Arkivji ta 'Kull Xahar: Awissu 2008

SharePoint User Group Tonight Webcast

Tonight, 08/20/08, the Connecticut SharePoint user group meeting is broadcasting a webcast in lieu of a physical meeting this month.

Tonight’s topic: "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Extranet deployment methodologies"

Microsoft’s own Chris Lavista will lead the discussion. I’ve worked with Chris before and he really knows his stuff. If you have any interest in this subject, check out. Here are the details:

SharePoint User Group Webcast:

Topic: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 – Extranet deployment methodologies
Chris Lavista of Microsoft

Date: Awissu 20th Welcome Time: 6:15 PM Time: 6:30 PM -8:00PM

SharePoint allows for multiple deployment options. The discussion will be centered on how a secure extranet on the SharePoint platform could be deployed. Discuss best practices and scenarios involving the integration of Forefront technologies, ISA Server 2006 and IAG 2007. Optionally, talk to supported single sign on use cases.
About Chris:
Chris Lavista is a Technical Architect at recently opened Microsoft Technology Center in New York. His focus is on SharePoint, Collaboration, and Unified Communications. He has worked in the financial services industry (Chase, Citigroup) prior to joining Microsoft for 8 snin. He started at Microsoft in 2000 as part of their consulting services practice before joining the MTC team in early 2006.

Registration & More Info:


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Has Kumitat Fittex Your Met Dan Xahar?

Hu l-bidu tax-xahar u issa huwa kif tajba ta 'żmien bħal kwalunkwe biex kumitat tfittxija kumpanija tiegħek biex jiltaqgħu flimkien u tanalizza imħatri Best, tfittxijiet suċċess u mhux daqshekk suċċess, eċċ.

Inti ma għandekx kumitat tfittxija? Then form one 🙂

WSS and especially MOSS search benefit from some human oversight. Investing a few hours a month on a consistent monthly basis is not only gost aktar minn barmil ta 'xadini, Kan:

  • Give insight into the information needs of the enterprise. If people are searching left and right for topic "xyzzy," you know that’s an important topic to the enterprise.
  • Identify potential training requirements. If people are searching for topic "xyzzy" but should really be searching for "abcd" sempliċiment kan użu det til jedukaw lin-nies dwar fejn u kif issib l-informazzjoni.
  • Help your organization refine its information architecture.
  • Jidentifikaw muligheder Tittejjeb il-teżawru.
  • Opportunitajiet oħra m'hemmx dubju li se rigal sig.

Min għandu jkun fuq kumitat tfittxija? You would know your people best, iżda jikkunsidraw:

  • Mill-inqas wieħed (u forsi wieħed biss) IT persuna li jifhem (jew jistgħu jitgħallmu) l-modi varji biex tweak tfittxija, inkluż imħatri aħjar, Teżawru, proprjetajiet amministrati, eċċ.
  • Diversi esperti suġġett li tista 'taqra r-rapporti tat-tiftix, jinġerixxu u jikkomunika azzjonijiet negozju sofistikati għal IT sabiex ikun jista 'timbotta l-buttuni, iġbed il-lievi u valvi miftuħa / mill-qrib kemm meħtieġ biex fuq rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-kumitat.
  • Wieħed jew aktar periti informazzjoni li jista 'jivvalidhom, b'xi mod jew ieħor, jekk l-arkitettura ta 'informazzjoni huwa faċli search u jekk huwa xogħol out ukoll għall-intrapriża.
  • A rotating seat on the committee. Bring in one or two people who don’t normally participate in these kinds of efforts. They may bring unusual and valuable insights to the table.

Analiżi Happy!


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.


Quick u Easy: Get SPFolder ta SPItemList

I iżommu taħdem fis din il-problema u l-Google qatt ma jidher li jifhmu dak I trid tagħmel, so I dehret I se jikteb din stabbiliti.

Stajt kont qed tagħmel ħafna ta 'debugging riċevitur avveniment fl-aħħar ġimgħa jew tnejn. The ER is defined against a document library. The individual items in the document library are tightly related to their parent folders. Allura, I am always getting the folder of the item for various manipulations. While debugging, I needed to update the metadata of a folder for a specific item whose ID I know.

Here’s a little console application (designed to run on server in the farm) that takes two arguments: the ID of an item and a value to assign to a field, "Approval Status". It hard codes a lot of stuff and has no error checking.

The code looks up a hard coded site, gets a hard coded document library and then finds the indicated item. It then finds the parent folder of that item and assigns the status value.

The key lesson here for me is that SPItem doesn’t get you access to the folder. You need to use SPListItem.File.

If anyone cares to offer a critique or suggest a better way to get the folder of an item, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment.

użu Sistema;
użu System.Collections.Generic;
użu System.Text;
użu Microsoft.SharePoint;
użu System.Collections;

namespace Conchango
    /// <sommarju>
 /// </sommarju>
 klassi ManualFolderUpdate
        statiku null Main(string[] args)
            string msh = "ManualFolderUpdate (v1.0): "; // msh = "Message Header"

 Console.WriteLine(msh + "Starting up.  I was last modified on 08/04/08.");

            string url = http://localhost/xyzzy;

            użu (SPSite oSPSite = ġdid SPSite(url))

                użu (SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPSite.OpenWeb())
                    SPList docLib = oSPWeb.Lists["Documents"];

                    Console.WriteLine(msh + "Got the document library.");

                    Console.WriteLine(msh + "Doc lib item count: [" + docLib.ItemCount + "].");

                    int FolderID = 0;
                    string NewStatus = "xyzzy";

                    FolderID = System.Ikkonverti.ToInt32(args[0].ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Seeking folder for item: [" + FolderID + "].");

                    SPListItem li = docLib.GetItemById(FolderID);

                    SPFolder thisItemFolder = li.File.ParentFolder;

                    Console.WriteLine(msh + "Got the parent folder.");

                    NewStatus = args[1].ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Setting status to [" + NewStatus + "].");

                    Console.WriteLine("Press return to commit the update or CTRL-C to abort.");


                    thisItemFolder.Item["Approval Status"] = NewStatus;

                    Console.WriteLine(msh + "Finished updating the folder.  Exiting.");

                } // using SPWeb

            } // using SPSite

 Console.WriteLine(msh + "Finished.");

        } // Main

    } // class foldersync
} // namespace


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Ħadd filgħodu Funny: “Dad, Huwa lanqas taf You”

Aħna tramuntana New Jersey Galvin huma fannijiet kbar ta 'l-tv satire politiċi. programm, The Daily Show hosted by Jon Stewart. I don’t like to get political in my blogging, so all I’ll say on that is that without the Daily Show, I tista 'ukoll tilfu b'mod permanenti kollha ta' sens ta 'umoriżmu fuq jew madwar 12/12/2000.

We were having a meal on the deck early last week and my ten year old son brings up a recent episode of the Show. I made the comment, "Jon Stewart knows that he better not make fun of me or there will be terrible consequences for Jon Stewart."

My son thinks about it for a minute and says: "Dad, number one: He doesn’t even know you."

I waited for a number two, but he decided that was enough and moved on to the next subject without skipping a beat.

It used to be that I could get a lot more mileage out of those kinds of jokes, but he’s getting too used to me or too mature or both. I need to adjust somehow.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.


Impjegat Skeda Taħriġ u Materjali Template — Seat Count Bug PLUS Security Fix(?)

This is a fairly popular "fabulous 40" template. It also has a bug which is widely known (I’ve even blogged about how to fix it).

Sogeti released a codeplex project this week that fixes the bug (which is nice by itself, but not earth-shattering) but they also claim to have solved a much thornier problem: security. The fab 40 template requires a very generous security setting (users needs contributor level access to virtually everything). Not any more! According to the codeplex summary:

"This template also includes a new custom workflow action which enables the template to work without having to give all users contribute permissions to the courses list."

That’s good stuff and worth checking out.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

SharePoint Designer Workflow, Event Receivers and “Update List Item” versus “Set Field in Current Item”

We have a set of SharePoint designer workflows that "communicate" with an event receiver on the list via changes to site column values. Per eżempju, if a site column "SetDuedate" is set to true by the workflow, the event receiver detects that change, calculates a due date and assigns that date to another site column, "Due Date." We split things up like this because the event receiver can calculate a due date using complex business rules (taking weekends and company holidays into account) while SPD really can not.

In one specific instance, we ran into a problem with this trick. Debugging all this is pretty difficult, but we came to the definite conclusion that in one case (inqas), the event receiver was not running all the time. In one step of the workflow, we would change the value of a site column and the event receiver didn’t appear to run. Madankollu, it was running consistently in a different step of the workflow.

After reviewing it, I noticed that the happy workflow step used the "Update List Item" while the other step used "Set Field in Current Item." Update List Item was updating the "current item." I’m not sure why we picked one over the other since they would seem to be doing the same thing.

Allura … the Update List Item action did cause the event to fire. Min-naħa l-oħra, the Set Field in Current Item action did not.

I used Update List Item in both places and viola! It worked. [[ Total aside, I played the violin for on a daily basis for almost 15 snin ]]

From this, I tentatively believe that the "Set Field" action does not cause event receivers to fire, at least some of the time.

This issue bedeviled us for weeks.

This is one of those "observed behavior" posts. I observed this happen once in a specific environment and I’m making some guesses as to why things happened as they did. If you have any insight into this one, please share in the comments.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.