алт="No problems"/>
 <на href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&засилувач;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</на>
 </XSL:во спротивно>

A few key points from above:

  • I tried to compare dates without using the ddwrt functionality and got nowhere. I still don’t understand that. They dates displayed correctly, but both “>” and “<” comparisons always failed. На крајот, ddwrt came to my rescue (благодарение, повторно, Marc).
  • I’m also displaying an [Edit] link to the item. I mainly did this so that I could easily test this out. The link itself may be useful to someone trying to figure it out.
  • This is implemented in SharePoint online and works nicely.
  • The images I reference in the _layouts directory (/_layouts/images/KPI…) are available out of the box in my environment so they are probably available for you as well.

Here’s a screen shot of what it looks like for me:



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Брз и лесен: Креирај податоци View Веб Дел (DVWP)

Постои богатство од голема информации за WSS 3.0 Податоци View Веб Дел (DVWP) on the web from several sources. Сепак, I found it to be surprisingly difficult to find information on this first very basic step. Here is another article in the "quick and easy" серија да го адреса.

Следете ги овие чекори за да создадете податоци видите веб дел (DVWP). They are based on an "Announcements" веб дел, но се однесуваат на повеќето листи.

  1. Создаде веб Соопштенија дел и да го додадете на некој сајт.
  2. Отворете го сајтот во SharePoint Designer.
  3. Отвори Default.aspx на сајтот.
  4. Select the Announcements web part and right-click.
  5. Од контекстното мени, select "Convert to XSНаT Data View".

SharePoint Designer Ве известува дека овој сајт е сега прилагодени од својот сајт дефиниција. Тоа не е нужно лоша, но постојат важни импликации (перформанси, надградба, други) which are beyond the scope of this little "Quick and Easy" влез. To get more information on this subject, Јас препорачувам и двете книги тука како и вашите омилени интернет пребарување.

Потврди дека сте го направив тоа правилно:

  1. Затвори и повторно да се отвори веб пребарувач (to avoid accidentally re-posting the original "add a new web part").
  2. Select the web part’s arrow drop-down and choose "Modify Shared Web Part" од менито.
  3. Алатката панел отвора кон десно.
  4. Панелот е променета од нејзиниот вообичаен сет опции на овој: